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人教小学 PEP 英语三年级下册 精编各单元试题卷+期中、期末精品资料大全 三年级下册英语各单元测试题期末复习 三年级下册英语单元测试题(Unit 1) Name: _________ Mark:_________ 听力部分 一、 听录音,把你听到的单词写在下面的四线格内。(10 分) 二、 听音选择,根据录音内容,将正确图片下面的字母用圆圈圈起 来。(10 分) 1. 2. 3. A B A B A B 4. 5. A B A B 三、 听音完成单词,根据录音内容,将下列单词补充完整。(10 分) ___offee ___og ___pple U___ ___ag 四、 听录音,将下列人物与其国籍连起来。(10 分) cat bag Amy Mike Sarah John ChenJie China UK Canada USA Australia 笔试部分 五、 找出不是同一类的单词,把编号写在前面的括号里。(10 分) 1. ( )A. duck B. elephant C. dog D. she 2. ( )A. China B. cat C. USA D. Canada 3. ( )A. student B. pupil C. teacher D. he 4. ( )A. boy B. white C. purple D. orange 5. ( )A. you B.he C.she D. gril 六、 读句子,排一排。(10 分) ( ) Mr Jones,this is Amy. She is a new student. ( ) Good morning, Amy. ( ) I’m from America. ( ) Good morning, Mr Jones. ( ) Where are you from? 七、 选择正确的答案完成对话,将其编号写在括号里。(15 分) ( )1.---Where are you from? ---__________ A. I’m from China. B. I’m Mike. C. Thank you. ( )2. ---Good afternoon. ---_________________ A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Goodbye. ( )3. ---Can I have some water? --- ___________________ A. Sure. Here you are. B. Here it is. C. Hi! ( )4. --- Nice to meet you. ---___________________ A. My name is Jack. B. Nice to meet you, too. C. See you. ( )5. --- How are you? ---___________________ A. Nice to meet you. B. I’m fine, thanks. C. Hello, John. 八、 看图,将相应的单词前面的字母标号填在图片下面的括号里。(10 分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 九、 阅读短文,根据短文内容填空。(15 分) This is my new friend. She is a gril. She is 10 years old. She is from Canada. Her name is LiYan. She is a good student. 1. I have a new . A: teacher B: friend 2. LiYan is from . A:China B: Canada A.canada B. Teacher C. girl D. boy E. USA 3. She is years old. A:ten B: nine 4. LiYan is a good . A: student B:teacher 5. My name is a . A: boy B:gril 2013 年 PEP 三年级下第二单元习题教材同步辅导 一、找出下列单词中不同类的一项,并将序号填在( )内。 ( )1. A. grandma B. grandpa C. ice-cream ( )2. A. water B. hot dog C. hamburger ( )3. A. dad B. teacher C. mom ( )4. A. boy B. girl C. student ( )5. A. apple B. elephant C. squirrel C A B C A 二、选择恰当的单词填空,把正确答案的序号填在括号里。 ( )1.— is that man? B:He is my grandfather. A. What B. Who ( ) 2. Let’s TV. A. watch B. see ( ) 3. My mother is from China. B:She uses . A. fork B. chopsticks ( ) 4.—Who’s that ? B:She’s my grandmother. A.manB.woman ( ) 5 — What a big fish! — ! A. Wow! B. Oh,no! ( )6. A: Who’s that _______? B: She’s my mother. A. man B. woman C. girl D. boy ( )7. A: Who’s that man? B: _________ is my father. A. He B. She C. he D. she ( ) 8. A: Who’s that woman? B: ________ my mother. A. She’s B. she’s C. he’s D. He’s ( )9. This _________ my friend, Ann. She ______ from America. A. is… am B. is …is C. Is … am D. Is …is ( )10. A: Who’ this ______? B: He’s my brother. A. boy B. girl ( ) 11. A: Who’ this girl? B: ________ my sister. A. He’s B. She’s ( )12. A: Let’s watch TV. B: ___________! A. Great B. Welcome 三、根据栏中的问句,在栏中选出正确答语。(10 分) ( )1. What's your name? A. Sure. Here you are. ( )2. Where are you from? B. Great! ( )3. Who's that man? C. My name is Tutu. ( )4. May I have a look? D. I'm from China. ( )5. Let's watch TV! E. He's my grandpa. C D E A B 四、 根据栏中的问句,在栏中选出正确答语。(7 分) ( ) 1. Is she your sister? A. Hello, John. ( ) 2. Who’s that boy? B. Nice to meet you, too. ( ) 3. Let’s watch TV. C. No, she is my friend. ( ) 4. Hello, Amy. D. She’s my grandma. ( ) 5. Nice to meet you. E. He’s my brother. ( ) 6. Who’s that woman? F. Thank you. ( ) 7. Have some tea. G. OK. 五、从 B 栏中找出与 A 栏中相应的答句,把 B 栏前的题号写入 A 栏前的括号中。(10) A 栏 B 栏 ( ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. Who’s this man? Nice to meet Let’s Watch TV. He’s my father. Who’s this woman? Great! Nice to meet you! He is my brother.Who’s that boy? She’s my mother. 六、看图,选择下面的句子,把对话补充完整,将序号填在( ) 内。