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Unit Five 词组与短语:‎ a picture of … talk about ‎ the Smith family=the Smiths bus driver birthday party birthday present(s)‎ talk on the phone with sb.‎ watch TV/movie/match ‎ do one’s homework lie on the bed listen to the radio police officer go to sleep time for supper=time to have supper good night brush one’s hair brush one’s teeth comb one’s hair wash one’s hands take a shower have a bath wear clothes family tree family play play on the computer make a wish on the floor on the ground watch play (TV / match)‎ on Sunday morning writing brush ‎ in +年/月 ‎ on+具体日期(上,下午)‎ at+点钟 ‎ live in+ 地点 重点句子:‎ a) 我没有兄弟姐妹。‎ b) 我爸妈有一个儿子是我。‎ c) 我爱我家。‎ d) 他有一个叫Jenny的朋友。‎ e) 这是她家的照片。‎ f) 我妈妈是个公共汽车司机。‎ g) 今晚我要开个生日聚会。‎ h) 你愿意来参加我的生日聚会吗?当然!‎ i) 鞋在床的下面。‎ j) 我们家有三口人。‎ 语法:‎ A.一般将来时:‎ 定义:表示将要发生的事情或将要进行的动作。‎ 构成:主语+will+动词原形 标记词:tomorrow /next week /tonight / next Sunday 等 例句: ‎ ‎ 1. I’ll have a birthday party tonight.‎ ‎ 2. He’ll go to the library tomorrow.‎ ‎ 3.They’ll walk to school next Monday.‎ 成套句型:‎ 肯:We’ll watch TV tonight.‎ 否:We won’t watch TV tonight.‎ 般疑: Will you watch TV tonight?‎ 回答:Yes, we will./ No, we won’t.‎ 特疑:1)Who will watch TV tonight?‎ ‎2) What will you do tonight?‎ ‎3)When will you watch TV?‎ B.现在进行时:‎ 定义:正在进行的动作或正在发生的事情。‎ 构成:主语+be+现在分词(动词+ing)‎ 标记词:now/look/listen 例句:I am looking up now.‎ Look! He is crying.‎ Listen! They are singing.‎ 套句:‎ 肯定:I’m writing now.‎ 否定:I’m not writing now.‎ 般疑:Are you writing now?‎ 回答:Yes, I am. /No, I’m not.‎ 特疑:1)Who is writing now?‎ ‎2)What are you doing now?‎ 数词:‎ ‎1---10 11---20 21 32 43 54 ‎ 65 ‎ 76 87 98 100 101 111 123‎ 1) 几十几必须加“-”‎ 2) 百与十或几加“and”‎ 3) 数词后不加“S”. two hundred UNIT SIX 动物名称:‎ 狮子 lion 老虎tiger 大象elephant ‎ 猴子 monkey 熊猫panda 蛇 snake ‎ 乌鸦crow 画眉 blackbird 兔子rabbit 鸡chicken 母鸡 hen 小鸡chick ‎ 野兔hare 鸭子duck 猫 cat ‎ 狗 dog 猪pig 牛bull(ox)(cow) ‎ 山羊 goat 绵羊sheep 袋鼠kangaroo ‎ 鹰eagle 驴 donkey 马 horse ‎ 龙dragon 老鼠mouse 狼wolf ‎ 鱼 fish 苍蝇 fly 青蛙frog ‎ 熊bear 鹦鹉parrot 鲨鱼shark 乌龟tortoise 蚂蚁ant 蜜蜂 bee ‎ 狐狸 fox 昆虫insect 孔雀peacock 火鸡 turkey 骡子mule 牦牛yak ‎ 海鸥seagull 海燕petrel 恐龙dinosaur 凤凰 phoenix 鹅 goose 鸽子dove ‎ 豹子leopard 螳螂 mantis 鸳鸯mandarin 骆驼camel 鹿 deer 鸵鸟ostrich ‎ 蝙蝠bat 蝴蝶butterfly 松鼠squirrel 知更鸟bluebird 猩猩orangutan /gorilla 鲸 whale 斑马 zebra 海豚dolphin 螃蟹crab 海星 starfish 词组与短语:‎ by bicycle/bus /car/taxi follow me ‎ drive to work up the stairs ‎ clothes/bicycle/tea shop be/get lost far from+地点 traffic light(s) ‎ drive sb. in a school ‎ want to do sth. turn left/right go down this street grocery store ‎ apartment building on the street ‎ the bike shop across the street department store movie theatre ‎ watch movie be/feel lonely ‎ be on sale in a river in the tree on the tree in a forest on the hill ‎ fly away come back on the farm one… the other… ‎ on one’s bike=by bike ‎ in one’s car=by car walk to work=go to work on foot ‎ ‎ 重点句子:‎ 1. How do you go to school ? ‎ By bike./On foot.