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‎2017——2018学年五年级英语上册教学计划 ‎ 天桥小学 李碧英 一、学情分析 本学期我任教五年级的英语,五年级的学生已经接触了两年英语,有一定的英语基础。儿童的特性使得他们活泼好动,对新事物有着强烈的好奇心,探索知识的欲望很强烈,并且有着很强的表现欲。但五年级的学生对英语学习兴趣整体有所下降,两极分化比较严重。所以本学期我将面向全体学生,以学生的发展为宗旨,因材施教,分层教学,始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放在首位,引导学生端正学习态度,掌握良好的学习方法,培养学生良好的学习习惯。‎ 二、教材分析 本教材的设计体现了“以人为本”的教育思想,形式多样活泼,很符合该年龄阶段的儿童。教材以话题为纲,以交际功能和语言结构为主线,逐步引导学生运用英语完成有实际意义的语言任务。体现了交际教学思想,注重学生语言应用能力的培养。在整体构思、内容安排、活动设计和教学方法选用上都紧密联系学生的生活实际、贯彻了语言的交际功能和语言应用的基本原则。‎ 本册教材共有六个单元和两个复习单元。第一单元是What’s he like? 这一单元重点学习如何用英语询问和描述人物的外貌与性格特征,培养学生尊重与热爱老师的思想感情。第二单元是My week.这一单元重点学习有关星期的词汇及如何用英语叙述一星期的课程安排以及周末的活动,该话题贴近学生的校园生活,若循序渐进地学习并运用目标语言,可以达到预定的目标。第三单元是 What would you like? 这一单元重点学习有关实物的词汇及如何用英语谈论自己喜欢的食物以及喜欢的原因。Recycle1是对一至三单元所学过的知识进行复习、巩固与提高。第四单元是What can you do? 这一单元的教学内容是围绕着“你会做什么”这个话题展开,教学内容与学生的日常生活紧密相连,教学的重点是情态动词can的陈述句和疑问句的用法。第五单元是There is a big bed.这一单元与学生的实际生活紧密相连,因此语言的实践活动是本单元教学设计的主流。第六单元是In a nature ‎ park.本单元的教学设计以自然公园、村庄及城市的生活情境为主,以学生的生活体验和认识为基础,启发学生在情境交流中学习、认知和表达。Recycle2是复习单元,帮助学生复习巩固前三个单元所学的语言知识,并进一步联系生活拓展应用。‎ 三、教学目标 根据小学生的心理和生理特征以及发展需求,小学阶段的英语课程的目的是激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立初步的英语学习的自信心;培养学生一定的语感和良好语音、语调基础。本学期学生应达到以下目标.‎ ‎1、能按四会、三会的要求掌握所学单词。‎ ‎2、能按四会要求掌握所学句型。‎ ‎3、能正确使用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,做到大胆开口,发音正确。‎ ‎4、能理解6个幽默小故事。‎ ‎5、能听懂、会吟唱6首歌曲。‎ ‎6、能在图片、手势、情境等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语和录音。‎ ‎7、进一步养成良好的书写习惯。‎ ‎8、能运用相关的语言知识和技能,完成某项任务。‎ 四、教材重点和难点 ‎1、能按四会、三会的要求掌握所学单词。‎ ‎2、能按四会要求掌握所学句型。‎ ‎3、能使用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,做到大胆开口,发音正确。‎ ‎4、能在图片、手势、情境等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语和录音。‎ 五、教学措施 ‎1、以活动为课堂教学的主要形式,设计丰富多彩的教学活动,让学生在乐中学、学中用,从而保证学生英语学习的可持续性发展。‎ ‎2、在教学过程中,采用情景教学法,让学生身临其境,积极主动地参与到课堂教学中去,调动学生的非智力因素,提高学生实际运用语言的能力。‎ ‎3、通过听、说、读、写、唱、游、演、画、做等形式,进行大量的语言操练和练习。‎ ‎4、培养学生拼读音标的能力,确保学生自主学习的质量。‎ ‎5、设计全面、高效的课外作业,培养学生良好的书写习惯,做到整洁、规范、正确地书写。‎ ‎6、活用教材,根据学生的实际情况,将每单元各个板块进行整合,重组,降低难度。‎ 教案 Unit 1 What does she look like?‎ ‎(第1课时)‎ 学习目标 一 知识目标 词汇:1) 新单词:tall高的,long长的,round圆的, short短的, young年轻的 ‎ old年老的 ‎ 2) 复习:look,like, mice, see, guess, has, face, eyes, hair, beautiful, big, small 语法:现在进行时态 句子: 1) A: What does she look like? B: She is tall and she has long hair.‎ ‎ 2) I think she is short. 3) She has a yound face and big eyes.‎ 二 能力目标:能朗读单词、句子,能了解每个单词的词义及句意,能用英语描述外貌。 ‎ 三 情感目标:关心同学,了解同学,共同活动,一起开心,增进同学之间的友谊。‎ 学习过程 自主学习(单词 . 8分钟)‎ Step 1 Group work:Let Ss read the words in the guiding learning plan in group.‎ ‎ (分组学习:请同学们自己复习和学习下列单词)‎ ‎1) 旧单词:look,like, mice, see, guess, has, face, eyes, hair, beautiful, big, small ‎ ‎2) 新单词:tall高的,long长的,round圆的, short短的,矮的, young年轻的,old年老的, again再次,又一次 Chinese 汉语,中国人,teacher老师 Step 2. Discussion: Let Ss discuss the words in the guiding learning and think them over what the meanings are.(分组讨论每个单词的词义。)‎ Step 3. Let Ss read the words by themselves.‎ 展示(单词 . 3分钟)‎ Step 1. Pairwork Ask Ss to work in pairs and read the words in front of the class.‎ Step 2.Evaluation The teacher will make appropriape evaluation.Then read the words after the teacher.‎ 自主学习(句子 . 10分钟)‎ Step 1. Learn by oneself. Let Ss read the sentences in A. Make sure to understand each sentence. Finish the practise below.‎ Step 2. Group work. Lst Ss discuss each sentence. Finish the practise below.‎ ‎ Practise.‎ ‎ (一) Translate the sentences below into Chinese.‎ ‎ 1) Nice to see you again. 2) We have a new Chinese teacher this year.‎ ‎ 3) What does she look like? 4) She is tall and has long hair ‎ 5) She has a round face and big eyes. 6) She is not tall, but she is beaytiful.‎ ‎ (二)写出反义词 ‎1. long-- 2, old-- 3, tall-- 4, young---‎ 展示(句子 . 2分钟)‎ Ask St to show their answers.‎ 一起学习研讨 (教师讲解 . 10分钟)‎ ‎1. does是do的第三人称单数形式,只能与第三人称单数连用。‎ ‎2. look like… 看起来像… … ‎ ‎3. 动词have的用法:‎ 汉意:“有,吃,喝”之意 ‎ 两种形式:have, has.‎ 用法: has只能与第三人称连用;have与第一、二人称级复数连用。‎ ‎ 如:He has a new pen. I have a new pen, too.‎ ‎4. She is tall. 她个子高。She has short hair. 她留着短发。‎ ‎5. 词组:this year 今年,long hair 长发, big eyes 大眼睛, a round face 圆圆的脸, short hair 短发 测评反馈( 60分 . 5分钟 )‎ 一.请写出下列单词的反义词 ‎1 long ---- 2. new--- ‎ ‎3. small--- 4. tall--- ‎ 二.用have,has填空 ‎1. His mother a beautiful long hair.‎ ‎2. Lingling short hair. ‎ ‎3. We a new English teacher this year.‎ ‎4. He two small eyes.‎ ‎ 三. 抄写单词 (三遍)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 课后反思 ‎(第2课时)‎ 学习目标 一 知识目标 词汇:1) 新单词:tall高的,long长的,round圆的, short短的, young年轻的 ‎ old年老的 ‎ 2) 复习:look,like, mice, see, guess, has, face, eyes, hair, beautiful, big, small 语法:现在进行时态 句子: 1) A: What does she look like? B: She is tall and she has long hair.‎ ‎ 2) I think she is short. 3) She has a yound face and big eyes.‎ 二 能力目标:能朗读单词、句子,能了解每个单词的词义及句意,能用英语描述外貌。 ‎ 三 情感目标:关心同学,了解同学,共同活动,一起开心,增进同学之间的友谊。‎ 学习过程 自主复习(单词、句子 . 5分钟)‎ Step 1 Group work:Let Ss review the words in the guiding learning plan in group.‎ ‎ (分组复习:请同学们自己复习下列单词)‎ ‎1) 旧单词:look,like, mice, see, guess, has, face, eyes, hair, beautiful, big, small ‎ ‎2) 新单词:tall ,long ,round , short , young ,old , again Chinese ,teacher ‎ Step 2. Discussion: Let Ss discuss the words in the huiding learning and think them over what the meanings are.