Lesson 17

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Lesson 17

Lesson 17 What’s for Breakfast 一、判断下列各组单词画线部分读音是(√)否(×)相同。‎ ‎( ) 1. A. hand B. he ‎( ) 2. A. window B. would ‎( ) 3. A. ruler B. rice ‎( ) 4. A. student B. ruler ‎( ) 5. A. like B. milk 二、看图写单词。‎ 1. ‎_____________ 2. _____________ 3. ______________ ‎ 三、单项选择。‎ ‎( ) 1. I like milk ____ breakfast.‎ A. to B. for C. at ‎( ) 2. ____ the morning, I have breakfast.‎ A. In B. On C. For ‎( ) 3. I like ____ for breakfast.‎ A. noodles B. dumplings C. apples ‎( ) 4. I like ____ for dinner. ‎ A. soup B. noodles ‎ C. rice ‎( ) 5. — ____ for breakfast?‎ ‎— I like noodles for breakfast.‎ A. What B. What’s C. Where 答案:‎ 一、1.√ 2.√ 3.√ 4. × 5. ×‎ 二、1. milk 2. bread 3. egg ‎ 三、1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B

