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英 语 课 文 Lesson 1‎ Hello! I’m Kate.‎ Hi! I’m Gao Wei.‎ Hello! I’m Cat.‎ Hi! I’m Monkey.‎ Hello! ‎ Hi! ‎ Lesson 2‎ Hello! I’m Li yan.‎ What’s your name?‎ My name’s Peter.‎ Goodbye!‎ Bye!‎ 16‎ Hello! What’s your name?‎ My name’s Duck.‎ Lesson3‎ Good morning,Miss Liu.‎ Good morning, boys and girls.‎ Good morning,panda.‎ Good morning,bear.‎ Lesson4‎ Good afternoon, boys and girls.‎ Good afternoon, Mr Zhang.‎ Good afternoon, rabbit.‎ Good afternoon, pig.‎ 16‎ Monkey,monkey,cat.‎ Rabbit,rabbit,pig.‎ Panda,panda,duck.‎ Bear,bear,dog.‎ Lesson5‎ Good evening.‎ Good evening.‎ Good evening, Dad.‎ Good night, Mum.‎ Good night, Mum. Good night, Dad. ‎ Good night, Lisa.‎ Good night, bird.‎ Good night, mouse.‎ 16‎ Lesson6‎ Hi! Good morning!‎ Hello! Good afternoon!‎ Good evening, Cat!‎ Look! A mouse!‎ Haha! ‎ Good morning!‎ What’s your name?‎ I’m Monkey !‎ Goodbye!‎ Lesson7‎ Hi, Li Yan, ‎ This is Kate.‎ This is Li Yan.‎ Glad to meet you.‎ Glad to meet you,too.‎ book bag ‎ pen pencil 16‎ Lesson8‎ Hello,Peter. ‎ This is Gao Wei.‎ This is Peter. ‎ Nice to meet you.‎ Nice to meet you,too.‎ Lesson9‎ Good morning, boys and girls. ‎ This is lisa.‎ Welcome!‎ Welcome!‎ Thank you. ‎ glue knife eraser sharpener ruler pencil-box 16‎ Lesson10‎ Hello, Kate.‎ This is my book.‎ Wow!‎ It’s big!‎ Lesson11‎ Hi, Li Yan.‎ This is my pencil-box.‎ Oh!‎ It’s nice!‎ Lesson12‎ Hello, Cat.‎ Good afternoon.‎ Hello, Bird.‎ Good afternoon.‎ Welcome!‎ 16‎ Look at my book.‎ Wow! It’s nice.‎ Hello,my name’s Monkye.‎ Glad to meet you, Monkye.‎ This is my sharpener, pencil, ruler…‎ Oh,no! This is my pen, my pencil, my ruler…‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Goodbye! Bye-bye! Bye!‎ ‎ ‎ Lesson13‎ Hello! Look at my nose.‎ Wow! It’s big!‎ Hi! Look at my eye.‎ Oh! It’s small!‎ 16‎ Lesson14‎ Hello! How are you?‎ Fine,thank you.‎ face mouth lessno15‎ Hello, Li Yan! How are you?‎ I’m fine. thanks.‎ Good! And you?‎ lessno16‎ Good morning, Peter.‎ How are you?‎ Not very well.‎ Loot at my arm!‎ Oh, I’m sorry!‎ neck arm hand 16‎ lessno17‎ How are you, Gao Wei?‎ Not too good. ‎ Look at my leg!‎ Oh, no! I’m sorry!‎ leg knee foot lessno18‎ A rabit!‎ Look at the ears!‎ A pig!‎ Look at the mose!‎ A duck!‎ Look at the foot!‎ 16‎ A panda!‎ Look at the hand!‎ Look! The foot ,nose, ears…‎ Oh, look!‎ A monkey!‎ lessno19‎ Look, Kate.‎ I have a doll.‎ Wow!‎ I have a ball.‎ Lessno20‎ Hi, Peter. I have a kite.‎ I have a balloon. ‎ Me, too! Look!‎ Cool!‎ 16‎ Fly, fly, fly my balloon.‎ Fly, fly, fly my Kite.‎ Fly, fly, fly very high.‎ Up, up, up to the sky.‎ Lessno21‎ Lisa, Lisa!‎ I have a new car.‎ Really?‎ Yes. Look here!‎ Wow! It’s super!‎ car bus Lessno22‎ Hi, Yang Ming!‎ I have a new bike.‎ Really?‎ Can I see it?‎ Sure.‎ 16‎ bike taxi train Lessno23‎ Look! I have a plane.‎ Can I see it?‎ Sure. Here you are.‎ Thank you.‎ You’re welcome.‎ ship plane boat Lessno24‎ Look, Kate. ‎ I have a plane.‎ Cool! I have a doll.‎ Look! It’s Santa!‎ Hollo! Merry Christmas! ‎ Merry Christmas!‎ 16‎ I have a kite ,a ball, a car, a plane…‎ Wow! Really?‎ Super! Can I see it?‎ Here you are.‎ Thank you!‎ You’re welcome.‎ Bye! Goodbye!‎ Car, car, go!‎ Super, super, super !‎ Boat, boat, go!‎ Cool, cool, cool!‎ Train, train,go!‎ Super, super, super !‎ Taxi, taxi, go!‎ Cool, cool, cool!‎ 16‎ 单元词汇表 Unit 1 (10个)‎ cat monkey dog duck panda bear pig rabbit bird mouse Unit 2 (10个)‎ book bag pen pencil glue knife eraser sharpener ruler pencil-box Unit 3 (12个)‎ nose eye face mouth head ear neck arm hand leg knee foot Unit 4 (12个)‎ doll ball kite balloon car bus bike taxi train ship plane boat ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 16‎ 16‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 16‎