(分组讨论下列单词的词义)‎ Step 3. Let Ss read the words by themselves.‎ 展示(单词、句子 . 5分钟)‎ Step 1 Pairwork Ask Ss to read the words in front of the class.‎ 自主学习( C . 7分钟)‎ Step 1. Let Ss practice after the model..‎ 分组活动,仿照示范练习。‎ Model 1 (Chinese teacher, Mr Cheng; tall, short hair, big eyes)‎ A:My Chinese techer is Mr Yang. B: What does he look like?‎ A: He is tall. He has small eyes and short hair. B: That’s Mr Yang.‎ ‎ Model 2 (math teacher, Mrs Liu; not tall, long hair, beautiful)‎ A: My math teacher is Mrs liu. B: What does she look like?‎ A: She is not tall. She has kong hair. She is beautiful.‎ Step 2. Group work. Let Ss practice their concersitions.‎ 展示( 对话 . 10分钟)‎ Ask some students to act out their conversitions in frone of the class.‎ 一起学习研讨(教师讲解 . 7分钟)‎ ‎1. What’s does she/he look like? 她长的怎么样?‎ ‎ 该句话通常用来询问一个人的外貌,其答语为:‎ ‎ She/He is +形容词. 或:She/He has+形容词+身体部位。‎ ‎ 也可:She/He is +形容词 and she/he has+形容词+身体部位。‎ ‎ 如:--- What does your mother look like? 你妈妈长得怎样?‎ ‎ --- She is tall and she has long hair and two big eyes.‎ ‎2. 复习be动词行为动词have的用法及区别 小 节 (1分钟)‎ Step 1. Read the text after the teacher.‎ Step 2. After-school summary.‎ 测评反馈(60分 . 10 分钟)‎ 一.选择题 20分 ‎( ) 1. A: Nice to see you again. B: . ‎ ‎ A. Good morning B.Hello C. Nice to see you, too ‎ ‎( ) 2. What your sister look like?‎ ‎ A, is B. do C. does D. are ‎( ) 3.The boy very short..‎ ‎ A. is B. are C, has ‎( ) 4. The boy short hair.‎ ‎ A. is B. are C, has ‎ ‎( ) 5. She is not tall, she is beautiful.‎ ‎ A. and B. but C. so (所以) ‎ ‎ 二.英汉匹配 20分 ‎( ) 1. long hair A. 长发 ‎( ) 2. big eyes B. 大眼睛 ‎( ) 3. short hair C. 短发 ‎( ) 4. small eyes D. 小眼睛 ‎( ) 5. round face E. 圆圆的脸 ‎ 三. 抄写并熟读下列对话 20分 A:Good morning, Peter . Nice to see you.‎ B: Good morning, Lingling. Nice to see you too.‎ A: We have a new Chinese teacher this year.‎ B: What does he look like?‎ A: He is tall and has short hair. He is cool.‎ B: I agree tith you 教学反思 Unit 2 I’d like a hamburger.‎ ‎(第1课时)‎ 学习目标 一 知识目标 词汇:1) 新单词:hamburger汉堡包,Coke可乐,food食物, sandwich三明治, ‎ fish鱼,鱼肉chicken鸡肉 beef牛肉 ‎ 2) 复习:would ike,help, what about…, how much, coffee, orange juice hungry, ‎ 语法:How much 引导的特殊疑问句 句子: 1) A: What would you like? B: I’s like a humberger.‎ ‎ 2) What about you?. 3) Here is your food ‎4) A: How much is it? B;It’s fifteen yuan.‎ 二 能力目标:能朗读单词、句子,能了解每个单词的词义及句意,能用英语表达需要。 ‎ 三 情感目标:关心同学,了解同学,共同活动,一起开心,增进同学之间的友谊。‎ 学习过程 自主学习(单词 . 8分钟)‎ Step 1 Group work:Let Ss read the words in the guiding learning plan in group.‎ ‎ (分组学习:请同学们自己复习和学习下列单词)‎ ‎1) 旧单词:would ike,help, what about…, how much, coffee, orange juice hungry ‎ ‎2) 新单词:hamburger汉堡包,Coke可乐,food食物sandwich三明治,fish鱼,鱼肉chicken鸡肉 beef牛肉 Step 2 Discussion: Let Ss discuss the words in the guiding learning and think them over what the meanings are.(分组讨论每个单词的词义。)‎ Step 3 Let Ss read the words by themselves.‎ 展示(单词 . 3分钟)‎ Step 1. Pairwork Ask Ss to work in pairs and read the words in front of the class.‎ Step 2.Evaluation The teacher make appropriape evaluation.Then read the words after the teacher.‎ 自主学习(句子 . 10分钟)‎ Step 1 Learn by oneself. Let Ss read the sentences in A. Make sure to understand each sentence. Finish the practise below.‎ Step 2 Group work. Lst Ss discuss each sentence. Finish the practise below.‎ ‎ Practise. (一) Translate the sentences below into Chinese.‎ ‎ 1) A: What would you like? B: I’s like a humberger.‎ ‎ 2) What about you?. 3) Here is your food ‎4) A: How much is it? B;It’s fifteen yuan.‎ ‎ (二)写出缩写形式或反义词 ‎1. I would likeg-- 2,here is-- 3, new---- 4, short---‎ 展示(句子 . 2分钟)‎ Ask St to show their answers.‎ 一起学习研讨 (教师讲解 . 10分钟)‎ ‎1.I’d like a hamburger 我要一个汉堡包。‎ ‎ (1) would like… 想要… … 要… ‎ ‎ (2) I’d likde… =I would like … 我要… 。‎ He’d like…=He would like… 他要 ‎2. What would you like? 你要什么?‎ ‎3. Can I help you? 我能帮助你吗?=What cai I do for you?‎ ‎4. A:How much is it? 多少钱? B: It’s 15 yuan. ‎ ‎5. A: Here you are. 给你。 B: Thank you.=Thanls. 谢谢。‎ 测评反馈( 60分 . 5分钟 )‎ 一.英英匹配 20分 ‎( ) 1 What would you like? A. Yes, please. I’d like a coke.‎ ‎( ) 2. Here you are. B. It’s five yuan.‎ ‎( ) 3.Can I help you? C. I’’d like a hamburger.‎ ‎( ) 4. What does she look like? D. He is tall and has r yound face.‎ ‎( ) 5. How much is your bag? E. Thank you very much.‎ 二.用have,has,is, are填空 20分 ‎1. His sister a beautiful long hair.‎ ‎2. Lingling short. ‎ ‎3. We a new math teacher this year.‎ ‎4. He two small eyes.‎ ‎5. These chicken. ‎ ‎ 三. 抄写单词 (三遍) 20分 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 课后反思 ‎(第2课时)‎ 学习目标 一 知识目标 词汇:1) 新单词:hamburger汉堡包,Coke可乐,food食物, sandwich三明治, ‎ fish鱼,鱼肉chicken鸡肉 beef牛肉 ‎ 2) 复习:would ike,help, what about…, how much, coffee, orange juice hungry, ‎ 语法:How much 引导的特殊疑问句 句子: 1) A: What would you like? B: I’s like a humberger.‎ ‎ 2) What about you?. 3) Here is your food ‎4) A: How much is it? B;It’s fifteen yuan.‎ 二 能力目标:能朗读单词、句子,能了解每个单词的词义及句意,能用英语表达需要。 ‎ 三 情感目标:关心同学,了解同学,共同活动,一起开心,增进同学之间的友谊。‎ 学习过程 自主复习(单词、句子 . 5分钟)‎ Step 1 Group work:Let Ss review the words in the guiding learning plan in group.