(8 分) ( )1. A. I'm four. B. Four. C. I'm fine, thank you. ( )2. A. She's my mother. B. He's my father. C. He's my brother. ( )3. A. Nice to meet you. B. Good morning. C. Good afternoon. ( )4. A. He's my father. B. She's my sister. C. He's my brother. 1. 2. 3. 4. B A A C 七、看图,完成下列对话。(10 分) ( )1. — Who is that woman? A. mother —She is my . B. father ( ) 2. — Who is that man? A. grandmother —He is my . B. grandfather ( ) 3. — Who is that boy? A. sister —He is my . B. brother ( ) 4.—Who is this ? A. woman —She is my sister. B. girl ( ) 5. — Who is that ? A. man —He is my father. B. woman ( ) 6. — Who is that woman? A. grandmother —She is my . B. grandfather ( ) 7. —What a big ! A. goose —Wow! B. fish ( ) 8. —Have some ,please! A. ice-cream — Thank you. B. ice ( ) 9. — What do you like? A. hot dogs —I like . B. hamburgers ( ) 10.—Let’s . A. read books —Great! B. watch TV ( )1.—Who is that woman? A. mother —She is my . B. father ( )2.—Who is that man? A. grandmother —He is my . B.grandfather ( )3.—Who is that boy? A.sister —He is my . B.brother ( )4.—Who is this ? A.woman —She is my sister. B.girl ( )5.—Who is that man? A.father —He is my , B.mother ( )6.—Who is that woman? A. grandmother —She is my , B.grandfather ( )7.—What a big ! A.goose —Wow! B.fish ( )8.—Have some ,please ! A.ice-cream —Thank you. B.ice ( )9.—What do you like? A.hot dogs —I like . B.humburgers ( )10.—Let’s . A.read books —Great! B watch TV 七、请你仔细观察下面图片的情景,按情景的先后顺序进行排列。 A B 按正确顺序排列是 → → → 七、根据所给的情景,选择正确答案。(5 分) ( )1. 不知道那个男孩是谁,你会问: A. Who’s that man? B. Who’s that boy? C. Who’s she? ( )2. 向妈妈介绍你的朋友迈克,你说: A. This is my friend, Mike. B. What’s your name? C. He is Mike. ( )3. 下午见到怀特小姐,你说: A. Good morning, Miss White. B. Good afternoon, Miss White. C. Good evening, Miss White. ( )4. 今天是 3 月 8 日,你对妈妈说: A. Happy New Year, Mum. B. Happy Women’s Day, Mum C. Happy Teachers’ Day, Mum. ( )5. 请别人稍等片刻,应该说: A. Wait a moment, please. B. Have a seat, please. ( )1、当你迟到了,应该说: A、 Come in. B、 I’m sorry. C 、It’s OK. ( )2、第一次与别人见面时,可说: A、How old are you? B、 I’m sorry. C 、Nice to meet you. ( )3、如何介绍你的朋友: C D A、My name’s Chen Jie. B、 I’m from America. C 、This is my friend,Amy. ( )4、当班上来了新同学,你要表示欢迎时,该说: A、Welcome. B、What’s you name? C、Goodbye. ( )5、如何询问“你来自哪里?” A、Where are you from?. B、How are you?. C、Nice to meet you. ( )6、有人敲门,你叫他进来,该如何表达: A、Good afternoon. B、Come in. C、Wacth out! ( )7、如何表达“我来自美国。” A、I’m from China. B、I’m from America C、I’m from Canada. 六、这是 Ann 的家谱树,请帮她把相对应的人物名称的序号填在 ( )内。(12 分) A. brother B. sister C. father D. mother E. grandmother F. grandfather 七、Read and choose. 看图,为句子选择合适的单词。 八、阅读短文,判断对错。(对的在括号里写 T,错的写 F) Look at this photo( 照 片 ).This woman is my mother.She is 36.This man is my father.He is 37.This girl is my sister.She is 11. The little boy is me. I am 6.I love them.And they love me very much. ( )1.This woman is my mother. ( )2.My mother is 37. ( )3.My father is 36. ( )4.I am six. ( )5.There are four people in my family. 2013 最新版三年级英语下第三单元测试 班级: 姓名: 得分: 一.在下面的四线三格内写出所给字母的大写或小写形式。(6) B K h j N Z 二、把相应的大小写字母连起来。(5 分) D E G Y Q g d y q e 三、将图片与对应的单词连线。(12 分) A. grandma B. Canada C. boy D. tiger E. giraffe F. elephant 四、在四线三格内写出所给单词,注意手写体与印刷体的区别。(10 分) hand leg milk sister dad 五、请找出不同类的单词,将其序号填入前边括号里。(10) ( ) 1. A. monkey B. short C. long ( ) 2. A. eye B. small C. ear ( ) 3. A. seven B. two C. tail ( ) 4. A. Mr B.Miss C. USA ( ) 5. A.hand B.bag C.arm ( ) 6. A.dad B.mum C.student ( ) 7. A.elephant B.dog C.teacher ( ) 8. A.pig B.big C. fat ( ) 9. A.cat B.fat C.bird ( ) 10. A.brother B.sister C.long 六、看图片选择合适的答案,把序号写在图片下括号里。(10 分) ( )1.It is a________. It has________ears. A. rabbit; long B. cat; short ( )2.It is a ________. It has a ________tail. A. bird; short B.monkey; long ( )3.Look at this________. It is so________. A.deer; short B.giraffe; tall ( )4.This is a________. It is so________. A.cat; big B.mouse; small ( )5.Look at that________. It has a________nose. A.dog; small B.pig; big 七、读一读,选出画线单词的正确意思,将其序号填入题前括号。