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第一单元 第 1 课 课 题 Lesson1 Li Ming’s Big Family 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 掌握基本家庭成员的名称及其关系。 教 学 重 点 学会用完整的句子介绍你的家庭成员 教 学 难 点 学会绘制家谱。(Family Tree) 教 学 方 法 情境创设法,课堂问答法等。 学 法 设 计 讨论法,练习法,自主合作交流 教 学 准 备 教 师 准备Li Ming家谱和Li Ming家谱的投影 学 生 回忆自己的家里有哪些家庭成员 课 时 安 排 一个课时 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动 一, 学生活动 初次见面,首先做一个对以后英语学习的简单说明以及自我介绍。 一, 教学生做姓名金字塔。 1, 先教学生叠金字塔,然后让金字塔能够站立在桌子上。 2, 写上教师个人信息 Name(姓名): Age (年龄) : Hobby (爱好) : 3, 根据每个人的个人信息,教师和同学们相互问候。 三,投影展示Li Ming的家谱并阅读短文。 1、Li Ming的家谱。 依次介绍李明的家庭成员,学习家庭成员名称。教授新单词。 father 父亲 mother 母亲 grandmother 祖母,奶奶 grandfather 祖父,爷爷 parents 父母 brother 兄,弟 sister 姐,妹 学生跟着老师的步骤把金字塔叠好 学生写自己的信息 教师和同学们相互问候。 白纸一张 向学生说明内容用英语和阿拉伯数字书写,爱好不超过三个,写好之后让它站立在桌子上,要让其他同学或老师可以清楚看到你的个人信息 son 儿子 教师领读并拼写。 2、 阅读短文,复习家庭成员名称。 教师点学生回答问题。 (1)How many grandfathers and grandmothers does Li Ming have? (2)Does Ling Ming have brothers or sisters? (3)Who is Dachao and Who is Meiping? (4)Does Ling Ming love his family? 四、听录音、跟读课文。 五、Do Page3 Let’s do it. 六、Homework: 1、Copy the new words 2、Do the family tree. 学生合作完成下面四个问题 学生跟读 自己在练习本上在老师的指导下绘制家谱. 增加教师和学生之间的熟悉程度 多媒体 板书设计 Lesson 1 Fathers,Mothers,Brothers and Sisters 一, 重点单词 father 父亲 mother 母亲 grandmother 祖母,奶奶 grandfather 祖父,爷爷 parents 父母 brother 兄,弟 sister 姐,妹 son 儿子 一, 重点句子 I don’t have brothers or sisters. My mother/father has… 练习及作业设置 1,认真抄写P1-2课文,确保字母在四线三格中正确的位置。 2,听读课文三遍,家长签字日后检查。 教学反思 新学期刚刚开始,学生和老师处于一个相互适应磨合的时期,课程进行的还比较慢。课后发现把单词讲解和家谱呈现结合起来效果更佳,效率更高。 第一单元 第 2 课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级一,二班 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson2 Aunts,Uncles and Cousins 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 学习掌握更多的家庭成员名称。 教 学 重 点 熟悉新的家庭成员和已有家庭成员的关系 教 学 难 点 学会绘制更大的家谱,理解家庭成员之间的关系 教 学 方 法 讨论法,游戏法等。 学 法 设 计 小组合作,探究,练习 教 学 准 备 教 师 无 学 生 预习课文 课 时 安 排 一个课时 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动 一, 和学生一起回忆昨天学过的家庭成员名称,在黑板上绘制家谱。点同学来拼写昨天学过的单词,检查他们是否掌握。 学生活动 (爷爷) (奶奶) (外公) (外婆) grandfather-grandmother grandfather-grandmother Father mother son(LiMing) 一, 补充新的家庭成员名称,教授新单词。 aunt 阿姨,姑母,伯母,舅母,婶母 uncle 叔叔,伯伯,姨夫,姑父,舅父 cousin堂/表兄弟,堂/表姐妹 husband 丈夫 二, 补充一张新的家谱。加上新的家庭成员。 grandfather-grandmother uncle-aunt mother-father daughter-jing son-LiMing 三, 拼写回忆上节课所学单词并大声读出单词 Aunt Wangrong is my mother’s sister. Uncle Zhiwei is my aunt’s husband. My father’s brother is my Uncle Dachao. Aunt Meiping is my uncle’s wife. They have a daughter named Jing. 回到课本讲解课本上的家谱,向学生进一步阐述。并向学生提问逐层提问引导学生理解家族成员之间的关系,并识记单词。 一, 用英语描述亲戚关系。 Aunt Wangrong is my mother’s sister. Uncle Zhiwei is my aunt’s husband. My father’s brother is my Uncle Dachao. Aunt Meiping is my uncle’s wife. They have a daughter named Jing. 二, 反复领读以上的重点句子,直到学生掌握。 三, 抽查个别学生读课文并翻译。 板书设计 Lesson 2 Aunts,Uncles and Cousins 一, 重点单词 aunt 阿姨,姑母,伯母,舅母,婶母 uncle 叔叔,伯伯,姨夫,姑父,舅父 cousin堂/表兄弟,堂/表姐妹 husband 丈夫 wife 妻子 二,Family Tree. 练习及作业设置 1,认真抄写第二课课文,确保字母在四线三格中正确的位置。 2,大声朗读课文五遍,家长签字日后检查。 3,练习册第二课。 教学反思 学生记单词的习惯不好,有的女同学甚至在我叫过几次不会之后在叫还是不会,对英语学习不够重视。对此我要策划一些激发学生记单词热情的活动,如记单词比赛。五年级较三年级而言还是比较有组织的,学生已养成了一定的学习习惯,上课比较好组织,但有个别同学总是进入不了状态,心猿意马,老师领读不读,老师讲课也不注意听。 课时容量较大,有很多课标要求学生已经掌握的东西或是在3,4年级已经学过的东西学生还是不会,所以课堂内容很难进行完。故有时课堂上只能进行一半,故后期的进度安排可能会很紧张。 第一单元 第3课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级一,二班 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson3 What do they look like? 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 1.说出并且听懂下列词汇Long short straight curly (hair) 2.会读、写、说出并且听懂下列词汇:gray hair , glasses(复数概念) ,eyes 。 3.读出或是背诵一些描述hair eyes 的简单句子,同学之间可以进行简单的口语交际。 教 学 重 点 如何用英语描述头发和眼睛 教 学 难 点 在原有基础上更好的掌握比较级 教 学 方 法 演示法,课堂问答法等。 学 法 设 计 讨论法,模仿法 教 学 准 备 教 师 多媒体 学 生 预习课文 课 时 安 排 一个课时 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动 Sing the song “How are you?” together” Review the content we learn last class.Ask several students to recite 学生活动 Short or long? short the content we learn in lesson1. Ⅰ.Leading the new lesson. Today, we will learn something about hair and eyes. 1,Show the students picture 1 Ask the students some questions. Ok, look at her hair, what does her hair look like? Short or long? short Curly or straight? curly What color is it? Brown So,she has short curly brown hair. Read after the teacher for one word by one word and whole sentence. 2, Show the students picture 2. Ask the students some questions. Ok, look at her hair, what does her hair look like? Short or long? long Curly or straight? straight What color is it? black So, she has long straight black hair. Curly or straight? curly What color is it? Brown Answer teacher’s questions Read after the teacher for one word by one word and whole sentence. 3, Show the students picture 2. Ask the students some questions. Ok, look at her hair, what does her hair look like? Short or long? short Curly or straight? curly What color is it? brown So, she has short curly brown hair. Read after the teacher for one word by one word and whole sentence. Ⅱ、Read the text loudly. To compare with your group members .who is the best one. Ⅲ. To teach the text sentence by sentence. Ⅳ.Make a conclusion. Read after the teacher for one word by one word and whole sentence. Read the text loudly. To compare with your group members .who is the best one. 板书设计 Lesson 3: What Do They Look Like? Gray glass---glasses short-long straight-curly 练习及作业设置 1,认真抄写课文,确保字母在四线三格中正确的位置。 2,练习本课学过的对话,下节课随机抽查。 3,作文介绍家庭成员及外貌 教学反思 学生们慢慢已经养成了一些好的学习习惯,比如跟读习惯,他们基本会用固定的方式跟我读单词或课文。原本计划出示所有图片让同学们一起分组描述,后来临时改成一张张出示,一张张描述,效果较之前要好的多,学生们也很感兴趣,但就是有为数不少的同学在我声嘶力竭地领读了好多遍之后,叫起来回答问题还是一句话也不说,努力降低问题难度,如跟读单词以鼓励其学习英语的自信心。 第一单元 第 4课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级一,二班 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson 4 Do They Work? 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 句型 : He is a ____. She is a ______. 学生须掌握表示职业的单词,如driver等。(在听说的基础上研究到背写,但对于写单词不做具体要求,根据学生的个体差异,个别对待) 2.说出并且灵活运用重点句型 What do they do ?How do they go to work? 掌握一般疑问句的两种回答方式。 教 学 重 点 能用本课重点句子和职业名称互相问答,并能简单介绍父母及家人的工作。 教 学 难 点 让学生感知主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词需加s 或加 es 教 学 方 法 游戏法,课堂讨论法等。 学 法 设 计 讨论法,模仿法 教 学 准 备 教 师 多媒体 学 生 预习课文 课 时 安 排 一个课时 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动 Ⅰ.Class Opening and Review Greeting with each other drive a car ride a bicycle take a bus 学生活动 What is LiMing’s father? How does he go to work? walk to school 3,Say the words quickly _______(复习职业词汇) businessman ,cashier,driver , doctor ,nurse , waiter ,teacher,waitress, carpenter,clerk,police,officer Ⅱ.Teaching the new lesson. T:I am a teacher. I work in a school. I go to school by bike. T :What do they do? How do they go to work? 5.Listen and Discuss Listen to teacher’s reading and discuss. T:I am a teacher. I work in a school. I go to school by bike. T :What do they do? Picture1 Who is this? What is LiMing’s father? How does he go to work? Picture 2 :What is this? What is LiMing 's father ? How does go to work ? Picture 3 : Who is this ? What is Wanrong? Where does she work ? How does she go to work ? 6. Follow the teacher to read Part 1 7. Lead to Part 2 T :Do your mother and father work ? How do they go to work? 5.Listen and Discuss Listen to teacher’s reading and discuss. Picture1 Who is this? Do your mother and father work very tired ? Do they work hardly or easily ? What do they do ? Questions 1. Does your mother work ? 2.Is she a ____ ? 3. Does your father work ? 4.Is he a ______? 8.Talk about : T :Do your mother and father work very tired ? Do they work hardly or easily ? Ⅲ.Class closing, make a conclusion. 板书设计 Lesson 4 : Do They Work ? What do you do ? My father is a businessman . He drives to work My mother is a doctor . She goes to work by bicycle . 改进:Businessman by bus Doctor walk to work Teacher by bike Clerk drive to work 练习及作业设置 1,练习册第二题写到正式作业本上。 2,练习册第五课内容做完。 教学反思 这节课上的总体来说比较成功,虽然没有用多媒体,但是学生比较活跃,气氛很好,学生们积极踊跃回答问题,可能是有人听课的原因,学生们积极表现自己和我的配合也很好,为了显得正式我在衬衣外面套上了外套,热的我脸很红,很不舒服有点影响发挥。 后来觉得我的板书可以设计得更好,把课文里出现的职业和上班方式结合起来,做成一个连线会好得多。(如上) 第一单元 第5课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson5 What Do They Like to Do? 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 复习有关I like to . 及相关动词词组,培养学生语言运用能力。 教 学 重 点 What do you like to do ? I like to… I don’t like to… 教 学 难 点 掌握本课学习的重点短语或单词。 教 学 方 法 演绎法,情境创设法等。 学 法 设 计 模仿法。游戏法 教 学 准 备 教 师 多媒体 学 生 将一个自己喜欢的学过的活动用英语写在提前准备好的卡片上 课 时 安 排 一个课时 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动: Ⅰ.Leading the new lesson. Review the content we learn last class. 1、利用多媒体 学生活动 词汇卡片提示进行操练,复习人称代词和有关家庭成员的词汇。 2、游戏:找同学到前面表演,学生猜动词或动词短语。 walk ride the bike take the bus take the car Ⅱ.Teaching the new lesson. 1,师生问答练习What do you like to do? I like to . (板书问答句,让学生利用句型复习,并培养学生的语言表达能力,并为这节课的新授做一个铺垫,让学生能够顺利地说出后面的句型及相关结构。) My grandfather likes to… My mother likes to… My uncle likes to… My aunt likes to… 注意要学生体会当主语为第三人称单数时谓语动词的变化形式,要加s或es. Ⅲ.Practice 1,小组练习: walk ride the bike take the bus take the car (姓名)likes to . He/She likes to . (姓名)and (姓名)are the same. (姓名)and 多媒体 a、描述小组内成员喜欢的活动。利用以下句型: (姓名)likes to . He/She likes to . (姓名)and (姓名)are the same. (姓名)and (姓名)are the different.. (本环节可用来练习动词在单三人称中的变化,通过练习,让学生巩固学习过的知识,生动有趣。) b、猜活动游戏。教师说出一类家庭成员的称谓,学生甲向学生丙介绍描述学生乙。学生乙表演相应的人物,学生丙正确描述这项活动。