‎ ‎ (分组复习:请同学们自己复习下列单词)‎ ‎1) 旧单词:would ike,help, what about…, how much, coffee, orange juice hungry, ‎ ‎2) 新单词:hamburger,Coke,food, sandwich, fish,chicken beef ‎3) a. A: What would you like? B: I’s like a humberger.‎ ‎ b. What about you?. c. Here is your food d. A: How much is it? B;It’s fifteen yuan.‎ Step 2 Discussion: Let Ss read the words and discuss the words in the guiding learning and think them over what the meanings are.(分组讨论单词的词义)‎ Step 3 Let Ss read the words by themselves. ‎ Step 4 Read the words and sentences after the teacher.‎ 展示(单词、句子 . 5分钟)‎ Step 1 Pairwork Ask Ss to read the words in front of the class.‎ 自主学习( C . 7分钟)‎ Step 1. Let Ss practice after the model..‎ 分组活动,仿照示范练习。‎ Model 1 (a hamburger)‎ A:What would you like? B: I’d like a hamburger.‎ ‎ Model 2 ( some fish)‎ A: What would you like? B: I’’d like some fish.‎ Step 2. Group work. Let Ss write their conversitions and practice them.‎ 展示( 对话 . 10分钟)‎ Ask some students to act out their conversitions in frone of the class.‎ 一起学习研讨(教师讲解 . 7分钟)‎ ‎1.I’d like a hamburger 我要一个汉堡包。‎ ‎ (1) would like… 想要… … 要… ‎ ‎ (2) I’d likde… =I would like … 我要… He’d like…=He would like… 他要 ‎2. What would you like? 你要什么?‎ ‎3. Can I help you? 我能帮助你吗?=What cai I do for you?‎ ‎4. A:How much is it? 多少钱? B: It’s 15 yuan. ‎ ‎5. A: Here you are. 给你。 B: Thank you.=Thanls. 谢谢。‎ 小 节 (1分钟)‎ Step 1. Read the text after the teacher.‎ Step 2. After-school summary.‎ 测评反馈(60分 . 10 分钟)‎ 一.选择题 20分 ‎( ) 1. A: Here you are. B: . ‎ ‎ A. Thanks you B.Thank you C. Thank ‎ ‎( ) 2. A: What your sister look like? B: I’d like a Coke.‎ ‎ A, would B. do C. does D. are ‎( ) 3.The girl short hair and small eyes..‎ ‎ A. is B. are C, has ‎( ) 4. A: Can I help you? B: .‎ ‎ A.OK B. Yes, please C, No, I can’t. ‎ ‎( ) 5. A: is his hat? B: It’s ten yuan.‎ ‎ A. How many B. How C. How much ‎ ‎ 二.英汉匹配 20分 ‎( ) 1.hamburger A. 咖啡 ‎( ) 2. chicken B. 一些牛肉 ‎( ) 3. some fish C. 鸡肉 ‎( ) 4. some beef D. 汉堡包 ‎( ) 5. coffee E. 一些鱼肉 ‎ 三. 抄写并熟读下列对话 20分 A:Can I help you?‎ B: Yes, please. I’d like a hamburger. What would you like, Lucy?‎ C. I ‘s like a Coke.‎ A: A hamburger and a Coke.‎ B: How nuch are they?‎ A: They are 6 yuan.‎ C: Here you are A: Thank you.‎ 教学反思 Unit 3 Do you want some rice?‎ 学习目标 ‎1.知识目标:①能听说读写单词:lunch, rice, soup, vegetables;‎ ‎②会说句型:Do you want some rice? Yes, please. No, thank you.‎ ‎2.技能目标:①Do you want some…? Yes, please. No, thank you.就食物的选择向他人提问或回答他人的提问。‎ ‎3.情感目标:①有兴趣听、说英语,能用英语做游戏。‎ ‎②乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与主动请教。‎ ‎③能积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,培养学生的组织能力和合作精神。‎ ‎④知道英语国家中最常见的饮料和食品名称。‎ ‎4.文化意识:了解中西方不同的饮食习惯。‎ ‎5.教学重点:听懂、说出Do you want some…? 并做出回答。理解并表达关于食品的简单信息。‎ ‎6.教学难点:some more在对话中的含义 ‎ 教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up ‎ ‎ 1.师生问候。‎ ‎2.自由对话,复习上一单元关于购物的用语 ‎ Step 2 Presentation up ‎1. T(戴上Dino的头饰或手饰):Hello,my friends. Today is my birthday. Please say “Happy birthday”to me.‎ ‎ Ss:Happy birthday to you!‎ ‎ T:Thank you. Would you like to have lunch in my house?‎ ‎ 将四张“请柬”(invitation)分发给四个大组,要求每组派一名代表参加。然后将一些食品(包括已学食品单词)的卡片贴在黑板上。教新单词时,应注意以旧引新。‎ ‎ T:Let’s have lunch!‎ ‎ (to S1) Do you want some rice?‎ ‎ (to S2) Do you want some soup?‎ ‎ (to S3) Do you want some vegetables?‎ 借助单词卡片帮助学生理解新单词含义,并引导学生回答。‎ S1-4:Yes please. Thank you. /No, Thank you. I want some …‎ ‎2. 操练句型 “Do you want some …? Yes please. Thank you. ”。‎ 游戏——Guess , guess, guess!(猜一猜)‎ 让学生们用句型“Do you want some …?猜。‎ T:I feel hungry. I want something to eat. Guess, What do I want to eat?‎ S1:Do you want some buns?‎ S2:Do you want a hamburger? ‎ ‎…‎ 引导学生灵活使用已学的所有食品名称会话。也可让学生充当小老师组织该游戏。‎ 游戏——Dragon game (接龙游戏)‎ 教师将有关食品的单词卡片分发给各组,学生边传边进行单词问答。游戏结束后,评选出“Who is polite”。‎ S1:Do you want some buns?‎ S2:“Yes please. Thank you. Do you want some …?”。‎ ‎…‎ ‎3. 课文A部分。‎ ‎1)听录音,复述所听内容。‎ ‎2)听录音,跟读。解释难点some more。‎ Step 3 Practice ‎1. 分组练习课文A部分。‎ ‎2. 分角色表演课文A部分。‎ Step 4 Consolidation ‎1. 创造情景,自由会话。‎ 情景A:生日晚宴上,主人热情地招待客人,客人礼貌回应。‎ Ss:Happy birthday,S1.‎ S1:Thank you very much. Welcome to my birthday party. Please help yourselves. Do you want some rice, S2? ‎ S2:Yes please. Thank you.‎ S1:Do you want some more cake, S3?‎ S3:No, Thank you. I want some vegetables.‎ ‎…‎ 情景B:快餐店中,服务员热情周到地招呼前来就餐的顾客。‎ S1:Hello.‎ S2:Hello.‎ S1:Do you want some soup?‎ S2:Yes please. Thank you.‎ ‎2. 评价 ‎3. 课堂练习。‎ 答案:‎ A. 1. Do you want some rice, Anne?‎ ‎ 2. Yes please. Thank you.‎ ‎3. Do you want some soup, Peter?‎ ‎4. No, Thank you.‎ ‎4. 家庭作业。‎ ‎1)听录音,熟读课文。‎ ‎2)在上一单元所做卡片基础上补充做卡片 water, soup, vegetables. Pepper. salt。‎ Unit 4 Can I use your pencil ?‎ ‎(第1课时)‎ 学习目标 一 知识目标 词汇:1) 新单词:use使用, excuse me请原谅, English英语 thing东西, borrow 借, ‎ Chinese中文, dictionary字典, eraser橡皮擦, marker记号笔, glue胶水 ‎ 2) 复习: You are welcome.不用谢。Schoolbag书包,they他们,它们,她们 ‎ Clean擦, draw画,line 直线,ruler 直尺 语法:can开头的一般疑问句 句子: 1) A:Can I use your pen? B: Yes. Here you are..‎ ‎ 2) A: Where is your schoolbag? B: At home.‎ ‎ 3) Can I borrow your pencil? ‎ 二 能力目标:能朗读单词、句子,能了解每个单词的词义及句意,能用英语表达借物。 ‎ 三 情感目标:文明、礼貌借物。‎ 学习过程 自主学习(单词 . 8分钟)‎ Step 1 Group work:Let Ss read the words in the guiding learning plan in group.‎ ‎ (分组学习:请同学们自己复习和学习下列单词)‎ ‎1) 旧单词:You are welcome.