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Module 1 单元教学目标: 1.让学生感受英语课堂的活跃性,会唱本单元的英语童谣。 2.乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,并在成功中体会英语学习中的乐趣。 3.通过动静结合的教学方式,使课堂教学收放自如,联系生活实际设计字母教学,营造学习英语的氛围。 4.在游戏中培养学生的合作意识,引导学生主动学习,为学生的书写打下良好的基础。 教学重难点: 1. 使学生学唱ABC的歌。 2. 学会用英语表达喜好。 单元课时:2课时 第一课时 总课时数: 授课时间: 课程名称:Unit1 I like the ABC song. 教学目标: 1.通过学习字母歌,重点认读26个字母。 2.听懂句子 I like the ABC song. It’s my favourite song. 3.了解字母在字母表中的顺序。 4.让学生感受英语课堂的活跃性,会唱本单元的英语童谣。 教学重点: 1.能听懂、会说、会读以下句子: I like the ABC song. It’s my favourite song. 2.会说唱本单元的英语童谣《ABC》 教学难点: 1.熟练掌握字母和句子,能在实际生活中灵活运用。 2.培养学生用英语思维的能力,及大胆用英语交流的能力。 教学过程: Step 1.Warming-up 1.教师热情地和学生打招呼,师生或学生之间相互问好。教师和学生就爱好用I like…I don’t like… Step2.Presentation 在师生互相介绍自己喜好的基础上,教师适时呈现本课任务:你们知道我们的好朋友Daming最喜爱的活动是什么吗?他最爱的活动是唱歌。你们想知道是什么歌吗?学习完本单元之后,你就知道了! Step3.Practice 开展“字母顺序接力赛”活动:把两套有字母大小写的卡片分别 打乱次序贴在黑板两侧,然后将全班分成男女两组。游戏开始后,各组依次上来一个学生,以接力的方式,一人移动一个字母,按字母表的顺序重新排列,看哪组最快最准确。 Step 4.Summary 教师和学生一起总结本单元的教学重点。 Step 5.Homework 1.课后和同学、家长谈一谈字母表的用处,例如它在字母排序和查字典等方面的作用。 2.回家当小老师,把今天学到的这首好听的英语童谣教给你们的爸爸妈妈,他们一定会为你感到高兴的。 教学反思: 第二课时 总课时数: 授课时间: 课程名称:Unit2 I like football. 教学过程: Step1 Warming up 1) Greeting: Hello! How are you ? I am fine. Thank you. And you? I am fine, too. Thank you. 2) Let’s chant, ok? Chant and do the actions : One finger one finger, turn turn turn, turn to a knife, cut cut cut Two fingers two fingers, turn turn turn, turn to a rabbit, jump jump jump Three fingers three fingers, turn turn turn, turn to a fork, dig dig dig Four fingers four fingers, turn turn turn, turn to a cat, miao miao miao Five fingers five fingers, turn turn turn, turn to a tiger, growl growl growl Step 2: Lead in 1) Do you remember the ABC song? Let's sing the song! “ABCDEFG… …” 2) And the teapot song, let's sing and do the actions together! “ I am a little teapot short and stout, here's my handle here's my spout, when the water's boiling hear me shout, tip me over and pour me out!” 3) The ABC song is my favourite song. My favourite song is the ABC song. What's your favourite song? 运用此句型询问学生,要求学生用所学过的My favourite song is …来回答 4) My favourite song is the ABC song, that means I like the ABC song. Do you know “like”?呈现此新单词并教学生其正确发音。询问学生 What song do you like? 引导学生用I like …来回答。操练该句型。 5)出示两张图片,一张是可爱的女孩,另一张是淘气的男孩,告诉学生:女孩是可爱的,我喜欢。男孩是淘气的,我不喜欢。I like the girl, I don’t like the boy. 授予学生 I don’t like …这 个句型,然后请学生根据自己的喜好来谈谈这两张图片,by using “I like…” and “I don’t like…” 6)出示两个球,一个是笑脸球,另一个是哭脸球,告诉学生笑脸球表示的是I like…, 而哭脸球代表的是I don’t like…,请学生跟着老师边念I like…和I don’t like…,边做相应的笑脸或是哭脸。 