可使用如下词汇: This is my . My likes to . Ⅳ.Make a conclusion. 将下列词组连线 下围棋 go for a walk 去散步 play checkers 用电脑 work on (姓名)are the different.. the computer 打乒乓球 watch TV 看电视 read the newspaper 读报纸 play ping-pong 板书设计 Lesson 5: What do they like to do? What do you like to do? I like to . Do you like to ? Yes, I like to . No, I don’t like . 练习及作业设置 1, 写一篇描写家庭成员喜好的小短文(几句话就可以)。 2, 大声认真朗读课文。 3, 用英语询问家长喜欢干什么。 教学反思 本课由同学们的日常生活入手,同学们比较感兴趣,课堂的导入比较顺利流畅,同学们也能积极地配合。 最后课文的复述部分我采取了已列为单位的小组竞赛,学生们积极踊跃竞相背诵课文,取得了不错的效果。给每一列分别背诵相同的课文,并且分别打分,同学们都摩拳擦掌跃跃欲试,但是也有个别同学不会背诵。甚至还有课文不会读,单词不认识。 第一单元 第6课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson 6 Having Fun Together 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 掌握并能充分运用词语:watch a movie(the animals) , have supper , fly kites ,buy clothes ,play badminton. 教 学 重 点 说出并且灵活运用重点句型We / I go to the to . My family likes to go to ___ 教 学 难 点 能够准确的理解并练习We go to the to . Do you go to the to ? 进行口语交流。 教 学 方 法 演绎法,情境创设法等。 学 法 设 计 模仿法 教 学 准 备 教 师 多媒体 学 生 预习课文 课 时 一个课时 安 排 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动: Ⅰ.Leading the new lesson. Review the content we learn last class. Ask the students some questions. Do you like to take a walk? Does your mother like to read the newspaper? Does your grandfather like to play checkers? Ⅱ.Teaching the new lesson. (一)We like to have fun together. ⒈What does your family like to do? ”Do you know that? 今天让我们一起看看Li Ming 的家人喜欢做什么---Have fun 学生活动Answer my questions. Yes, I do. No,he doesn’t. together 那么去什么地方一起娱乐呢?(教师或学生领读) Go to the movie theatre to watch a movie Go to a restaurant to have supper Go to the park to fly kites 让我们帮着想一想还有什么地方?(教师领读) Go to the zoo to watch the animals Go to the store to buy clothes Go to the gym to play badminton ⒉ Show the teaching pictures and ask the students to make sentences: We / I go to the to ⒊ Read it and the class follows. 句型:We/I go to ____ to _____ 下面让我们自己说说去什么地方做什么,小组讨论之后,每组找两个人说。 Ⅲ.Practice (二)What does your family like to 多媒体 do? My family likes to go to the to . What does your family like to do? Do you go to the to ? 让学生练习回答。 Practice in pairs 学生自由结组练习问答 充分利用全班读、男同学读、女同学读等多种方式,慢慢过渡到背诵。 (三)Let’s chant. Read the text again and the classfollows. The class chants with their action. Ⅳ.Make a conclusion. 板书设计 Lesson 6:Having Fun Together We / I go to the to . Do you go to the to ? 练习及作业设置 1, 练习册第二题。 2, 反复朗读课文。 3, 练习我们今天学过的chant. 教学反思 课文内容容量较大,我采用的由国庆期间同学们所做的事情引入本课的课文,对学生来说有一定难度,词汇量方面还达不到,我考虑换种方式,按照课本上的思路,由李明和老师之间的对话,引入李明的家人喜欢做什么,再让同学们自己从课本上观察哪些是做的事情哪些是做某事的地点,依次展示在投影上,然后通过连线复习,引出今天的重点句型去某地做某事,然后再反复练习。 今天的chant有点长,里面有很多生单词,仍需多加练习。 第一单元 第7课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson 7: Are You Ready for a Quiz? 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 学生能读、写、说出并听懂词汇:aunt,uncle, cousin, gray hair,eyes, glasses We/I go to the… to … than的比较结构。 教 学 重 点 形容词比较级的应用。 教 学 难 点 培养学生理解听到的指令并作出相应的肢体动作的能力。 教 学 方 法 演绎法,情境创设法等。 学 法 设 计 模仿法 教 学 准 备 教 师 多媒体 学 生 预习课文 课 时 安 排 一个课时 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动: Ⅰ.Leading the new lesson. Review the content we learn last class. Do you like to go to the park to play games? 学生活动 Does your father like to work on the computer? Does your brother like to play ping-pong? Ⅱ.Teaching the new lesson. Use the quiz in the student book as review. Observe your students closely. The teacher read the questions to the students. If you hear the right answer then stand up; If the answer is wrong, just sit there, don’t move. 1,Look at the picture of the glasses and ask “What are these?” They are glasses.(R) They are books. 2, What color is her hair? Her hair is gray. Her hair is black. 3, Is your mother’s sister your uncle? Yes, she is. Do the actions When they heard the right answers, Stand up. 多媒体 No, your mother’s sister is your uncle. 4, Is Li Ming’s father shorter or taller than his mother? Li Ming’s father is taller than his mother. Li Ming’s taller is taller than his mother. 5, Is Li Ming older or younger than his grandfather? Li Ming is older than his grandfather. Li Ming is younger than his grandfather. Tell them if the answers are right “stand up” Listen to a chant about father, mother to review the content we learn Ⅲ.Make a conclusion. Review the content we learn this unit. 板书设计 Lesson 7: Are You Ready for a Quiz? aunt uncle cousin gray hair eyes, glasses We/I go to the… to … 练习及作业设置 1, 练习册第七课。 2, 家长听写如下单词:aunt,uncle, cousin, wear glasses, gray hair, fly kites, play badminton, watch a movie, play chekers. 教学反思 学生对活动模式的测验还是比较喜欢的,但是就是有的同学随大流,他听不出问题的正确与否,看别人站起来,他也站起来,别人不动,他也不动,光跟着凑热闹了。 但是今天我找了几组同学比身高比年龄来复习用比较级造句子取得了不错的效果,同学们积极性高,也能够很好地理解并复习学过的比较级。 第一单元 第8课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson 8 Again , please! 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 复习本单元的重点单词 教 学 重 点 复习第一单元所学过的句型。 教 学 难 点 引导学生学自课文找出规律,总结学习方法。 教 学 方 法 讲解法,演示法等。 学 法 设 计 模仿法 教 学 准 备 教 师 多媒体 学 生 浏览复习本单元课文 课 时 安 排 一个课时 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动: Ⅰ.Leading the new lesson. Greeting the students with “Good morning!” and “How are you today?” Sing the song “HOW ARE YOU ?” and do the actions together. Ⅱ.Teaching the new lesson. 学生活动 Look at the screen and guess what it is with the help of the picture. Show the picture on the word we learnt with multimedia on the screen. Aunt: Your mother’s sister. Uncle: Your father’s brother. Cousin: your uncle and aunt’s son or daughter. Glasses: someone wears it on the face. Gray: a kind of color, lighter than brown, darker than white. Ⅲ.Practice Play a small game to review older, younger, shorter 1, Ask two students to come to the front of the blackboard. One is tall, the other is shorter. To compare their height to review the comparative degree in this unit. Shorter and taller Student A is shorter than student B. Student B is taller than student A. 2, Ask a student to compare with me. I am older than him/her. The students come to the front to help me to review the comparative degree. 多媒体 She/He is younger than me. Ⅳ.Make a conclusion. This is our first unit to learn a new language. It’s very important for you to learn it well. I hope you will enjoy our English study. And you will do it better and better. 板书设计 Lesson 8 Again, Please! Aunt: Your mother’s sister. Uncle: Your father’s brother. Cousin: your uncle and aunt’s son or daughter. Glasses: someone wears it on the face. 练习及作业设置 1,记忆本单元所学单词并要求家长听写。 2,反复诵读课文。 教学反思 今天主要是在幻灯片的思路下成了本课复习,校长来听课一激动忘记了插入在课堂过半时要教授的活跃气氛的新歌”Bingo”,只能放到下节课。 一张张幻灯片之间的衔接和过渡词不是很好,并且没有导课的部分,真的上成了教学研讨会议上所说的复习课的导课是今天是一节复习课,然后开始复习,很不应该。以后务必注意。 复习形式有点单一,不能很好的发挥学生的主体作用,应该换个方式更好的调动学生的积极性,带动课堂气氛。 好的地方时幻灯的效果看起来还可以,上课的时候虽然有人听课但是不紧张,还有感觉学生不能很好的记住我们所学的只是和单词,他们没有这样的意识,即使是平时很乖很听话的女孩子叫起来通常也是满头雾水,不知所然。 第二单元 第9课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson 9 Let’s Look at a Map! 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 学生可以读,写,说出并听懂词汇 map, country, north, south, east 和 west。 教 学 重 点 学生能正确指认英,美,中,澳,加几个国家的位置,能说出英语名称 教 学 难 点 能用英语表达生活中和地图中的方向。 教 学 方 法 讲解法,演示法等。 学 法 设 计 模仿法 教 学 教 师 多媒体 准 备 学 生 想一想你在生活中是如何辨别方向的 课 时 安 排 一个课时 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动: Ⅰ.Leading the new lesson. T:Hello, boys and girls S:Hello, teacher T:Today, I have two gifts for you.This is the first one,look at this(出示一张班内学生的全家福) S:It’s a picture. T:Yes, who are they? S: This is … This is her mother,This is … T:Yes,That’s right. How do they feel? S:They are very happy. T:Do you like my gifts? S:Yes, we like it. Ⅱ.Teaching the new lesson. Show the map of the word we learnt with 学生活动 T:Yes,That’s right. How do they feel? S:They are very happy. T:Do you like my gifts? S:Yes, we like it. multimedia on the screen. 1、countries:China, Canada, United states, Australia, United Kingdom T:Now, class, What’s this ?(出示一张大地图) S:It’s a map.(这里通过单个读、整体读、同桌读等方式练习拼读) T:OK class, Look at this map(教师手指着表示中国的红色部分) S:It’s China. T:Yes, that’s our “country” , Yes?(教师反复强调our country) S:Yes. T:Ok, read after me “country” S:country T:What colour is China ? S:China is red. T:China is where we live. Yes?(鼓励学生在一定的情景中猜出句子意思) S:Yes. T:Let’s look at this country, Jenny lives in this country. Can you Guess my gifts T:Now, class, What’s this ? S:It’s a map. T:OK class, Look at this map 多媒体 guess? S: Oh, It’s Canada,yes? T:That’s right. What colour is it? S:The green country is Canada. T:OK look at the purple country. This is the country’s flag. (教师出示美国国旗图案)They speak English. Can you guess? S: 美国。(通过教师的提示让学生通过自己动脑猜出国家名称,并加深记忆) T:Then read after me “United States U.S”.(让学生了解美国的简称U.S) S: United States, US. T: This country is ___?(教师用手指蓝色部分) S:This country is blue. T:What country is it?(通过课前预习可让同学自己说) S:英国。(如果有学生知道可以发挥这部分学生的主体作用,让他们当小老师教大家) T:United kingdom, we can say___? S: S:It’s China. T:Yes, that’s our “country” , Yes? our country) S:Yes. Look at the screen and answer my questions. U.K T:This is Australia. Can you say something about it? S:…(教师可以发挥学生的主动性,让学生把自己预习了解到的知识介绍给大家如:澳大利亚风景很美,这里有人们喜爱的袋鼠等 T:Well done, class. What colour is it ? S:Australia is yellow. T:Ok, today we know these countries, they are ____? S:China、Canada、Australia、U.S、U.K T:Listen to me and repeat 2、north, south, west, east T:Ok class, I’m tired. Let’s sing a song. S:OK T:Now class, I want to find east, south, west, and north, Can you help me?