不用谢。Schoolbag书包,they他/它/她 clean擦, draw画,line 直线,ruler 直尺 ‎2) 新单词:use使用, excuse me请原谅, English英语 thing东西, borrow 借, Chinese中文, dictionary字典, eraser橡皮擦, marker记号笔, glue胶水 Step 2 Discussion: Let Ss discuss the words in the guiding learning and think them over what the meanings are.(分组讨论每个单词的词义。)‎ Step 3 Let Ss read the words by themselves.‎ 展示(单词 . 3分钟)‎ Step 1. Pairwork Ask Ss to work in pairs and read the words in front of the class.‎ Step 2.Evaluation The teacher make appropriape evaluation.Then read the words after the teacher.‎ 自主学习(句子 . 10分钟)‎ Step 1 Learn by oneself. Let Ss read the sentences in A. Make sure to understand each sentence. Finish the practise below.‎ Step 2 Group work. Lst Ss discuss each sentence. Finish the practise below.‎ ‎ Practise. (一) Translate the sentences below into Chinese.‎ ‎ 1) A:Can I use your pen? B: Yes. Here you are..‎ ‎ 2) A: Where is your schoolbag? B: At home.‎ ‎ 3) Can I borrow your pencil? ‎ 展示(句子 . 2分钟)‎ Ask St to show their answers.‎ 一起学习研讨 (教师讲解 . 10分钟)‎ ‎1.Excuse me. 打扰一下,对不起,劳驾。‎ ‎2. Can I use your pencil,please? 我能使用你的铅笔吗?‎ ‎ (1) can“能,会”,是一个情态动词,情态动词后接动原,且五人称和数的变化 ‎ 如:I can swim. She can swim, too.‎ ‎ (2) 若肯定句里有can, 其一般疑问句则把can提前即可。‎ ‎ He can draw a line.---Can he draw a line?‎ ‎ (3) 若肯定句里有can, 其否定句则在can之前加not, 一般用缩写:can’t.‎ ‎ He can draw a line.---He can’t sraw a line.‎ ‎3. A: Thank you. 谢谢。 B: You’re welcome. 不用谢。/没关系。‎ ‎4. Where is/are+某人/某物? 某人/物在哪里?‎ ‎ (1) 何时用is?何时用are? (2) 关于回答:何时用it? 何时用they?‎ 测评反馈( 60分 . 5分钟 )‎ 一.小小翻译家 20分 ‎( ) 1. Excuse me.‎ ‎ A. 对不起。 B. 谢谢你。‎ ‎( ) 2.Can I use your ruler?‎ ‎ A. 我可以用你的直尺吗? B. 你能用你的直尺吗?‎ ‎( ) 3. Here you are. A. 这是你。 B。 给你。‎ ‎( ) 4. This is a Chinese book..‎ ‎ A. 这是一本语文书。 B. 这是一本英语书。 ‎ ‎ 二. 抄写单词 (三遍) 40分 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 课后反思 ‎(第2课时)‎ 学习目标 一 知识目标 词汇:1) 新单词:use使用, excuse me请原谅, English英语 thing东西, borrow 借, ‎ Chinese中文, dictionary字典, eraser橡皮擦, marker记号笔, glue胶水 ‎ 2) 复习: You are welcome.不用谢。Schoolbag书包,they他们,它们,她们 ‎ Clean擦, draw画,line 直线,ruler 直尺 语法:can开头的一般疑问句 句子: 1) A:Can I use your pen? B: Yes. Here you are..‎ ‎ 2) A: Where is your schoolbag? B: At home.‎ ‎ 3) Can I borrow your pencil? ‎ 二 能力目标:能朗读单词、句子,能了解每个单词的词义及句意,能用英语表达借物。 ‎ 三 情感目标:文明、礼貌借物。‎ 学习过程 自主复习(单词、句子 . 5分钟)‎ Step 1 Group work:Let Ss review the words in the guiding learning plan in group.‎ ‎ (分组复习:请同学们自己复习下列单词)‎ ‎1) 旧单词:You are welcome.不用谢。Schoolbag书包,they他/她/它们 Clean擦, draw画,line 直线,ruler 直尺 ‎2) 新单词:l use使用, excuse me请原谅, English英语 thing东西, borrow 借, Chinese中文, dictionary字典, eraser橡皮擦, marker记号笔, glue胶水 ‎3) 1) A:Can I use your pen? B: Yes. Here you are..‎ ‎ 2) A: Where is your schoolbag? B: At home.‎ ‎ 3) Can I borrow your pencil? ‎ Step 2 Discussion: Let Ss read the words and discuss the words in the guiding learning and think them over what the meanings are.(分组讨论单词的词义)‎ Step 3 Let Ss read the words by themselves. ‎ Step 4 Read the words and sentences after the teacher.‎ 展示(单词、句子 . 5分钟)‎ Step 1 Pairwork Ask Ss to read the words in front of the class.‎ 自主学习( C . 7分钟)‎ Step 1. Let Ss practice after the model..‎ 分组活动,仿照示范练习。‎ Model ‎ A:Can I use your pencil? B: Yes.Here you are..‎ Step 2. Group work. Let Ss write their conversitions and practice them.‎ 展示( 对话 . 10分钟)‎ Ask some students to act out their conversitions in frone of the class.‎ 一起学习研讨(教师讲解 . 7分钟)‎ ‎1.Excuse me. 打扰一下,对不起,劳驾。‎ ‎2. Can I use your pencil,please? 我能使用你的铅笔吗?‎ ‎ (1) can“能,会”,是一个情态动词,情态动词后接动原,且五人称和数的变化 ‎ 如:I can swim. She can swim, too.‎ ‎ (2) 若肯定句里有can, 其一般疑问句则把can提前即可。‎ ‎ He can draw a line.---Can he draw a line?‎ ‎ (3) 若肯定句里有can, 其否定句则在can之前加not, 一般用缩写:can’t.‎ ‎ He can draw a line.---He can’t sraw a line.‎ ‎3. A: Thank you. 谢谢。 B: You’re welcome. 不用谢。/没关系。‎ ‎4. Where is/are+某人/某物? 某人/物在哪里?‎ ‎ (1) 何时用is?何时用are? (2) 关于回答:何时用it? 何时用they?‎ 小 节 (1分钟)‎ Step 1. Read the text after the teacher.‎ Step 2. After-school summary.‎ 测评反馈(60分 . 10 分钟)‎ 一.选择题 20分 ‎( ) 1. A: Thank you. B: . ‎ ‎ A. Yes. B. You’re welcome. C. Thank you ‎ ‎( ) 2. A: Where is your schoolbag? B: on the sofa.‎ ‎ A, They’re B.It’s C. He’s ‎ ‎( ) 3.This is eraser.‎ ‎ A.a B. an C, x ‎( ) 4. A: Can I a pen? ‎ ‎ A.use B. uses C, to use. ‎ ‎( ) 5. A: ? B: He is very tall.‎ ‎ A. What would you like B.What does he look like? C. What’s this ‎ ‎ 二.组句 ‎ ‎1. things, youe, are, Where?-----‎ ‎2. the, blackboard, clean, Please.----‎ ‎3. Can, ruler, your, use, I? 4. you, are, Here.‎ 三. 请排序,组成一段对话 20分 ‎1. Yes, here you are. 2. Excuse me. 3. Can I borrow your English book?‎ ‎4. You’re welcome. 5. Yes? 6. Thank you very much.‎ ‎ 正确顺序: , , , , , 6 ,‎ 教学反思 Unit 5 Can I have a pet ?‎ ‎(第1课时)‎ 学习目标 一 知识目标 词汇:1) 新单词:pet宠物, rabbit兔子, basket篮子, lovely可爱的, hold握着, sure当然.‎ ‎ 2) 复习: cage笼子tiger老虎onkey猴子ion狮子og小狗en小鸡duck鸭子 bird鸟 elephant大象 语法:can开头的一般疑问句及回答 句子: 1) A:Can I have a pet? B: Yes, you can.‎ ‎ 2) A:Can I have a cat ? B: No, you can’t. 3) It’s lovely. ‎ 二 能力目标:能朗读单词、句子,能了解每个单词的词义及句意,并能用英语表达。 ‎ 三 情感目标:爱护动物,保护动物,热爱大自然。‎ 学习过程 自主学习(单词 . 8分钟)‎ Step 1 Group work:Let Ss read the words in the guiding learning plan in group.