7)出示已学过的动物单词卡片,在复习这些单词时,要求学生用刚学的新句型来表达对某种动物的喜好 Eg: I like monkey, I don’t like tiger. 8)出示已学过的颜色单词卡片,在复习颜色单词的过程中,也要求学生用I like…和I don’t like…,来表达对某种颜色的喜好 Eg: I like blue, I don’t like black. Step 3: Teaching 1)2008,the Olympic Games will hold in Beijing. There are so many sports will make conpatitions. Do you know “sports”? I will shou you something about it. 画个圆圈在黑板上让学生猜猜是什么,然后再补画出完整的足球,教学生football这个新词,再依法画出basketball, table tennis, morning exercise,呈现了今天所要接触到的有关运动的新单词,并出示足球,篮球,乒乓球的实物进行实物教学,带读:足球足球football, football football football. 篮球篮球basketball, basketball basketball , 乒乓乒乓table tennis, table tennis table tennis,早操早操morning exercise, morning exercise morning exercise 2) 请学生运用“I like…” and “I don’t like…”来谈谈对这些运动项目的喜好 3)现在呢我们要听一段录音,里面的Panpan是我们每个人的缩影,有时候做事常常会半途而废,所以在听完录音之后,我们要找出自己喜欢的运动项目,现在就请大家扮演好Panpan 这个角色,找出你自己喜欢的和不喜欢的运动项目。 4)谈论自己喜欢的和不喜欢的运动项目,by using “I like…” and “I don’t like…” 5)Game: 请两名学生上来抽球,抽中笑脸球的要用“I like…”造句,而抽中哭脸球的则要用“I don’t like…”造句,比比谁的反应快,造句准确及声音响亮,则奖励漂亮的小贴纸。 Step 4 Conclusion and homework 教学反思: Module 2 单元教学目标: 1. 学习meat,noodles,rice,sweets等有关食物的单词。 2. 能听懂,会读,会说I like…,I don’t like……句型。 3. 能运用所学自如的谈论对事物的喜好。 教学重难点: 培养学生的英语表达能力,表达对食物的喜好,并能延伸到对其他东西的喜好。 教学课时:2课时 第一课时 总课时数: 授课时间: 课程名称:Unit1 I don’t like meat. 教学目标: A:学习meat,noodles,rice,sweets等有关食物的单词。 B:能听懂,会读,会说I like…,I don’t like……句型。 C:能运用所学自如的谈论对事物的喜好。 教学重难点: 重点句型:“I don’t like……” 单词:rice,noodles ,meat ,sweet 教学过程: Ⅰ.Warm up T: Boys and girls, do you like English song? S: Yes. T: OK! Let’s sing! Ⅱ.Lead in T: What’s your favorite animal /sport? S: ... T: What’s your favorite food? Now let's learn something about food. 板书Module 9 Unit 1 I don't like meat . Look,(课件出示food的图片)结合图片教授新单词rice, noodles, meat, sweets 每学一个单词都分组读一次,然后请再叫一列或两列同学接火车读。 there are so much food: noodles, rice, meat,sweets . How nice! I like food very much. Do you like food? T: Who likes meat, stand up please and say: I like meat. Who likes rice, stand up please and say: I like rice. Who likes noodles, stand up please and say: I like noodles. Who likes sweets, stand up please and say: I like sweets Ⅲ. Little game “What’s missing?” Ⅳ. New lesson 1、老师通过先说自己喜欢的食物,再说不喜欢的食物,说不喜欢的食物时要结合动作,引出“I don’t like……” 句型。 2、同学们你们都喜欢这些食物。现在仔细听一听,看一看课文中那群聚餐的小朋友都喜欢什么,不喜欢什么。 教师边说边放录音,让学生带着问题从录音中找寻答案。(听过两遍录音之后,学生跟读录音找出答案。) 3、让学生替换单“I like ……”.“I don’t like……” 同桌之间互相介绍自己喜欢与不喜欢的食物,老师先和几个学生做好示范。 4、同桌之间练习“……for you .” —“No! I don’t like……”然后请四组同学起来读。 5、Let’s play a game: Among these food, 你们喜欢哪些食物,不喜欢哪些食物。I’ll ask some students to come here. For example: I say, noodles, if you like it, show me the happy face. If you don’t like it, show me the sad face.