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三年级期末调研试卷 ‎‎ 学校 班级 姓名 学号 __________‎ ‎……………………………………装……………………订……………………线………………………………………………‎ 听力部分(40分)‎ 一、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容,将序号写在题前括号内。(听两遍10分)‎ ‎( )1.‎ A. Mr B. Miss C. Mike ‎( )2.‎ A. right B. rubber C. robot ‎( )3.‎ A. boy B. baby C. brother ‎( )4.‎ A. three B. tree C. there ‎( )5.‎ A. in B. on C. under ‎( )6.‎ A. five B. six C. seven ‎( )7.‎ A. this B. that C. those ‎( )8.‎ A. listen to me B. listen to the parrot C. listen to the bird ‎( )9.‎ A. How nice!‎ B. How lovely!‎ C. How beautiful!‎ ‎( )10.‎ A. It’s for you.‎ B. This is for you.‎ C. That’s for you.‎ 二、 听录音,根据录音内容选择正确的图片,将序号写在题前括号内。(听两遍8分)‎ ‎( )1.‎ A ‎ B ‎( )2.‎ A B ‎( )3.‎ A B ‎( )4.‎ A B ‎( )5.‎ A B ‎( )6.‎ A B ‎( )7.‎ A B ‎( )8.‎ A B 三、听录音,用阿拉伯数字给下列图片编号。(听两遍8分)‎ ‎( )‎ ‎( )‎ ‎( )‎ ‎( )‎ ‎ ‎ ‎( )‎ ‎ ( )‎ ‎ ( )‎ ‎ ( )‎ 四、听录音,判断所听内容是否与图片内容相符,相符的用“√”表示,不相符的用“╳”表示。‎ ‎(听两遍4分)‎ ‎1.‎ ‎2. ‎ ‎7‎ ‎3.‎ ‎4.‎ ‎( )‎ ‎( )‎ ‎( )‎ ‎( )‎ ‎5. ‎ ‎6.‎ ‎7. ‎ ‎8.‎ ‎( )‎ ‎( )‎ ‎( )‎ ‎( )‎ 五、 听录音,选出对应的应答句,将序号写在题前括号内。(听两遍5分)‎ ‎( )1.‎ A. Here you are.‎ B. Nice to meet you, too.‎ ‎( )2.‎ A. No, he’s my father. ‎ B. No, she’s my mother.‎ ‎( )3.‎ A. They’re eggs.‎ B. It’s a lunch box.‎ ‎( )4.‎ A. It’s in the tree.‎ B. They are pears.‎ ‎( )5.‎ A. Thank you.‎ B. I’m sorry.‎ 六、 听录音,根据所听内容将下列对话补充完整。(听三遍5分)‎ 1. ‎—Don’t ________ ________ the library. —I’m sorry.‎ 2. It’s_________ o’clock. It’s time for __________.‎ 3. ‎—What are _________? —They’re __________.‎ 4. ‎—_________ is the __________? —She’s my aunt.‎ 5. ‎—_________ the crayon? —It’s________the book.‎ 笔试部分(60分)‎ 六、将下列词组翻译成英文。(8分)‎ ‎1. 我的钢笔my ________ 2. 开门 ________ the ________‎ ‎3. 在农场上________ the ________ 4. 十一点钟________ o’clock ‎5. 关窗________ the ________ 6. 不要说话don’t ________‎ ‎7. 该吃午餐了time for ________ 8. 一只橘子________ ________‎ ‎9. 七把尺________ ________ 10. 这位女孩________ ________‎ 七、 图文匹配(用线连接相关联的图片和英语)。(5分)‎ ‎·‎ ‎·‎ ‎·‎ ‎·‎ ‎·‎ ‎·‎ ‎·‎ ‎·‎ ‎·‎ ‎·‎ ‎·‎ Make a wish.‎ ‎·‎ Don’t shout.‎ ‎·‎ We’re twins.‎ ‎·‎ Wake up.‎ ‎·‎ Sit down.‎ 八、读句子,选出能替换划线部分的同类单词,将序号填入题前括号内。(8分)‎ ‎( ) 1. Are these cakes? ‎ ‎ A. those B. that C. this ‎( ) 2. How old are you? I’m five.‎ ‎ A. fine B. four C. nice ‎( ) 3. They are pigs.‎ ‎ A. pear B. chickens C. pie ‎( ) 4. Look at my green T-shirt.‎ ‎ A. great B. good C. red ‎( )5. Who’s that boy?‎ ‎ A. bag B. man C. bird ‎( ) 6. Don’t drink here.‎ ‎ A. shout B. tree C. in ‎( ) 7. She’s my mother.‎ ‎ A. father B. brother C. aunt ‎( ) 8. Welcome to my classroom.‎ ‎ A. library B. dinner C. baby 九、选择填空。(15分)‎ ‎( ) 1. ________ my English book. ‎ ‎ A. That’s B. This’s C. Is that ‎( ) 2.—________ is my pencil? — It’s in your pencil case.‎ ‎ A. Who B. Where’s C. Where ‎( ) 3.