‎ ‎ (分组学习:请同学们自己复习和学习下列单词)‎ ‎1) 旧单词:cage笼子tiger老虎onkey猴子ion狮子og小狗en小鸡duck 鸭子bird鸟 elephant大象 ‎2) 新单词:pet宠物, rabbit兔子, basket篮子, lovely可爱的, hold握着, sure当然.‎ Step 2 Discussion: Let Ss discuss the words in the guiding learning and think them over what the meanings are.(分组讨论每个单词的词义。)‎ Step 3 Let Ss read the words by themselves.‎ 展示(单词 . 3分钟)‎ Step 1. Pairwork Ask Ss to work in pairs and read the words in front of the class.‎ Step 2.Evaluation The teacher make appropriape evaluation.Then read the words after the teacher.‎ 自主学习(句子 . 10分钟)‎ Step 1 Learn by oneself. Let Ss read the sentences in A. Make sure to understand each sentence. Finish the practise below.‎ Step 2 Group work. Lst Ss discuss each sentence. Finish the practise below.‎ ‎ Practise. (一) Translate the sentences below into Chinese.‎ ‎ : 1) A:Can I have a pet? B: Yes, you can.‎ ‎ 2) A:Can I have a cat ? B: No, you can’t.‎ ‎ 3) It’s lovely. ‎ 展示(句子 . 2分钟)‎ Ask St to show their answers.‎ 一起学习研讨 (教师讲解 . 10分钟)‎ ‎1. A: Can I have a pet? 我可以有个宠物吗? B: Yes, you can./Np, you can’t.‎ ‎ (1) can“能,会”,是一个情态动词,情态动词后接动原,且无人称和数的变化 ‎ 如:I can swim. She can swim, too.‎ ‎ (2) 若肯定句里有can, 其一般疑问句则把can提前即可。‎ ‎ He can draw a line.---Can he draw a line?‎ ‎ (3) 回答:肯定回答:Yes, … can. ‎ ‎ 否定回答:No,… can’t.‎ ‎ (4) 若肯定句里有can, 其否定句则在can之前加not, 一般用缩写:can’t.‎ ‎ He can draw a line.---He can’t draw a line.‎ 测评反馈( 60分 . 5分钟 )‎ 一.小小翻译家 20分 ‎( ) 1. Can I have a pet?‎ ‎ A. 我可以有个宠物吗? B. 我可以吃个宠物吗?‎ ‎( ) 2.Can I have a rabit?‎ ‎ A. 我可以有个猫吗? B. 我可以有个兔子吗?‎ ‎( ) 3. Can I hold it? ‎ A. 我能抱着它吗。 B。我能看看它吗?‎ ‎( ) 4. It’s lovely. A. 它很孤独。 B. 它很可爱。 ‎ ‎ 二. 根据要求转换句子 ‎1. She can have a pet dog. (否定句) She have a pet dog.‎ ‎1. I can have a cat? 一般疑问句: have a cat?‎ 肯定回答: , .‎ 否定回答: , . ‎ ‎ 二. 抄写单词 (新单词两遍,旧单词一遍) 20分 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 课后反思 ‎(第2课时)‎ 学习目标 一 知识目标 词汇:1) 新单词:pet宠物, rabbit兔子, basket篮子, lovely可爱的, hold握着, sure当然.‎ ‎ 2) 复习: cage笼子tiger老虎onkey猴子ion狮子og小狗en小鸡duck鸭子 bird鸟 elephant大象 语法:can开头的一般疑问句及回答 句子: 1) A:Can I have a pet? B: Yes, you can.‎ ‎ 2) A:Can I have a cat ? B: No, you can’t.‎ ‎ 3) It’s lovely. ‎ 二 能力目标:能朗读单词、句子,能了解每个单词的词义及句意,并能用英语表达。 ‎ 三 情感目标:爱护动物,保护动物,热爱大自然。‎ 学习过程 自主复习(单词、句子 . 5分钟)‎ Step 1 Group work:Let Ss review the words in the guiding learning plan in ‎ group.‎ ‎ (分组复习:请同学们自己复习下列单词)‎ ‎1) 旧单词:cage笼子tiger老虎onkey猴子ion狮子og小狗en小鸡duck 鸭子bird鸟 elephant大象 ‎2) 新单词: pet宠物, rabbit兔子, basket篮子, lovely可爱的, hold握着, sure当然. ‎ ‎3) 1) A:Can I have a pet? B: Yes, you can.‎ ‎ 2) A:Can I have a cat ? B: No, you can’t.‎ ‎ 3) It’s lovely. ‎ Step 2 Discussion: Let Ss read the words and discuss the words in the guiding learning and think them over what the meanings are.(分组讨论单词的词义)‎ Step 3 Let Ss read the words by themselves. ‎ Step 4 Read the words and sentences after the teacher.‎ 展示(单词、句子 . 5分钟)‎ Step 1 Pairwork Ask Ss to read the words in front of the class.‎ 自主学习( C . 7分钟)‎ Step 1. Let Ss practice after the model..‎ 分组活动,仿照示范练习。‎ Model ‎ A:Can I have a duck? B: Yes, you can./No, you can’t.‎ Step 2. Group work. Let Ss write their conversitions and practice them.‎ 展示( 对话 . 10分钟)‎ Ask some students to act out their conversitions in frone of the class.‎ 一起学习研讨(教师讲解 . 7分钟)‎ ‎1. A: Can I have a pet? 我可以有个宠物吗? B: Yes, you can./Np, you can’t.‎ ‎ (1) can“能,会”,是一个情态动词,情态动词后接动原,且无人称和数的变化 ‎ 如:I can swim. She can swim, too.‎ ‎ (2) 若肯定句里有can, 其一般疑问句则把can提前即可。‎ ‎ He can draw a line.---Can he draw a line?‎ ‎ (3) 回答:肯定回答:Yes, … can. ‎ ‎ 否定回答:No,… can’t.‎ ‎ (4) 若肯定句里有can, 其否定句则在can之前加not, 一般用缩写:can’t.‎ ‎ He can draw a line.---He can’t draw a line.‎ 小 节 (1分钟)‎ Step 1. Read the text after the teacher.‎ Step 2. After-school summary.‎ 测评反馈(60分 . 10 分钟)‎ 一.选择题 20分 ‎( ) 1. A: Can I have a pet? B: . ‎ ‎ A. Yes, I can. B. Yesm you can. C. Yesn you are. ‎ ‎( ) 2. A: Do you want some soup? B: .‎ ‎ A, No, I can’t. B.Yes, please. C. Yes, I am. ‎ ‎( ) 3.That is English book.‎ ‎ A.a B. an C, x ‎( ) 4. His sister can .‎ ‎ A.running B. runs C, run ‎ ‎( ) 5. A: ? B: He has long hairm and big eyes.‎ ‎ A. What would you like B.What does he look like? C. What’s this ‎ ‎ 二.组句 ‎ ‎1. Can , pet, I, have? 2. You, have, dog, a, can .‎ 三. 选择完成对话 20分 A: Mum, cam I have a pet? A. Can I have some vegetables for it?‎ B: Yes, 1 .‎ A: I like this black one. B. you can have a rabbit.‎ B: OK, you can have it.‎ A: Can I have a basket for it? C. Yes, they can.‎ B: No. 2 .‎ A: 3 D. But you can have a cage.‎ B: Yes, you can. ‎ A: Do rabbits like vegetables?‎ B: 4. ‎ ‎ 正确顺序:1. ,2. ,3. ,4. . ‎ 教学反思 Unit 6 Which one do you want ?‎ ‎(第1课时)‎ 学习目标 一 知识目标 词汇:1) 新单词:which哪一个, raincoat雨衣, thick厚的, thin薄的, jiacket夹克, umbrella雨伞, clothes衣服, old旧的,‎ ‎2) 复习: new新的, want要, or还是,或者, dear 亲爱的。‎ 语法:which开头的特殊疑问句及回答 句子: 1) A:Which one do you want, the yellow one or the blue one? ‎ B: The yellow one ,please.‎ ‎ 2) A:Can I have a new raincoat? B: Yes, dear.‎ ‎ 3) I want a big one. ‎ 二 能力目标:能朗读单词、句子,能了解每个单词的词义及句意,能用英语表达需要。 ‎ 三 情感目标:爱护自己的东西,不要浪费。‎ 学习过程 ‎ 自主学习(单词 . 8分钟) ‎ Step 1 Group work:Let Ss read the words in the guiding learning plan in group.‎ ‎ (分组学习:请同学们自己复习和学习下列单词)‎ ‎1) 旧单词: new新的, want要, or还是,或者, dear 亲爱的。