外研版三年级下册英语Module 10 Unit 1教学课件

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外研版三年级下册英语Module 10 Unit 1教学课件

Unit 1 Here’s a red hat. Module 10 外研版 三年级下册 Here is a party today. We will join(参加) it. Let’s put on some clothes for it. 聚会 =Let us 让我们 穿上;戴上 (常复)衣服 褐色的,棕色的 Here is a pair of brown trousers. (常复)裤子 衬衫 I have got a white shirt. I have got orange shoes. 橙色的,橘黄色的 鞋子 帽子 I have also got a hat. Now it’s your turn to choose the clothes. (多人依次轮流时)轮到的机会 滑稽的 Hey, look at the clothes. It’s so funny. 看,朝……看 You can’t open the box. It’s a gift for our friends. =can not 不能 打开 And we will come back at eight o’clock, Be quick, please. 来,来到 回到,返回 好的 OK, let’s go now. hat back clothes open brown shirt orange turn trousers party玻璃杯里装着很多星 星,一起来读吧! Here’s a red hat.这是一顶红色的帽子。 Listen, point and say. What happened? 1 Look! I’ve got a green sweater. And I’ve got a blue cap! Come back! They’re my clothes.① What have the monkeys got from the boy? a green sweater a blue cap Watch the video and read again Listen, point and find “Here’s …”2 Open the box. Let’s put on funny clothes for the party. OK. What clothes have we got? Look! Here’s a red hat. I’ve got a brown hat. Wow! I’ve got a green sweater. It’s green and yellow! I’ve got funny trousers. And here’s an orange shirt! Look at my big shoes! Oh, I can’t walk! It’s your turn now! Read and answer the questions. What clothes has Amy got? a red hat a green and yellow sweater a funny trousers big shoes What clothes has Sam got ? a brown hat an orange shirt 听一听,看看谁把小坑都填满 Amy: ____ the box. Let’s ___ ___ funny clothes for the party. Sam: Ok. What _______ have we got? Amy: Look! Here’s a red ____. Sam: I’ve got a ______ hat. Amy: Wow! I’ve got a green sweater. Open put on clothes hat brown Sam: It’s green and yellow! Amy: I’ve got _______trousers. Sam: And here’s an _______ shirt! Amy: Look at my big _______! Sam: Oh, I _____ walk! Lingling: It’s your _____ now! funny orange shoes can’t turn Watch the video and read again Listen and say.3 Here’s an orange shirt. Here’s a black hat. Here’s an orange hat. Practise. A green coat. Here’s a green coat. A black sweater. Here’s a black sweater. A blue cap. Here’s a blue cap. A brown shirt. Here’s a brown shirt. 课堂小结 短语集锦 come back 回来 your turn 轮到你了 black and white 黑白相间的 put on 穿上 look at 看 for the party 为了聚会 Here’s a green coat. 这儿有一件绿色的外套。 Let’s put on funny clothes for the party. 让我们为聚会穿上滑稽的衣服吧。 I’ve got a brown hat. 我有一顶棕色的帽子。 句子集锦 A candle lights others and consumes itself. 蜡烛照亮别人,却毁灭了自己。

