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人教版三年级英语上册期中考试测试卷 一、补全单词。 ( )1.c__t A. a B. e C. i ( )2.b__ __k A. oa B. oe C. oo ( )3.p__g A. a B. i C.o ( )4.rul__ __ A. ar B. er C. ir ( )5.kn__ __ A. ee B. er C. or 二、选择正确的汉译。 ( )1.monkey A.嘴 ( )2.eraser B.猴子 ( )3.mouth C.橡皮 ( )4.foot D.脖子 ( )5.glue E.脚 ( )6.bear F.胶棒 ( )7.mouse G.熊 ( )8.neck H.老鼠 ( )9.head I.胳膊 ( )10.arm J.头 三、选不同类单词。[来源:学科网 ZXXK] ( )1. A. pen B. ruler C. pig D. sharpener ( )2. A. dog B. pig C. panda D. nose ( )3. A. eye B. ruler C. ear D. leg ( )4. A. head B. arm C. knee D. book ( )5. A. hand B. glue C. pencil D.eraser 四、按照字母表的顺序排列单词。(看单词首字母排列,只写选项) A. panda B. marker C. knee D. pencil E. leg 1._______ 2._______ 3._______ 4._______ 5._______ 五、单选。 ( )1. Glad_____meet you. A. to B. too C. / ( )2. Good morning,_____. A. miss Li B. Li Miss C. Miss Li ( )3. _____are friends. A. We B. I C. Me ( )4. -Bye! -_____ A. Hi! B. Goodbye! C. Morning![来源:Zxxk.Com] ( )5. This is Yang Ming,_____this is Gao Wei. A. or B. And C. and ( )6. Look_____the bird. A. in B. at C. / ( )7. -Who are you? -_____ A. I’m Monkey. B. Fine,thanks. C. Welcome.[来源:学科 ( )8. -Hello,Mr Zhang! How are you? -Fine,thank you._____? A. And you B. How C. Me too ( )9. -Good morning,_____and_____. -Good morning,Miss Liu. A. boy;a girl B. a boy; girl C. boys; girls ( )10. This is_____nose. It’s big. A. I B. my C. me[来源:学科网] 六、选择正确的答语。 ( )1. Hello,Kate. A. My name is John. ( )2. Good afternoon,Mr Liu. B. Hi,Gao Wei. ( )3. Look!This is my glue. C. Nice to meet you,too. ( )4. Nice to meet you. D. Wow!It’s nice. ( )5. What’s your name? E. Good afternoon,Peter. 七、情景交际。 ( )1.睡觉前你可以和父母说:_____ A. Good morning! B. Good night! ( )2.你要向父母介绍自己的班主任高老师,你可以说:_____ A. This is Mr Gao. B. Hi,Mr Gao. ( )3.妈妈给你买了一个漂亮的新书包,你可以说:_____ A. How nice! B. Not so well. ( )4.你班里来了一名新同学,你可以说:_____[来源:学科网] A. Welcome! B. Goodbye! ( )5.当你打破了朋友的花瓶时,你可以说:_____ A. Excuse me. B. I’m sorry. 八、连词成句。 1. your What’s name ? __________________________ 2. leg Look at my . __________________________ 3. is This my pen . __________________________ 4. to meet Nice you . __________________________ 5. are you How ? __________________________ 九、阅读短文判断正(T)误(F)。 My name's Peter. I have a big bag. In the bag, there is a nice pencil-box, a book, a pen, a pencil and an eraser. Look at my pencil. It’s red. I like my bag very much. ( )1.Peter has a small bag. ( )2.Peter’s pencil-box is nice. ( )3.The pencil is red. ( )4.Peter has two erasers in the bag. ( )5.Peter has two books in the bag.