‎ ‎2) 新单词:which哪一个, raincoat雨衣, thick厚的, thin薄的, jiacket夹 克, umbrella雨伞, clothes衣服, old旧的,‎ Step 2 Discussion: Let Ss discuss the words in the guiding learning and think them over what the meanings are.(分组讨论每个单词的词义。)‎ Step 3 Let Ss read the words by themselves. ‎ 展示(单词 . 3分钟)‎ Step 1. Pairwork Ask Ss to work in pairs and read the words in front of the class.‎ Step 2.Evaluation The teacher make appropriape evaluation.Then read the words after the teacher.‎ 自主学习(句子 . 10分钟)‎ Step 1 Learn by oneself. Let Ss read the sentences in A. Make sure to understand each sentence. Finish the practise below.‎ Step 2 Group work. Lst Ss discuss each sentence. Finish the practise below.‎ ‎ Practise. (一) Translate the sentences below into Chinese.‎ ‎ 1) A:Which one do you want, the yellow one or the blue one? ‎ B: The yellow one ,please.‎ ‎ 2) A:Can I have a new raincoat? B: Yes, dear.‎ ‎ 3) I want a big one. ‎ 展示(句子 . 2分钟)‎ Ask St to show their answers.‎ 一起学习研讨 (教师讲解 . 10分钟)‎ ‎1. 几组反义词:‎ ‎ thin---thick, new—old, long—short young---old big---small.‎ ‎ tall---short ‎ ‎2. Can I have a new raincoat? ‎ ‎ (复习can的用法)‎ 测评反馈( 60分 . 5分钟 )‎ 一.小小翻译家 20分 ‎( ) 1. Can I have a new raincoat?‎ ‎ A. 我可以有件新雨衣吗? B. 我可以吃件新雨衣吗?‎ ‎( ) 2.Which one do you want, the thick one or the thin one?‎ ‎ A. 你想要哪一个,厚的还是薄的? B. 你想要哪一个,厚的和薄的?‎ ‎( ) 3. How much is this raincoat? ‎ A. 这件雨衣是多少? B。这件雨衣多少钱?‎ ‎( ) 4. I want the big one. A. 我想要那个大的。B. 我想要那个小的。 ‎ ‎ 二. 根据要求转换句子 ‎1. She can have an umbrella. (否定句) She have an umbrella.‎ ‎1. I can have a raincoat. 一般疑问句: have a raincoat?‎ 肯定回答: , .‎ 否定回答: , . ‎ ‎ 二. 抄写单词 (新单词两遍,旧单词一遍) 20分 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 课后反思 ‎(第2课时)‎ 学习目标 一 知识目标 词汇:1) 新单词:which哪一个, raincoat雨衣, thick厚的, thin薄的, jiacket夹克, umbrella雨伞, clothes衣服, old旧的,‎ ‎2) 复习: new新的, want要, or还是,或者, dear 亲爱的。‎ 语法:which开头的特殊疑问句及回答 句子: 1) A:Which one do you want, the yellow one, or the blue one? ‎ B: The yellow one ,please.‎ ‎ 2) A:Can I have a new raincoat? B: Yes, dear.‎ ‎ 3) I want a big one. ‎ 二 ‎ 能力目标:能朗读单词、句子,能了解每个单词的词义及句意,能用英语表达需要。 ‎ 三 情感目标:爱护自己的东西,不要浪费。‎ 学习过程 自主复习(单词、句子 . 5分钟)‎ Step 1 Group work:Let Ss review the words in the guiding learning plan in group.‎ ‎ (分组复习:请同学们自己复习下列单词)‎ ‎1) 旧单词:new新的, want要, or还是,或者, dear 亲爱的 ‎2) 新单词:which哪一个, raincoat雨衣, thick厚的, thin薄的, jiacket夹 克, umbrella雨伞, clothes衣服, old旧的,‎ ‎) A:Which one do you want, the yellow one or the blue one? ‎ B: The yellow one ,please.‎ ‎ 2) A:Can I have a new raincoat? B: Yes, dear.‎ ‎ 3) I want a big one. ‎ Step 2 Discussion: Let Ss read the words and discuss the words in the guiding learning and think them over what the meanings are.(分组讨论单词的词义)‎ Step 3 Let Ss read the words by themselves. ‎ Step 4 Read the words and sentences after the teacher.‎ 展示(单词、句子 . 5分钟)‎ Step 1 Pairwork Ask Ss to read the words in front of the class.‎ 自主学习( C . 7分钟)‎ Step 1. Let Ss practice after the model.. 分组活动,仿照示范练习。‎ Model ‎ A:Which one do you want? B: I want the big one.‎ Step 2. Group work. Let Ss write their conversitions and practice them.‎ 展示( 对话 . 10分钟)‎ Ask some students to act out their conversitions in frone of the class.‎ 一起学习研讨(教师讲解 . 7分钟)‎ ‎1. 几组反义词:‎ ‎ thin---thick, new—old, long—short young---old big---small. tall---short ‎ ‎2. Which book do you want? 你想要那本书?‎ ‎ (1) which “哪个,哪些”,是一个疑问代词。‎ ‎ (2) 位于句首,构成一个特殊疑问句。‎ ‎3. Which one do you like, the blue one or the yellow one?‎ ‎ (1) one 在此是替代上句话里物。‎ ‎ (2) or “或者,还是”,常用来连接两个人或物,供选择。‎ 小 节 (1分钟)‎ Step 1. Read the text after the teacher.‎ Step 2. After-school summary.‎ 测评反馈(60分 . 10 分钟)‎ 一.选择题 20分 ‎( ) 1. It is raining. Please take umbrella. ‎ ‎ A. a. B. X C. an ‎ ‎( ) 2. Which pencil box do you want, the bid one the small one?.‎ ‎ A. or B.and C. but ‎ ‎( ) 3. pencil does she want, yhe red one or the blue one?‎ ‎ A.What B. Where C. Which ‎( ) 4. he have a new umbrella? B: Yes, he can.‎ ‎ A. Can B. Is C,Does ‎ ‎( ) 5. A: ? B: It’s fifteen yuan..‎ ‎ A. How many is it B.How much is it C. How old is it ‎ ‎ 二.组句 ‎ ‎1. Which, do, pen, you, want? 2. the, I, apple, want,big.‎ 三. 选择完成对话 20分 A: Which one do you want,the thin one or the thick one? ‎ B: 1 .‎ A: A blue one or a yellow one? A. What about this blue one? It’s thick.‎ B: A blue one. B. A thick one.‎ A: 2 C. Can I have it, please?‎ B: 3 .‎ A: Fifty yuan. D. OK. How much is it?‎ B: 4 ‎ A: Sure.‎ ‎ 正确顺序:1. ,2. ,3. ,4. . ‎ 教学反思 Unit 7 What time do you get up?‎ 第 1 课时 教学目标 ‎1.能听懂会说新单词get up, go to bed,PE,art,music,maths,computer lesson,timetable;能听懂会说本课对话;‎ ‎ 2、 能用句型 “What time do you _____?”询问他人的作息情况,及对此询问做出回应.;;‎ ‎ 3.养成良好的作息习惯。‎ 重点:重点理解并正确运用课文A部分中对话就有关他人的作息情况进行回答; ‎ 难点:理解 “have English / breakfast /…”中have的用法及意义,理解句子 “This timetable is about your day.”‎ 教 学 准 备 一面挂钟,单词卡片,教学挂图,教学磁带等。‎ 教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 师生问候 复习时间的表达(出示挂钟)‎ T: Look! What’s this?‎ S: It’s a clock.‎ T: (拨动指针到正点)What’s the time, please?‎ S: It’s one / two / three /… o’clock.‎ T: (拨动指针到非整点)What time is it, please?‎ S: It’s 8:20 / 10:40 /…‎ Step 2 Presentation and drill 在黑板上绘制一个作息时间表。‎ T: OK! Now, may I ask you some questions?‎ ‎ (出示单词卡片get up, 做动作)‎ ‎ What time do you get up?