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小学三年级英语(广州版)多媒体暑假在线作业二 一 Listen carefully and write"T"for True and"F"for False beside the statements。‎ ‎ 仔细听,在下列句子前标上T(对)或F(不对)。‎ ‎( F )1 .This is the teacher's table·‎ ‎( T )2 .There are some books in the bag.‎ ‎( F )3 .There's a ruler under the book.‎ ‎( F )4 .The pencil box is in the bag·‎ 二 Listen to the questions and choose the best answer:A,B,C or D。‎ ‎ 听问题,在A,B,C,D中选出一个最佳答案。‎ ‎( A )1 .A. It's a desk.‎ ‎ B .It's a table.‎ ‎ C .It's a desk or a table.‎ ‎ D .It's a desk arid a table.‎ ‎( B )2 .A. Yes,it is. B. No, it isn't.‎ ‎ C .Yes,it does.D.No,it doesn't.‎ ‎( C )3 .A: A pencil box. B. .Some pencils.‎ ‎ C Some books.D. A rubber. ‎ ‎( B )4 .A. It's under the bag:‎ ‎ B .It's under the pencil box. ‎ ‎ C .It's in the bag. ‎ ‎ D .It's in the pencil box. ‎ 听力附件:tingli-2 ‎ 三 看图,选择正确的单词,把单词前面相应的字母编号写在括号里 ‎1.   2.  3. 4. 5.‎ ‎6. 7. 8.  9. 10.  ‎ A. bread      B. bag    C. panda    D. pencil-case     E. cat F. finger     G. monkey H. hand     I.‎ tea    J. coffee Answer: 1.( A ) 2.( B ) 3.( D ) 4.( E ) 5. ( I )‎ ‎6.( G ) 7.( H ) 8.( F ) 9.( C ) 10.( J )‎ ‎ 四 认读句子,按所给情景,选择正确的表达。‎ ‎ 1. 当一个朋友对你说:“How are you?” 你应说:‎ A. Great.    B. Fine, thanks.‎ ‎2. 你想看看别人的新玩具,应该说: ‎ A. ‎ May I have a look?   B. Sure. Here you are. ‎ ‎3. 你想介绍你的朋友给John认识,你可以说:‎ A. Hi, John.    B. This is my friend, John.‎ ‎4. Mike今天生日,你这样祝贺他:‎ A. Happy birthday.    B. Are you happy?‎ ‎5. 你想知道有多少只手指,你应说:‎ A. Show me your fingers.    B. How many fingers?‎ ‎6. 如何表达不用谢?‎ A. No, thank you.    B. You're welcome.‎ ‎7. 你想要些鸡肉,你应说:‎ A. Can I have some chicken?    B. Look, I have chicken.‎ ‎8.你请对方喝咖啡时,你可以说:‎ A. I like coffee.    B. Have some coffee.‎ ‎9.你叫别人扮演一只猴子,你会说:‎ A I like a monkey. ‎ B Act like a monkey, please.‎ ‎10.对别人的到访表示欢迎时,你可以说:‎ A. Welcome.     B. Clap your hands.‎ Answer:1.( B ) 2.( A ) 3.( B ) 4.( A ) 5. ( B )‎ ‎6.( B ) 7.( A ) 8.( B ) 9.( B ) 10.( A )‎ 五 Choose the right answer. (根据问句,选择合适的答语并将其相应字母填在前面的括号内。) ‎ ‎( F ) 1.Can I use your pen?             A、Yes, I do .‎ ‎( A ) 2.Do you like bananas?            B、She’s my mother .‎ ‎( B ) 3.Who’s that woman?              C、I can see 11.‎ ‎( C ) 4.How many cats can you see?      E、It’s under the chair.‎ ‎( E ) 5.Where is the ball?              F、Sure.‎ 六 Look and learn.(看一看,学一学。)‎ 英语动画故事--- why crows are black?‎ 你们知道为什么乌鸦是黑色的吗?下面让我来告诉大家原因。在很久以前,在一片浓密的森林里,住了一个很漂亮的乌鸦……‎ ‎1 why the crow’s soft and white feathers Became rough and dirty?‎ ‎ Because a hunter shot his parents 。‎ ‎ 2 The young crow feel very sad after the hunter shot his parents. ‎ 视频附件: 002.swf

