牛津上海版(深圳)四上《At the shop》同步练习

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牛津上海版(深圳)四上《At the shop》同步练习

Unit 8 At the shop 知识梳理 一、Words: 1.shop 商店 2.tomato 番茄;西红柿 3.soup 汤 4.potato 土豆 5.carrot 胡萝卜 6.thirty 三十 7.fish 鱼;鱼肉 8.meat 肉 9.rice 大米;米饭 10. glasses 眼镜 11. want 想要 12. together 一起 二、Phrases: 1.some candy 一些糖果 2.some orange juice 一些果汁 3.some tomatoes and eggs 一些番茄和鸡蛋 4.make some soup 做些汤 5.some potatoes and carrots 一些土豆和胡萝卜 6.how much 多少钱 7.a pair of big glasses 一副大眼镜 8.magic glasses 魔力眼镜 三、Sentences: 1.—What would you like? —I'd like some tomatoes. 你需要些什么? 我需要一些番茄, 2.—How much are these? —Thirty yuan, please.这些多少钱?30 元。 3.We can make some soup.我们可以做些汤。 4.Can I help you? 需要我帮忙吗? 重点点拨 1.我们去餐厅,非常有礼貌地点餐询问:What would you like? I'd like... 2.How much 询问价格,如:How much are these carrots? How much is this book? How many 问数量,后跟名词复数。如:How many tomatoes are there? 3.Can I help you? 需要我帮忙吗?Can you help me? 你能帮助我吗?这两个 句子容易混淆 4.不可数名词没有单复数之分,我们需要记住这些特殊表述:a pair of glasses, a bowl of rice, a bowl of soup. 单词播音园 大声朗读下列短文,体会粗写的单词中字母 o 的发音/ɒ/。 Bonnie has a dog. The dog is hot. Stop, stop, stop. The dog is in the shop. 训练大本营 核心模块 一.看图,完成对话。 A: What (would / do) you like? B: I'd like some (eggs / egg) and some (carrot / carrots). A: How (much / many) are these? B: Sixteen yuan, please. A: (Here / There) you are. B: Thank you. 二.根据要求写单词。 1. I'd (完全形式) 2. potato (复数) 3. tomato (复数) 4. egg (复数) 5. a bowl of soup (中文) 6. some orange juice (中文) 三.根据对话内容,圈出正确的图片。 四.把下列单词补充完整。 1. f s 2. c r ot 3. p t t 4.t a o 5. m t 6. r c 7.j i e 8. c nd 五.选择填空。 ( ) 1. - What you like? - I'd like a cup of tea. A. would B. could C. do ( ) 2. I like orange juice. Please give me orange juice. A. many B. some C. much ( ) 3. - How are these ? - Thirty yuan A. many B. much C. long ( ) 4. There are computers in this room.2·1·c·n·j·y A. any B. many C. much ( ) 5. You are hungry. Would you, like some ? A. water B. bread C. juice 六.选词填空。 rice What I'd and like 1. What would you ? 2. I would like a bowl of . 3. - are they? - They are tomatoes. 4. Big dogs small dogs are cute. 5. - What would you like? - like some fish. 七.看图,根据实际情况回答问题。 1. Do you like tomatoes? 2. What do you like? 3. Do you want some eggs? 4. Would you like some bread? 5. What would you like? 综合模块 一.根据所给情景选出适当的问句或答语。 ( ) 1. - -Yes, I'd like some meat. A. Can you help me? B. Can I help you? C. I can help you. ( ) 2. - - Thank you. A. Here you are. B. Here are you. C. How are you? ( ) 3. - - Good idea. A. Let’s play football after class. B. I have an idea. C. Let's go. ( ) 4. - Hello. This is my mother. This is my good friend, Tom. - - Nice to meet you, too. A. Hello. B. Nice to meet you. C. How do you do? ( ) 5. - How much are they? - A. They are eggs. B. Thirty yuan. C. 1 like carrots. 二.补全对话,把序号填在横线上。 A. Can I help you? B. I'd like some eggs, too. C. How about you? D. How much are these? E. Thank you. A: B: Yes, I'd like some butter and some juice. C: I would like some carrots. I can make some fried rice(炒饭). B: A: Twenty yuan, please. B: Here you are. A: 三.连词成句。 1. I / help / can / you (?) 2. would / like / I / a / of/pair / big / glasses(.) 3. the / and / the / mouse / to / want / elephant / together / play (.) 4. have / I / magic / glasses (.) 5. would / you / what / like(?) 四.圈出句子中错误的单词,并改正在横线上。 1. What could you like? 2. How much is these? 3. I'd like a pairs of glasses. 4. There are a potato and two tomatoes on the table. 五.判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的打“√”,不同的打“×”。 ( ) 1. A. dog B. hot C. rose ( ) 2. A. shop B. stop C. hot ( ) 3. A. pig B. big C. fire ( ) 4. A. like B. bike C. kite ( ) 5. A. seven B. ten C. pen 六.选择填空。 ( ) 1. I have idea. A. a B. an C. the ( ) 2. We play together after school. A. can B. could C. would ( ) 3. I want drink some orange juice. A. / B. to C. have ( ) 4. - you like some fish? - No, thanks. A. would B. Would C. Can ( ) 5. Western countries, people eat with forks. A. On B. In C. At 七.看图,完成对话。 1. A: What w you like? B: I'd like some t and P . 2. A: Can I h you? B: Yes. I'd like five apples. How m are they? A: Twenty yuan. 八.看图读一读,判断句子正(√)误(×)。 Mr Tiger: Hello, where are you going? MrsMonkey:We'rehungry.We'regoingtothatrestaurant Mr Tiger: Good. Let's have dinner together. Mr Tiger: What would you like, Miss Rabbit? Miss Rabbit: I'd like some carrots and water. Mr Tiger: Would you like some meat, Mr Cat? Mr Cat: No, thanks. I'd like some fish and water. Mr Tiger: What would you like, Mrs Monkey? Mrs Monkey: I'd like some vegetables and water. Mr Tiger:I don't like vegetables. I like MEAT! I want MEAT! Mrs Monkey, Mr Cat and Miss Rabbit: We're not hungry now. Let's have some water and go home. ( ) 1. Mr Tiger, Mrs Monkey, Mr Cat and Miss Rabbit have dinner together ( ) 2. Miss Rabbit would like some carrots and water. ( ) 3. Mr Cat would like some fish and water. ( ) 4. Mrs Monkey would like some chicken and fish. ( ) 5. Mr Tiger would like some meat. 参考答案 核心模块 I. would, eggs, carrots, much, Here II. 1. I would 2. potatoes 3. tomatoes 4. eggs 5.一碗汤 6.一些橙汁 III. Ding Dang: candy, cakes Xiao Xin: noodles IV. 1. fish 2. carrot 3. potato 4. tomato 5. meat 6. rice 7. juice 8. candy V. ABBBB Vl. 1. like 2. rice 3. What 4. and 5. I'd Ⅶ.略 综合模块 I. BAABB II. ACBDE III. 1. Can I help you? 2. I would like a pair of big glasses. 3. The mouse and the elephant want to play together. 4. I have magic glasses. 5. What would you like? IV. 1. could-would 2. is-are pairs-pair are-is V. ×√×√√ VI. BABBB VII. 1. would, tomatoes, potatoes 2. help, much VIII. √√√×√