—Who’s that ________? — He’s my brother, Jim.‎ ‎ A. boy B. girl C. man ‎( ) 4.Wake up, it’s time ________ breakfast.‎ ‎ A. to B. in C. for ‎( ) 5.—Is that your cap? — No, __________.‎ ‎ A. it isn’t B. he isn’t C. she isn’t ‎( ) 6. — _________ are you? — Eight.‎ ‎ A. Where B. How old C. What time ‎( ) 7. __________ fall to the ground.‎ ‎ A. Not B. No C. Don’t ‎( ) 8. —Your skirt is nice,Yang Ling. — .‎ ‎ A. Thank you. B. No, it’s not nice. C. I’m sorry.‎ ‎( ) 9.你想夸夸一只小狗很聪明,你说:‎ ‎ A. What a clever dog! B. Is this your clever dog? C.That isn’t a clever dog!‎ ‎( ) 10.你想知道近处这些是不是小鸡,你问:‎ ‎ A. Are these chickens? B. Are those chickens? C. Is this a chicken⑥⑥?‎ ‎( ) 11.你想把这件夹克衫给别人,你说:‎ ‎ A. Thank you. B. This jacket is for you. C. This is my jacket.‎ ‎( ) 12.你想提醒别人该吃晚饭了,你说:‎ ‎ A. It’s time to drink. B. It’s time for dinner. C. It’s time to eat.‎ ‎( ) 13.你想提醒别人快点,你说:‎ ‎ A. Hurry up. B. Stand up. C. Wake up.‎ ‎( ) 14.同学让你不要在学校里吃东西,他可说:‎ ‎ A. I’m sorry. B. Don’t eat at school. C. That’s OK.‎ ‎( ) 15.朋友想知道他的T恤衫在哪里,你可以回答:‎ ‎ A. Where is my T-shirt? B. It’s brown. C. It’s over there.‎ 十、从II栏中找出与I栏相对应的答句,将序号填入题前括号内。(10分)‎ A I II ‎( )1. Who’s this baby? A. It’s a pencil.‎ ‎ 学校 班级 姓名 学号 __________‎ ‎……………………………………装……………………订……………………线………………………………………………‎ ‎( )2. What time is it, please? B. It’s twelve o’clock.‎ ‎( )3. What colour is the cap? C. It’s me.‎ ‎( )4. What’s this? D. It’s blue.‎ ‎( )5. How old are you? E. I’m twelve.‎ B I II ‎( )1. Look at my puppy. A. Yes, he is.‎ ‎( )2. Is it on your book? B. Thank you.‎ ‎( )3. Is that your uncle? C. I’m sorry.‎ ‎( )4. This is for you. D. Wow, how lovely!‎ ‎( )5. You’re late, Mike. E. No, it isn’t. It’s in my book.‎ 十一、根据图片和上下文意思,完成下列对话,将单词写在横线上。(10分)‎ ‎1. A: Where is the robot?‎ ‎ B: It’s ________ the _________.‎ ‎ A: Oh, I see. And I can’t find(找不到) my doll.‎ B: Look! It’s _______ the _______now.‎ A: Thank ________. ‎ ‎2. A: Mum, what time ______ ______, please?‎ ‎ B: It’s _________o’clock.‎ ‎ A: Is it time for TV(看电视)?‎ ‎ B: No, it’s time for __________.‎ ‎ A: _______, Mum.‎ ① Yes, it is. ② It’s time for class. ‎ ③ Is that your picture? ④ Who’s the baby? ‎ ‎⑤ Who’s the man in the picture, Mike? ⑥ Yes, she is.‎ 十二、根据上下文情景,选择适当的句子完成对话,将其中五句话的序号填在相应横线上。(5分)‎ A: Where’s my picture, Yang Ling? B: ‎ A: Where is it? B: Look, it’s under the desk.‎ A: Yes, it is. ‎ B: A: He’s my father.‎ B: Is this your mother? A: ‎ B: your brother? A: No, it’s me.‎ B: Oh, it’s nine o’clock. A: OK. ‎ 十三、连词成句(7分)‎ ‎1.to;welcome; my; Mike; farm (, . ) ‎ ‎2. this; is; your; dog (.) ‎ ‎3.it; my; book; is; English (.) ‎ ‎4.is; box; your; where; lunch (?) ‎ ‎5.door; is; now; behind; it; the (.) ‎ ‎6.in; and; sit; come; down (.) ‎ ‎7.please; juice; don’t; drink; my (.) ‎