‎ S: I get up at 6:20.‎ T: (做出背着书包上学的样子)‎ What time do you go to school?‎ ‎ S: I go to school at half past 7.‎ ‎ T: What time do you come home?‎ ‎ S: I come home at 4 o’clock.‎ ‎(出示单词卡片go to bed)‎ ‎ T: (做动作)What time do you go to bed?‎ S: I go to bed at 9:30.‎ T: OK, this is a timetable about your day.‎ 教学新单词 用刚制作的作息时间表教单词timetable.‎ 伸出手臂做起床的动作 T: Get up. I get up at 6:20.‎ 让学生们分组练读.‎ 用同样的方法教短语go to bed.‎ 听课文A部分录音,完成表格。‎ Step 3 Practice 听课文A部分录音,跟读。‎ 有感情的大声朗读课文A部分。‎ 同桌分角色表演。‎ Step 4 Consolidation 描述Ling ling的作息情况。‎ T: Books closed. Try to say a short story about Ling ling’s day.‎ 让学生们相互询问彼此的作息情况,并制作作息时间表.然后请几名学生向大家描述。 What time do you go to school?‎ ‎ S: I go to school at half past 7.‎ ‎ T: What time do you come home?‎ ‎ S: I come home at 4 o’clock.‎ ‎(出示单词卡片go to bed)‎ ‎ T: (做动作)What time do you go to bed?‎ S: I go to bed at 9:30.‎ T: OK, this is a timetable about your day.‎ 教学新单词 用刚制作的作息时间表教单词timetable.‎ 伸出手臂做起床的动作 T: Get up. I get up at 6:20.‎ 让学生们分组练读.‎ 用同样的方法教短语go to bed.‎ 听课文A部分录音,完成表格。‎ Step 3 Practice 听课文A部分录音,跟读。‎ 有感情的大声朗读课文A部分。‎ 同桌分角色表演。‎ Step 4 Consolidation 描述Ling ling的作息情况。‎ T: Books closed. Try to say a short story about Ling ling’s day.‎ 让学生们相互询问彼此的作息情况,并制作作息时间表.然后请几名学生向大家描述。‎ 教 学 后 记 第 2 课时 教学目标 ‎1、能听懂会说新单词及短语;‎ ‎2、能用所学单词及短语绘制作息时间表;‎ ‎3、能熟练的就他人的作息情况进行会话。‎ 重点:重点掌握新单词及短语难点单词Maths的读音;‎ ‎。‎ 难点:正确运用课文C部分对话进行交流。‎ 教 学 准 备 单词卡片、教学挂图、教学磁带 教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 师生问候 表演诵读已学英语歌谣。‎ 游戏---Dragon game T: What time do you get up?‎ S: I get up at 6:30. What time do you go to school?‎ Step 2 Presentation and drill T: What’s the time now?‎ S: It’s 9:00.‎ T: We often have English at 9:00.‎ 板书短语have English,带读。‎ 出示一本音乐书。‎ T: Who is your music teacher? What time do you have Music?‎ 板书短语have Music,带读。‎ 以同样的方式教单词Chinese, computer class,Mathematics.‎ 利用闹钟教短语half past one。‎ Step 3 Practice 听课文C部分录音,跟读。‎ 两人一组朗读课文C部分 与同桌一起表演课文C部分 同桌交流.模仿课文,根据实际情况进行问答。‎ What time do you do your homework?‎ What time do you have your music class?‎ Step 4 Consolidation 自由会话,介绍个人的作息情况。‎ Homework:‎ 1. 表演对话给家长看。‎ 2. 跟读CD,背诵A部分。‎ 教 学 后 记 Unit 8. Lingling helps her parents .‎ 第一课时 教学目标 Enable Ss to learn and say the dialogue in Part A.‎ Enable Ss to learn to say these words: a sign, a cinema, No mobile phone, No talking, No fishing, Do not go in, No picking of flowers, No spitting.‎ Teaching focal points: Learn to read the phrases: cook a meal, iron clother, water plants, have a meal ‎  Teaching difficult points: S can use the phrases make new sentences.‎ 教学准备 Some cards. CAI. Some objects.‎ 教学过程 Step1. Greetings & warming up Step 2 Presentation Greetings:‎ ‎  T: Hello! Everyone!‎ ‎  Nice to see you!‎ ‎  New phrases.‎ ‎  CAI: T: Look. Let’s talk about the pictures.‎ ‎  Picture 1: She cooks a meal. Picture 2: He iron clothes.‎ ‎  Picture 3: We have a meal. Picture 4: I water plants.‎ ‎  Teach:. cook a meal, iron clothes, have a meal, water plants ‎  Listen to the tape and point.‎ ‎  T teach to read it. S spell it. Row by row read it.‎ Step3. Practic ‎  1.Listen to the tape. 2.Listen and repeat.‎ ‎3.Pair work: read and read. 4.Make new sentences.‎ 教 学 后 记 第二课时 教学目标 ‎1. Review the phrases in Part B.‎ ‎ 2. Learn to read the new dialogue ‎3. Ss can act the dialogue.‎ Teaching focal points: Learn to read the new dialogue.‎ Teaching difficult points: Ss can act the dialogue.‎ 教学准备 Some cards. CAI. Some objects.‎ 教学过程 Step1. Greetings & Warming up Step 2 Presentation ‎  1. Game—A little master—hand ‎  The teacher provides the word card, brief on the pronunciation of a part of the vowel, students read words, see who reads fast the most accurateliest, choose “A little master—hand"‎ ‎  2. New dialogue.‎ ‎  CAI Talk about the pictures. T: My mother makes the bed. I help her.‎ ‎  S1: My mother irons the clothes. I help her.‎ S3: My father water the plant, I help him.‎ Step3. Practic ‎  1. Listen to the tape, then repeat. 2. Free talk.‎ ‎3. Pair work. 4. Learn to the dialogue.‎ 教 学 后 记 Unit 9 what’s your hobby? ‎ 一、教学目标: ‎ ‎(一)语言目标hobby, collecting stamps, collecting old photos, collecting storybooks, playing chess, playing the violin, taking photos。‎ ‎1. 词汇:能听懂、会说、认读新单词和词组 ‎2. 句型:能用“What’s your hobby?”询问他人的兴趣爱好, 用“I like…”“My hobby is…”表达个人的兴趣和爱好。‎ ‎(二)应用目标 ‎1. 能够用句型表达个人的爱好和询问他的爱好。‎ ‎2. 培养健康的爱好。‎ 二、教学重点及难点:‎ ‎1. 重点:能用句型“What’s your hobby?”询问他人的兴趣爱好,用“I like…”“My hobby is…”表达个人的兴趣和爱好。‎ ‎2. 难点:了解动名词形式和用法。可以通过让学生用动名词的形式和用法。可以通过让学生用动名词说句子,引导学生观察动名词的构成,让学生初步感知动名词的用法。‎ 三、教学准备:单词卡片、教学光盘、教学课件等 四、教学过程:‎ Step 1 Warm-up Greetings.‎ Sing a song: I like science Step 2 Presentation and drill 1. Revision.‎ T: Please look at these words? Can you read? 课件出示单词,学生读单词。‎ 1. T: These are hobbies. I like dancing. Dancing is my hobby. Today, we’ll talk about hobbies.‎ 板书标题hobby带读操练。‎ 2. 教学句型“What’s your hobby?” ”I like…””My hobby is…”‎ ‎ T: I have many hobbies. I like dancing. I like reading. What’s your hobby?‎ ‎ S1: I like playing football.‎ ‎ T: He likes playing football. His hobby is playing football.‎ ‎ 引用学生用“I like… My hobby is ….”表达自己的爱好。‎ T:Here is our friend Peter. Do you want to know his hobbies? Ask him, please.