牛津上海版(深圳)四上《Are you happy》同步练习

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牛津上海版(深圳)四上《Are you happy》同步练习

Unit 3 Are you happy? 知识梳理 一、Words: 1.happy 开心的 2.sad 难过的 3.tired 累的 4.hungry 饥饿的 5.full 饱的 6.thirsty 口渴的 7.bird 鸟 8.see 看见 9.bottle 瓶子 10. drink 喝 11. kite 风筝 12. bike 自行车 13. biscuit 饼干 14. water 水 15. right 正确的 16. little 小的 17. stone 石头 18. thin 瘦的 二、Phrases: 1.a thirsty bird 一只口渴的鸟 2.a new kite 一个新的风筝 3.a good idea 一个好主意 4.have some water 喝些水 5.drink the water 喝水 6.some little stones 一些小石头 7.have some biscuits 吃些饼干 8.look at 看…… 三、Sentences: 1.Are you happy/thirsty/hungry/tired?你开心/口渴/饥饿/累吗? 2.I have a new bike.我有一辆新自行车。 3.You can have some biscuits/water.你可以吃点饼干。/你可以喝点水。 4.I have a good idea.我有一个好主意。 5.The bird can see some little stones. 那只鸟能看到一些小石头。 6.The bottle is tall and thin. 那个瓶子高高的,瘦条形状。 重点点拨 1.形容词的主要用法:形容词的意思表示“……的”;有两种用法:1)后面接 名词,例如:a new kite 一只新的风筝 2)放在 be 动词(am,is,are)或连系 动词后面,例如:I'm full/thirsty/tired. He is happy. They are hungry. 2.have 和 has 的用法:这两个词都可表示“有、吃或喝”的意思。当主语是 I, you 或复数时,用 have;当主语是第三人称单数(he,she,it 等)时,用 has。 3. look 和 see 的区别:look 是不及物动词,后面不能直接接名词,后面若要接 人或物时要加介词 at,即 look at...,see 是及物动词,后面可以直接接人或 物,强调“看到”了某物 单词播音园 大声朗读下列短文,体会粗写的单词中字母 e 的发音/i:/ Peter and Eve are friends. Peter is a boy. He likes Chinese. Eve is a girl. She likes Japanese. When they eat, they like meat. They like reading books with me. 训练大本营 核心模块 一.看图,读一读,写句子序号。 1. Tim's father comes home late. He is very tired 2. Oh, I'm hungry. Can I have these biscuits? 3. It's hot today. I'm thirsty and I need some water. 4. Mum, I'm not hungry now. I'm full. I don't want any food. 5. Look, Mark is over there. He looks happy. 二.读一读,连线。 1. How are you? A. You're welcome. 2. Are you hungry? B. Thanks, Kitty. 3. I am very sad. C. I'm thirsty and tired. 4. Thanks, John. D. Yes, I am. 5. Please have some water. E. Because (因为) I can't see my bike. 三.看图,选择合适的短语完成对话。 some biscuits look at my bike some water new kite 1. -Are you happy? -Yes, I have a . 2. - This is . - It is small. 3. - Mum, I'm thirsty. - Please drink . 4. -Are you hungry? - Yes. Can I have ? 5. Please that girl. She can't find her mother. She's sad. 四.看图,选择适当的单词填空。 1. The boy can't see his mother. He is . 2. Can I have a cup of water? I'm very . 3. My father is busy and he is very today 4. I have a new bike. It's very nice and I am so . 5. Poor little Joe doesn't have any food today. He is now. 五.读一读,圈出正确答案。 1. - Are / Is you thirsty, Ben? - Yes, I am. 2. - How / What is Kitty? - She is tired and hungry. 3. - Have some biscuits. - Thanks / Here you are, Mum. 4. I'm full / hungry. I can't eat these cakes. 六.看图,读一读,选择适当句子补全对话。 A. She can't see her pet dog. B. I'm full now. C. Can I have some water? D. I am hungry, Mum. E. I am sad. 1. I can't find my watch. 