(12) ( ) 1. He is my brother. A.爸爸 B.妈妈 C.哥哥 ( ) 2.It’s a cat. A.猫 B.狗 C.熊 ( ) 3.This is my family. A.朋友 B.学生 C.家庭 ( ) 4.It has a short tail. A.胖的 B.短的 C.长的 ( ) 5.Come here, children. A.快点 B.到这来 C.快走 ( ) 6.The giraffe is so tall. A.矮的 B.瘦的 C.高的 八、选出下列句子的正确翻译。(10) ( )1.I am from the UK. A.让你的眼睛变小。 ( )2.She is a new student. B.我来自英国。 ( )3.He is my father. C.它有一个长尾巴和一对大眼睛。 ( )4.It has a long tail and big eyes. D.她是一个新学生。 ( )5.Make your eyes small. E.他是我的爸爸。 九、请从 B 栏中选出 A 栏句子的回答,将其序号写在前面括号里。(10) (A)栏 (B)栏 ( ) 1.Where are you from? A. I am from China. ( ) 2.Look at the giraffe. B. He is my father. ( ) 3.Who is that man? C. It is so tall. ( ) 4.This is my friend, Amy. D. No, she isn’t. ( ) 5.Is she your mother? E. Nice to see you, Amy. 十、选择题,将正确选项的序号写在括号里。(15) ( ) 1.对班上来的新同学表示欢迎,你要说_____。 A.Welcome. B. Thank you. C.OK! ( ) 2. John 来自美国,他自我介绍时该说_____。 A.I am from the USA. B.I am a Chinese. C.This is John. ( ) 3.当你对事情表示怀疑时,你可以说_____。 A.OK. B.Really? C.Goodbye. ( ) 4.你怎样向你父亲介绍自己的朋友 Amy?_____。 A. This is my friend, Amy. B. He is Amy. C. This woman is Amy. ( ) 5. 当你想询问照片上的女人是谁时,可以问:_____。 A. Who is this woman? B. Who is this man? C. She is my teacher. ( ) 6. “看看那只长猴子。”可以翻译为:_____。 A. Look at that giraffe. B.Look that monkey. C. Look at that bear. ( ) 7. “它长得又高又大。”可翻译为:_____。 A. It is big and fat. B. It is short and fat. C. It is tall and big. ( ) 8.“它有一个小脑袋。”可以翻译为:____. A. It has big eyes and long nose. B. It has a small head. C. It has a thin body . ( ) 9. Nice_____meet you. A.to B. at C. on ( ) 10.We have two new_____. A. pen B. friends C. so ( ) 11.Look, this is my father. _____ is tall. A.He B.It C. She ( )12. The elephant has a _____ nose. A.long B. short C. thin ( )13.Who is that boy? He is my_____ . A.father B. brother C .sister ( )14.——_____is that woman? ——She is my teacher. A.Who B.What C. How ( )15. It ________ so fat. A. am B. is C. are PEP 小学英语三年级下册 Unit4 Where is my car? (40 分钟 100 分) 一、听音,选出录音所读句子中所含有的单词或字母。(10 分) ( ) 1. A. desk B. peach C. chair ( ) 2. A. where B. pencil C. car ( ) 3. A. in B. on C. pear ( ) 4. A. map B. toy box C. desk ( ) 5. A. ball B. row C. under 二、听音,判断下列各图是否与听到的内容一致,是的画 ,否则 画 。(10 分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听问句,选择正确的答语。(10 分) ( )1. A. Yes, I don't. B. No, I do. C. OK ( )2. A. It's under the book. B. No problem. C. Yes, I do. ( )3. A. No, thanks. B. Sure. Here you are. C. Thank you. ( )4. A. In the toy box. B. Three. C. On the desk. ( )5. A. Yes, it is. B. No,it isn’t. C. under the desk. 四、听音,按照录音所读顺序,用 1-5 给下面句子标号。(10 分) ( )1. It's under the chair. ( )2. Can I use your pencil? ( )3. Where is my car? ( )4. Look at my new crayons. ( )5. Sure. Here you are. 笔试部分 一、看图,将单词和相应的图片连线。(14 分) chair cap ball desk car boat map wwW .x kB 1.c Om 二、看图,选出与图片相对应的句子或对话,把序号填在括号内。(6 分) 1、 2、 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) A. The car is on the box. B. Where is my pencil? –It’s under your book. C. -Mom, where is my ball? -Look, It's under the chair. 三、根据栏中的问句,在栏中选出正确答语。(10 分)www .Xkb1 .coM ( ) 1. Where is my ruler? A. I'm from America. ( ) 2. Is your pencil box on the desk? B. He's Mr. Jones. ( ) 3. Where is my cap? C. It’s in your pencil box.. ( ) 4. Where are you from? D. Oh, yes! ( ) 5. Who's that man? E. It’s in the toy box 四、读句子,选择适当的词填空,把序号填在题前括号内。(10 分) A. How B. What C. Where D. Can E. Who ( ) 1.___________ about you? ( ) 2.___________are you from? ( ) 3.___________is that woman? ( ) 4.___________ are you? ( ) 5.___________ I have some ice cream? 新课 标第 一网 五、根据图示,从方框中选出对应的单词填入括号内。(6 分) 六、看图,将句子翻译成汉语。(4 分) 1、 He is a man. _______________ He is my father.__________________ 2、 She is a student. _____________ She is my sister.________________ 七.连词成句。注意标点符号和大小写。(10 分) 1. is, where, toy, my,box _______________________________________? 2. under, your, is, desk, it ______________________________________? 