‎ 2. I live far from school. I go to school on my bike.=I go to school by bike.‎ 3. I live near school. I walk to school.= I go to school on foot. ‎ 4. Do you walk to school ? ‎ No. My father drives me.‎ 1. How does she go to work? She drives to work. 或:She walks to work.‎ 2. Where’s the library? Near the office.‎ 3. Excuse me! Let me help you. ‎ Follow me. I’m /get lost.‎ 4. Go down this street and turn left.‎ 5. Where are you going? ‎ To the grocery store.‎ ‎10.I want to buy some ice cream.‎ 6. My bike is broken. I need a new one ‎=my bike doesn’t work ‎12.May I help you? = Can I help you?‎ ‎=What can I do for you? = Any help?‎ 1. I’ll show you. This way, please. ‎ Here they are.‎ 2. Let’s go to the movie theatre to watch a movie. ‎ 3. How much is this( are they)? Two yuan.‎ 4. Are the apples on sale? Yes.‎ 5. OK. I’ll take four. Here’s the money.‎ ‎ Here’s the change. See you again.‎ 1. What do they eat? ‎ Tigers eat meat.=A tiger eats meat. ‎ 2. Where does it live? A panda lives in a forest.‎ ‎20. Is the school far from here? No. It’s near.‎ 语法: 一般现在时 定义:表示经常发生的事情或动作,自然现象或一般规律。‎ 构成: 主语(单三除外)+动词原形+其它 标记词;often usually always sometimes ‎ every day /week /month /year 套句举例:‎ 肯定: I do my homework every day.‎ 否定: I don’t do my homework every day.‎ 般疑: Do you do your homework every day?‎ 回答: Yes, I do. No, I don’t.‎ 特疑: When do you do your homework?‎ ‎ ‎ 单数第三人称一般现在时:‎ 构成: 主语+单三形式+其它 ‎ 单数第三人称形式变法:‎ 1. 一般动词后面加 “S”。 works plays writes 2. 以辅音字母加”y”结尾,变 y为i加“es”。‎ ‎ study—studies cry—cries fly—flies 3. 以“s x ch sh o”结尾,加”es”.‎ ‎ watch-- watches wash—washes catch—catches ‎ do--does go--goes ‎ 记忆口诀:单三一般现在时, 单三形式胆子小,‎ 动词原形加“S”, 见到does doesn’t,‎ 否定要请“doesn’t”, 变成动原扔 “S”,‎ 疑问前面用“Does”. 是个听话好孩子。‎ 套句举例:‎ 肯定:He often does housework at home.‎ 否定:He doesn’t often do housework at home.‎ 般疑:Does he often do housework at home?‎ 回答:Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.‎ 特疑:What does he do at home?‎ 问路: 1.Where is the library?‎ ‎2.Is there a book shop near here?‎ ‎3.Can you tell me the way to+地点?‎ ‎4.Which is the way to +地点?‎ 指路: ‎ ‎1.Go down this street.‎ ‎ 2.Turn left at the first crossing.‎ ‎ 3.It’s on your right hand.‎ ‎ 4.It’s near/(next to) the school.‎ ‎5.It’s just up the stairs/down the stairs.‎ ‎6.You can’t miss it.‎ 加减法表达:‎ ‎3+4=7 Three plus four equals seven.‎ ‎20+16=36 Twenty plus sixteen equals thirty-six.‎ ‎59+41=100 ‎ Fifty-nine plus forty-one equals one hundred.‎ ‎60+50=110 ‎ Sixty plus fifty equals one hundred and ten.‎ ‎12-5=7 Twelve minus five equals seven.‎ ‎70-45=25 ‎ Seventy minus forty-five equals twenty-five.‎ ‎100-38=62 ‎ One hundred minus thirty-eight equals sixty-two.‎ 加:plus 减:minus 乘:times 除:divide ‎ 等于:equal

