Recycle 2 第三课时 教案

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Recycle 2 第三课时 教案

第三课时 一、课时内容 Read and number Read and tick or cross 二、课时分析 本课时是人教版四年级下册Recycle 2单元第三课时。围绕“排序、信件”展开话题,主要通过对话、阅读信件复习第四单元和第六单元的核心句型和词汇。激发学生学习英语的兴趣,树立学好英语的信心。本课时的重点是第四单元和第六单元核心句型的综合运用。‎ 本课时包括Read and number 和 Read and tick or cross两个板块。Read and number呈现了两组给句子排序的活动,通过此项活动复习第四单元和第六单元所学的核心句型。Read and tick or cross呈现了一封王可写给祖父的一封信,通过此版块综合复习有关天气、商品价格、农场动物等内容。‎ 本课时是复习课,学生要掌握的词汇、句型在前面的单元中已经学过,有了一定的基础,所以在设计教学过程时,通过听、说、读、表演等方面全面训练学生,引导学生自主学习。‎ 三、课时目标 ‎1. 能够掌握句型:‎ Can I help you?‎ I’ll take…‎ How much …?‎ That’s expensive.‎ They’re nice.‎ ‎2. 能够给单句排序并组成对话。‎ ‎3. 复习有关天气、商品价格、农场动物的话题。‎ ‎4. 能够通过阅读信件独立完成判断句子正误的活动。‎ ‎5. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,树立学好英语的信心。‎ 四、课时重难点 ‎1. 重点 ‎(1)能够掌握句型:‎ Can I help you?‎ I’ll take…‎ How much …?‎ That’s expensive.‎ They’re nice.‎ ‎(2)能够给单句排序并组成对话。‎ ‎(3)能够通过阅读信件独立完成判断句子正误的活动。‎ ‎2. 难点 句型的综合运用。‎ 五、教学准备 ‎ ⑴ 课件 ‎ ⑵ 录音机和磁带 六、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up ‎ ‎1. Greeting ‎ T: How are you, everybody? ‎ ‎ Ss: I’m fine, thanks. And you?‎ T: Very well, thanks. What’s the weather like today?‎ S1: It’s sunny/windy…‎ ‎2. Let’s chant.‎ T: Now I have a chant for you. Are you ready?‎ Ss: Yes, I’m ready.‎ T: Ok. Let’s chant together.‎ Cheap, cheap, very cheap,‎ Nice, nice, very nice.‎ Pretty, pretty, very pretty,‎ Expensive, expensive, too expensive.‎ ‎(播放课件,师生边拍手,边吟诵歌谣)‎ ‎ 教学资源:课件 ‎ 设计意图:通过Let’s chant,既活跃课堂气氛,又复习已学的词汇,为下文做准备。‎ Step 2 Lead in ‎ (1) 课件展示标有价格的毛衣的图片,师生问答。‎ T: How much is this sweater?‎ ‎ S1: Thirty yuan.‎ ‎ T: Oh, it’s cheap. I’ll take it.‎ ‎ (2)课件展示标有价格的衬衣的图片,两人一组做对话练习。‎ ‎ 参考句型: How much are the…?‎ ‎ … yuan.‎ ‎ Oh, they are… (nice, cheap, expensive, pretty)‎ ‎ I’ll take it.‎ ‎ (3)请几组学生练习。‎ ‎ 教学资源:课件 设计意图:通过问答复习关于价格的句型,为下一个环节做好铺垫。‎ Step 3 Presentation ‎1. Read and number.‎ ‎(1)课件展示售货员和顾客在水果摊交谈的图片。‎ T: This is a fruit stand. A woman and a salesperson are in the picture. The woman is buying some fruit. What are they saying?‎ ‎(2)呈现Read and number.‎ 请学生自主阅读本部分的两段文字并排序。‎ ‎ (3)小组讨论。‎ ‎ (4) 师生核对。‎ ‎ (5)播放录音,跟读录音,分角色朗读对话。‎ 教学资源:课件、录音机、磁带 设计意图:场景图帮助学生理解文字。‎ ‎ 2. Read and tick or cross.‎ ‎ (1) T: Look at the picture. Today we’ll read a letter. Who is it from? Who is it to?( 引导学生回答。)‎ ‎ Ss: It’s from Wang Ke. Wang Ke is writing the letter to his grandpa.‎ ‎(2) 带着问题快速浏览信件。‎ ‎ Where is Wang Ke?‎ ‎ Where is his grandpa? ‎ ‎ What is the letter about?‎ ‎(3)师生讨论问题。‎ ‎ T: Wang Ke lives in the city. His grandpa lives on a farm/in the country.(理解词汇city和country,领读,齐读。)‎ ‎ T: This letter is about … (a hat, the food, a dog and some ducks.)‎ ‎(4)细读信件,独立完成判断句子正误的活动。‎ ‎(5)师生核对答案。‎ ‎(6)播放录音,跟读录音。‎ 教学资源:课件、录音机、磁带 设计意图:通过设计不同的问题,帮助学生理解文本。‎ Step 4 Practice ‎ 小组活动“购物”。‎ ‎ 四人一组,一人扮演“售货员”,其他三人扮演“顾客”,进行买卖商品的活动。商品可以是学习文具、衣物等。‎ ‎ 参考句型:Can I help you?‎ ‎ What’s this?‎ ‎ What are these?‎ ‎ They’re nice/pretty…‎ ‎ How much?‎ ‎ I’ll take…‎ 设计意图:该活动培养了学生综合运用语言的能力和表达能力。‎ Step 5 Summary T: 这节课我们复习了什么?‎ 学生自由发言,教师整理。‎ ‎1. 复习了关于购物的句型:Can I help you?‎ ‎ They’re/It’s cheap/expensive/nice/pretty.‎ ‎ I’ll take…‎ ‎2. 复习了询问价格的句型:How much is /are…?‎ ‎ It’s /They’re… yuan.‎ 设计意图:学生总结,教师归纳,便于学生的理解和记忆。‎ 七、课堂作业 Ⅰ.选择与图片相符的单词。‎ A. hat B. sunny C. duck D. orange ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎1. 2. 3. 4. ‎ ‎ _______ _______ _______ _______‎ Ⅱ.给下列句子排序。‎ ‎( )Yes, of course. How about these?‎ ‎( )Yes. Do you have any pears?‎ ‎( )They are nice. How much?‎ ‎( )Can I help you?‎ ‎( )Ten yuan for five.‎ ‎( )Oh, that’s cheap. I’ll take five.‎ Ⅲ.我是阅读小能手。阅读短文,判断句子正“T”误“F”。‎ ‎ Grandma,‎ ‎ How are you? Thank you for the new shorts. They are very cool. It’s hot in Beijing. It’s sunny, too. I can wear it. I have a new hat. My old hat is too small.‎ ‎ How is my cat? She is so cute. What’s the weather like on the farm?‎ ‎ Love,‎ ‎ Li Li ‎ 1. It’s sunny in Beijing. ( )‎ ‎2. Li Li has a new hat. ( )‎ ‎3. Li Li’s grandma is on the farm. ( )‎ ‎4. Li Li’s grandma gives(给)her new shoes. ( )‎ 答案:‎ Ⅰ.1.C2.A3.D4.B Ⅱ.3、2、4、1、5、6‎ Ⅲ.1.T2.T3.T4.F ‎    ‎ 八、板书设计 ‎ Read and number Read and tick or cross ‎ a letter ‎ Wang Ke Grandpa ‎ ‎ ‎ in the city on a farm/ in the country ‎ (城市) (乡村)‎ ‎                                                  ‎