我想在地图中找到东南西北四个方向,谁来帮帮我? T:Well done, class. What color is it ? S:Australia is yellow. T:Ok, today we know these countries, they are ____? T:United kingdom, we can say___? S: U.K T:This is Australia. Can you say something about it T:Now,let’s have a rest, Ok? S:Ok,Let’s chant S:老师,我知道,是上北,下南,左西, 右东。 T: Is that right ? Let’s listen to the tap, and repeat.看看咱们书上是不是这样说的。 T:Now , let’s have a rest, Ok? S:Ok,Let’s chant: 识地图、很重要,方位词、不能少,上北上北是north,下南下南是south, 左西左西west, 右东右东east;下面我们一起说:north points up , south points down; west points left, east points right. Ⅲ.Practice Play a small game to review. Ask a student to say the sentences in front of the map and point them out. Ⅳ.Make a conclusion. T:Ok class, I’m tired. Let’s sing a song. S:OK T:Now class, I want to find east, south, west, and north, Can you help me? Chant together Practice the sentences 板书设计 Lesson 9: Let’s look at a Map! North points up West points left East points right South points down North West East South 练习及作业设置 1、朗读今天学过的课文,自制一个标是地图上各个方位的方向标 2、思考题:你知道方向标上除了东南西北,还有哪些表示方向的词?用英语怎么说? 教学反思 今天上课的感觉还可以,指明方向的这几句话读起来朗朗上口,孩子们学起来也很带劲,可是学过之后还是没有什么印象,拼写更记不住了,很苦恼不知道怎么办。今天的导课不够自然,流畅,要改进。 美国,英国,澳大利亚这几个国家名称对孩子们来说还是有点难,很难记住,还需多多巩固。 第二单元 第10课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson 10:China 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 学生可以读,写,说出并听懂China, speak, Chinese和the capital city。 教 学 重 点 学生通过学习,能用英语简单介绍中国 教 学 难 点 能运用所学知识介绍自己. 教 学 方 法 讲解法,演示法等。 学 法 设 计 模仿法 教 学 准 备 教 师 多媒体 学 生 想一想你知道中国的哪些名胜古迹 课 时 安 排 一个课时 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动: Ⅰ.Leading the new lesson. T: Good morning, boys and girls S: Good morning, teacher. 小组展示并介绍自制方向标如:This is north ,north points up ; This is south, south points down 学生活动 通过游戏“Simon Says”来练习north, south, east, west和map。利用以下短语: Simon says: “Point north / south / east / west to a map.” 2、歌曲导入。播放“中华人民共和国国歌”导入新内容。 Ⅱ.Teaching the new lesson. 1,借助地图,以师生对话的形式学习用英语表达首都、语言、地理位置、国旗。 What’s this? This is the capital of the China. What’s the capital of the China? It’s Beijing. What country is east of China? The U.S is east of China. 2,教师用手偶演示“讲汉语”,每只手上放一个手偶,一个手偶讲英语,一个手偶讲汉语,手偶试图彼此对话,但行不通,讲英语的手偶最终用英语道出问题的所在: Oh! I speak English, but you speak Chinese! Guess my gifts What’s this? This is the capital of the China. What’s the capital of the China? It’s Beijing. What country is east of China? The U.S is east of China. 多媒体 借用这个小游戏向学生阐述学英语的重要性。 3,情景教学:设置了一个外国人来到中国,向中国的小朋友了解中国的情况,他们向远道而来的外国朋友介绍了自己的祖国。 人物角色:一位外国人,若干名中国小学生。 Welcome to China. This is Tian’anmen Square. This is the Palace Museum. This is our country’s flag. Ⅲ.Practice Play a small game to review. Ask a student to say the sentences in front of the map and point them out. Ⅳ.Make a conclusion. Look at the screen and answer my questions. Practice the sentences 板书设计 Lesson 10:China China: flag- redyellow stars speak Chinese The U.S. is east of China. 练习及作业设置 将今天学习的中国的信息归类: 如:国家名称:China 国旗 :It is red , It has yellow stars. 语言:Chinese 地理位置:the U.S is east of China . 名胜古迹:the Palace Museum , Tian’anmen Square. 教学反思 由中华人民共和国国歌引入取得了不错的效果,孩子们群情激昂高唱国歌,取得了不错的气氛。个别同学制作的国旗很好看很精致。 上节课教的Bingo孩子们大部分已经基本上会唱了,他们唱的津津有味,乐在其中,带有动作的歌曲和鲜明节奏的歌曲孩子还是很喜欢的。 第二单元 第11课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson 11:Canada 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 可以读,写,说出并听懂词汇 Canada 和English. 教 学 重 点 能用英语简单介绍加拿大的基本情况。 教 学 难 点 培养学生的探究能力 教 学 方 法 讲解法,演示法等。 学 法 设 计 模仿法 教 学 准 备 教 师 多媒体 学 生 提前了解加拿大的名胜古迹 课 时 安 排 一个课时 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动: Ⅰ.Leading the new lesson. 识地图、很重要,方位词、不能少,上北上北是north,下南下南是south, 左西左西west, 右东右东east;下面我们一起说:north points up , south points down; west points left, east 学生活动 points right. To review the poem we learnt last class. Ask a student to point out the picture of the Canada on the map on the screen. Today we will learn something about a new country: Canada. 2,师生问答操练:出示世界地图指着中国问 What’s this country? (China.) What colour is this country?(It’s red.) What’s the capital city of this country?(Beijing.) What country is east of China?(the U.S.) What do we speak in China?(Chinese) Can you talk about China’s flag? (It’s red. It has yellow stars.) What are the represent things in China?(The Palace Museum.) To review the poem we learnt last class. Ask a student to point out the picture of the Canada on the map on the screen. Today we will learn something about a new country: Canada. We live in China. 多媒体 Ⅱ.Teaching the new lesson. Canada. We live in China. Do you know where Jenny and Danny live? Do you know about Canada? 2.Listen to the teacher and follow it. (Try to answer the questions in pairs.) Where does Jenny live?(Canada.) What colour is this country?(It’s green.) What do they speak in Canada?(English and French.) What is the capital city of Canada? (It’s Ottawa.) What country is south of Canada?(the U.S.) Can you describe Canada’s flag? (Canada’s flag is red and White. It has a leaf.) What is the famous waterfall in Canada? (Niagara Falls.) What’s the mountains’ name in Do you know where Jenny and Danny live? Do you know about Canada? Look at the screen and answer my questions. Canada?(Rock Mountains) 通过一系列提问让学生了解加拿大的基本常识。 3.利用红色和白色的纸制作加拿大国旗 亲手制作加拿大国旗,让学生终身难忘加拿大国旗的样子。 4.In groups. Every group is a tourist team, they are travelling in Canada. Suppose one student is a guide. Ⅲ.Practice Play a small game to review. Ask a student to say the sentences in front of the map and point them out. Ⅳ.Make a conclusion. Practice the sentences 板书设计 Lesson 11:Canada flag---red/white a leaf speak—English and French The U.S. is south of Canada. 练习及作业设置 练习册第11课。 向爸爸妈妈介绍加拿大的一些情况 教学反思 采用小组竞赛合作的方式完成加拿大知识的新授取得了不错的效果,孩子们争先恐后的回答补充表格中的信息,即使不会读,也很认真的把它拼写出来告诉我。 板书内容比较多,字写得有点大,看起来显得凌乱,下午上另一个班的课时尽量避免。 第二单元 第12课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson 12: The U.S 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 可以读、写、说出并且听懂“U.S. know 教 学 重 点 可以说出并且听懂“Do you know _____ ? Yes, I know. No, I don’t know.” 教 学 难 点 能用英语向其他人简单介绍美国这个国家。 教 学 方 法 讲解法,演示法等。 学 法 设 计 模仿法,游戏法 教 学 准 备 教 师 多媒体 学 生 提前了解美国的名胜古迹 课 时 安 排 一个课时 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动: Ⅰ.Leading the new lesson. 1,出示世界地图指着中国问 What’s this country? (China.) What color is this country?(It’s red.) What’s the capital city of this country? (Beijing.) What country is east of China?(the U.S.) What do we speak in China?(Chinese) Can you talk about China’s flag?(It’s red. It has yellow stars.) What are the represent things in China?(The Palace Museum.) 2,指着加拿大地图问 学生活动 Can you talk about China’s flag?(It’s red. It has yellow stars.) What are the represent things in China?(The Palace Museum.) What’s this country? (Canada.) What color is this country?(It’s green.) What do they speak in Canada? (English and French.) What is the capital city of Canada? (It’s Ottawa.) What country is south of Canada?(the U.S.) Can you describe Canada’s flag? (Canada’s flag is red and White. It has a leaf.) What is the famous waterfall in Canada?(Niagara Falls.) What’s the mountains’ name in Canada?(Rock Mountains). Ⅱ.Teaching the new lesson. 1. 教师问“Boys and girls, do you know the U.S.? ” S: Yes. T: Yes, you know. (教学新单词“U.S. know”) 教师指着黑板上的地图,说“This is the White. It has a leaf.) What is the famous waterfall in Canada?(Niagara Falls.) What’s the mountains’ name in Canada?(Rock Mountains). 多媒体 U.S. We can also call it ‘the United States’. ‘U.S.’ is short for ‘the United States’.” 2. T: What else do you know about the U.S.? Now you can discuss in your groups. 3. 出示世界地图指着美国问 What color is this country?(It’s purple.) What’s the capital city of this country?(Washington,D.C.) What country is east of China?(the U.S.) What country is south of Canada?(the U.S.) What do they speak in the U.S.?(English) Can you talk about the U.S.’s flag?(It’s red, white and blue, it has stars and stripes.) What are the represent things in the U.S.? The U.S. has White House and Statue of Liberty. 4.In groups. Every group is a tourist team, they are travelling in Canada. Suppose one student is a guide. Ⅲ.Practice Look at the screen and answer my questions. Practice the sentences In groups. Every group is a tourist team, they are travelling in Canada. Suppose one student is a guide. In groups. Every group is a Talk about the U.S. in own words. Play a small game to review. Ask a student to say the sentences in front of the map and point them out. Ⅳ.Make a conclusion. tourist team, they are travelling in Canada. Suppose one student is a guide. 板书设计 Lesson 12: The U.S country China Canada the U.S. country’s colour red green purple capital city Beijing Ottawa Washington,D.C they speak Chinese English and French English 练习及作业设置 做一个小小导游向爸爸妈妈介绍美国的基本地理概况。 做一面美国国旗。 教学反思 这节课涉及到了很多的地理知识,有许多比较生僻的专有名词,对孩子们掌握起来比较困难。但希望孩子们对这些有一个笼统的大概的认识能够掌握必须掌握的必会单词,了解关于国家的基本知识,能够介绍这个国家的相关知识。 第二单元 第13课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson13:The U.K. 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 可以读、写、说出并且听懂“U.K.”,能用英语向他人介绍有关英国的知识。 教 学 重 点 能用英语向其他人简单介绍英国这个国家 教 学 难 点 培养运用语言进行交际的能力,了解中西文化的差异。 教 学 方 法 讲解法,演示法等。 学 法 设 计 模仿法 教 学 准 备 教 师 多媒体 学 生 提前了解英国的名胜古迹 课 时 一个课时 安 排 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动: Ⅰ.Leading the new lesson. 