2. - How are you, Bill? - I want a hamburger. 3. - Who's that girl? She looks sad. -Yes. 4. -Are you thirsty, Harry? -Yes. 5. Look, I can't eat any food. 综合模块 一.找出每组单词中划线部分发音与所给音标读音相同的一项。 二.看图,读一读,选择正确答案。 ( )1. A. Yes, I want some food. B. No, I'm not. C. Yes, I want some water. ( )2. A. I'm hungry. B. Yes. I want some water. C. I'm not happy. ( )3. A. Thanks, Mum. B. I don't want juice. C. I'm not thirsty. ( )4. A. Have some biscuits, please. B. Have a cake, please. C. Have some hot tea, please. ( )5. A. He's a new classmate. B. Yes, he is. C. He's thirsty. 三.连词成句。 1. bike / have / new / I / a (.) 2. a/bird / bottle / the / see / can (.) 3. very / bird / thirsty / the / is (?) 四.看图,读一读,完成下列试题。 判断下列句子是否正确,对的打√,错的打×。 ( ) 1. Sponge Bob and Patrick are friends. ( ) 2. Sponge Bob can sing and swim. ( ) 3. Sponge Bob doesn't like milk. ( ) 4. Sponge Bob can't surf in the sea. 五.根据所给情景选出适当的问句或答语。 ( ) 1. - How are you? - A. I'm nine. B. I'm very well. C. I'm Tom. ( ) 2. - - She is tired and hungry. A. What's her name? B. How is Kitty? C. What can she do? ( )3. -Are you happy? - A. Yes, I am. B. No, I can't. C. Yes, I do. ( )4. - Is Lily thirsty? - A. No, she doesn't. B. Yes, she is. C. No, she can't. ( ) 5. - - I can jump. A. How's the weather? B. What's your name? C. What can you do? 六.选择填空,从每小题的三个选项中选出最佳选项。 ( ) 1. - Are you ? - No, I'm very full. A. thirsty B. full C. hungry ( ) 2. - How are you? - I'm . A. ten B. tired C. right ( ) 3. I can see elephant. A. a B. an C. some ( ) 4. The bottle is tall thin. A. and B. or C. with ( ) 5. I'm . Can I have some water? A. hungry B. thirsty C. happy 七.看图读一读,把句子编号填入相应的方框里。 1. Girl: I'm hungry. May I have an apple, please? Woman: Yes, here you are. 2. Girl: Mmm. This apple is good. It's very sweet. 3. Woman: I'm tired. I want to sleep. 4. Now the woman is sleeping under (在……下面) the tree. 5. Woman: Help! Help! (救命)I'm afraid of snakes. 6. Girl: I'm not afraid of snakes. Look! Woman: Thank you for your help. 八.读表格信息,完成下列试题。 Name happy tired hungry thirsty Cindy × √ √ Jacky √ × √ × Susan √ √ × × Jerry × × √ √ 根据表格内容判断正误,对的填 A,错的填 B。 ( ) 1. Cindy is thirsty and she is not happy. ( ) 2. Jerry isn't hungry but he is tired. ( ) 3. Jacky is happy and he is hungry too. ( ) 4. Susan is sad today and she is thirsty. 参考答案 核心模块 I. 43152 II. 1-C 2-D 3-E 4-A 5-B III. 1. new kite 2. my bike 3. some water 4. some biscuits 5. look at IV. 1. sad 2. thirsty 3. tired 4. happy 5. hungry V. 1.Are 2. How 3. Thanks 4. full VI. 1. E 2. D 3.A 4. C 5. B 综合模块 I. AABBC II. ABACB III. 1. I have a new bike. 2. The bird can see a bottle. 3. Is the bird very thirsty? IV. √√×× V. BBABC VI. CBBAB VII. 642153 VIII. ABAB

