冀教三起四上Lesson Restaurant and Supermarket

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冀教三起四上Lesson Restaurant and Supermarket

Lesson 27 教学设计 一、教学目标:‎ 认读单词restaurant,park,supermarket, cinema 通过字母发音规则读准cinema, 掌握supermarket的拼写及restaurant的单词结构趋于掌握。 ‎ 二、教学重难点:‎ 重点:创设语言情景,使学生正确理解和运用所学知识用英语表达意愿Let’s go to the ____ to ____ ____. ‎ 难点:单词cinema的认读,激发学生的求知欲,创设各种真实或接近真实的语言环境,让学生体验参与,主动学习运用语言。‎ 三、教学媒体:‎ 四、教学过程:‎ ‎(一)Now class begins ‎1.Sing a song “It’s time for lunch.” ( 随音乐唱唱、做做,营造一个轻松欢快的课堂气氛,集中学生的注意力。) ‎ ‎2.Greeting ‎ ‎(谈话帮助学生适应英语语感,自然而然地进入学习状态,而且“十一”长假的背景也为下面的对话练习做了情境铺垫。)‎ Hello, boys and girls.‎ How are you?‎ What day is it ?(It’ s Friday .)‎ On October first, You will have a long National holiday .‎ Are you happy?‎ ‎3.Review What do you want to do?‎ 教师示范 I want to go to the park.‎ 学生自由发挥。I want to go to the ______. (复习以前学过的地点名词和动词词组。)‎ Now, Simon is speaking . Let’s play a game . Simon says.‎ Simon says : Sing a song. ‎ Simon says : Draw a picture.‎ Simon says : watch TV. Read a book. Simon says : Read a book.‎ ‎( Close your book, play on the computer , play checkers , play ping-pong, play cards , eat noodles , fly kites … )‎ Congratulations.(对最后的胜利者表示祝贺,并派发小红星贴纸)‎ Are you happy? But I feel thirsty. I want to eat some fruit .(引出课题)‎ ‎(二)New concepts Look,what’ s this? (课件出示超市的图片)‎ It’s a market. Let’s go to a market to buy some fruit.‎ 出示单词卡片 market 读升、降调各一次,学生跟读。‎ 按字母发音规则教学生拼读单词market ,画图写单词板书与marker比较记忆。I want to buy some apples. Let’s go to the market. (出示水果实物假装买)‎ On holiday , I want to go to there.‎ 出示 restaurant , cinema卡片,教授同上。注意watch a movie 可与watch TV 对照记忆。‎ 教师最后用肢体语言表演在某个地点的特定动作让学生猜。‎ Play “Whisper” to review new words.(全班参与,分成五组,获胜组派发小红旗)‎ 教授出示两个手偶,表演对话: ‎ ‎1: Today is National holiday. I want to buy a dress. Let’s go to a clothes shop to buy a dress.‎ ‎2: No, I don’t want to buy a dress. Let’s go to a restaurant to eat an ice cream.‎ ‎1: No, Let’s go to a movie theatre to watch a movie.‎ ‎2: Oh, no.‎ 板书:let’s go to the ______ to ______ ______ .(教师范读,用三组单词替换,学生先跟读然后自己作替换练习。)‎ 练习 let’s go to the ______ to ______ ______ . 出示课件(九幅不同场所图片) ‎ 放课文录音,先整体感知课文,回答问题。What does Jenny want to do?在跟读课文,体会语音语调,培养语感。‎ ‎(三)Practice 出示课件(旧句式)先领读,让学生参照小组练习对话。‎ Let’s go shopping.‎ Let’s go to the ____ shop.‎ I want ____. ‎ I want to buy ____.‎ May I help you ?‎ Where are the ____?‎ I can show you . This way, please. Here it is.‎ How much is it?‎ I like / don’t like ____.‎ I want to / I don’t want to ____.‎ Thanks.‎ You’re welcome!‎ 练习后小组展示。(鼓励学生的创作,对学生的表演给与肯定,表扬语言流畅丰富的同学,并对卡壳的学生给与帮助。)‎ ‎(四)Class is over. ‎ On National holiday , I fell happy. And you ? Good – bye!‎ ‎ 板书:‎ Lesson 27: Restaurant and Supermarket supermarket ‎ Let’s go to the_________to ____ ____. ‎ restaurant ‎ cinema