3. time, good , a , have _______________________________________. 4. a, bounce, ball ______________________________________. 5. go, let’s , home ______________________________________. 新人教版三年级下册英语第五单元试卷 一、 认真写一写,用手写体在四线三格里正确抄写下列单词。(5 分) run under body six milk 二、读一读,选出不同类的一项,并把序号写在括号内。(10 分) ( )1、A、pear B、bear C、apple D、watermelon ( )2、A、grape B、strawberry C、chair D、banana ( )3、A、fruit B、apple C、orange D、pear ( )4、A、orange B、yellow C、grape D、blue ( )5、A、I B、he C、she D、it ( )6、A、pears B、strawberry C、 bananas D、grapes ( )7、A、ball B、boat C、car D、toy ( )8、A、map B、desk C、 chair D、fat ( )9、A、cat B、car C、dog D、bird ( )10、A、where B、what r C、 unde D、how 二、 看图片认单词,把序号写在相应的图片下的括号内。(10 分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A、pear B、orange C、under D、apple E、watermelon F、grape G、in H、 banana I、on J、strawberry 四、看图片读句子,选出和图片相符的句子,并把序号写在括号内。 (8 分) ( )1、A、I like apples ( )2、A、 Can I have some oranges? B、I don`t likeapples. B、Have some oranges. ( )3、 Do you like strawberries,John ? . ( )4、Do you like bananas,Wu Yifan? A、Yes, I do B、No,I don`t. A、Yes I do B、No,I don`t. 五、单项选择,把正确选项的序号写在括号内。(20 分) ( )1、----Have some fruits. ---- A、Thank you B、Fine, thanks C、 Great ( )2、----Can I have an apple, please? ------ A、Thank you B、Here you are C、Great ( )3、Can I have apple, please ? A、a B、 C、an ( )4、Can I have bananas, please? A、a B、some C、an ( )5、----I don`t like pears. -----Me, A、too. B、so C、neither ( )6、-----I like watermelons . ---Me, . A、too. B、so C、neither ( )7、---Do you like pears? -----Yes, . A、I like B、I do C、I don`t ( )8、----Do you like oranges? --- . I like them very much. A、Yes,I do. B、No,I don`t. ( )9、----Let`s have some watermelons. --- . A、Yes ,I do B、No ,Idon`t C、Ok ( )10、---Do you like ?---- No,I don`t. A、strawberry B、stawberries. C、strawberrys. ( )11、---- .---No, I don`t. A、Do you like apples B、Can I have an apple. C、 Have some apples ( )12、--- I have a pear? ---Sure. A、Do B、Am C、Can ( )12、Have fruit. A、any B、a C、some ( )13、 apple a day keeps the doctor away. A、An B、A C、some ( )14、--- . ----Thank you . A、Do you like some pears ? B、Have some oranges. C、Can I have some grapes? 六、情景选择。 ( )1、你非常喜欢吃香蕉你应说: A、Yes, I do B、I like bananas very much C、No, I don` t ( )2、你想知道你的同桌喜欢吃梨你应问: A、Do you like pears? B、I like pear. C、No, I don` t ( )3、有人来你家做客你用水果招待你说: A、Have some apples B、 I like pear. C、Have some fruits. ( )4、你想吃一个苹果,你应说: A、Have some apples B、Can I have an apple C、Can I have a apple. ( )5、别人让你吃香蕉你不爱吃你应说: A、Have some bananas B、 Sorry, I don` t like bananas C、Can I have bananas. ( )6、你吃完了别人问你是否还要应说: A、Have some more B、I like more C、More? ( )7、当你想吃梨时,你会说:“ . A、I don`t like pears, B、Can I have some pears ?C、I like pear ( )8.把苹果递给别人时说: A. You’re welcome. B. Here you are. C. No.. ( )9.当你接到别人给你的水果,应该说: A. Yes. B. Thanks you. C. Thank you. ( )10.当别人说他不喜欢梨子,你也不喜欢应该说: A. Me, too. B. Me, neither.C. I don’t like pears. 七、左右匹配,从右边选出合适的应答语,并把序号写在括号内。(16 分) ( )1、Do you like stawberries? A、Thank you . I like grapes. ( )2、I like apples . B、No, it isn`t. ( )3、I don`t like bananas. C、Me,too ( )4、Can I have some oranges ? D、Yes, she is. ( )5、Have some grapes . E、No, I don`t. ( )6、Is it in your toy box? F、It`s on the box. ( )7、Is she your sister? G、Here you are. ( )8、Where is my car? H、Me ,neither. 2013 最新版三年级英语下册第六单元测试题 name: 一、选出不同类的单词: ( )1、 A、eleven B、one C、he ( )2、 A、kite B、grape C、pear ( )3、 A、boat B、car C、eighteen ( )4、 A、big B、tall C、cap 二、单词连线 A、bird B、eraser C、kite D、ruler E、book 三、选择填空: one+sixteen= twelve-seven= twenty- =thirteen eleven+eight= four×three= fifteen÷five= A、nineteen B、three C、twelve D、seventeen E、five F、seven 四、 五、找规律,选择合适的数字填入小树中。 A、fourteen B、fifteen C、twelve D、eighteen E、nineteen 六、 七、连线,选择合适的答语: 1、How many kites do you see? A、It’s beautiful! 2、How many crayons do you have? B、Yes ,I do. 3、Look at the kites! C、I see 12. 