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Module 4 2020秋外研版三年级英语上册优质课件 Unit1 - Unit2 Unit1 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳 转到相应章节内容,方便使用。 Unit 2 外研版·英语·三年级上册 第一课时 第二课时 Module 4 Unit 1 It’s red! 第一课时 Revision. Good morning. Good morning. 新学期开始,询问新同学名字。 What’s your name? My name is Sam.I’m Sam. panda a panda New words. chameleon a chameleon red a red apple yellow a yellow dog green a green frog black a black cat blue a blue bird Game. yellow blue green panda panda blue red chameleon black black green red yellow rule 老师单击鼠标,会出现一个单词, 看哪组同学先读出来。先读出来 的同学,用鼠标单击相应的球, 足球射门成功,则可累积加一分。 (点击此处文档消失) red blue green yellow Golden Finger black 抢答颜色,看谁抢答的最快。 It’s black. It’s red. It is It’s 它是…… It’s blue. It’s green. It’s yellow. 运气球 以组为单位,从每组选一位同学,这两位同学用手托气 球,并用“It’s …”造句,气球掉下之前说的最多者为优胜者。 Game. Point to the colour your hear. Watch the video. Look, look, red! Wow, wow, yellow! Ooh, ooh, blue! Listen, point and say. Listen again and read after it. Point to the colour your hear. Watch the video. Good morning! I’m a chameleon. What’s your name? My name is Panpan. I’m a panda. Ooh! It’s red! Now it’s blue. Now it’s yellow. Now it’s green. Now it’s black. Now it’s red, blue, green and yellow. Listen, point and find “It’s…” Good morning! I’m a chameleon. What’s your name? My name is Panpan. I’m a panda. Ooh! It’s red! Now it’s blue. Now it’s yellow. Now it’s green. Now it’s black. Now it’s red, blue, green and yellow. Listen again and read after it. Try to say. Good morning! I’m a chameleon. What’s your name? My name is Panpan. I’m a panda. Ooh! ______!It’s red Now _____. Now _______. Now _______. Now _______. it’s blue it’s yellow it’s green it’s black Now ______________________.it’s red, blue, green and yellow 一、根据图片选单词。 A. black B. red C. green D. yellow E. blue B E( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )C A D Try to do. 二、根据图片选单词。 ( ) 1. It’s _____. A. red B. yellow C. black ( ) 2. It’s _____. A. green B. blue C. black C B ( ) 3. It’s _____. A. green B. yellow C. black ( ) 4. It’s _____. A. green B. yellow C. black A B What have you learnt? 1. 学习了关于颜色的单词:red, blue, green, yellow, black 2. 学习了描述颜色的句子:It’s … Sum up. 1.背过本课新单词。 2.请家长指出家中含有红、黄、绿、黑、蓝 颜色的物品,练习描述颜色的句子It’s … Homework 第二课时 black blue yellow green red Revision. It is… 眼疾手快 老师发出指令,例如:It’s red,同学们要找到相应颜 色的物品并指出来,看谁反应最快,最快的加分奖励。 Game. It’s red. It’s blue. It’s yellow. Listen and say. Listen again and point to the color you hear. Point to … Point to … Point and say the colour. A (Points to “yellow”) B: It’s yellow. Practise. Write and say. blue(蓝色) blue在英语中通常表示不快乐、忧郁的情绪。如:in a blue mood:情绪低沉。还常用来表示社会地位高、有权势 或出身贵族或王族,如:He is a real blue blood.(他是真 正的贵族。)blue-eyes boys:受到管理当局宠爱和特别照 顾的职工,a blue moon:千载难逢的机会。经济词汇中blue 表示许多不同意思,如:blue book:蓝皮书,blue-sky market:露天市场,blue-collar workers:从事体力劳动的 工人。 知识之窗 一、连一连。 It’s red. It’s yellow. It’s black. It’s blue. It’s green. Try to do. 二、帮小蝌蚪找妈妈。 ( ) 1. What’s your name? ( ) 2. My name is Panpan. ( ) 3. Now it’s green. ( ) 4. Point to “yellow”. A. 指向“黄色”。 B. 你叫什么名字? C. 现在它是绿色的。 D. 我的名字是盼盼。 