冀教版英语四上Lesson 12优质课件

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冀教版英语四上Lesson 12优质课件

Unit 2 At home 冀教版 · 四年级上册 Lesson 12 Story time John and his dog, Jack, are good friends. They play together. 约翰和他的狗杰克是好朋友。他们在一起玩。 Here you are. Thanks, Jack! In the morning, John brushes his teeth and washes his face. Jack watches him. 在早上,约翰刷牙洗脸。杰克看着他。 Brush, brush, brush. They have breakfast together. 他们一起吃早餐。 Let’s have breakfast. Woof! In the afternoon, John goes home with Jack. 在下午,约翰和杰克回家。 Let’s go. Hooray! On Saturday, they play catch with a ball. John throws the ball. 在星期六,他们玩接球游戏。约翰扔球。 Catch! Jack runs to catch the ball, but he doesn’t come back. 杰克跑去接球,但他没有回来。 Where are you, Jack? Come back, Jack! Jack is watching a little bird in the grass! 杰克正在看草丛里的一只小鸟! There you are! Woof! Woof! John puts the little bird up in the tree. Then he and Jack go home happily. 约翰把小鸟放在树上。然后他和杰克高兴地回家了。 Let’s help the little bird. Okay! What do they see in the grass? What do they do then? They see a little bird in the grass. Then John puts the little bird up in the tree. Language points John puts the little bird up in the tree. 约翰把小鸟放在树上。 短语 put...up 的意为“把 …… 放 在 …… 上 ”。 例句:我妹妹把她的书放到书架上。 My sister puts her books up on the bookshelf. 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!

