人教新英语五下UNIT they are hens and chickslesson

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人教新英语五下UNIT they are hens and chickslesson

Unit 2 they are hens and chicks. ‎ Lesson 10‎ 课题 Unit 2 They are hens and chicks. Lesson 10‎ 学习目标 A B 语 言 要 素 词 汇 ‎(1)puppies piglets kittens ‎(2)those the baby pig cat ‎√‎ 语 音 ‎〔i〕‎ 语 言 目 标 ‎(1)what are those? They are cats.‎ ‎(2)They can run.‎ ‎√‎ 话 题 要 求 farm ‎√‎ 任 务 设 计 Design an ideal farm in groups and talk about it ‎√‎ 能力 目标 ‎1. 培养学生运用所学词汇、语言进行交流的能力;‎ ‎2. 通过设计农场的活动,培养学生的思维想象力和创新精神。‎ 情感目标 ‎1. 潜移默化地对学生进行热爱动物、善待动物的教育;‎ ‎2. 培养学生的合作意识与竞争意识。‎ 教学 重点 Words: those the baby pig Drills: what are those?‎ 教学 难点 Words: puppies piglets kittens Drills: They can run.‎ 课型 新授课 教具 Tape—recorder, pictures 学具 Mask and pictures 教法 愉快教学法、情境教学法、活动教学法、任务教学法;合作学习法。‎ 学法 调动自己的视觉、听觉等多种感官 进行学习。‎ 板书设计:Unit 2 They are hens and chicks. Lesson 10‎ ‎ baby -babies the pig ‎ what are those? They are cats.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ a puppy-puppies a kitten-kittens a piglet-piglets ‎ They can run.‎ 作业:1. Remember the four skills words and sentences in the lesson.    ‎ ‎2. Summarize the noun plural.‎ ‎3. Draw your pet and talk about it.‎ 教学反思:‎ Teaching Procedure( 教学过程 )‎ 教学 程序 具体教学环节 教法学法及教具 Step1‎ Warm up Step2‎ Presentation Step3‎ Practice ‎1. Greeting ‎2. Sing a song: old MacDonald ‎ T: Boys and girls: would you like to sing a song with me?‎ P: OK!‎ T: Old MacDonald ‎(学生边打节拍边唱,并根据出示的图片改编歌词)‎ ‎1.Set out the task.‎ T: Now, I am a farmer like old MacDonald. I have a big ‎ farm, too. Do you want to go around?‎ P: Great!‎ ‎2. Play a guessing game.‎ ‎ T: OK, look, this is my farm, welcome to my farm. There ‎ are so many animals on my farm. Everyday I feed them ‎ and play with them. I love them very much, and they love me, too. Listen, they are coming. (分别让同学模 仿不同动物的叫声,其他同学以小组的合作形式听叫 声,猜动物,并适时进行评价,首先利用单个动物的 叫声复习三会单词,学习四会单词的拼写;然后利用 多个动物的叫声引出句型:What are those?‎ ‎ They’re….) (任务型教学的第一次小任务)‎ ‎1. Play another game.‎ T: Boys and girls, can you mimic the crowing of the ‎ animals? Let us mimic and guess each other, OK?‎ ‎(学生以小组为单位学习动物叫声来互相猜)‎ 巩固句型what are those?及动物名词复数。‎ ‎(任务型教学的第二次小任务)‎ ‎2. Help the mother to find their babies.‎ T: Boys and girls, on my farm, some mothers are so ‎ careless. They lost their babies, could you help them?‎ ‎(用帮小动物找妈妈游戏来巩固句型what are those?并引出三会句型they can run. 同时通过pig, dog and cat“喊”出新授单词piglet, puppy, kitten以及单复数的比较)‎ ‎(任务型教学的第三次小任务)‎ ‎3. To learn the chant.‎ T: Boys and girls, I see a kitten, sitting in the kitchen.(Translate it into Chinese.)‎ P: where?‎ T: Here,(手指农场).I see a chick, picking up a chicken. OK! it is time for your to chant.‎ ‎(教学chant及音标〔i〕)‎ ‎4. Play a game.(模仿非常6+1的游戏)‎ ‎(1)T: Boys and girls, on my farm, the babies often don’t ‎ 愉快教学法 Recorder pictures 小组合作法、情境教学法、任务型教学法、活动教学法 Pictures 愉快教学法、小组合作法、任务型教学法、活动教学法 Pictures 头饰、卡片、秒表 Step4‎ Additional activities ‎(The central task)‎ Step5‎ Assessment know their mums. Let us help them remember their mothers, OK? Let us have a race like extruding six and one, I say the babies, you say the fathers or mothers. I say the fathers or mothers, you say the children, And I say the single form, you say the plural form.(学生参与)‎ ‎(2)T: I’m tired. Who can instead of me?(生生自主参与)‎ ‎ (任务型教学的第四次小任务)‎ ‎(3)T: Do you know which animals can swim and run? If ‎ you don’t know you can ask him.‎ ‎(结合农村地区学生已有的生活经验,通过生生间提 问,巩固句型They can run)‎ ‎(任务型教学的第五次小任务)‎ T: Do you have a good time on my farm? Welcome to my ‎ farm again.‎ We have drawn our farms, which animals do you want to feed? Take out your farm, try to design it with your pictures in this lesson, then talk about it in English we have learned.‎ ‎(让学生运用所学句型和单词完成任务,适时展示、评价学生的小组合作成果,在完成任务的过程中,在培养学生的语言实践能力的同时让每个学生都感受成功。)‎ ‎1. 总结小组得奖情况,奖励优胜组,鼓励其他组。‎ ‎2. Finish the self—assessment table.‎ ‎3. Homework 情境教学法、活动教学法、任务型教学法 Pictures Pictures

