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人教版四年级上册英语期中试卷 笔试部分:(共60分)‎ 一.选出不属于同类的单词。(每题1分,共5分)‎ ‎(  )1、A. chess    B. football   C. basketball   D. dragon ‎(  )2、A. park     B. lake       C.sing         D. hill ‎(  )3、A. people   B. teacher    C.girl         D. boy ‎(  )4、A. swim     B. boat      C.play         D. sing ‎(  )5、A. elephant  B. tiger      C. taijiquan    D. monkey 二、单项选择:(每题2分,共30分)‎ ‎(  )1. -What are they doing?‎ ‎____  playing  football.‎ A. Are    B. They’re    C. He’s    D. They ‎(  ) 2. They are ___ a boat.‎ A. row   B. rows        C. play     D. rowing ‎(  ) 3. Look ___ the people ___ the park.‎ A. at , on   B. at , in     C. on , at   D. on , in ‎(  )  4. You ___ running and I ___ dancing.‎ A. is , am    B. are , is    C. are , am    D. are , are ‎(  ) 5. Look ___ the people ___ the lake.‎ A. in , behind B. at , on C. in , at D. at , in ‎(  )6.-Can I help you?‎ ‎____‎ A.I want some fish ,please.B. Yes , I can .C. No, I don’t.D.Yes, you can ‎(  )7.My house is    a school.‎ A. next to      B. down    C. on     D. in ‎(  )8.     is your school?‎ ‎-Go straight on, then  turn left.‎ A.What       B. Where      C.How   D.Which ‎(  )9.-Where     you live?‎ ‎-I live    East Lake Road.‎ A. does ,in    B. do , on     C. do , in  D.did ,in ‎(  )10.-Can you ride a bike?‎ ‎_______.‎ A. I can ride a bike. B. Yes, I can. C. No, you don’t.  D.No, I don’t       (  ) 11.Amy and Lingling      to music now.‎ A. are listening  B. is listening  C. ‎ listens     D. listened ‎(  )12.Look, Tom is      a letter.‎ A. writing   B. writes    C. drawing  D.draws ‎(  ) 13.We    TV at home.‎ A. watching    B. watch    C. watches    D. watched ‎(  )14. Bill and Daming are     now.‎ A. swim        B. swims         C. swimming     D. swiming.‎ ‎(  )15.-Can Sam swim?‎ ‎_____.‎ A. Yes , he can.  B. Yes, he does. C. No, you don’t.‎ ‎ Yes , he don’t.‎ 三、选择合适的单词填空。(每题1分,共10分)‎ at want playing  where   reading  dumplings  what  with  rowing  how ‎1. I want some noodles ____ meat and potato.‎ ‎2. He’s making ____ .‎ ‎3. Look ____ this girl. What is she doing?‎ ‎4. Do you ____ some milk ?‎ ‎5. ____ is it ?‎ ‎6.  Some boys are ___ a boat.‎ ‎7.  They‘re ___ chess.‎ ‎8.      much is it ?‎ ‎9.  Grandma is ___ a book.‎ ‎10. ___ is she doing?‎ 四、连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写:(每题2分,共10分)‎ ‎1. tiger , what , the , is , doing ‎2. jump, can, far, you, Daming?‎ ‎3. soya milk , is , drinking , he ‎4. want , you , some , do , rice ‎5. see , things , lots , can , we , of 七、 阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F )。(10分)‎ My name is Tom.  I  can  play  football.  My  father  can ‎ play  basketball.  My  mother  can  make  dumplings.  My little  brother  Xiaowei  can  sing .  My  sister  is Maomao. She can draw.  My  little  sister Lanlan  can  take pictures.  We  all like  her.‎ ‎(    )1.Tom  can  play basketball.‎ ‎(    )2.Tom’s   mother  can  make  dumplings.‎ ‎(    )3.Tom’s  little brother can jump.‎ ‎(    )4.Tom’s  sister  Maomao  can  draw.‎ ‎(    )5.Tom’s  little  sister Lanlan  can  take  pictures.‎