‎ ‎ S1: Peter, what’s your hobby?‎ ‎ 播放PPT 课件Peter: I like taking photos. 带读并操练。‎ T: Dongdong also has his hobbies? Can you ask him?‎ ‎ S2: What’s your hobby, Dongdong?‎ ‎ 播放PPT 课件: I like collecting old photos. 学习词组 collecting old photos.‎ 教学单词collect 以及词组collecting old photos 出示很多老照片帮助学生理解老照片的含义。‎ 利用课件学习 Stamps, collecting stamps. Storybooks, collecting storybooks.‎ playing chess, playing violin.‎ ‎5. Read and match. 读单词并连线。‎ Learn text A.‎ 1) Listen and answer. How many people are there in the dialogue? Who are they? What does PeterAnneLinglingMingming like doing?‎ 2) Listen and repeat.‎ 3) Read and act.‎ Step 3 Practice 1. Let’s chant. ‎ Peter! Yes?‎ What your hobby. I like taking photos.‎ Lingling! Yes?‎ What’s your hobby. I like reading.‎ Hello Mingming! Hi!‎ What do you like? Collecting old photos.‎ Hello Miss Deng! Hello!‎ What about you? I like dancing. Dancing is my hobby.‎ 1. 学生根据提供的图片和语段框架操练句子。‎ 2. 复习一遍刚学习的词汇,然后教师与学生做示范,学生两人一组活动,利用刚学的词汇和句型对话。‎ 例如: What’s you hobby? I like….. My hobby is….‎ Step 5 Homework ‎1、听录音,读对话,并表演给爸爸妈妈看。‎ ‎2、抄写生词和段英语。‎ ‎3、了解家庭成员的兴趣和爱好。‎ Unit 10 What does that sign mean?‎ Teaching aims ‎1.Master the new words a sign, mobile phone, a cinema, mean, exit, pick flowers, smoke, talk.‎ ‎2.Learn to use ‎“What does that sign mean?” “It/ The sign means …” “Do not…”‎ Main points Learn to use ‎“What does that sign mean?” “It/ The sign means …” “Do not…”询问以及解释公共标志的含义。‎ Key points 理解公共标志的表达方法 “Do not/ Don’t +V.原” “No+V-ing形式”以及 “No+名词”结构和方法。‎ Teaching procedures Step 1 Warming up 1. Greetings.‎ 2. Revision.‎ Step 2 ‎ Presentation and drill 1. Game: 唱反调。‎ T:If I say “Come here”, you should say “Do not come here”, OK?‎ T: turn left.‎ T: Talk / Eat/ Drink/ Pick flowers/ Spit/ Smoke…‎ ‎3.New words and phrases.‎ (1) Do not smoke.‎ ①通过游戏引出smoke这个单词,感知它的发音,模仿发音。‎ ②通过动作和图片理解smoke的意义。‎ ③学习句子 “Do not smoke”.让学生知道 “Do not smoke=No smoking”,“No+动词的ing形式”,表示禁止做某事。‎ (2) Learn “sign”‎ T: Are they pictures?‎ Ss: No.‎ T: They are signs. There are many signs in our life.‎ (3) 学习标志:‎ Do not use a mobile phone./ Do not talk./ Do not fish./ Do not pick flowers. /Do not spit. ‎ 2. 学习句型 “What does that sign mean ?” “It means…”‎ (1) T: What does that sign mean ?‎ Ss: It means…‎ 3. The text.‎ (1) 用课件学习cinema.‎ T: Who are they ?‎ T: Where are they going ?‎ (2) Listen to Part A and try to understand the main idea.‎ (3) Language point:‎ Exit : It means “You can go out from there.”‎ Staff only means “Visitors do not go in.”‎ (4) Read aloud and then read in roles.‎ ‎(5)Retell Part A according to the key words and the signs.‎ Step 3‎ Practice ‎2.创设情景,自由对话。‎ T:There are three situations: in the library, in the park, in the classroom. Please choose one place to make up a dialogue.‎ Situation1 In the library: “Do not smoke”, “Do not use a mobile phone.”‎ Situation 2 In the park: “Do not pick flowers” “Exit” “Do not spit”‎ Situation 3 In the classroom: “Do not spit” “Do not talk”‎ Step 4‎ Consolidation and homework 1. Describe the sign.‎ T: Now each group has got an envelope. There are some signs and notices. ‎ Please match them first. Then choose one sign and talk about it. Where do we see this sign ? What does it mean ? Let’s see which group will match them quickly and correctly. ‎ 2. Copy the new words four times.‎ Teaching Reflection Unit 11 l am sorry 教学目标 1、 能听懂、会说、认读新单词sorry、happy、unhappy、sad、angary、shy、fell 2、 能听懂、认读新单词proud、excited;听得懂、会说新单词noisy、noise ‎3、学会使用“l am ∕fell hapyy.”“we are﹍”“he ∕she is∕feel sad ‎“Are you happy∕﹍?”“Yes,we ﹍”表达各种不同的情绪感受。‎ 3、 能听懂会说、会表演课文A部分的对话。‎ 重点:理解并表达不同的情感。‎ 难点:连贯地表达课文A部分的内容。‎ 教学过程 ‎ Step 1: Warming up ‎1、师生问候。‎ ‎2、Game:Scissors,paper,stone 让学生玩石头剪子布的游戏,通过游戏引出sorry,sad,happy,unhappy,angry这几个单词。‎ ‎3、导入新课,板书课题。‎ Step 2 Presentation and drill ‎1、New words ‎①创设情境学习单词sorry ‎②利用准备好的图片学习单词happy、unhappy、sad、angry,shy板书并带读.‎ ‎③创设情境,学习新单词excited ‎④学习单词proud。‎ ‎⑤根据心情变化,用不同的语调来读单词。‎ ‎⑥老师展示表情图片,让学生快速说出单词。‎ ‎2.The dialogue ‎①引入课文A部分的学习 ‎②教授新单词noisy,noise,注意区别两个词的用法。‎ ‎③分组合作阅读课文 ‎④教师范读课文,学生跟读课文 Step3 Practice ‎1.Game:Listen,read and do ‎ 请四个同学上台,老师手拿单词卡,让台下的学生看并朗读单词卡上单词,台上的四个学生听到之后将单词表演出来,比一比谁演的又快又好 ‎2.学习本课重点句型 ‎“Are you happy∕﹍?”“Yes,we ﹍”‎ ‎3.学习句型 he ∕she is∕feel sad Step 4 Home work ‎1、听录音、读课文 ‎2、抄写B部分的五个单词,并用每个单词造一个句子。‎ Unit 12 The Spring Festival 一. Teaching aims and demands:‎ ‎1. Be able to read the phrases: eve of Spring Festival / burn firecrackers / lion dance / a family reunion dinner / red packe / dragon dance ‎2. To know how the people celebrate the Spring Festival.‎ 二、Teaching difficult points:‎ Describle people how to celebrate the Spring Festival.‎ 三、Teaching tools:‎ Tape recorder Some cards 四、Teaching steps:‎ Step1. Organization of class Greetings:‎ Warm-up activities:‎ Sing an English song ‎ Step2. Practice:‎ Review: eve of Spring Festival / burn firecrackers / lion dance / a family reunion dinner / red packet / dragon dance ‎ Listen to the tape of part B.‎ Read after the tape.‎ Teach part C.‎ Introduce other festivals: New Year’s Day, Easter (复活节), Thanksgiving Day Step3: Consolidation Free talk: the Spring Festival Step4: Writing:‎