1,出示世界地图指着美国问 What’s this country? (The United States) What color is this country?(It’s green.) What’s the capital city of this country? (Washington D.C) What country is north of the United States) (Canada) What do we speak in America?(American) Can you talk about the US’s flag?(It’s red and blue) 2,指着加拿大地图问 What’s this country? (Canada.) What color is this 学生活动 Answer my questions To talk about the United States country?(It’s green.) What do they speak in Canada? (English and French.) What is the capital city of Canada? (It’s Ottawa.) What country is south of Canada?(the U.S.) Can you describe Canada’s flag? (Canada’s flag is red and White. It has a leaf.) What is the famous waterfall in Canada?(Niagara Falls.) What’s the mountains’ name in Canada?(Rock Mountains). Ⅱ.Teaching the new lesson. 1.教师出示的相关图片,学生以小组的形式,从以下几方面进行资料总结,教师可以进行简单的提示。 英国的地理位置:(英国的西部、北部是那些国家) 英国的首都: 英国的语言: Look at the screen and answer my questions. What is the famous waterfall in Canada?(Niagara Falls.) What’s the mountains’ name in Canada?(Rock Mountains). 多媒体 英国的国旗: 英国的名胜: 2.出示“China、 Canada、 the U.S.、 the U.K.”这几个国家的国旗。 T: Do you know which country’s flag this is?(指着英国国旗) S: 英国。 T: It’s the U.K.’ flag. What colour is the flag? S: It’s red、 white and blue. 3. T: U.K. is short for the United Kingdom. Look at the map. Who can point to the U.K.? 4. 根据讨论、看地图汇报 Do you know the capital city of the U.K.? What do they speak in the U.K.? Where is the U.K.? Do you know the U.K.’ famous place? Answers: London is the capital city of the U.K. 根据讨论、看地图汇报 Talk about the U.K in their own words. They speak English in the U.K. The U.K. is west and a little north of China. Buckingham Palace is in London. The king and queen live in the Buckingham Palace. Ⅲ.Practice Talk about the U.K in their own words. Play a small game to review. Ask a student to say the sentences in front of the map and point them out. Ⅳ.Make a conclusion. They speak English in the U.K. The U.K. is west and a little north of China. Buckingham Palace is in London. 板书设计 lesson 13 The U.K The U.K’s flag-red、 white and blue. London is the capital city of the U.K. They speak English in the U.K. The U.K. is west and a little north of China. 练习及作业设置 练习册13课。 预习第14课。 向爸爸妈妈讲讲英国的概况。 教学反思 本节课采用相同的方式依次阐述了这个国家的首都,国旗的颜色,以及著名的景点。时间有限,学生对于比较难读的单词掌握的还是不够好。 第二单元 第14课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson14:Australia 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 可以学生读、写、说出并听懂Australia,表达自己对这个国家的认识和了解 教 学 重 点 能用英语向其他人简单介绍澳大利亚这个国家 教 学 难 点 对所学的内容,摆脱书本限制,使语言得到灵活的运用。 教 学 方 法 讲解法,演示法等。 学 法 设 计 模仿法 教 学 准 备 教 师 多媒体 学 生 提前了解澳大利亚的名胜古迹 课 时 安 排 一个课时 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动: Ⅰ.Leading the new lesson. 1, Class Opening and Review 利用板书教学通过问答操练复习已经学过的有关国家的词汇。 What country is this? Do you know the capital city of the country? What colour is the country? What do they speak in this country? 2. 做“Simon Says”游戏以复习north, south, east, west, map以及全班学生已经学会了的国家的名称。 Ⅱ.Teaching the new lesson. 学生活动 Answer my questions 小组学习Australia 1.教师出示的相关图片,学生以小组的形式,从以下几方面进行资料总结,教师可以进行简单的提示。 Australia的地理位置:( Australia的西部、北部是哪些国家) Step 1:小组学习Australia 新知识 T: Ok, let’s begin our new lesson. Look at this map , do you know what country this is ? (Show Australia’s map with multimedia) S:Australia . T: Yes. It’s Australia. This lesson we learn lesson14 Australia. This lesson is easy, so we study in pairs. After 10 minutes reports. 小组学习,老师指导。 Step 2:Report 1、 Australia的地理位置。where is Australia? 2、 Australia的首都。Do you know the capital city of Australia? 新知识 做“Simon Says”游戏以复习north, south, east, west, map以及全班学生已经学会了的国家的名称。 多媒体 3、 Australia人所说的语言。What do they speak in Australia? 4、 Australia的国旗。Do you see a little flag inside Australia’s flag? What colour is it ? 5、 Australia的代表性事物。Kangaroo and many beautiful beaches. Step 3:为学生介绍一下Australia的相关知识 T:What else do you know about Australia?Look here 电子幻灯片出示Australia的图片。 Ⅲ.Practice Play a game T:You study really good. Next time, let’s play game to review the countries we learnt. 在5个乒乓球上写有5个国家的名字,每个小组派一名代表抓一个球,抓到哪个国家就为大家介绍这个国家 Look at the screen and answer my questions. 每个小组派一名代表抓一个球,抓到哪个国家就为大家介绍这个国家 练习之后,为学生制造一个更加热烈的气氛:现在你们可以有一次抓奖的机会,老师这里有写着1至10分的乒乓球,看你的运气怎么样? Ⅳ.Make a conclusion. Talk about Australia in their own words. 你喜欢澳大利亚吗?这个国家的什么最令你难忘?你能用英语简单介绍澳大利亚的其他相关信息吗? 用英语简单介绍澳大利亚 板书设计 Lesson14:Australia flag: blue and white stars speak: English kangaroo and beaches 练习及作业设置 练习册14课。 听写今天黑板上画出的重点单词。 向爸爸妈妈讲讲澳大利亚的概况。 教学反思 整堂课,由于我过多地注重了利用语言情景的创设、语言训练多样化、培养学生的听、说、读的能力,而忽视了对学生写的能力的培养。因此,在巩固环节中,如能让同桌讨论后把结果写下来,这样不仅能提高学生的英语书写能力,还能进一步地促进学生听、说、读能力的提高,从而进一步培养学生的语言综合运用能力。 第一单元 第15课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson 15: Are You Ready for a Quiz? 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 能够认识地图以及从图上指出本单元一些基本的国家 教 学 重 点 培养学生理解听到的指令并作出相应的肢体动作的能力。 教 学 难 点 用英语表达国家间地理位置 教 学 方 法 讲解法,演示法等。 学 法 设 计 模仿法 教 学 准 备 教 师 学 生 清醒的头脑,带上小耳朵 课 时 一个课时 安 排 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动: Ⅰ.Leading the new lesson. Review the content we learn last class. What’s this? What country is this? North is up. Where is west? What country is east of China? What do they speak in this country? Ⅱ.Teaching the new lesson. 一、Class Opening and Review Greetings Revision Play the game “where it is in the world?” To review vocabulary about countries of the world. Quiz(a competition between boys and girls) What’s this? What country is this? 学生活动 North is up. Where is west? What country is east of China? What do they speak in this country? Review the content we learn this unit. North is up. Where is west? What country is east of China? What do they speak in this country? Story :Maddy’s Family Photographs Prepare to Read T: Look at the pictures in the story to establish its context. Have students discuss the following questions: (1)Who do you think these characters are? (2)Are they part of Maddy’s family? (3) Where do they live? Listen to the audiotape, read Discuss a. Maddy speaks Chinese.( ) b. Maddy likes to reading books.( ) c. Maddy’aunt lives in Australia. ( ) B. discussion a.Maddy is older or younger than her uncle? b. Where does Maddy’s cousin live? To do the quiz together. Use the quiz in the student book as review. 多媒体 c. What do the students think a “photograph” is? d. Did you like the story? Why or why not? Talk about the students’ photographs 三、Class Closing Maddy’s Family Photographs a.Maddy is older or younger than her uncle? b. Where does Maddy’s cousin live? c. What do the students think a “photograph” is? d. Did you like the story? Why or why not? Ⅲ.Make a conclusion. Review the content we learn this unit. Look at the screen and answer my questions. 板书设计 Lesson15:Are you ready for a quiz? country speak North south west east 练习及作业设置 练习册15课。 想一想你在本单元学了哪些国家的信息,请利用网络资源了解更多的关于这些国家的民族风情和文化差异。 教学反思 我引导学生从已有的生活经验出发,展开讨论。这些新授的单词在师生交谈中自然地逐一呈现,并在展示物品的环节中呈现并使用新句型I speak…这样的新知呈现淡化了学生上课的意识,强化了主体意识和生活意识。教师和学生围绕话题展开讨论,在师生互动交流中呈现新知,这样真切自然的语言氛围,容易创设热烈的气氛,调动学生英语思维的积极性,学生能主动地参与,大胆使用语言进行交流,较快地掌握和运用语言。 第二单元 第16课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson 16 Again, Please 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 能够认识地图以及从图上指出本单元一些基本的国家 教 学 重 点 培养学生理解听到的指令并作出相应的肢体动作的能力。 教 学 难 点 用英语表达国家间地理位置 教 学 方 法 讲解法,演示法等。 学 法 设 计 模仿法 教 学 准 备 教 师 学 生 清醒的头脑,带上小耳朵 课 时 安 排 一个课时 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动: Ⅰ.Leading the new lesson. Review the content we learn last class. What’s this? What country is this? North is up. Where is west? What country is east of China? 学生活动 Answer my questions What do they speak in this country? Ⅱ.Teaching the new lesson. Step one: Class Opening and Review Greetings play the game of“Simon Says” to review the word of north, south, east, west and map。Teacher can use the phrases as following :Point north / south / east / west to a map. Play the game “Travel”. Teacher may say that: What country is this? Do you know the capital city of ___? Is _____north (east ,west ,south) of_____? What do the speak in _____? Do you speak ___? Do “happy face, sad face”. Teacher reads out each question, to check the understanding of the sentences of the unit. Step two: Practice Review the content we learn this unit. Play the game “Travel” Group work: divide the students in group of five, discuss then 多媒体 Group work: divide the students in group of five, discuss then finish the form. 3. Ask students to make reports according to their forms. Step there: Do the activity book No.2 and No.3 to practice the students listening skills. Listen. Write the name. China Canada The U.S. The U.K. Australia Listen. Answer the questions. What is it? What is the capital city of China? What do we speak in china ? Where is the U.S.? What do they speak in the U.S.? Where is Canada ? Where is the U.S.? Listen. Write the name. Listen. Answer the questions. Where is the U.K.? What is Australia ? Work in pairs: point to the countries you know on a map of the world. Talk about these countries with your friends. Ⅲ.Make a conclusion. Review the content we learn this unit. 