人教新起点英语三上《Unit 4 Revision》(lesson22-24)教案

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人教新起点英语三上《Unit 4 Revision》(lesson22-24)教案

人教新起点三年级上册英语 Unit 4 Revision 第四课时 Lesson 22‎ 一、教学目标:‎ ‎1.通过了解小麦在四季的生行过程,让学生了角解粮食的来之不易。‎ ‎2.通过观察,了解蔬菜水果等长在哪里。‎ ‎3.通过歌谣,练习辅音字母Q,W,R在单词中的发音。‎ ‎4.继续练习字母与单词的书写。‎ 二、教学重点:‎ 有关食物的单词。‎ 三、教学难点:‎ 小麦在中四季中的生长过程。‎ 1. Part A: Look, listen and say 1) Show the pictures of each season T: what season is it?‎ S: I’s fall( winter spring summer)‎ 2) Listen to the tape.‎ ‎(听录音的同时,教师做相应的动作:‎ 插秧,睡眠,生长,收割,‎ 让学生体会小表在四个季节生长的情况。)‎ 3) ‎(Show the pictures or food.)‎ T: It becomes bread.‎ S: It becomes noodles.(jiaozi hamburgers…)‎ Ask S draw mian food in the circles.‎ T: I want bread for breakfast.‎ What do you want?‎ S: I want ‎ ‎2.Part B: Stick and chant.‎ T: What do you see?‎ S: I can see…‎ T: On my farm, there are some…‎ What’s on you farm? Stick and show.‎ S: On my farm, there are some …‎ Ask S write down the words.‎ ‎3.Listen and chant.‎ ‎(体会Q,W,R在单词中的发音)‎ ‎4.Write the letters.‎ ‎5.look and say “ Part B.”‎ 课后记:‎ 第五课时 ‎ Lesson 23‎ 一、教学目标:‎ ‎1.通过阅读图画故事,培养学生初步的阅读理解能力,使学生受到遇事多动脑的教育。‎ ‎2.通过表演情节,培养语言表达能力。‎ 二、教学重点:‎ 阅读理解图画故事 三、教学难点:‎ ‎ 录音材料的理解、图画故事的阅读及表演。‎ 四、教学过程:‎ ‎1.Show the first picture T: Who are they?‎ S: They’re crow and fox.‎ T: yes. They’er Mr Crow and Mr Fox Do you know their story?‎ Now let’s listen to their dialogue.‎ ‎1.Show each picture and listen to the tape.‎ ‎2.Listen to the play and point to the pictures.‎ ‎3.Read after the tape4 and do.‎ ‎4.Read the play in role.‎ ‎5.practice the play in groups.‎ ‎6.Show the play to class.‎ ‎7.Answer the questions.‎ ‎ T: Is Mr Crow a good singer?‎ ‎ S: No, he is not a good singer.‎ ‎ T: Yes, Why did Mr Fox say he is a good singer?‎ ‎ X; Mr Fox wants the rice cracker.‎ ‎ T: If you are Mr Crow. What will you do?‎ ‎ Will you sing for Mr Fox ‎ ‎ S: No.‎ ‎ T: Try to change the play.‎ ‎ Mr Fox didn’t get the rice cracker.‎ ‎1.Make a short play in groups.‎ ‎2.Show the play the student’s make ‎ ‎3.Homework: Tell the story to your parents.‎ 课后记:‎ ‎ 第六课时 ‎ Lesson 24‎ 一、 教学目标:‎ ‎1.通过学习制作三明治, 在学习语言的同时,培养学生的动手能力和学习兴趣。‎ ‎2.以一至三单元的内容为核心,检测学生的口语综合表达。‎ ‎3.检测学生对字母掌握情况。‎ 二、教学重点:‎ ‎1.表达制作三明治所选的材料。制作过程。‎ ‎2.检测学生对于个人信息、外貌及喜爱的食物的表达。‎ 三、教学难点:‎ 对个信息、外貌及喜爱的食物的综合表达。‎ 四、教学过程:‎ ‎1.Part A; Choose and write.‎ T: What are these?‎ S: Bread, tomatoes, chicken ,egg, beef, cheese T: I want bread, beef, tomatoes, and cheese for my sandwich.‎ What do you want for your sandwich?‎ S: I want… for my sand wich.‎ T: Write down the food for your sandwich.‎ ‎2.Part B: Listen, repeat and do.‎ ‎1) Look at the pictures.‎ ‎2) Learn to say: cut put.‎ ‎3) (Point to the first two pictures)‎ ‎ T: Cut the bread. Put the beef on the bread.‎ ‎( Point to the other pictures)‎ ‎ S: put the chicken on the bread.‎ ‎ Cut the bread.‎ ‎ Put the cheese on the tomato.‎ ‎ Eat the sandwich.‎ 1) listen and number 2) Make a sandwich.‎ ‎3.Part C: Let’s talk A Talk about yourself.‎ Name:‎ Age:‎ School:‎ Class:‎ Teacher:‎ My favourite thing:‎ B: Talk about your body:‎ T: I have two big eyes. One nose, one mouth.‎ I have long hair,…‎ What do you have?‎ S: I have…‎ D:Talk about your food.‎ T: I Like to eat beef. Apples, carrots and rice.‎ What about you?‎ S: I like to eat…‎ T: what animals do you like?‎ S: I like…‎ T: which season do you like?‎ S: I like… I can…‎ T: What sports do you like?‎ S: I Like…‎ ‎4.Write the letters on the book.‎ ‎5.Homework: Talk about yourself, your body and your food.‎ 板书 Myself ‎ My body ‎ My food Name Age ‎ School Class Hair Nose ‎ Ears Eyes Fish Rice Apple Milk Teacher ‎…‎ Mouth ‎…‎ Hamburger ‎…‎ 课后记:‎

