人教版(新起点)英语四上《Asking for Help》(Story Time)课时训练

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人教版(新起点)英语四上《Asking for Help》(Story Time)课时训练

Unit4 Story Time 课时训练 一、我会连一连。 (1) fly over A. 不能动 (2) can’t move B. 好主意 (3) good idea C. 飞越 (4) need help D. 营救 (5) crash E. 需要帮助 (6) rescue F. 坠毁 二、读句子,给图片排序。 (1) A plane is flying over the mountains. A. (2) The plane crashes. B. (3) Mary’s mother is hurt. C. (4) Mary writes SOS in the snow. D. (5) A pilot sees the SOS. E. (6) Mary and her mother are safe. F. 三、连词成句。 1. plane, the, mountains, A, over, flies (.) _____________________________________________________________________ 2. has, good, idea, a, Mary (.) _____________________________________________________________________ 3. need, We, help (.) _____________________________________________________________________ 参考答案 一、 (1)-(6) CABEFD 二、 (1)-(6) DBFCAE 三、 1. A plane flies over the mountains. 2. Mary has a good idea. 3. We need help.

