四年级下册英语课件- Unit1 We’re having a party

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四年级下册英语课件- Unit1 We’re having a party

We're having a party. Module 5 Unit 1 Mother's Day repeat and answer ! is play ing the piano. is sing ing . is play ing the violin. are clapp ing . What can you find ? ( 找找这些句子的共同点。 ) is play ing the piano. is sing ing . is play ing the violin. are clapp ing . hav ing Can you group the words? (想一想,下列单词可以怎样分组?) play ing sing ing clap p ing run n ing danc ing eat ing writ ing drink ing swim m ing sound 音 form 形 meaning 意 . . . He __ play ing ping-pong. is She __ danc ing . is They ___ runn ing . are … ing , … ing , I am … ing . (He/She is ... ing .) Do ing , do ing , what ... ... do ing ? Freezing game … ing , … ing , I am … ing . (He/She is ... ing .) Do ing , do ing , what ... ... do ing ? Freezing game … ing , … ing , I am … ing . (He/She is ... ing .) Do ing , do ing , what ... ... do ing ? Freezing game Western Party Culture TIPS: Clothes 服装 Gifts 礼物 Be on t ime 准时 Table manner 餐桌礼仪 Keep smiling 保持微笑 西方派对文化 Task Mother's Day Father's Day Children's Day Today is ... . I am ... . He/She is ... . We/They are ... . Christmas Show time Have a surprise party with your family.Take some photos and share your happiness next week. Homework Thank you! Goodbye!