4、Do you like pears? D、Thank you. 5、Here you are. E、I have 14. 八、选择。 1、How many do you have? A、car B、cars 2、Can I have some bananas? A、Yes ,I do. B、Here you are. 3、Sorry ,I don’t like grapes.这句话的意思是: A、我喜欢葡萄 B、报歉,我不喜欢葡萄。 4、Open it and see!这句话的意思是: A、我喜欢它 B、打开看看 5、The black one is a bird.这句话的意思是: A、黑色的那个是只鸟。 B、绿色的那个是只鸟。 期末测试 【有 MP3 音频】 满分:100 分 时间:60 分钟 得分: 听力部分 一、听录音,选出单词。(10 分) ( )1.A.apple B.desk C.UK ( )2.A.mother B.many C.map ( )3.A.new B.grape C.cap ( )4.A.two B.twelve C.twenty ( )5.A.long B.short C.tall 二、听录音,连线。(10 分) six USA fifteen apples twenty tall John desks my mother strawberries 三、听录音,判断下列句子与内容是(T)否(F)相符。(10 分) ( )1.Where are you from? ( )2.I like bananas. ( )3.I have sixteen toys cars. ( )4.I’m from the UK. ( )5.My father is tall. 四、听录音,给句子选择合适的答语。(10 分) ( )1.A.It’s on the desk. B.Yes, it is. C.No. ( )2.A.Yes, it is. B.I want some apples. C.I’m from China. ( )3.A.She is my grandmother. B.She is a girl. C.He is a doctor. ( )4.A.Yes, he is. B.Yes, she is. C.No, he isn’t. ( )5.A.I have ten apples. B.Yes, I do. C.Sixteen. 笔试部分 五、选择恰当的字母或字母组合,补全单词。(5 分) ( )1.C nada A.a B.e C.o ( )2.s ster A.e B.u C.i ( )3.sh t A.ar B.or C.er ( )4. n A.e B.o C.u ( )5. leven A.u B.o C.e 六、选出下列单词中不同类的一项。(5 分) ( )1.A.thirteen B.thin C.tall ( )2.A.man B.map C.woman ( )3.A.new B.ball C.car ( )4.A.strawberry B.small C.apple ( )5.A.grandpa B.dad C.grape 七、选择正确的答案。(20 分) ( )1.It a small nose. A.does B.has C.have ( )2.— is the map? — It s on the desk. A.Where B.What C.Who ( )3.— bananas do you have? — I have fifteen. A.How B.How many C.How are ( )4.— he? — He’s my brother. A.Who’s B.What’s C.Where’s ( )5.— Look at my ball! — A.Wow, it’s so tall. B.Wow, it’s so fat. C.Wow, it’s so beautiful. ( )6.— — It’s my new car. A.Who is it? B.Where is it? C.What’s this? ( )7.— Do you like bananas? — A.Here you are. B.Yes, I do. C.OK! ( )8.— I watermelons. — Me, neither. A.like B.don’t like C.isn’t like ( )9.— Is she your mother? — A.No, she is. B.No. She’s my teacher. C.No, you aren’t. ( )10.It has a short . A.head B.legs C.tail 八、给下列句子选择对应的图片。(10 分) ( )1.I have an apple. A. ( )2.The monkey likes bananas. B. ( )3.The books are on the desk. C. ( )4.I have ten pencils. D. ( )5.The elephant is so big. E. 九、给下列句子选择对应的答语。(10 分) ( )1.Who’s that boy? A.I have thirteen. ( )2.How many books do you have? B.Yes, I do. ( )3.Do you like pears? C.Yes, she is. ( )4.Is she your sister? D.Oh! It’s so big. ( )5.Look at the elephant! E.He’s Tom. 十、给下列句子选择对应的汉语翻译。(10 分) ( )1.Open it and see. A.你有多少个风筝? ( )2.Let’s go home! B.我不喜欢葡萄。 ( )3.Where is my boat? C.打开看看。 ( )4.I don’t like grapes. D.我的小船在哪里? ( )5.How many kites do you have? E.我们回家吧! 期末测试 听力部分 一、听力材料 1.UK 2.mother 3.cap 4.twelve 5.long 答案:1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A 二、听力材料 1.six apples 2.fifteen desks 3.twenty strawberries 4.John is from the USA. 5.My mother is tall. 答案:略 三、听力材料 1.Where are you from? 2.I like apples. 3.I have six toy cars. 4.I’m from China. 5.My father is tall. 答案:1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T 四、听力材料 1.Where is the book? 2.What do you want? 3.Who is she? 4.Is she your mother? 5.How many pears do you have? 答案:1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.C 笔试部分 五、 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.C 六、 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.B 9.B 10.C 八、 1.D 2.A 3.C 4.E 5.B 九、 1.E 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 十、 1.C 2.E 3.D 4.B 5.A 20xx 学年度人教 PEP 版英语三年级下册 Recycle 2 单元测试卷 (二) 评卷人 得分 一、选择题(题型注释) 1.---- is my apple? ( ) ---It’s on the desk. A. Where B. What C. How many 2.---Have some pears. ( ) --- A. OK. B. Sure. Here you are. C. Thanks. 3.---Can I some grapes? ( ) ---Sure. Here you are. A. gets B. has C. have 4.---Do you like grapes? ( ) --- A. Yes, I do not. B. No, I do. C. Yes, I do. 5.---Let’s go home! ( ) --- A. Thank you! B. OK! C. Silly me! 