Unit 2_Lesson 11_Letters S_V_教案

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Unit 2_Lesson 11_Letters S_V_教案

Unit 2 Lesson 11‎ Letters S~V ◆ 教学目标 ‎【知识目标】‎ 让学生会说会写字母S~V。‎ ‎【能力目标】‎ 能听、说、读S~V,并能流畅书写。[来 ‎【情感目标】‎ 建立学生对英语的良好印象,增强学生学习英语的兴趣。‎ ◆ 教学重难点 ◆ ‎【教学重点】‎ 能听、说、读S~V。[来源:学.科.网]‎ ‎【教学难点】‎ 正确书写辨认S~V的大小写。‎ ◆ 课前准备 ◆ ‎1.课前准备:调试光盘与课件、给学生分组、为学生布置预习作业等; ‎ ‎2.教具学具:光盘、大卡片等。‎ ◆ 教学过程 Step 1 Warm-up ‎ (The teacher stands at the stage and let students to review the lesson we learned last class)‎ T: Read the letter OPQR together.‎ ‎(The students read the letters together.)‎ T: What’s the initial letter of the word: street?‎ Ss: S ‎(The teacher looks at individual students, asking this question and prompts them to answer.)[来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#K]‎ T: What’s the initial letter of the word: ticket?‎ S1: T ‎(The teacher gets three or four students to come to the front of the classroom.)‎ ‎(The teacher explains to the students: what’s the function of a letter?)‎ T: What’s the initial letter of the word: umbrella?‎ S1: U T: What’s the initial letter of the word: victory?‎ S2: V T: What’s the initial letter of the word: toy?‎ S3: T T: What’s the initial letter of the word: umbrella?‎ S4: U T: What’s the initial letter of the word: vaccinate?‎ S5: V T: What’s the initial letter of the word: street?‎ S6: S T: What’s the initial letter of the word: ticket?‎ S7: T T: What’s the initial letter of the word: vacancy?‎ S8: V T: What’s the initial letter of the word: stop?‎ S9: S T: What’s the initial letter of the word: smug?‎ S10: S[来源:学科网ZXXK]‎ Step 2 Presentation ‎1. Play a game. (Give students the cards of the letters and let students do the game. The teacher says to the students: may I have the letter V? Then, the students find the letter as quickly as they can. The quicker one will get a present. The teacher does an ‎ example.)‎ ‎2. Listen to the tape, please. Find some students to perform this situation on the stage.‎ Step3 Homework Copy and memorize the newly learned words.[来源:学§科§网]‎ ◆ 教学反思 无

