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人教版三年级英语上册期中考试测试卷 听力部分(70 ) 一、Listen and circle.根据所听内容,圈出相应的序号。 (10 ) 1. A.B. 2. A. B. 3. A. B. 4. A. B. 5.A. B. 二、Listen and choose.听录音,将听到的单词选项写在题前的括号里。(10 ) ()1、 A. bag B. book C. body ()2、 A. red B. foot C. food ()3、 A. brown B. mouth C. face ()4、 A. head B. black C. hand ()5、 A. eye B. green C. ear 三、Listen and number. 听录音,标序号。(10 ) ()()()()() 四、Listen and choose.听录音,为你听到的问句选择恰当的答语。(10 ) ()1、A. Good morning. B. Good bye. C. Good afternoon. ( )2、A. OK!B. Fine,thank you. C. Nice to meet you! ()3、A. Hi,Mike! B. This is Mike. C. Me too! ()4、A. Wow! B. Goodbye. C. Great! ()5、A. Nice to meet you ,too. B. Hi! C. How are you? 五、Listen and fill in the blanks.听录音,将合适的选项填写在横线上。(10 ) A. blue B. leg C. yellow D. brown E. arm F. pencil box G. red 1.I have a________. 2.I have a________ book. 3. This is my ________. 4. Show me your ________ crayon. 5. I like my _______ puppet. 六、Listen and circle. 听音圈一圈,把所听单词的首字母圈出来。(10 ) (a c)(f d)(d b)(g h)(c r) 七、Listen and write .听录音,补全单词。(10 ) 1. _ace 2. _ ift 3. _ gg 4. _ ag 5. _ uck 笔试部分(30 ) 八、 Read and write. 按顺序默写 Aa—Ii 大小写字母。(5 ) 九、Read and choose. 把单词序号选到相应的图片下。(10 ) A. eraser B. pen C. book D. go to school E. ruler F. hand G. ear H. nose I. mouth J. foot ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 十、 Read and choose. 选出每组中不同类的单词。(5 ) ()1、A. black B. brown C. foot ()2、A. pen B. ear C. eye ()3、A. bag B. book C. blue ()4、A. face B. mouth C. bag ()5、A. red B. name C. yellow 十一、Read and choose. 选择恰当的答语,将序号写在方框内。(5 ) 1. Good afternoon. A. My name’s John. 2. What’s your name? B. Good afternoon. 3. How are you? C. Fine, thank you. 4. Let’s paint! D. Nice to meet you,too. 5. Nice to meet you. E. Great! 十二、 Read and judge.判断对错,正确“√”,错误“×”。(5 ) Hello! I’m Mike. I have a pen. It(它) is black. I have a ruler. It is green. My pencil box is red. I have a yellow bag and a white eraser. ( ) 1. I have a blue pen. ( ) 2. My eraser is white. ( ) 3. My bag is green. ( ) 4. I have a green ruler. ( ) 5. My pencil box is orange.

