冀教三年级下unitLesson Shoes and socks一

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冀教三年级下unitLesson Shoes and socks一

冀教版三年级英语下册教案 Unit3‎ Lesson 20 Shoes and Socks I教学内容:‎ 冀教版小学英语Book 2 Lesson 20‎ II教材分析:‎ 在本课中出现的词汇有shoes, socks, dress, shorts,还有一些简单的会话,紧密联系生活实际,教学中要注意让学生体验生活品位快乐。同时本课,应注意比较句型Whose shorts are these? Whose dress is this?‎ III学生分析:‎ 三年级学生正处于活泼好动,善于模仿,爱展示自己,可塑性强的阶段。‎ IV设计理念:‎ 让学生品位生活,愉快地学习,体验合作学习的乐趣。‎ V教学目标:‎ ‎1. 知识目标:①掌握单词shoes, socks, dress, shorts.‎ ‎ ②对句型Whose shorts are these? Whose dress is this? Are they her shorts? Is it his dress? 有一个初步的比较。‎ ‎2. 能力目标:能用英语向别人介绍自己的穿着。‎ ‎3. 情感态度:审美教育。‎ V教学方法:‎ 情景教学法 游戏教学法 VI教具准备:‎ 录音机 衣服 卡片 VII教学过程:‎ Step1. Warming up ‎1. Sing a song.‎ ‎2. Play a guessing game to review the old words. ‎ ‎3. Have a free talk with students.‎ Step2. Presentation ‎1. New words ‎ Demonstrate the new words with real clothes. Say the words a few times with the class.‎ ‎ Play the tape. Let the student listen and follow.‎ ‎2. Drill ‎ Lead the class through a question-and-answer drill about shoes, socks, dress and shorts. Such as: What is it? What are these?‎ ‎3. Game: Which word face to you?‎ ‎4. New pattern ‎ Use puppets to show the new pattern. Use gestures to make my meaning clear and give prompts when the students falter. Work through the dialogue more than once with objects familiar to the class.‎ ‎ Listen to the tape and follow.‎ Step3. Practice ‎ Do activity book.‎ Step4. Class closing Play “Simon says”.‎ Homework:‎ Draw the clothes you wear at home.‎

