外研版三年级下册英语Reading for pleasure教学课件

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外研版三年级下册英语Reading for pleasure教学课件

Reading for pleasure 外研版 三年级下册 Have you ever heard the story about Little Red Riding Hood? Can you tell the story in Chinese? Today we will learn the story. This is a little girl. Her name is Little Red Riding Hood. Yes, Mother. Please go to your grandma’s house. In the forest, a wolf watches Little Red Riding Hood. Look, Little Red Riding Hood! I like little girls for dinner. She’s going to her grandma’s house. Mm! Hello, Grandma. This is Little Red Riding Hood. HELP! Now I’ve got Grandma’s glasses. I’ve got her sweater. And I’ve got her hat. I’m in her bed. Hello, Grandma! Hello, Little Red Riding Hood. You’ve got big ears! You’ve got big eyes! And a big nose! You’ve got a big mouth! Yes, I eat little girls with my big mouth. HELP! A man helps Little Red Riding Hood. Word list Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽 house 房子 forest 森林 dinner 正餐,主餐 glasses (常复)眼镜 with 用 help 帮助 课外多尝试阅读英文的小故事,并和 自己的同伴交流。