(请四个同学上来) .The whole class introduce: HeShe likes… T: HeShe doesn’t like… 6、Read the test after teacher. Ⅴ.Blackboard design Module 9 Unit 1 I don't like meat . meat noodles rice sweets I like… I don’t like… 教学反思: 第二课时 总课时数: 授课时间: 课程名称:I don’t like ginger. 教学目标: 1.使学生能够用“I don’t like…”来表达自己的喜好。 2.学会单词ginger、onion、ice-cream. 教学重难点: 1. I don’t like…这一句型 1. Ginger、onion的发音 教学过程: Step1. Warm-up. 全班一起进行游戏:单词大比拼。老师在黑板上画一个方格。在方格中央写上“food”一词,将全班分为四大组,四组轮流说出关于“food”的单词,不得重复前面已经说过的单词,说对一个得1分,最后,哪个组说得最多将获胜。 Step2. lead-in 将所有的有关食物的小卡片放在一个盒子中,请一个学生到前面来取出一张卡片后用“I like…”或“I don’t like…”来表达自己的喜好.Review the words例如:学生取出单词卡“apple”或“I don’t like apples.” 卡片中有“onion”与“ginger”当学生取出“onion”时,教授新单词“onion”,并对学生说:“I don’t like onions.What about you?”同样的方法学习“ginger、ice-cream”.(每个新单词卡片3张,以确保学生能拿到新单词。) Step3、New-text. 出示SBUnit 2活动1的挂图,让学生听录音,试着理解课文。听之前教师将对话中出现的食物卡片贴在黑板上,让学生听录音, 在Sam喜欢的图片下打“P”,不喜欢的则打“×”。检查学生的听力情况。 Step4、Finish-task. 完成运用任务2。 教师放录音之前,先请学生仔细观察左右两边的图,然后教师放第一遍录音,让学生认真听后独立完成,然后再放一遍录音,让全班对答案。两人一组进行练习,一个人指上面的图模仿练习2的例句向另外一个人提问,完成后,可在全班进行展示。 2.完成运用任务1。 在听录音之前,教师先请学生自觉地去看每一幅图,然后教师放录音,要求学生认真听,并用最快的速度找出与听到的句子相对应的图,同桌两个人比一比,看谁的反应快。两人一组进行练习,学生A说句子,学生B指图,然后交换角色继续练习。 3.完成运用任务3。 请学生依次看清每一幅图后根据自己的喜好在图的右下角画“P”或“×”,要求学生在做的同时,自己在心中说:“I like…/I don’t like…”待所有学生都做完后,请几个学生到讲台向全班汇报自己的答案。 Step5. Homework. 教学反思: Module 3 单元教学目标: ①能听说认读peach、pear、orange、watermelon等水果单词。能够用I like …来表达自己对某种水果的喜爱,还能用“It tastes good”来赞扬自己喜欢的水果。 ②对名词的单复数有初步的认识;对句型“Mike likes … ”有进一步的认识。 ③能够用Do you like …? What about …? 来询问别人的喜好,能用Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.来回答。 教学重难点: 1.能听说认读peach、pear、orange、watermelon等水果单词。 2.对名词的单复数有初步的认识。 3.单词banana 、orange 、fruit的认读。 4.能在交际练习中进一步巩固句型“Do you like …? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.”。 教学课时:2课时 第一课时 总课时数: 授课时间: 课程名称:Do you like bananas? 教学目标:By the end of the lesson , students should be able to : 1. Say the new words of food in English . 2. Practice the dialogue on the textbook and use it properly in real situation . 3. Express their likes and dislike correctly and confidently. 4. Inspired to use English to solve real problems. 教学重难点:1.Vacabulary of food : tomatoes bananas ... 2.General questions :Do you/they like...? Yes I do/No I don’t--- 教学过程: Step 1 Review A. Dictation Unit 5 words B. Students write the name of food they already know on paper. C. Students draw pictures of food and share them in groups. D. Students volunteer to present their pictures and words. E. Teacher summarize, and writes the words on board. Step 2 Learn the new words A. Use pictures