pep人教版英语三年级下册Unit 1 Part A 第2课时优质课件

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pep人教版英语三年级下册Unit 1 Part A 第2课时优质课件

Unit 1 Welcome back to school! Part A Let’s learn & Let’s chant PEP·三年级下册 Sarah Zhang Peng Mike Amy Revision Hi, I’m ... I’m from ... What countries do you know? China. Do you want to know something about China? Yes. a word map Something about China They all belong to China. 中国 Hi, I’m Zhou Jielun. I’m from China. Something about the UK the UK 英国 Hi, I’m Newton. I’m from the UK. A video about the USA 美国 the USA Hi, I’m... I’m from the USA. A video about Canada Canada 加拿大 Hi, I’m... I’m from Canada. Let’s learn UK 英国 Canada 加拿大 USA 美国 China 中国 Hi, I’m Amy. I’m from the UK. Sharp eyes Say out the countries quickly and try to describe them. Let's play Say the names of the countries. Where are they from? Guessing game Which country does the anthem belong to? China UK USA Canada Hi, I’m... I’m from... Look and say — Who are they? — They are _______. Let's chant Match the children with their countries. China UK USA Canada Let's chant in groups. We are friends. We like to play. We are friends. We like to play. A boy from Canada, A girl from the UK, Friends from China and the USA. Blackboard design Unit 1 Welcome back to school! China 中国 Canada 加拿大 the UK 英国 the USA 美国