板书设计 Country Famous for Captain city flag language Lesson 16 Again, Please 练习及作业设置 完成下表 Country Famous for… Captain city flag language China Tian’anmen Square and the Palace Museum Beijing Red. yellow stars Chinese Canada Rocky Mountains Ottawa Red and white. a leaf English French The U. S White House and statue of liberty Washington. D.C. Stars and stripes English Australia kangaroos Canberra Blue white stars English The U.K. Buckingham Palace London Red, white and blue. English 教学反思 本节课是复习课,我对我自己设计的表格比较满意,用一张表格融会贯通了本单元的所有地理常识性知识,内容较多,学生记忆起来有一定的困难。复习时发现之前学过的很多东西已经忘记了。看来要经常给孩子们复习。 第三单元 第17课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson17 Beijing is Great 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 能够运用本课句型I want to go to ___.I want___(somebody)to come.进行简单对话。 教 学 重 点 四会单词Beijing, hotel, trip的学习及掌握 教 学 难 点 Come and go的理解和运用. 教 学 方 法 讲解法,演示法等。 学 法 设 计 模仿法,游戏法 教 学 准 备 教 师 多媒体 学 生 回忆北京有哪些著名的景点 课 时 安 排 一个课时 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动: Ⅰ.Leading the new lesson. What’s this? What country is this? North is up. Where is west? What country is east of China? What do they speak in this country? Ⅱ.Teaching the new lesson. 一、Class Opening and Review 学生活动 Answer my questions Greetings Revision Play the game “where in the world?” To review vocabulary about countries of the world. Quiz(a competition between boys and girls) (3) Where do they live? Listen to the audiotape, read Discuss T: Where do you buy?(shop) T: Where do you live?(A houseAn apartment) T: Where do you eat?(A restaurant)… T: What is the capital city of China? (Beijing)… 出示中国地图,和学生一起找到北京,示范Beijing 一词.之后,在地图上贴上旅馆小图片.演示trip和hotel. A: I am going on a trip. B: Where are you going ? A: I am going to ___.(目的地名称) Review the content we learn this unit. Play the game “where in the world?” To review vocabulary about countries of the world. 多媒体 B: Do you live in ___?(目的地名称) A: No! I live in ___(所在城市名称). I live in a housean apartment. B: Do you have a house in ___(目的地)? A: No! I go to a hotel! Here I go !I am going on a trip to___! 与学生一起讨论有关北京的图片.他们最喜欢什么?谁曾到过北京?(the Palace MuseumTian an men Squarehotel) play a game : Come here Go there 请同学们打开书,边听录音边找出表示地点的词汇。 Ⅲ.Make a conclusion. Open their books and find the place I told them. 板书设计 Lesson17:Beijing Is Great Beijing hotel trip I want to go to ______. 练习及作业设置 练习册17课。 想一想你去过北京吗?北京有哪些著名的景点,给爸爸妈妈用英语讲一讲。 教学反思 在新单词的导入方面,今天设计的不是很好,有点突兀够巧妙,比如在教授单词”hotel”的时候可以创设一个情景,引导同学们逐步去想象如果外出旅游的话,我们人在异地应该住在哪里的,这样的引入会更贴切更自然。 第三单元 第18课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson 18: May I Go to Beijing? 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 使学生掌握重要的句型:May I/ we ___? 教 学 重 点 正确地说、读、写、用单词:may. 教 学 难 点 使学生能练习用口头表达自己的想法和意愿 教 学 方 法 讲解法,演示法等。 学 法 设 计 模仿法,游戏法 教 学 准 备 教 师 多媒体 学 生 想一想你去北京了想做什么 课 时 安 排 一个课时 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动: Ⅰ.Leading the new lesson. Li Ming loves to go on a trip. Where does he want to go? Is it Beijing?Why? Ask a student to answer my queation and tell us why Beijing is great. Ⅱ.Teaching the new lesson. What can we do in Beijing? What do you want to do in Beijing? go to Tian’an men Square go shopping 学生活动 Answer my questions To review eat in a restaurant go to a hotel live in Beijing T: Can you read these phraises? S: Yes. T: Read, please. T: Can you make sentences with these phraises? S: Yes. Teach the sentence structures: May I…? Li Ming made five requairments to his mother. At last,he told his mother he wants to live in Beijing? Of course his mother says no. Ⅲ.Practice Ask two students to practice the dialogue in front of the blackboard. May I ____? Yes, you may . No, you may not. vocabulary about countries of the world. Play the game “where in the world?” To review vocabulary about countries of the world. May I ____? Yes, you may . 多媒体 (鼓励学生说出所给词组以外的句子) Ⅳ.Make a conclusion. No, you may not. 板书设计 Lesson 18 May I Go to Beijing ? May I help you ? go shopping ? eat in a restaurant ? go to a hotel ? Yes, you may. / No, you may not. 练习及作业设置 练习册18课。 想一想你想做什么?试着用英语表达自己的想法,使用句型May I…? 教学反思 三年级的时候学过句型“May I have a pen?”借东西的句型类似于今天提出自己要求表达想法的句子表达还不是很难。应该更注意加强学生在对话练习部分的训练。改变一言堂模式,时刻提醒自己,力求以学生为教学的主体和中心。 第三单元 第19课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson 19 : May I Invite Danny and Jenny ? 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 掌握下列单词:come, go ,invite, leave for, arrive in 教 学 重 点 a.May I invite ___? b. This is ____. c. When do you leave/ arrive? 教 学 难 点 Leave and leave for的区别 教 学 方 法 讲解法,演示法等。 学 法 设 计 模仿法,游戏法 教 学 准 备 教 师 多媒体 学 生 回忆如何用英语打电话 课 时 安 排 一个课时 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动: Ⅰ.Leading the new lesson. Greeting with the students. Sing the song head,shoulder, knees, toes. 学生活动 Sing the song and do the actions Ⅱ.Teaching the new lesson. Do you want to go to Beijing? If you want to go to somewhere interesting,who will you invite? Who will you go with? Your friend? Your father or mother? Today,let’s see who will Li Ming invite to go to Beijing together? Review the sentences: May I go to ______? When is it? 1. Introduce: Explain the new words “invite” use a word card. 2. Practice: Ask the students to practice the dialogue. (About “come” and “go”.) 3. Listening: Play the tape, ask them to listen and answer the questions. a. Note “leave” and “arrive”. Can anyone guess what they mean? happily. Lead the students to review what we learnt last class. Note “leave” and “arrive”. Can anyone guess what they mean? 多媒体 b. What does Li Ming want to do? c. How does Mrs. Li talk to Mrs. Smith? d. Where is Mrs. Smith? e. Can Jenny come on the trip? f. Can Danny come? Ⅲ.Practice Role–play: Check the students, give the good ones praise.(通过角色扮演或分角色朗读课文,让学生体验中西方打电话中语言的区别,及朗读的能力。) To recite the text. (Practice in the groups of four.) Ⅳ.Make a conclusion. Role–play: Check the students, give the good ones praise 板书设计 Lesson 19 : May I Invite Danny and Jenny ? come When do you leave for ? go When do you arrive in(at) ? leave 和leave for区别 练习及作业设置 1练习册19课。 2识记单词fast,faster,slow,slower.并在练习本上抄写三遍 教学反思 试着声情并茂的朗读第三单元带有故事情节的课文,引导学生进入我所制造的故事氛围中,收效不错。同学们很认真也很投入的在学习我们的课文。自认为这还是个不错的办法。 第三单元 第20课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson 20 : How Far is Beijing? 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 掌握单词:about, 1--10,000数字的表达法 教 学 重 点 掌握句子: How far is it from____ to _____? It’s about______ kilometers. / meters. 教 学 难 点 具体数字的表达法:如25686 教 学 方 法 讲解法,演示法等。 学 法 设 计 模仿法,游戏法 教 学 准 备 教 师 多媒体 学 生 练习数数,复习已经学过的英文数字 课 时 安 排 一个课时 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动: Ⅰ.Leading the new lesson. Greeting the students. How old are you? How many pencils do you have? 学生活动 Answer my questions How many books do you have? I have three pencils. Ⅱ.Teaching the new lesson. Review the numbers 1-100 one two three four five six seven eight. Pay attention to the situation in the lines. Introduce the new words to the students. And let the students read it together. “hundred” and “thousand” How far is it from Shijiazhuang to Beijing? It’s about two hundred and seventy-eight kilometers. Ⅲ.Practice 1,Answer my questions. T:How far is it from China to Canada? Canada is far from China. (It’s about eight thousand five hundred kilometers from Edmonton to Beijing.) Let’s count. Review the numbers 1-100 one two three four five six seven eight Pay attention to the situation of the words in the lines. Introduce the new words to the students. And let the students read it together. “hundred” and “thousand” 多媒体 T:How far is it from Edmonton to Beijing? (It’s about nine thousand six hundred kilometers from Edmonton to Shijiazhuang.) Try to impress the numbers in English. Talk about the key words in expressing the numbers. Write “hundred” on the blackboard. Read it follow the teacher for three times. Ask three students to come to the blackboard to write the numbers on the blackboard. To translate these numbers into English as their homework. 8500:eight thousand five hundred 9600: nine thousand six hundred 278:two hundred seventy-eight Ⅳ.Make a conclusion. Read it follow the teacher for three times. 板书设计 Lesson20: How Far is Beijing 千 百 (and) 十 个 about 0 0 205 ≈ 200 How far is it from to ? It is about 练习及作业设置 1练习册20课。 2在练习本上写几个数字并试着用英语表达。 教学反思 今天学习的百位数以上的数字的表达。在教授时运用了数字接龙的游戏,孩子们如鱼得水玩得很开心,课堂气氛很不错孩子们的积极性也很高。但在教授后半部分的特殊疑问句“How far”时显得有一些生硬,过度不够自然。 第三单元 第21课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson 21 How can we go to Beijing? 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 掌握单词airplane、train 掌握两组比较级fast、faster、slow、slower 教 学 重 点 正确运用fast、faster、slow、slower 教 学 难 点 两组比较级在句子中的正确运用 教 学 方 法 讲解法,演示法等。 学 法 设 计 模仿法,游戏法 教 学 准 备 教 师 多媒体 学 生 想一想你做过火车,飞机或船吗? 课 时 安 排 一个课时 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动: Ⅰ.Leading the new lesson. Greeting the students with “Good morning!” and “How are you today?” Sing the song “HOW ARE YOU ?” and 学生活动 do the actions together. Ⅱ.Teaching the new lesson. Show the picture on the word we learnt with multimedia on the screen. Aunt: Your mother’s sister. Uncle: Your father’s brother. Cousin: your uncle and aunt’s son or daughter. Glasses: someone wears it on the face. Gray: a kind of color, lighter than brown, darker than white. Ⅲ.Practice Play a small game to review older, younger, shorter 1, Ask two students to come to the front of the blackboard. One is tall, the other is shorter. To compare their height to review the comparative degree in this unit. Shorter and taller Student A is shorter than student B. Student B is taller than student A. Answer my questions Review the transportation we learnt. Ask two students to come to the front of the blackboard. One is tall, the other is shorter. To compare their height to review the comparative degree 多媒体 2, Ask a student to compare with me. I am older than him/her. She/He is younger than me. Ⅳ.Make a conclusion. in this unit. 