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小学三年级下册英语重点知识总结 ‎1. What is that? It is my family tree.‎ ‎2. What are they? They are cars.‎ ‎3. Who is the old lady with grey hair? She is my grandmother.‎ ‎ Who is that boy with a ball? He is my brother.‎ ‎4. Who are the children? They are my cousins.‎ ‎5. What about that beautiful woman? She is my mother.‎ ‎ What about that one on the shelf? It is a picture of my family.‎ ‎6. Do you have any pigs? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.‎ ‎7. I have a farm. (肯定) --- I don’t have a farm. (否定)‎ ‎ I have some ducks. (肯定) --- I don’t have any ducks. (否定)‎ ‎8. What is it? It is a car.‎ What is this? It is a stamp. ‎ ‎ What is that? It is a postcard.‎ ‎9. What are they? They are cars.‎ What are these? They are stamps.‎ ‎ What are those? They are postcards.‎ ‎10. 句型:Be from + 国家类单词(如: China, Japan,…) ‎ Where are you from? I am from China. (注:国家类与国籍类单词第一个字母要大写)‎ Where is she from? She is from Japan.‎ We are both from Britain. 我们都是来自英国。‎ ‎11. 问: What is in your …? / What is your … like? ‎ ‎ 答: It has… ‎ 如: ---What is in your bedroom? / What is your bedroom like? ‎ ‎ --- It has a bed and a chair. / 或者直接简答: A bed and a chair.‎ ‎12. Where is the mouse? It is in the corner. ‎ ‎13. Where are those mice? They are under the bed.‎ ‎14. ---How many ducks are there in the picture? ‎ ‎ ---There are three.‎ ‎ ---How many ducks are there in the picture? ‎ ‎---There is one.‎ ‎--- Are there any ducks in the picture? ‎ ‎ --- Yes, there are. ‎ ‎ --- Are there any ducks in this picture? ‎ ‎--- Yes, there are. / 或者: Yes, there is one. ‎ ‎15.What is in …? It has… / There is (are)…‎ ² ---What is in your bedroom? ---It has a bed and a desk.‎ 或者 ---There is a bed and a desk.‎ ² ---What is in your classroom? ---It has some desks and chairs.‎ ‎ 或者 --- There are some desks and chairs.‎ 补充知识点:‎ l Linda is their daughter.(肯定句) --- Linda isn’t their daughter.(否定句)‎ l They are my teachers.( 肯定句) --- They aren’t my teachers.( 否定句)‎ l the + 姓 + ‘s ---表示…一家人(本身以“s”结尾的只加 ’)‎ 如: the Webb’s (伟博一家人) the Jones’ (琼思一家人)‎ l have & has I He You She ‎ We have It has They 单数形式 复数形式 l some & any (1) 相同点:都表示“一些”的意思 (2) 不同点:some 一般用于肯定句;any一般用于否定句(not;n’t)和疑问句(?)‎ 例句: I have some pigs.‎ ‎ I don’t have any pigs.‎ ‎ Do you have any pigs? ‎ l 有关国家类与国籍类单词总结:‎ 国家 America / Australia / Canada / China / Japan / Britain / France / Germany 国籍 American / Australian / Canadian / Chinese/ Japanese/ British/ French/ German 注意:(美国缩写形式是:the USA ; 中国的缩写形式是:the PRC ; 英国的缩写形式是: the UK . 其中the不能够省略)‎ l 常用的方位介词有如下:‎ on 在。。。上面 ‎ in 在。。。里面 ‎ under 在。。。下面 ‎ in front of 在。。。前面 ‎ behind 在。。。后面 ‎ beside( by; next to) 在。。。旁边 ‎ against 挨着、靠着。。。 ‎ near在。。。附近 ‎ opposite在。。。对面 ‎ between… and 在。。。和。。。的中间 所用到的句型是: Put + 物品 + 方位介词+ 地点 如: Put the chairs under the desks.‎ ‎ Put the exercise books between the dictionary and the tape recorder.‎ 其它的一些固定搭配:in the corner / on the shelf / on the sofa / on the wall 在墙上 / against ‎ the wall 靠在墙上 l I like … because… 我喜欢…, 因为… / I don’t like … because… 我不喜欢…, 因为…‎ 如: I like this stamp because it has a goldfish on it.‎ ‎ I don’t like that stamp because it isn’t very beautiful.‎ l 句型: There be ‎ ‎(1) (就近原则:there 后面跟is 或 are, 要看紧跟在后面的名词是单数还是复数。)‎ There is a sofa and two tables There are two tables and a sofa.‎ ‎(2)There be 句型的回答 ‎ Is there a TV in your bedroom? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.‎ ‎ Are there any cookies in your fridge? Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.‎ ‎ How many classrooms are there in your school? There are 25 classrooms.‎ ‎ How many playgrounds are there in your school? There is one.‎ ‎(3) There be 句型的否定形式 ‎ There is a cat on the desk. --- There isn’t a cat on the desk.‎ ‎ There are some cats on the desk. --- There aren’t any cats on the desk.‎ ‎ There is some juice in the kitchen. --- There isn’t any juice in the kitchen.‎ I (我)‎ my(我的)‎ l I am a teacher. / My English teacher is Mr. Zhang.‎ we(我们)‎ our (我们的)‎ l We are your teachers. / Our English teacher is Mr. Zhang.‎ you ( 你 )‎ your (你的)‎ l You are a tall boy. / Your bag is big and beautiful.‎ you ( 你们)‎ your (你们的)‎ l You are my good friends. / Your English teacher is tall.‎ he ( 他)‎ his ( 他的 )‎ l He is my father. / His hair is short.‎ she ( 她)‎ her ( 她的)‎ l She is my mother. / Her hair is long.‎ it ( 它 )‎ its ( 它的)‎ l It is a tall building. / Its mouth is big.‎ ‎ they ( 他们 )‎ their ( 他们的;她们的;它们的)‎ l They are my father and mother. / Their English names are Ben and Janet.‎ l 我们学到的英语单词中所涉及到的不可数名词有如下:‎ hair---头发 juice---果汁 tissue---纸巾 chalk---粉笔 water---水 ‎ ice-cream---冰激凌(可数或不可数)如:two ice-creams (2支冰激凌) / some ice-cream (一些冰激凌) ‎

