人教精通版英语四上《How’s the weather today》(Lesson 23)课时训练

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人教精通版英语四上《How’s the weather today》(Lesson 23)课时训练

Lesson23 课时训练 一、根据汉语意思补全单词 1. w__ __dy 有风的;多风的 2. cl__ __dy 多云的;阴天的 3. sn__ __y 下雪的;多雪的 4. w__ __m 温暖的 5. c__ __d 寒冷的 6. su__ __y 晴朗的 二、按要求完成下列各题 1. is(复数)__________ 2. teach(名词)__________ 3. pear(复数)__________ 4. sun(形容词)__________ 5. cold(反义词)__________ 6. rainy(名词)__________ 三、单项选择 ( ) 1. It’s ________ today. A. rain B. rainy C. rains ( ) 2. ________(穿上) your shirt. A. Put down B. Put up C. Put on ( ) 3. It’s ________ cold. A. so B. the C. much ( ) 4. How’s ________ weather today? A. the B. are C. be ( ) 5. What’s that ________ English? A. in B. on C. use 四、补全对话 A. Good idea! B. How’s the weather today? C. Let’s go. D. Great! A: Hi, Mum. (1)________ B: It’s sunny. A: Shall we go to the park? B: (2)________ OK. (3)________ A: (4)________ 五、排序题 A. Mum, how’s the weather today? B. Great! C. It’s sunny today. We can go to the park! D. Oh, it’s so bad! E. Oh, honey. It’s rainy. We must go home! 正确的顺序:__________ 参考答案 一、 1-6 i, n; o, u; o, w; a, r; o, l; n, n 二、 1-6 are; teacher; pears; sunny; hot; rain 三、 1-5 BCAAA 四、 (1)-(4) BACD 五、 ACBED