板书设计 Lesson 21 How Can We Go To Beijing? bicycle car cab truck bus train plane is fast. Is slow. is faster than . is slower than . 练习及作业设置 练习册21课。 背诵课文第二部分。 教学反思 我引导学生从已有的生活经验出发,展开讨论。这些新授的单词在师生交谈中自然地逐一呈现,并在展示物品的环节中呈现并使用新句型I have …。这样的新知呈现淡化了学生上课的意识,强化了主体意识和生活意识。教师和学生围绕话题展开讨论,在师生互动交流中呈现新知,这样真切自然的语言氛围,容易创设热烈的气氛,调动学生英语思维的积极性,学生能主动地参与,大胆使用语言进行交流,较快地掌握和运用语言。 第三单元 第22课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson 22 Leaving and Arriving 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 掌握单词leave、arrive 教 学 重 点 能够在句子中正确运用leave、arrive,能够正确说出时间 教 学 难 点 正确说出时间 教 学 方 法 讲解法,演示法等。 学 法 设 计 模仿法,游戏法 教 学 准 备 教 师 多媒体 学 生 复习我们以前学过的chant 课 时 安 排 一个课时 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动: 学生活动 Ⅰ.Leading the new lesson. Review the content we learn last class. What’s this? What country is this? North is up. Where is west? What country is east of China? What do they speak in this country? Does your brother like to play ping-pong? Ⅱ.Teaching the new lesson. 一、Class Opening and Review Greetings Revision Play the game “where in the world?” To review vocabulary about countries of the world. Quiz(a competition between boys and girls) What’s this? What country is this? North is up. Where is west? What country is east of China? Answer my questions Review the content we learn this unit. To do the quiz together. 多媒体 What do they speak in this country? Story :Maddy’s Family Photographs Prepare to Read T: Look at the pictures in the story to establish its context. Have students discuss the following questions: (1)Who do you think these characters are? (2)Are they part of Maddy’s family? (3) Where do they live? Listen to the audiotape, read Discuss a. Maddy speaks Chinese.( ) b. Maddy likes to reading books.( ) c. Maddy’aunt lives in Australia. ( ) B. discussion a.Maddy is older or younger than her uncle? b. Where does Maddy’s cousin live? c. What do the students think a “photograph” is? Use the quiz in the student book as review. Look at the screen and answer my questions. d. Did you like the story? Why or why not? Talk about the students’ photographs Ⅲ.Make a conclusion. 板书设计 Lesson 22 Leaving and Arriving leave arrive When do Danny and Jenny leave Canada? When do they arrive in Shijiazhuang? When do Li Ming’s mother、Li Ming、Danny and Jenny leave for Beijing? When do they arrive in Beijing? 练习及作业设置 练习册17课。 想一想你去过北京吗?北京有哪些著名的景点,给爸爸妈妈用英语讲一讲。 教学反思 学生对所学外语不熟悉,因此在听的时候,注意力集中在辨别语音上,没有余力对听到的内容进行认知加工。只有当学生对语言成分的辨认熟悉到无需花费什么力气时,才有余力对听到的语言材料作进一步的加工。所以部分孩子在做本部分的测试的时候显得力不从心。 第三单元 第23课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson 23 Are You Ready for a Quiz? 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 回顾检查学生是否掌握本单元所学单词 教 学 重 点 听力能力训练,培养学生理解听到的指令并作出相应的肢体动作的能力。 教 学 难 点 培养学生的小组合作能力 教 学 方 法 演绎法,情境创设法等。 学 法 设 计 模仿法 教 学 准 备 教 师 多媒体 学 生 预习课文 课 时 安 排 一个课时 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动: 学生活动 Ⅰ.Leading the new lesson. Greeting with the students. Hello! Boys and girls! May Li Ming go to Beijing? May Li Ming eat in restaurants? May Li Ming invite Jenny and Danny? Ⅱ.Teaching the new lesson. Use the quiz in the student book as review. Observe your students closely. The teacher read the questions to the students. If you hear the right answer then stand up; If the answer is wrong, just sit there, don’t move. 1,Is an airplane faster than a train? Yes, an airplane is faster than a train. No. the train is faster than a airplane. 2, Is Beijing the capital city of our country? Yes, Beijing is the capital city of China. No, it isn’t. The teacher read the questions to the students. If you hear the right answer then stand up; If the answer is wrong, just sit there, don’t move. 多媒体 3, Come and leave. Are they the same? Yes, she is. No, your mother’s sister is your uncle. 4, How many buses are there? Li Ming’s father is taller than his mother. Li Ming’s taller is taller than his mother. 5, Are Li Ming, Danny and Jenny going on a trip to Beijing? Tell them if the answers are right “stand up” Listen to a chant about leave and arrive to review the content we learn Ⅲ.Make a conclusion. Review the content we learn this unit. Do the actions When they heard the right answers, Stand up. 板书设计 Lesson 23 Are You Ready for a Quiz Is an airplane faster / slower than train? come leave go arrive May I go on a trip to Beijing / the hotel ? 练习及作业设置 做完23课练习册 复习本单元内容 教学反思 学生对活动模式的测验还是比较喜欢的,但是就是有的同学随大流,他听不出问题的正确与否,看别人站起来,他也站起来,别人不动,他也不动,光跟着凑热闹了。 但是今天我找了几组同学比身高比年龄来复习用比较级造句子取得了不错的效果,同学们积极性高,也能够很好地理解并复习学过的比较级。 第三单元 第24课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 lesson 24 Again, please! 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 回顾本单元学习的内容和知识点 教 学 重 点 谈论旅行,学会制作旅行计划 教 学 难 点 学生的书面表达能力 教 学 方 法 演绎法,情境创设法等。 学 法 设 计 模仿法 教 学 准 备 教 师 多媒体 学 生 回顾17至22的课文,识记必会单词 课 时 安 排 一个课时 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动: Ⅰ.Leading the new lesson. Today it’s the last class of Unit 3. Have you mastered the key points of this unit? Let’s have a check. Look at the screen. T: How are you, today? T: Can you tell me ,How is the weather today? Ss like to talk with each other. S1: I am fine thanks. 学生活动 Free talk with the students. S2: It is sunny. Ss can do the action and read these words. Ⅱ.Teaching the new lesson. Present the vocabulary of this unit. Then ask the Ss to spell these words. Make sure they can say it correctly. Divide Ss into groups of four children. Play “Memory card”. Ss like to talk using as much English as possible. Use the test paper. Stop the audiotape between the first and second time to answer any questions the students may have. Activities after the Test Exchange Tests And Score the Listening Comprehension. (with their partners) Collect the tests to score the rest of the test later. Ss can say something fluently about the story in pairs. If you hear the right answer then stand up; If the answer is wrong, just sit there, don’t move. Listen to a chant about leave and arrive to review the content we learn 多媒体 Ss can cooperate to do it. Ⅲ.Make a conclusion. Sing a song that connects closely with the unit you have just finished. 板书设计 lesson 24 .Again, please ? from____ to____ an airplane a train go on a trip 练习及作业设置 练习册24课 家长听写 airplane Beijing hotel about train trip fast faster slow slower 教学反思 复习时发现孩子们对于本单元的知识掌握还不够牢固,很多单词读不出来,勉强说出来后还是不会拼写,应加强与家长之间的联系,让家长配合老师的工作,这样就可以让孩子在每周的80分钟外用更多一点的时间去学习英语,更加重视英语的学习,以便为未来打好基础。 第四单元 第 25 课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson25 What Do We Need for the Trip 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 听说读写 ticket clothes jacket 听说读并理解need pack my suitcase 教 学 重 点 通过讨论出行,结合图片和实物学习ticket, clothes, jacket 三个词 教 学 难 点 复习服装类的单词,如:pants, shoes sweater 教 学 方 法 情境创设法,课堂问答法等。 学 法 设 计 讨论法,练习法,自主合作交流 教 学 准 备 教 师 多媒体 学 生 课 时 安 排 一个课时 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动 Step1 : Class opening and review Suggestions for class opening Ask” what time is it?” and ask the students to respond with the current time. Play ‘draw and guess” to review foods the students mastered in book1. Choose some of the following: chicken, dumplings, fish, fruit, meat, noodles, rice, soup, vegetables, apple…… Step 2: Key concepts 1) refrigerator stove sink cook make Suggestions for teaching key concepts Introduce Use PPT of rooms to demonstrate each 学生活动 Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about making a meal in the kitchen. word 2) Translate “make” and “cook”. Note that “cook” always implies heating food. When you use a stove, you always “cook” 3) Use the student book and audiotape The lesson in the student book mentions “mine” and “yours”. Note “mine” and “yours” in this lesson. Where does Jenny say these words? Why? Step3 : practice Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about making a meal in the kitchen. Encourage the students to have fun and use as much vocabulary as possible from this unit. 3) Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about showing someone around a new house or apartment. Encourage the students to use as many English phrases as they can. Listen and draw the pictures. Then, color the pictures. Draw a stove and color it brown. Draw a dish and color it pink Draw a refrigerator and color it gray. Draw a sink and color it yellow Step 4: Listening exercise. Listen and draw the pictures. Then, color the pictures. Draw a stove and color it brown. Draw a dish and color it pink Draw a refrigerator and color it gray. Draw a sink and color it yellow Step 5: Class closing 板书设计 Lesson25 What Do We Need for the Trip T: I want to go to ShangHai . Where are you want to go ? S: I want to go to . T: What do you need ? S: I need . 练习及作业设置 1识记本课单词及短语并让家长听写。 2,想一想你旅行需要哪些东西,你会用英语说哪些呢? 