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年人教 PEP 三年级英语上学期期末考试试卷 1.听音,编号。请根据你所听到的内容选择合适的情景图并编号。(5 分) 2.听音,画圈。请根据你所听到的内容圈出相应的图片。(5 分) 3.听音,判断。画 或 (8 分) 4.听音,涂色。请根据录音内容给下列图片涂色,其中有两项是多余的。(10 分) 5.第二行多了哪个词,请划掉。(10 分) (1)ruler eraser sharpener school pencil school ruler sharpener eraser (2)mouth finger hand nose mouse nose mouth finger hand (3)brown blue boat ball blue ball black brown boat (4)monkey bird bear bread bear bread duck bird monkey (5)kite ball eight plane ball plane kite doll eight 6.读单词,圈出相应的图片。(10 分) 7.读单词,然后根据单词分类,填入标号。(12 分) 8.读数字,按你读到的顺序连接圆点。(8 分) 9.读对话,将名字与图画连线。(i0 分) John:I have an eraser. Mike:I have a sharpener. John:May I have a look? Mike:Sure, here you are. John:How old are you? Bai Ling:I'm eight. Sarah:Have some tea. Chen Jie:No, thanks. Can I have some juice. Sarah:Sure, here you are. 10.看图,连线。(10 分) 参考答案 1.2 4 1 5 3 【解析】 【听力材料】 (1)A:Let’s go to school! B:OK! (2)A:Have some Coke. B:Thank you. (3)A:This is my friend. B:Nice to meet you. (4)A:Look at my elephant. B:Oh,it’s lovely.I like it. (5)A:This is for you! B:Thank you! 2.(1)圈出松鼠 (2)圈出卷笔刀 (3)圈出汉堡包 (4)圈出气球 (5)圈出鼻 【解析】 【听力材料】 (1)squirrel (2)sharpener (3)hamburger (4)balloon (5)nose 3. 【解析】 【听力材料】 (1)Touch your nose. (2)Carry your bag. (3)Stamp your foot. (4)Climb like a bear. (5)Smell the chicken. (6)Show me the hamburger. (7)Drive the car. (8)Count the sticks. 4.(1)蜡笔涂成黄色 (2)猪涂成黑色 (3)数字 7 涂成粉红色 (4)小船涂成橙色 (5)小兔的眼睛涂成红色 【解析】 【听力材料】 (1)Colour the crayon yellow. (2)Look at the pig.It’s black. (3)I'm No.7. I'm pink. (4)This is a boat.It’s orange. (5)Hello! I'm Miss Rabbit.My eyes are red. 5.(1)pencil (2)mouse (3)black (4)duck (5)doll 【解析】 6.(1)钢笔 (2)玩具娃娃 (3)咖啡 (4)耳朵 (5)熊猫 【解析】 7.A.4,7,11 B.3,6,10 C.1,5,8 D.2,9,12 【解析】 8. 【解析】 9.John 连橡皮、Mike 连卷笔刀、Sarah 连茶、Chen Jie 连果汁、Bai Ling 连数字 8 【解析】 10. 【解析】