评卷人 得分 二、连线题 6.看图,连线。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A. fourteen B. chair C. tall D. apple E. cap 评卷人 得分 三、单词拼写 7.用所给的字母组成单词。 1. a, f, h, t, r, e __________ 2. n, o, g, l __________ 3. e, d, s, k __________ 4. h, s, t, o, r __________ 5. t, e, w, n, y, t __________ 6. r, n, e, u, d __________ 7. r, a, o, n, e, g __________ 8. t, b, o, a, __________ 9. a, p, e, r, g __________ 10. p, a, e, r __________ 评卷人 得分 四、新添加的题型 8.圈出每组中不同类的单词。 1. twelve kite fifteen eleven 2. father sister tall mother 3. under eleven fifteen twenty 4. small short giraffe fat 5. chair pear grape banana 6. in on car under 7. boy girl desk man 8. China UK USA toy 9. teacher big tall thin 10. box cap eleven map 评卷人 得分 五、句型转转 9.按要求写句子。 1. I’m from the UK. (就画线部分提问) ___________ are __________ from? 2. It’s small and fat. (写出与其相反的句子) It’s___________ and __________. 3. I like grapes. (改为否定句) I __________ __________ grapes. 评卷人 得分 六、翻译 10.翻译下列句子。 1. I can get the pears. ____________________________ 2. Open it and see! ____________________________ 3. Is she your mother? ____________________________ 4. It’s under your desk. ____________________________ 5. I don’t like apples. ____________________________ 评卷人 得分 七、匹配题 11.给下列句子选择恰当的答语。 A. Nice to meet you. B. I’m from the USA. C. She’s my sister. D. Yes, he is. E. It’s under your desk. F. Ah, so cute. (_____) 1. Who’ that girl? (_____) 2. Look at my cat. (_____) 3. Is he your brother? (_____) 4. This is my friend, Amy. (_____) 5. Where is my cap? (_____) 6. Where are you from? 评卷人 得分 八、补全对话 12.根据上下文提示,选择恰当的选项,完成对话。 Li Lin: Hi, Mom! This is my friend, Dora. Mom: 1.________ Dora: Nice to meet you, too. Mom: 2._________ Dora: I’m from Canada. Mom:3._________ Dora: Sorry, I don’t like oranges. 4.________ Mom: Sure. Here you are. Dora: Thank you. Mom: 5.________ Dora: I have three. Look! This is my family. Mom: 6.________ Dora: She’s my grandma. Mom: Is he your father? Dora: No, he is my big brother. A. Can I have an apple, please? B. Who’s this woman? C. Hi! Nice to meet you, Dora. D. Do you like oranges? E. How many brothers do you have? F. Where are you from. Dora? 参数答案 1.A 【解析】1. 略 2.C 【解析】2. 略 3.C 【解析】3. 略 4.C 【解析】4. 略 5.B 【解析】5. 略 6.1.D 2.E 3.A 4.C 5.B 【解析】6. 略 7.1. father 2. long 3. desk 4. short 5. twenty 6. under 7. orange 8. boat 9. grape 10. pear 【解析】7. 略 8.1.kite 2.tall 3.under 4.giraffe 5.chair 6.car 7.desk 8.toy 9.teacher 10.eleven 【解析】8. 略 9.1. Where you 2. big thin 3. don’t like 【解析】9. 略 10.1.我可以拿到梨。 2.打开看看! 3.她是你妈妈吗? 4.它在你书桌下面。 5. 我不喜欢苹果。 【解析】10. 略 11.1.C 2.F 3.D 4.A 5.E 6.B 【解析】11. 略 12.1.C 2.F 3.D 4.A 5.E 6.B 【解析】12. 略 三年级第二学期期中质量检测 ____年级_____试题 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分 得分 一、在四线格上正确书写出这些单词的首字母。(10 分) 得分 1. other 2. amily 3. oy 4. he 5. riend 二.找出不同类的单词。(10 分) 得分 (c )1.A.big B.small C.boy ( c)2.A.friend B.family C.long ( c)3.A.mother B.father C.TV ( a )4.A.short B.UK C.USA ( c)5.A.dog B.cat C.he 三.选择。(10 分) 得分 ( b )1.-who′s that girl? _ _________my friend A.He′s B. She′s C. It′s DThey′re ( b)2.-Is he your father? -No, _________.He is my teacher. A.he is B. he isn′t C. she is D. she isn′t ( c )3.The giraffe is_________. A.short B.small C.tall ( a )4.- _________are you from? -I′m from China A.Where B.Who C.What ( c )5.The monkey has long _________. A.nose B.ear C.tail 四.在 B 栏中选出能对 A 栏中句子做出正确反应的答语(10 分) 得分 A B ( b)1.Is she your mother? A.Nice to meet you! 订 ( a)2. Nice to meet you! B.Yes,she is ( c )3.This is my new friend . C.Let′s play! ( e )4.Who′s this women? D.It′s tall! ( d )5.Look at the giraffe . E.She is my mother. 五.把下列单词连成一个通顺的句子,将序号填在横线上(10 分) 得分 1.①giraffe ②Look ③at ④the _________2341_____________________________________________ . 2.①has ②It ③a ④small ⑤ear ___________21345___________________________________________. 3.①that ②man ③is ④Who ____________4312__________________________________________. 