and guestures to introduce the words. B. Students learn to say the words with the help of pictures. C. Play a guessing game. Work in groups for four. Let student writes the name of food on a paper, and the others guess by asking questions. Teacher demonstrate first. Step3 Learn to talk about likes and dislikes A. Group work: four students make a group and talk with each other about their likes and disliks (Use the sentence structure: Do you like...? Does she/he like...?) B. Volunteers to present their dialogue. Step4 More practice Work in pairs and find out your partners preference and disgust food. Teach a song "It's time for lunch". Homework: a. Copy the new words and try to learn them by heart. b. Make up a dialogue about like and dislikes food, then write it down in exercise book. 教学反思: 第二课时 总课时数: 授课时间: 课程名称:Do they like apples? 教学目标: ①能听说认读peach、pear、orange、watermelon等水果单词。能够用I like …来表达自己对某种水果的喜爱,还能用“It tastes good” 来赞扬自己喜欢的水果。 ②对名词的单复数有初步的认识;对句型“Mike likes … ”有进一步的认识。 ③能够用Do you like …? What about …? 来询问别人的喜好,能用Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.来回答。 教学重难点: 1.能听说认读peach、pear、orange、watermelon等水果单词。 2.对名词的单复数有初步的认识。 3.单词banana 、orange 、fruit的认读。 4.能在交际练习中进一步巩固句型“Do you like …? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.”。 教学过程: Step1:Warm-up 1、Let’s sing:《An Apple a Day》 2、Let’s chant: Do you like pears? Yes! Yes! I do.(动作:点头,双手轻拍胸膛) Do you like peaches? No! No! I don’t.(动作:摇头,摆手) Do you like apples? Yes! Yes! I do. (动作:点头,双手轻拍胸膛) Do you like oranges? No! No! I don’t. (动作:摇头,摆手) Step2:Presentation(课件呈现) 1、导入 Today, Mother Monkey, let Little Monkey go down the hill. Little Monkey is very happy. He comes to the farm. Wow, so many fruits! What can you see ?(生说,不会的可以用中文) Little Monkey will pick many fruits and invite us to his fruit party. But we must learn these words and pass his test. Do you have a lot of confidences? Let’s go ! 2、Let’s learn(注意多给学困生机会,并多形式表扬) ⑴学apple ①读单词。 T: What’s this ? Ss: It’s an apple . ②Practise with games. ③用单词造句。 T: Make some sentences with “apple”. (引导学生说:I have…/ I like…the apple is red/Where is the…/Do you like…/How many…can you see(do you have)?等句子。) T: Look, I have … (出示实物) Ss: an apple. T: Yes, I have an apple. The apple is red. I like apples. Hmm(作吃状),it tastes good.(学会tastes.) ⑵同样方法学peach、orange等,但注意画音节,让学生按音节来读、写、记单词。 ⑶跟光碟整体读所学单词;再让学生拿出准备的单词图片,先独立读,不会可以问同学老师,再在小组里读给大家听。 ⑷ Play games ①猜谁消失了:老师将单词卡片打乱,随机抽出一张让学生猜。 ②传悄悄话:老师对一行的第一个学生的耳朵悄悄地说一个单词,让他或她转身也悄悄地给下一位同学……一直传到最后一个同学,他或她就站起来大声说出单词,看是否对。 ③空中写:老师用手书空写单词,让学生猜。 