Unit 1 Were going to visit Hainan作业课件

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Unit 1 Were going to visit Hainan作业课件

Module 8 WY 四年级上册 Unit 1   We’re going to visit Hainan. 提示 : 点击 进入习题 四 一 五 二 六 三 七 一、将下列单词与对应的图片连线。 1. bag           A. 2. plane B. 3. sea C. 4. swimsuit D. 5. socks E. 二、核心素养练  (    ) 1. I’m going to get up at six o’clock. A.   B. (    ) 2. They are my socks. A. B. A A (    ) 3. We can swim in the sea in Hainan. A. B. (    ) 4. Sam is from the UK. A. B. (    ) 5. We’re going by train. A. B. B B B 三、选择合适的介词填空。 1. We’re going to Hainan ________ plane. 2. They’re going to swim ________ the sea. 3. Please get up ________ seven o’clock. in 点拨 : in 是在 …… 里面, in the sea 是在大海里。 点拨 : by 是介词,乘交通工具时用 by 。 by at 4. I’m going to visit the park ________ my grandparents. 5. I’m ________ China. with from 点拨 : with 是“和 …… 一起”的意思。 点拨 : be from 是 ” 来自 ……” 的意思。 四、单项选择。 (    ) 1. I ________ going to visit the zoo. A. am    B. is    C. are (    ) 2. We are going to ________ in the lake. A. swimming B. swim C. swims A B 点拨 : be going to 结构中, be 动词是由前面的人称决定, I 后面用 am 。 (    ) 3. —________ your name? —My name is Tom. A. How     B. What’s C. What are (    ) 4. This is ________ book. A. Tom     B. Tom is C. Tom’s 点拨 : be going to 后面跟动词原形。 B C (    ) 5. Time ________ bed, children. A. to B. for C. is 点拨 : 这是考查名词所有格的用法,在人名后加 ’s 表示 ”…… 的 ” 。 B 五、连词成句。 1. Amy, from, is, the, UK ______________________________________________. 2. I’m, visit, going, my, to, grandma ______________________________________________. 3. tomorrow, Shanghai, to, we’re, visit , going ______________________________________________. We’re going to visit Shanghai tomorrow Amy is from the UK I’m going to visit my grandma 4. is, bag, Daming’s, this _____________________________________________. 5. get, at, going, they, five, up, o’clock, to, are _____________________________________________. This is Daming’s bag They are going to get up at five o’clock 六、阅读短文,选择正确答案。 Hello, my name is Kate. I’m a girl. Let me tell you my plan( 计划 ). I’m going to Qingdao. I’m going to visit my grandpa and grandma. My father and my mother are going there with me. We’re going to swim in the sea. We’re going there by bus. I’m going to eat seafood ( 海鲜 )in Qingdao. We are going to take some pictures. (    ) 1. Kate is a________. A. boy    B. girl C. man (    ) 2. Kate is going to ________. A. Qinghai B. Qingdao C. Qinhuangdao (    ) 3. Kate is going to visit her ______. A. Uncle B. friends C. grandparents( 祖父母 ) B B C (    ) 4. Kate is going to Qingdao with ________. A. her father   B. her mother C. A and B (    ) 5. Kate is going to ________ in Qingdao. A. swim and fish B. fish and row a boat C. swim and take pictures C C 七、快乐大本营,约上你的小朋友,与你一起闯关,看 看谁是今天的冠军。 第一关 (☆☆) 选出每组单词中画线部分读音不同的一项 (    ) 1. A. fr om   B. fr uit   C. fl y (    ) 2. A. f i sh B. r i de C. vis i t ⇒ C B 第二关 (☆☆☆) 根据汉语提示补全句子 3. 我们明天要去参观海南。 We’re going to ________ Hainan ________. 4. 我来自中国。 I’m ________ China. ⇒ visit tomorrow from 第三关 (☆☆☆☆☆) 根据图片,仿照例句写句子 例: We’re going to eat some fruit. 5. _________________ I’m going to swim.