教学反思 本课接触了很多和旅行有关的短语,比较难记忆,在教授的时候我采用了情境创设,逐层引入的方法,取得了不错的效果,学生能在我的带领下体会文中主人公的心情,以及在当前环境下所说的话,声情并茂的去朗读课文。 第四单元 第 26 课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson26 Li Ming’s Favorite Clothes 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 能听、说、读、写this,that,these,those这些词汇。 教 学 重 点 培养他们合作学习的意识和自我解决问题的能力 教 学 难 点 本课的四个指示代词this、that、these、those. 教 学 方 法 情境创设法,课堂问答法等。 学 法 设 计 讨论法,练习法,自主合作交流 教 学 准 备 教 师 多媒体 学 生 课 时 一个课时 安 排 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动 Step 1 : Class opening and Review 1) Greeting 2) Review Use a picture-prompt drill to review “ bathroom , kitchen , living room , bedroom . ” Show pictures of objects that belongs to each room and ask questions such as : What’s this ? Does this go in a ….. ? Step 2 Presentation and practice 一、Teach the words : bathtub, shower , toilet . 1、Use the PPT to introduce the new words . 2、Practice : Read after me Read one by one 学生活动 Show pictures of objects that belong in each room and ask questions Listen and draw the pictures. Then, color the pictures. Play “ point ” game 二、Demonstrate “ mine ” and “ yours ”and practice 1、 T : (Hold up my pencil ) This is my pencil. This is my pencil. It’s mine. Where is your pencil? S: (Hold up his or her pencil.) T: (Point to my pencil.)This is my pencil. That is your pencil. This is mine. That is yours. 2、Ask the students to practice in pairs . This is my …… That is your ……. This is mine. That is yours. 三、Teach the text 1、Listen to the tape to No.1 2、Ask the students to guess the meaning of “ dirty ”and “ wash ” . Then explain : 3、Ask them to read the text make some cards and stick them on the objects of bathroom. Note that Danny says he’s “ dirty ” at the beginning of the song and “ clean ”at the end of the song . What does “clean” mean ? . 4、Role-play the dialogue . 四、Study the song : “In the bathroom .” 1、Look at the picture and say the words . 2、Play the tape and have the students sing along and do the action . 3、Note that Danny says he’s “ dirty ” at the beginning of the song and “ clean ”at the end of the song . What does “clean” mean ? Step 3 Summary Today we learned the words of the “bathroom”. Please make some cards and stick them on the objects of bathroom. 板书设计 Lesson26 Li Ming’s Favorite Clothes a. I like ______sweater, It’s new. b.I like ______pants , but I don’t like _______pants . c._______shirt is too big ,but _____shirt is too small. 练习及作业设置 改错 a. I like this shoes . →________________________. b. These pants is red . →________________________. c. I don’t like those hat . →_______________________. 教学反思 指示代词this,that,these,those的学习有一定的难度,今天讲了并让学生们造了相应的句子,帮助学生更好的理解,但是学生总是在名字后忘记加s,或者be动词总是不注意它的复数形式。 第四单元 第 27课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson 27: Li Ming Packs His Suitcase 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 packing my/your/his/her suitcase Don’t forget____. 教 学 重 点 Make up a dialogue about packing a suitcase 教 学 难 点 packing my/your/his/her suitcase Don’t forget____. 教 学 方 法 情境创设法,课堂问答法等。 学 法 设 计 讨论法,练习法,自主合作交流 教 学 准 备 教 师 多媒体 学 生 课 时 安 排 一个课时 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动 Step1 : Class opening and review Suggestions for class opening Sing “in the bathroom” Suggestions for class review 学生活动 Show pictures of objects that belong in each room and Review locations and the structure “let’s go to the …….to ……” with an object-prompt drill. When hold up an object, the students substitute a location and activity. For example: Let’s go to the kitchen to make supper. Let’s go to the bathroom to wash our hands Let’s go to the living room to watch TV. Step 2: Key concepts This lesson primarily reviews vocabulary and skills from Level 6 Step3 : practice Play “living picture” with number 2 in the student book to reinforce the review vocabulary in this lesson. Ask for volunteers to make a “living room” the volunteers place objects at the front of the class that I describe. After have the “living room” assembled, ask for volunteers to play Danny, Jenny, ask questions Listen and draw the pictures. Then, color the pictures. make some cards Li Ming …. Read Number 2 in the student book aloud. As the volunteers hear their names, they take their laces in the “living room” with the appropriate objects, and perform the appropriate actions. Here are some phrases can use to ser up the “living room” at the beginning of the game: This is a living room. There is a couchchairTVtablepicture Window in the living room. There are flowers on the table There is a lamp beside the couch There are books on top of the TV. Ask a report to describe the person in the living room. Step 4: Listening exercise. Listen and draw the pictures. This is the living room You are sitting on a chair and watching TV and stick them on the objects of bathroom. Here are some phrases can use to ser up the “living room” at the beginning of the game: Your father is reading the newspaper under the lamp Your mother is writing a letter on the table. Step 5: Class closing 板书设计 Lesson 27: Li Ming Packs His Suitcase Do you like this/that/these/those___? Yes, please./No, thanks. a pair of How many ___ do you have? Don’t forget____! 练习及作业设置 Use the student book to read the text ,think about the questions: What happened they think? What is Danny wearing? Why? 教学反思 今天教学效果比较好,按计划完成了教学任务,学生课堂气氛活跃,能积极配合老师完成课堂各项活动,对知识的掌握也较好。 第四单元 第 28课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson 28:Where is it? 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 学生可以说出并且听懂常用句型Can you find my___?Yes,here it is./No,I can’t 教 学 重 点 Master the phrases: unlock my suitcase Wear a pajamas 教 学 难 点 Make new dialogues 教 学 方 法 情境创设法,课堂问答法等。 学 法 设 计 讨论法,练习法,自主合作交流 教 学 准 备 教 师 多媒体 学 生 课 时 安 排 一个课时 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动 学生活动 Step1 : Class opening and review Suggestions for class opening Review clothes the students have mastered, and other vocabulary, with “dress up” the students have mastered the following clothing in other levels: jeans, skirt, blouse, hat, pants, sweater, shoes, socks, jacket and glasses. Step 2: Key concepts boots umbrella dry wet always, sometimes, usually, never The students are familiar with some of the new vocabulary already, especially “dry” and “boots” Demonstrate “boots” and “umbrella” with real objects. Demonstrate “wet” and “dry” with some water and some paper. Get a piece of paper wet and compare it to a dry piece of paper. Use number 2 in the student book to Show pictures of objects that belong in each room and ask questions Listen and draw the pictures. Then, color the pictures. introduce “always” “sometimes” “usually” and “never” Pause after number 2 in the student book. Ask the students to translate, if they can, “always” “sometimes” “usually” and “never” help them arrive at the right answers. Before you play number 3, review the story so far, Li Ming has come to Canada to stay with jenny’s family. He has learned about jenny’s house. Where are jenny and Li Ming going now? is it rainy or sunny? Number 3 mentions “school bus” “bus stop” and “bus driver” the students know most of these words individually. What do they think they mean? Step3 : practice Play “never never” after you have played it a few times, play variation 2 with the new vocabulary: “wet” “dry” “ umbrella” and “boots” make some cards and stick them on the objects of bathroom. Here are some phrases can use to ser up the “living room” at the beginning of the game: Play “opposites” and include the new vocabulary “dry” and “wet” Number 3 in the activity book is a listening exercise on the audiotape as follows: Listen, write what you hear Sometimes, it is rainy. I usually wear my boots. My umbrella is wet. I am dry. I always go to school by bus. I never walk to school. Step 4: Class closing. 板书设计 Lesson 28:Where is it? Can you find my ____? Yes,here it is。/No,I can’t 练习及作业设置 Write down the sentences on the pieces of the paper. Write the key phrases in the exercises book. 教学反思 在教授情态动词部分的时候应该使用更多的造句练习,学生没能完全吃透这个重要的句型。我应该设置更多的对话练习来巩固这个部分的语法知识及情境。 第四单元 第 29课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson 29 : Buying Train Tickets 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 All of the students can say the words: jump ,run, walk from to 教 学 重 点 Use from to to make up sentences. 教 学 难 点 Make up a short dialogue that is about the seasons and perform It. 教 学 方 法 情境创设法,课堂问答法等。 学 法 设 计 讨论法,练习法,自主合作交流 教 学 准 备 教 师 多媒体 学 生 课 时 安 排 一个课时 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动 Step1 : Class opening and review Suggestions for class opening Review standard phrases greeting with“stop! Go!” Review questions the students mastered in level with a substitution drill. When you hold up or point to an object or picture, the students respond with one of these questions: how old are you? How tall are you? Where do you live? Use your large vocabulary card of a birthday cake for “how old are you?” use a tape measure for “how tall are you?” draw 学生活动 Review questions the students mastered in level with a substitution drill. When you hold up or point to an object or picture. quick a house on the blackboard for “where do you live?” Play “Simon says” to review other vocabulary the student book uses in this lesson. For example: Speak English Speak Chinese. Everyone jump point laugh cry! Point to china Canada the U.S the U.K Australia! Step 2: Key concepts This is a review lesson for concepts mastered in book4. Note the phrase Li Ming uses: “I miss China.” can anyone find it in the lesson? What do the students think it means? Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about a visitor from another country coming to the classroom. Number 1 in the activity book is a listening exercise on the audiotape as Play “Simon says” to review other vocabulary the student book uses in this lesson Here are some phrases can use to ser up the “living room” at the beginning of the game: follows: Listen. Fill in the blanks. Hello! My name is Danny. Please answer my questions. What is her name? What is his name? What is your name? 板书设计 Lesson 29 : Buying Train Tickets jump run walk from to___ 练习及作业设置 Write the phrases in the exercises book: Go to the train station Buy tickets Don’t run/jump Jump on the train 教学反思 第四单元 第 30课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson 30 : Buying Train Tickets 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 All of the students can say the words: jump ,run, walk from to 教 学 重 点 Use from to to make up sentences. 教 学 难 点 Make up a short dialogue that is about the seasons and perform It. 教 学 方 法 情境创设法,课堂问答法等。 学 法 设 计 讨论法,练习法,自主合作交流 教 学 准 备 教 师 多媒体 学 生 课 时 一个课时 安 排 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动 step Ⅰ Warming-up and revision: Class opening and review 1.Chant the “Leave Arrive Chant .” 2.Review how to read time . Draw clocks on the blackboard and ask the class to recite the times in English . Key concepts (donut ) jump ,run, walk from to This lesson has two groups. key concepts. Teach them together. Introduce 1. Act out jump run and walk . Then do these actions from one object to another .Ask for a volunteer to do the actions from one object to another with you(Let’s run/jump/walk from one to another .)Then ask for volunteers to do 学生活动 Review questions the students mastered in level with a substitution drill. When you hold up or point to an object or picture. Play “Simon says” to review other them without you ,but as you direct . Sometimes change your directions while your volunteers are still moving between objects . For example : Teacher :Please jump from this book to that chair . Students: (Begin jumping from this book to the chair ) Teacher: Stop! Please jump! Please walk from the book to the chair 1 Use the student book and audiotape Review the story so far . Danny , Jenny and Liming have packed their suitcases. Look at the pictures in the lesson with the class > What are they doing now ? Practice 1. Give the students directions such as those below. Note that in English, you can say: From to both are correct. The students must listen carefully to the construction of each sentence you say . Please walk to the clock from the door . vocabulary the student book uses in this lesson Here are some phrases can use to ser up the “living room” at the beginning of the game: Please donut run from the chair to the window . Please jump. Divide the class into small groups . Ask the groups to pretend they are going on a trip and that they are buying tickets. Please read the suggestions for making up dialogues. Class Closing . 板书设计 Lesson 30 I Am Excited! from to___ sit , stand 练习及作业设置 一、找出不同类的一个 1. ( ) A. young B. old C. ball 2. ( ) A. funny B. fun C. strong 3. ( ) A. what B. who C. water 4. ( ) A. China B. Chinese C. English 5. ( ) A. woman B. lady C. man 教学反思 第四单元 第 31课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson31 Are You Ready For a Quiz? 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 通过复习本单元的内容,使学生掌握本单元重点单词、句型,并能灵活运用。 教 学 重 点 能借助重点单词this these that those用英语简单会话。 教 学 难 点 能正确回答本课5个问题 教 学 方 法 情境创设法,课堂问答法等。 学 法 设 计 讨论法,练习法,自主合作交流 教 学 准 备 教 师 多媒体 学 生 课 时 安 排 一个课时 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动 Ⅰ.Leading the new lesson. Good morning, boys and girls! Good morning, teacher. Thank you, sit down, please. I am very happy to give you a lesson today.. I want to tell you my English name. My English name is Marilyn. Marilyn, read after me, marilyn. First, let’s play a game. Do you like to play games? The game’s name is “hang man” Please look at the blackboard. 学生活动 Read them one by one, ask the students to read them after I have got a word. It is my name. (Draw the short lines on the blackboard) It has got seven letters. Read it “Marilyn” ”Marilyn ” Please give me the letter, how to spell “Marilyn” Which one? You, please. (Play the game) I’m sorry, you are dead. Do you feel excited to sit in the lab of our school? Is it your first time to come here? All of us feel very happy. I want to ask you a question. What do you like to do in your spare time? Ask the students to answer my question freely. S1:do morning exercises S2:dance me. After they are familiar with the phrases on the blackboard. Give the students a question S3:bounce the ball S4:run S5:draw pictures S6:read books S7:jump rope S8:play soccer S9:play computer S10: play basketball. … When they say the right answers. I put the phrases cards on the blackboard. Read them one by one, ask the students to read them after me. After they are familiar with the phrases on the blackboard. Give the students a question: If you want to do those things: what should you say? Ⅱ.Teaching the new lesson. For example, if you want to go for a walk, you must use a new sentence and ask your parents whether you may go make a conversation like this. out. What is this new sentence? May I…? Write it on the blackboard. Read after me. AAA may may may It’s just like the letter”A” OK,Let’ do some practice. Everyone stands up. Follow me: May I May I May I bounce the ball? May I May I May I open the door? May I May I May I sit on the floor ? You are great. Back to your seat. I have got some pictures. Please choose anyone you like. Choose one picture and try to make” May I May I…?OK?” But how to answer this questions? Here are two ways: Yes, you may. No, you may not. Sing the song ”head shoulders knees toes group by group”. Ss can say Read after me. OK, class, you did a very good job. Let’s make a conversation like this. A: What do you like to do? B: I like to play ping-pong. May I play ping-pong, now? A: Yes, you may. Ss can say something fluently about the phrases and conversation in pairs. Ss can cooperate to do it. Ⅲ.Make a conclusion. Sing the song ”head shoulders knees toes group by group”. Class closing. something fluently about the phrases and conversation in pairs. Ss can cooperate to do it. 板书设计 Lesson31: Are you ready for a quiz? Where are the clothes? What is Danny doing? Is this a yellow hat? Is Li Ming sitting or standing? Where are the tickets? 练习及作业设置 选择正确答案并将字母序号填在括号里。 ( )1.Look at the man, he is _____ A. strong B. a strong C. science ( )2.What’s he like? ____thin and short. A. She’s B. He’s C. his ( )3.This is ___ university student.. A. an B. a C. 不填 ( )4._____funny? Yes, she is. A. Is he B. Who’s C. Is she ( )5.1. Who’s ____ math teacher? A. your B. I C. you 教学反思 第四单元 第 32课 学 科 英语 年(班)级 五年级 执 教 臧文娟 课 题 Lesson 32: Again, Please ! 课 型 新授课 教 学 目 标 学会灵活运用动词“jump, run, walk, sit, stand” 教 学 重 点 能准确表述表示衣服的词,如“clothes, jacket”等 教 学 难 点 能听、说、读、写单词jump, run, walk, sit, stand,clothes, jacket,this ,that , these ,those,ticket 及掌握短语“from... to...”的用法。 教 学 方 法 情境创设法,课堂问答法等。 学 法 设 计 讨论法,练习法,自主合作交流 教 学 准 备 教 师 多媒体 学 生 课 时 安 排 一个课时 教 学 过 程(第一课时) 教具使用 或其他 教师活动 Ⅰ.Leading the new lesson. Step1: Warming-up Sing a song about clothes. Step2: Revision. 学生活动 1. Talk about the clothes in groups .( pants ,coat ,shoes, jacket...) A: What are you wearing? B: I’m wearing a jacket. A: Oh , it’s beautiful ,I like it. Where did you buy? B: In a store. A:I want to buy some clothes. Would you like to go with me? B: Sure. A: How far is it from school to the store? B: One kilometer. A: Ok! Let’s go there on foot! B: Let’s go. (In a store ) A: May I help you ? B: Yes, please. I want to buy a jacket. A: Ok, I’ll show you. Do you like this jacket or that jacket? A:I want this red one. How much is it? B: Thirty yuan . Read them one by one, ask the students to read them after me. After they are familiar with the phrases on the blackboard. Give the students a question A: I’ll take it. I want a pair of shoes too. B: Do you like these shoes or those shoes? A: I like those shoes. How much are they? B: Eighty Yuan . A: Oh, they are too dear, can you make them a little cheaper? B: What about fifty yuan ? A: Ok, here is the money. 2. Play a game: “Simon Says” in order to review the verbs.( jump, run, walk, sit, stand) 3.Do and guess: Do the actions and guess the verbs. Step 3: Class Closing . make a conversation like this Ss can say something fluently about the phrases and conversation in pairs. Ss can cooperate to do it. 板书设计 Lesson32:Again, Please ! jump, run, walk, sit, stand clothes, jacket this ,that , these ,those ticket 练习及作业设置 Review the contents we learnt before in this unit. Try your best to prepare the final exam and try to be the best. 教学反思查看更多