4.①feed ②animals ③Don′t ④the ______________3142________________________________________. .①long ②Monkeys ③have ④tails __________2314____________________________________________. 六.翻译下列句子。(10 分) 得分 1. Boys and girls,we have a new firend today. ______________________________________________________. 2. Hi,I′m Mike.I′m from Canada. ______________________________________________________. 3. Hello,Mom!This is my frieng,Amy. ______________________________________________________. 4. Where are you from? ______________________________________________________. 5. Who′s this women? ______________________________________________________. 七.将下列反义词连起来。(10 分) 得分 tall yes short big fat small long no thin short 八.读读连连。(10 分) 得分 1.Is this boy your brother? A.No,he isn′t 2.What′s your name? B.She′s my mother 3.Are you from Canada? C.my name is Mike. 4.Who′s that woman? D.Yes,I am 5.How many monkeys? E.Ten 九.根据句子和图片选单词。(10 分) 得分 A.mother B.student C.China D.boy E.father I am Wu Yifan.Im a d . I′m from c . I love my a .I love my e .They love me. I have a brother,he is a b . 十.读句子,排顺序。(10 分) 得分 ( 1 )Look at that woman! ( 3 )She is my teacher. ( 4 )Where is she from? ( 2 )Who is she? ( 5 )She is from Canada. 小学英语三年级下册期末测试题 Name: _________ Mark:_________ 听力部分(50 分) 一. 听录音,选出所读单词或字母组合。(5 分) ( )1、A、ruler B、coke C、dog ( ) 2、A、grandmother B、boy C、sister ( ) 3、A 、AEF B、AMN C、KLM ( ) 4、A、thirteen B、seventeen C、twenty ( ) 5、A、peach B、pear C、quiet 二.听一听,圈出跟所听到的句子相匹配的图片。(5 分) 1. 2. 3. A B A B A B 4. 5. A B A B 三.根据录音内容,图片相符打√,否则打×。(10 分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、听音,根据你所听到的内容,用大写字母给下列的图标号。(10 分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 五、听音,判断下列各图是否与听到的内容一致,是的画 ,否则画 。(10 分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 六、听问句,选择正确的答语。(5 分) ( )1. A. I'm Canada. B. I'm from Canada. C. I'm Sarah. ( )2. A. He's my brother. B. He's my father. C. She's my sister. ( )3. A. I have thirteen. B. I can see thirteen. C. Balloons. ( )4. A. No, thanks. B. You're welcome. C. Sorry,I don't like ( )5.A. Certainly B. I have one C.Yes, I have 七、按照你所听到的录音,排序。(5 分) ( ) I have 18 books and 1 pencilbox. It’s in my bag. ( ) I’m short and shin. I have big eyes and small nose. ( ) Hello! I’m Amy. I’m from the UK. ( ) I like watermelons,strawberries,and grapes. I don’t like pears and oranges. ( ) I love my family--my grandpa,my grandma,my father,my mother and my brother . 笔试部分 八.找出不是同一类的单词,把编号写在前面的括号里。(5 分) ( )1、A、duck B、run C、pig D、fun ( )2、A、pear B、watermelon C、grape D、fruit ( )3、A、eleven B、twelve C、twenty D、number ( )4、A、in B、on C、where D、under ( )5、A、china B、UK C、USA D、Sarah 九.根据图画内容和句子,在四线三格中写出合适的单词。(5 分) 十、读一读,选一选。根据情境图的内容选择单词,补全句子。(10 分) 1. I’m from . A: UK B: USA 2.The cat is the chair. A: in B: under 3.---How many caps do you see? ---I see . A: eleven B: seven 4.Look,the elephant has a tail. A: short B: long 5.---Who’s that boy?--- is my brother. A: he B: He 十一、根据情景,选择相应的英语。(10 分) 1.当别人问你来自哪里时,回答:________A: I’m Amy. B:I’m from Australia. 2.当你看到一只大象, 说:________ A:Wow! It’s so big and tall. B:It has small a body and a tail. 3.你问别人有多少支蜡笔,说:________ A: How many crayons do you have? B : How many crayon? 4.别人问你的钢笔在哪里时,你回答:________ A:Oh,where is my pen? B:Oh, It’s in my pencilbox. 5.当别人不喜欢苹果,你想表达你也是时用:________ A:Me, too! B: Me ,neither! 6.当你想展示自己的新蜡笔时,可以说:________ A、It's my crayons B. Look at my new crayons 7. 当别人问你来自哪里后, 应回答说::________ A. My name is Li Mei. B. I’m from America. . 8.当你很惊讶地看到一只大鹅时, 应说: _______. A. What a big goose! B. How beautiful! 9.当你把物品给别人时, 应说: ______. A. It’s here. B. Here you are. 10.当你正在找玩具汽车时, 应说: ______. A. Where is my taxi? B. Where is my car? 十二、看图片,选句子,完成对话。把字母序号写在图片下面的括号里。(10 分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 十、阅读短文,判断对错。对的写 T ,错的写 F。