沪教牛津版四年级上英语Unit 3 Are you happy课件

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沪教牛津版四年级上英语Unit 3 Are you happy课件

Unit 3 Are you happy? 沪教牛津 · 四年级上册 Lead-in I’m happy. I’m sad. New words happy 开心的 sad 难过的;悲哀的 tired 累的;疲惫的 hungry 饥饿的 full 饱的 thirsty 口渴的 bird 鸟 see 看见 drink 喝 Listen and say I’m happy. I have a new kite. I’m not happy. Look at my bike! I’m sad. How are you? We’re tired and hungry, Mum. Have some biscuits. Thanks, Mum. I’m full now. Are you thirsty, Ben? Have some water. Yes, I am. Thank you, Kitty. Language points 1. I have a new kite. 我有一个新风筝。 have 的意思是 “( 拥 ) 有 ” ,强调所属关系,常以人作主语。 例句: 他们有两条狗。 They have two dogs. 2. Look at my bike! 看我的自行车! look 的意思是 “ 看 ” ,可以单独使用,用来引起别人的注意。当我们想要表达 “ 看某人或某物 ” 时,要用短语 “look at” 。 例句: Look! It’s a bird. 看!它是一只鸟。 Look at the bird. 看这只鸟。 3. Have some biscuits. 吃一些饼干。 本句中的 have 意思是 “ 吃 ” , have 还可以表示 “ 喝 ” 。 例句:我早上吃了一个鸡蛋。 I have an egg in the morning. 4. Are you thirsty, Ben? 你渴吗,本? 这是由 be 动词引导的一般疑问句。 “Are you + …?( 你 …… 吗? )” 用来确定对方的状况。 肯定回答是 “Yes, I am.” 否定回答是 “No, I’m not.” 例句: —Are you full? 你饱了吗? —No, I’m not. 不,我没有饱。 Look and learn happy sad thirsty full hungry tired 开心的 难过的;悲哀的 口渴的 饱的 饥饿的 累的;疲惫的 Play a game Look, Joe! Happy Hooray! Happy? Are you “happy”? Yes! You’re right. Act and say Are you “sad”? Yes! You’re right. Are you “tired”? No! You’re wrong. Are you “thirsty”? Yes! You’re right. Enjoy a story It is hot. The bird is very thirsty. 天气很热。这只鸟非常渴。 The bird can see a bottle. 这只鸟能看见一个瓶子。 Water! The bottle is tall and thin. The bird cannot drink the water. 这个瓶子又高又细。这只鸟喝不到水。 The bird can see some little stones. 这只鸟能看见一些小石子。 I have a good idea! Look! The bird can drink the water now. He is happy. 看!这只鸟现在能喝到水了。他很开心。 Language points The bird can see some little stones. 这只鸟能看见一些小石子。 本句中 little 的意思是 “ 小的,年幼的 ” ,带有感情色彩。 little 还有 “ 很少的 ” 的意思,用来修饰不可数名词。 例句:瓶子里有很少的水。 There is little water in the bottle. Learn the sounds H e is P e te. Sh e is E ve. They like Chin e se. They study Chin e se. P e te and E ve study with m e . h e sh e Culture corner Look at my balloon. I’m sad. I’m sorry. It’s too bad. 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!