3、Activities & practice(注意多给学困生机会,并多形式表扬) T: Look, Little Monkey comes and examines you! ①Riddles : 猜水果名称(抢答) a.看着是 green ,吃着是 red ,吐出是 black 。 b.胖娃娃,没手脚,红尖嘴儿一身毛,背上浅浅一道沟,肚里血红好味道。 c.黄金屋里装黄金船,黄金船坐黄金人,黄金人身上带甜酸。 d. 红红脸 ,圆又圆, 亲一口, 脆又甜。 e. 黄包袱,包黑豆,尝一口,甜水流。 ②Let’s play 师和一个学生先黑板示范,再让学生同桌互说指令,再画一画,说一说。 T: Draw a watermelon. Color it green. 学生画一西瓜并涂色,然后说:This is a green watermelon. ③Make a survey 师和一个学生先示范,再让学生出座位找朋友做调查。 T: Hello,Tan Jian , do you like pears? S1: Yes, I do. T: Do you like apples? S1: No, I don’t. T: What about watermelons? S1: Yes, I do. T: What about oranges? S1: No, I don’t. T: What about peaches? S1: No, I don’t. T: Thank you, bye. S1: See you. 教学反思: Module 4 单元教学目标: 1.Sam likes T-shirts. 2.He likes this T-shirt. 3.Amy likes dresses. 4. She likes this dress. 5.学会表达他人及自己的喜好,并回答别人的问题。 教学重难点:关于单三人称的用法,比如like变likes。 教学课时:2课时 第一课时 总课时数: 授课时间: 课程名称:Sam likes T-shirts. 教学目标: 1.Sam likes T-shirts. 2.He likes this T-shirt. 3.Amy likes dresses. 4. She likes this dress. 教学重难点:Likes 及第三人称单数,动词+S 教学过程: (一)热身复习 1、师生表演chant---What do you like ? 2、通过看图片一部分猜的游戏复习物品方面的词(特别是衣物类单词)。如:bike apple coat dress等。在猜的过程中练习学过的I like…Do you like? What do you like?等句式,为后面的学习作好铺垫。 (二)任务呈现 在猜的最后,教师呈现自己的任务:你们喜欢服装吗?本节课通过调 查活动你们将有机会了解你的好朋友在服装方面的爱好,之后还要参加一个“优秀店员”的评奖活动。 (三)任务准备 1、课文导入 你们喜欢漂亮的服装吗?我们的好朋友Amy 和Sam也喜欢。让我们一起去看看他们喜欢哪些衣服。 2、课文学习 1)师读课文,学生自由说出听到单词或句子。教师引导学习T-shirt 、dress等词。 2)学生听后回答Amy 和Sam都喜欢什么服装。通过学生的回答引出本节课的核心句子----Sam likes T-shirts.Amy likes dresses.并通过领读、点读、大小声读、换词说等多种形式进行练习。 3)学生再听录音,圈出含有likes的句子,并引导学生读出相关的句子。 4)学生跟老师读课文,同时明确每句话的含义。 5)学生自由读课文后进行分角色表演。 (四)任务完成 开展调查活动(运用学过的Do you like? What do you like?采访同学的喜好,最后用本课的核心句型介绍被采访的同学在服装方面的爱好。) (五)家庭作业 调查朋友的各方面爱好,下次上课时向全班同学汇报。 教学反思: 第二课时 总课时数: 授课时间: 课程名称:He doesn’t like these trousers. 教学目标:He/She doesn`t like …Aa, Bb, Cc的正确书写字母 教学重难点:doesn’t 的读法及运用 教学过程: (一)热身复习 1、师生表演唱字母歌 2、看明星脸上的表情猜测喜欢的物品。如:Yaoming likes this bike.等。 (二)任务呈现 这些明星一会将到我们城市的饭店吃饭和去商店购物,我们将有机会了解他们各方面的喜好。最后我们还要参加一个“优秀店员”的评奖活 动。 (三)任务准备1、课文导入 通过上节课的学习,我们知道我们好朋友Sam选到了自己喜欢的服装。现在Sam 在开party,但是他却不高兴,为什么?让我们一起来听一听吧。 2、课文和韵律诗学习 1)老师读课文,学生说出不高兴的原因。教师引出核心句子He/She doesn`t like …,并采用各种方式进行练习。 2)再次听音,圈出不会的单词。如clothes、trousers 、shoes等。教师帮助学生认读这些词,并采用多种方式进行练习。 3)学生跟读课文,同时明确每句话的含义。 4)学生自由读课文。 5)组织学生练习学生用书8页第2题。 6)学习Chant. a.看图谈论物品,引出单词(apple,bat,car,cat)。 b.观察单词构成,并引导学生感悟单词第一个字母在单词中的发音,最后教师给予总结。 c.通过听音跟说、自由练说、加动作声音说、表演说对Chant进行学习。 d.通过教师示范写、学生书空写和本上描摹写等多种方式进行字母Aa, Bb, Cc的练习。 (四)任务完成 1、开展“我是小小创作家“的活动。 即鼓励学生将课文中的韵句进行改编,可以利用人名、水果、动物来进行改编。 2、开展最佳店员的评选活动。点菜活动或购物活动(屏幕上呈现各式各样的菜,一人是店员,一人是厨师。客人先照菜谱,选择其中的四种食物说I like ……及I don’t like….,而店员不能要求客人停顿或重复,只能凭借记忆,之后去厨师那里说出客人对食物的喜好。