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) Tom and John are good friends. Tom is twelve years old. John is thirteen years old. They are good students. They like to eat hamburgers.Miss White is their English teacher.She likes them very much. ( )1, Tom and John are good friends. ( )2. Tom is twelve years old. ( )3. John is twelve years old. ( )4.Tom likes to eat hamburgers. ( )5. Miss White thinks(认为)they are good students PEP 小学英语三年级(下)期末试卷 A:It’s so tall. B:I have 16. C: No, I don’t. D: It’s on the desk. E: He is my father. 班级:________________ 姓名:_________________ 得分:_________________ 一、请将图片下面的字母序号填入相应单词前面的括号中。(12 分) A. B. C D. E. F. ( ) 1. pig ( ) 2. teacher ( ) 3. grandfather ( ) 4. strawberry ( ) 5. seventeen ( )6. UK 二、找出不同类的单词。(20 分) ( ) 1. A. boy B. teacher C. girl ( ) 2. A. USA B. China C. Shandong ( ) 3. A. student B. father C. mother ( ) 4. A. apple B. banana C. milk ( ) 5. A. tall B. she C. long ( ) 6. A. monkey B. giraffe C. pen ( ) 7. A. family B. grandpa C. grandma ( ) 8. A. he B. is C. she ( ) 9. A. eleven B. it C. twelve ( ) 10. A. orange B. white C. dog 三、根据提示给下列单词分类。(10 分) a. tiger b.grandma c.box d.twelve e.apple f.orange g.sister h.umbrella i.ten j.fox 1.表示数字的有____________________ 2.表示人物的有 ____________________ 3.表示动物的有____________________ 4.表示物品的有 ____________________ 5.表示水果的有____________________ 四、找出与句中划线部分单词意思相反的词。(10 分) ( )1.Look!The giraffe is so tall.A.short B.big C.cute ( )2.The man is my grandpa.A.boy B.girl C.woman ( )3.The rabbit has a short tail.A.small B.long C.short ( )4.The panda has black eyes.A.brown B.red C.white ( )5.Wow!The mouse is so small.A.big B.tall C.short 三、从 B 栏中找出 A 栏的正确答句。(14 分) A B ( ) 1. Nice to meet you again. A. He’s my brother. ( ) 2. How many cars can you see? B. Good morning. ( ) 3. Who’s that boy? C. Nice to meet you, too. ( ) 4. Where are you from? D. I can see 10. ( ) 5. Good morning. E. It’s in your desk. ( ) 6. Can I have some bananas? F. I’m from China. ( ) 7. Where is my book? G. Here you are. 四、根据情景选句子,将正确答案的序号写在题前的括号内。(15 分) ( ) 1. 你想问别人来自哪里,应该说:___________________ A. Where are you from? B. I’m from China. ( ) 2. 当你把东西递给别人的时候,应该说:_____________________ A. OK. B. Here you are. ( ) 3. 当你想问别人有多少支铅笔时,应该说:____________________ A. How many pencils do you have? B. How many books do you have? ( ) 4. 当你向大家介绍一位新朋友 Amy 时, 你应该说:___________________ A. Hello, Amy. B. This is my new friend, Amy. ( ) 5. 当你想知道那位男孩是谁,应该说:____________________ A. Who’s that boy? B. Who’s that girl? ( ) 6.当别人问你来自哪里时,回答:_____ A: I’m Amy. B:I’m from Australia. ( ) 7.当你看到一只大象, 说:________ A:Wow! It’s so big and tall. B:It has small a body and a tail. ( ) 8.你问别人有多少支蜡笔,说:________ A: How many crayons do you have? B : How many crayon? ( ) 9.别人问你的钢笔在哪里时,你回答:________ A:Oh,where is my pen? B:Oh, It’s in my pencilbox. ( ) 10.当别人不喜欢苹果,你想表达你也是时用:________ A:Me, too! B: Me ,neither! ( ) 11.当你想展示自己的新蜡笔时,可以说:________ A、It's my crayons B. Look at my new crayons ( ) 12. 当别人问你来自哪里后, 应回答说::________ A. My name is Li Mei. B. I’m from America. . ( ) 13.当你很惊讶地看到一只大鹅时, 应说: _______. A. What a big goose! B. How beautiful! ( ) 14.当你把物品给别人时, 应说: _____ A. It’s here. B. Here you are. ( ) 15.当你正在找玩具汽车时, 应说: ______. A. Where is my taxi? B. Where is my car? 五、中英文搭配。(5 分) ( ) 1. I don’t like oranges. A. 我的书包在哪? ( ) 2. Where is my bag? B. 你有多少支蜡笔? ( ) 3. It has a long nose. C. 我不喜欢橙子。 ( ) 4. How many crayons do you have? D. 它有长鼻子。 ( ) 5. Have a good time! E. 玩开心点! 六.根据图画内容和句子,在四线三格中写出合适的单词。(5 分) 七、读一读,选一选。根据情境图的内容选择单词,补全句子。(5 分) 1. I’m from . A: UK B: USA 2.The cat is the chair. A: in B: under 3.---How many caps do you see? ---I see . A: eleven B: seven 4.Look,the elephant has a tail. A: short B: long 5.---Who’s that boy?--- is my brother. A: he B: He 八、看图片,选句子,完成对话。把字母序号写在图片下面的括号里。(5 分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) A:It’s so tall. B:I have 16. C: No, I don’t. D: It’s on the desk. E: He is my father.


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