B D C A It’s red yellow Point to blue black green Sum up. 1.新单词要求会听,会读,会说。 2.画出自己喜欢的物品,用red, blue, yellow, green, black涂出来。 3.根据Practise部分,和同桌互相提问,表演。 Homework 外研版·英语·三年级上册 第一课时 第二课时 Module 4 Unit 2 It’s a black dog. 第一课时 pandagreenchameleonyellowredblueblackgreenyellowred Revision. It is … It is … New words. cat a _____ catred a _____ catgreen a _____ catblue dog a _____ dogblack a _____ dogred a _____ dogblue cap a _____ capyellow a _____ capred a _____ capblue Minesweeper Game. chameleon dog panda dog blue it red green yellow cap panda blue black black green cap cat cat it’s red Watch the video. Look! A red cat! A blue cat! A green cat! A black cat! Listen, point and say. Try to say. Look! _______! A _______! A ______! A _______! A red cat blue cat green cat black cat Listen and read after it. Role play and act out. a chameleon a green chameleon It’s a green chameleon. It’s a red chameleon. It’s a blue chameleon. It’s a black chameleon. I’m Panpan. I can perform magic! 准备和本课单词相关图片,找两组同学排成两队,老师 依次抽出图片,每一队最前面同学用“It’s a + 颜色 +名词.” 抢答句子,答得慢的淘汰,答得快的回到队尾继续游戏。几 轮后,人数多的那队获胜。 Game. Watch the video. It’s a black dog. Now it’s a blue dog. It’s a red cat. Now it’s a green cat. It’s a yellow cap. Now it’s a red cap. Listen and say. Try to say. ___ a black dog. Now it’s a ____ dog. It’s a red ____. Now it’s ________. It’s ________. Now it’s ______. It’s blue cat a green cat a yellow cap a red cap Listen and read after it. Role play and act out. 连词成句。 1. it’s, Now, red, cap, a (.) ____________________ 2. It, yellow, a, is, cat (.) ____________________ 3. a, black, dog, It’s (.) ____________________ Now it’s a red cap. It is a yellow cat. It’s a black dog. Try to do. What have you learnt? 单词:red, yellow, blue, green, black, now, dog, cap, cat 句型:It’s + a +颜色+事物。 Sum up. 1. 听写本课单词。 2. 画一些cap, dog, cat的图片,并涂上不同 的颜色,请家长出示图片,在家用“It’s a …”造句。 Homework 第二课时 It’s a It’s a yellow cap. It’s a red cap. Look, find and say. a rainbow Have you ever seen a rainbow? Watch the video. Listen and say. Then sing. Let’s sing together. A RAINBOW A rainbow, a rainbow, it is purple and blue. It is green and yellow. It is orange and red too. It’s a blue cap! Play the game. Choose, think and say. Pair Work 同桌两人,一人指着自己涂 好色的画上的一种颜色,另 一人使用句型“It’s +a+颜 色+事物.”或“It’s +颜色.” 说句子。 Colour and say. Write and say. red(红色) 无论在英语国家还是在中国,红色往往与庆祝活动或喜 庆日子有关。因为日历中,这些日子常用红色字体。因此, red letter day指的是“纪念日”或“喜庆的日子”。此外, 还有see red:怒不可遏;red-blooded males:精力充沛的 人,活跃的人;red figure:赤字;in the red:亏损。汉语 中 常 用 的 带 “ 红 ” 的 词 语 , 翻 译 成 英 语 , 可 不 一 定 用 “red”。例如:红糖brown sugar;同样在英语中含red的 短语译成中文也不一定含“红”字,如:red sky彩霞。 知识之窗 blue green 一、读句子,选择与句子中的苹果属于同类的苹果。 ( ) 1. It’s a cap. A. B. C. ( ) 2. I’m a . A. B. C. B B red and panda dog it your Try to do. ( ) ( ) 二、根据图片,选择正确的句子。 ( ) ( ) ( ) A. It’s a yellow dog. B. It’s a black cat. C. It’s a red cap. D. Look! It’s a panda. E. It’s a green chameleon. E D B A C 单词:red, yellow, blue, green, black, purple, orange, rainbow, dog, cap, cat 句型:It’s + a +颜色+事物。 Sum up. 1.听Listen and say录音,并唱A RAINBOW 歌。 2.画出自己的卧室,并涂上漂亮的颜色,用 It’s a…给自己的家人说一说。 Homework

