陕旅版英语四年级上册 unit 8 Part B优质课件

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陕旅版英语四年级上册 unit 8 Part B优质课件

Unit 8 Boys like to play ball 陕旅版四年级上册 Lead-in New words 每个的;每一的 I run every morning. 经 常 I often read in the morning. New words Let’s learn more Does your father like to play basketball? No, he doesn’t. What does he like to do ? He likes to swim on Sunday. What do you like to do, Kitty? I like to run. I run every morning. What does Wu Chen like to do? She likes to jump rope. She often jumps rope after class. Play a game I like to play basketball. Liu Zhaoyang likes to play basketball. And I like to jump rope. Liu Zhaoyang likes to play basketball. Li Shan likes to jump rope. And I like to ... Play games with your friends I like to draw pictures. Mary likes to draw pictures. And I like to sing songs. Mary Mike Language points 1. Does your father like to play basketball? 你爸爸喜欢打篮球吗? 询问喜好的一般疑问句 : Does/Do + 主语 + like ...? 答语为 Yes, 主语 +does/do. No, 主语 +doesn't/don’t. 2. I run every morning. 我每天早上都跑步。 every morning 意为“每天早上”。 每天下午 every afternoon 每天晚上 every night/evening 3. What does Wu Chen like to do? 吴晨喜欢做什么? 询问某人喜欢做什么的特殊疑问句 : What does/do + 主语 +like to do? 怀特小姐喜欢做什么? What does Miss White like to do? Wu Chen 吴晨 每个人的名字都由姓和名组成,如刘朝阳 ? (Liu Zhaoyang), 姓刘 (Liu), 名朝阳 (Zhaoyang) 。 在写英文时,按照汉语拼音的形式写,但不加声调。姓和名的第一个字母都要大写,而且姓和名之间要隔一个字母的空格。 Read, look and tick A: Do you like to draw pictures after class, Lingling? B: No, I don't. I like to sing songs. √ A: Does your grandpa like to play basketball in the morning? B: No, he doesn't. He likes to run in the morning. √ A: What does your mother do on Saturday? B: She dances in the morning and watches TV in the evening. √ √ Read a story It’s nine. Get up, Su Nan! Get up! You are late! It’s Sunday. I want to get up late on Sunday. But your father goes to swim on Sunday! Oh, yes! I like to swim. Dad, wait for me. Language points 1.You are late! 你要迟到了! late 意为 “ 迟的 ; 晚的 ”, 反义词为 early“ 早的 ”. 常用短语: be late for 因 …… 而迟到。 露西经常上课迟到。 Lucy is often late for class. 2. Dad, wait for me! 爸爸,等等我! wait for 意为“等待 …… ” ,后面通常接人,如果是人称代词,则要用其宾格形式。 我在等你。 I'm waiting for you. Exercise 一、给下列问句选择合适的答语。 ( ) 1.What do you like to do? ( ) 2.Let's play together. ( ) 3.Do you like to sing songs ? ( ) 4.What does she like to do? ( ) 5.Does your mother like to run? A. Yes, she does. B. OK. C. I like to jump rope. D. No, I don't. E. She likes to watch TV. C B D E A 二、读对话,判断句子正( T )误( F )。 A: Do you like to draw pictures after class, Lingling? B: No, I don't. I like to sing songs. A: Does your grandpa like to play basketball in the morning? B: No, he doesn't. He likes to run in the morning. A: What does your grandma do in the morning? B: She dances in the morning. ( )1.Lingling likes to draw pictures. ( ) 2.Lingling's grandpa likes to play basketball. ( ) 3.Lingling's grandma likes to dance in the morning. ( ) 4.Lingling' grandpa likes to run in the afternoon. ( ) 5.Lingling's grandma is good at running. F F T F F

