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小学英语三年级上册期中检测试卷 班级___________ 姓名__________ 分数____________ 一、按字母表顺序在括号里写出所缺字母的大小写形式。(6 分) Hh Jj Ll Nn Oo Qq Ss Tt Vv 二、看图读单词,选择与图画意思相符的答案,将其标号填写在图片下面的括 号里。(20 分) 1. 2. 2. 4. 3.4444 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A. September A. ping pang A. December A. run A. run B. April B. football B. November B. jump B. jump 6. 7. 7. 9. 8. 9. 10. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A. seventeenth A. cake A. father A. boy A. dog B. eighteenth B. card B. mother B. girl B. duck 三、根据汉语意思的提示,从方框中选择适当的字母组合并将其填写到横线上, 将单词补充完整。(共 10 分) [来源:Zxxk.Com] 1.t_____cher 2.th______d 3.y_____ 4.M______ch 5.fift____n[来源:学#科# 网] 四、根据单词类别,从方框中选择同类词,将其标号填写在相应类别的横线上。 (共 8 分) 1. September October_____ _____ 2. jump do ______ _______ 12 月 第 17 ear ea ar ir ee 教师 第三 年 三月 十五 A. December B. run C. grandpa D. tenth E. November F. swim G. ninth H. mother 3. grandma father ______ ______ 4. thirteenth eighteenth______ ______ 五、读词组看图,选择与图意相符的词组,将其标号填写在相应图片下面的横 线上。(共16分) [来源:学#科#网] 1.__________ 2.___________ 3.__ ___________ 4._________ 5._______ 6. _______ 7._______ 8. _______ 六、读句子,选择与句子意思相符的图片,并将其标号填写在题前的括号里。 (10 分) A B C D E[来源:Z.xx.k.Com] ( ) 1. The tenth month is October. ( ) 2. My grandpa was born in December. ( ) 3. Today is Wednesd ay. ( ) 4. I am going to run a race. I run fast. ( ) 5.We are going to have our sports day tomorrow. A. make a cake B. make a card C.fly a kite D. October 1st E. run a race F. jump the rope G.do the long jump H. do the high jump 10 月 星期三 运动会 七、看图读句子,根据情景选择,并将正确的答案的标号填写到题前括号里。 (10 分) ( ) 1. What’s the eleventh month in English? A. It’s October. B. It’s November. ( ) 2. A. When is Teachers’ Day? B .What is Teachers’ Day? ( ) 3. Are you going to run a race? A. No, it isn’t. B. Yes, I am. ( ) 4. What’s the date today? A. It’s on Sep tember 8th. B. It’s on November 8th.[来源:学,科,网] ( ) 5. A. How old are you? B. How are you? 七、请根 据语境和上下文选择句子填空,将其标号填写在横线上。(6 分) Mary: Hello, nice to see you. Eric: _________________ Mary: How old is your girl? Eric: ________________ Mary: _______________ Eric: He is eight, too. 八、读句子,根据句子中所给的图片,从方框中选择正确的单词,将其抄写在 横线上。(共 8 分) 11 月 9 月 8 日 A.She is eight. B. How old is your boy? C. Nice to see you, too . I’m 8. It’s September the tenth. jump tenth run football November the _________ is our sports day. Maomao is going to _______ a race. Lingling is going to ________ the rope. Yangyang is going to play _________ . 九、读短文,根据短文内容选择恰当的答案,并将标号填入题前括号里。(共 6 分) My grandpa was born in December. My gran dma’s birthday is in April. My father was bor n on February 29th. My mother’s birthday is on September 22nd. Today is October 20th. It’s my birthday. ( )1.My _______ birthday is on February 29th . A. grandpa’s B. father’s C. mother’s ( )2.My birthday is in . A. February B. December C. October