这时他要使用句子He/She likes…. 及He/She doesn’t like…. 厨师则必须按照店员的叙述,边重复对方的话。客人听说得正确时要说,Yes,I like….听到错误时则说 Sorry, I don’t like….要求学生们都努力成为最佳店员。) 教学反思: Module 5 单元教学目标: 1、 知识目标:掌握单词:get up,go to school,have lunch,go home,watchTV,go to bed与相关句型: I get up at seven o’clock. 2、技能目标:学习如何说明每日的作息时间安排。 3、情感目标:培养学生听、说、读的能力。 教学重难点: 1、词汇:go to school, have lunch, get up, go to bed, watch TV, go home 2、能运用所学介绍自己的每日作息时间安排。 教学课时:2课时 第一课时 总课时数: 授课时间: 课程名称:At 7, I get up. 教学目标: 掌握单词:get up,go to school,have lunch,go home,watchTV,go to bed与相关句型: I get up at seven o’clock. 教学重难点:学习如何说明每日的作息时间安排。 教学过程: Step1 Warming up Greetings. Sing an English song: Ten little fingers. Step2 Lead-in T and Ss have a free talk. T: Good morning. How old are you? / How many? / What’s this? S1: Good morning. I’m ten. S2: Six. / It’s a door. T: What’s this? (出示钟表。) 自答: It’s a clock. 教读,分组读(形式:整组齐读,同桌齐读,四人小组齐读等) 2. PPT出示:what’s the time ?自答:It’s three o’clock. 让学生跟读three o’clock.教学o’clock. 3.出示课件图片练习时间的表达方法: 4 o’clock, 6 o’clock, 9 o’clock, 12 o’clock. 4、让学生找出整点时间的表达规律:数字+o’clock构成. 5.课件出示Daming图,问:Who is he? Daming also learnt the clock at school. 创设情境引入 Today we’ll talk about Daming’s a day. M5u1 I get up at seven o’clock. Step3 Presentation 1. Listen to the text carefully and then say the time you hear.认真听课文然后说说你听到的时间。 指生说 at seven o’clock at eight o’clock at twelve o’clock at four o’clock at six o’clock at nine o’clock 课件出示,着重强调at 用法,并让学生尝试总结时间表达方式:at + 时间+ o’clock 2. Listen again and find out what Daming does at 7 o’clock. 课件出示起床图 A出示图片,教学get up (板书) B教读get up(形式:全班读,用手偶点名读,纠正读音……) C教读I get up at seven o’clock.(分组,由慢-快读) 3 Listen and find out what Daming does at 8 o’clock. 课件出示上学图 A 出示图,让能干的学生自己说go to school 然后老师纠正,带读 B 出示句子,I go to school at eight o’clock. 老师带读(动作由快到慢) 4 Listen and find out what Daming does at 12o’clock. 课件出示午餐图 A教读 have lunch(全班读,小组读,个人指名读,) B四人小组练说I have lunch at twelve o’clock.师巡堂帮助 C 请四人小组起身读,老师纠正 D 老师再次示范带读(全班读,分组大小声读) 5 Listen and find out what Daming does at 4 o’clock. 课件出示回家图 A 出示go home分别教读,请能干的孩子拼读,然后老师带读go home(个别读,全班读) B 同桌练说I go home at four o’clock. C 请几对同桌起来读,后老师示范,全班读 6 Listen and find out what Daming does at 6 o’clock. 课件出示看电视图 A 出示看电视图,请能干的孩子尝试说 watch TV B 让学生上台做小老师教读 watch TV(全班跟读) C同桌互相帮助,练习说:I watch TV at six o’clock. D 请能干的同桌上台做小老师教全班说(跟读) 7 Listen and find out what Daming does at 9 o’clock. 课件出示睡觉图 A 出示睡觉图,go to bed ,四人小组尝试读一读,然后四人小组起身齐读,老师纠正 B同桌练说一说I go to bed at nine o’clock. C 请会说的孩子起立读 8、Game : 火眼金睛。依次出现新学的短语让学生读出来。 9. Listen and repeat. Step 4 Task 出示美羊羊的图片,四人一组,小组练习说说美羊羊的一天。 指生说并及时评价纠错。 