三上牛津深圳版Module2 my family,my friends and me测试卷

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三上牛津深圳版Module2 my family,my friends and me测试卷

Module2 my family,my friends and me 过关测试密卷 听力部分(40 分) 一、选出你所听到的单词。(10 分) ( )1.A. beautiful B.big C.girl ( )2.A. she B.he C.hair ( )3.A.tall B.look C.long ( )4.A. me B.my C.mouth ( )5.A.this B.thin C. thank 二、听单词,判断下列图片正(T)误(F)。(10 分) 三、判断下列句子与所听句子是否相同,相同的画“ ”,不同的画“ ” (10 分) ( )1.He’s tall. ( )2. This is my mother. ( )3. Is she Mary? ( )4.He’s my friend. ( )5.Two thin girls in the rain. 四、听句子,选择正确的图片。(10 分) 笔试部分(60 分) 一、按要求完成下列各题。(5 分) A)在空缺处补填所缺字母。(3 分) (B)按要求写单词。(2 分) 1.isn’t(完全形式) 2. he is(缩写) 二、看图,选择相应的单词并抄写在横线上。(5 分) nose hair mouth ear eye 三、用适当的人称代词 he 或 she 填空,完成句子。(注意大小写)(10 分) 1. is my sister. 2. is my father. 3. is my brother. 4. _ is my mother. 5. - Who is ? - He' s my friend. 四、单项选择。(10 分) ( ) 1. This is father. A. my B. I C. me ( ) 2. This is Paul. my brother. A. He's B. She's C. This is ( ) 3. My hair short. A. are B. am C. is ( ) 4.- is she? - She' s my friend. A. How B. What C. Who ( ) 5. - Is she Mary? - A. No, he isn't. B. No, she isn't. C. No, I'm not. 五、连词成句。(10 分) 1. is My big mouth (.) 2. my you Are mum (?) 3. is tall He (.) 4. me This is (.) 5. eyes My small are (.) 六、根据所给情景,选择合适的句子。(10 分) A.This is my father. B.This is Joe. C. Who is she? D. Thank you. E.I’m short. ( )1.你向别人介绍你的朋友乔,你说: ( )2.别人夸你妈妈漂亮时,你应说: ( )3.你告诉别人这是你的爸爸,你说: ( )4 你想告诉对方你个子矮,你说: ( )5 你想知道那个女孩是谁,你问: 七、给下面一段话配图。(10 分) I' m a girl I' m tall and thin. My hair is long. My eyes are big. My nose is small. My mouth is big. 参考答案: 听力部分 一、l. beautiful(A) 2. he(B) 3. long(C) 4. my(B) 5. this(A) 二、l. eye(F) 2 .father(T) 3. sister(F) 4 .face(F) 5.fat 三、l. She’s thin. 2. This is my mother. 3. Is she Mary? 4. She’s my friend. 5. Two fat boys in the rain. 四、l. My hair is short.(A) 2 .This is my father.(B) 3. She is my sister.(B) 4. My eyes are big.(A) 5. He’s short.(B) 笔试部分 一、A)Gg Jj Kk B)1. is not 2. he’s 二、l .hair 2 .eye 3 .ear 4.nose 5 .mouth 三、l. She 2 .He 3 .He 4. She 5. he 四、l .A 2. A 3 .C 4. C 5 .B 五、l. My mouth is big. 2 .Are you my mum? 3. He is tall. 4. This is me. 5. My eyes are small. 六、l. B 2. D 3. A 4. E 5. C 七、略