Step5 Summary and Homework 教学反思: 第二课时 总课时数: 授课时间: 课程名称:I go home at 5. 教学目标: 掌握单词get up, poster, go to school, have, lunch, go home, 学生能运用句子At …,I…来介绍一天的主要作息时间与活动。 教学重难点: 1、掌握单词get up, poster, go to school, have, lunch, go home 2、正确运用句型At …,I…及I…at…。 教学过程: Step 1: Inquiry Warming up (探究准备) 1. Greet to each other. 2. Sing songs and say chants. Step 2: Inquiry Presentation (探究实践) 1. “Sam’s mum bought a bird for him. Let’s see what can the bird do?” 引导学生听课文并进入学习情景 2. What’s the meaning of “ get up”? 通过领读、跟读引导学生学会本课重点词组(get up, go to school, have lunch, play football) 3. 出示卡片让学生认读重点词组 4. Let’s chant: 通过顺口溜熟悉词组 Up, up, I get up. School, school, I go to school. Lunch, lunch, I have lunch. Football, football, I play football. 5. Now, listen again and find “ When dose Sam get up/ go to school/ have lunch/ play football?”(锻炼学生的听力能力) 6. 学习怎样表达不同时间的不同活动。 I…at …. 7. text learning :现在我们来跟着Sam和他那只喜欢模仿人说话的鹦鹉来学习吧, 看看我们能不能比鹦鹉模仿得好,listen and watch Part 2 1. read after the teacher 2. practice and report the dialogue in pair. Step 3 Inquiry Practice (探究体验) 1. Practice 1: 提供跟学生学过的一些动词词组,让学生利用这些词组进行“一天主要作息时间及活动”的自我介绍。 2. Practice 2: 向组内同学介绍一天主要作息时间及活动。 Step 4 Inquiry Consolidation(探究发展) 1. Do a survey (调查) Practice 3: look at the ppt and introduce Panpan’s daily life 2. Beautiful sentence: Time is Money. Time is life. Homework: A: listen and read the text B: recite the text C: 调查一种动物的作息时间,并扮演此动物用“At…, I …”来介绍一天的作息时间及活动。 教学反思: Module 6 单元教学目标: 1.知识目标: 能听懂、会说:go swimming, play football, sleep, ride my bike, watch TV, on Sundays, in the morning, in the afternoon. 2.技能目标: 能听懂、会说句子:What do you do ....? 及回答I play football /sleep/ride my bike/watch TV on Sundays/in the morning/ in the afternoon. 3.情感目标: 敢于用应进行表达。乐于学习英语。 教学重难点:能运用What do you do...?询问对方 做了什么,并回答。 教学课时:2课时 第一课时 总课时数: 授课时间: 课程名称:What do you do on Sundays? 教学目标: 1、能听懂、会说:go swimming, play football, sleep, ride my bike, watch TV, on Sundays, in the morning, in the afternoon. 2、能听懂、会说句子:What do you do ....? 及回答I play football /sleep/ride my bike/watch TV on Sundays/in the morning/ in the afternoon. 教学重难点: 能运用What do you do...?询问对方做了什么,并回答。 教学过程: Step 1 Warm up: 1、Greetings 用Good morning/Good afternoon等问候语跟学生打招呼。 2、Read a chant. 3、Review A、利用课件复习词组:play football , play basketball, play table tennis, ride my bike, go swimming, watch TV B、复习检查学生Module5课文学习情况。 C、Play a game:火眼金睛 复习句型:I go swimming on Saturdays.并引出Sunday,in the morning,in the afternoon. Step2 Lead in: 老师出示“幸运52”的图标。问学生由这两个数字能想到什么(提示学生一周游7天)。问学生把一周分为5天和2天,5天代表(从星期一到星期五),这五天你在哪里?引出短语“at school”。另外2天代表(星期六和星期天)。我们还把这两天称作周末,教授单词“weekend”。 活动1:老师出示图片,把全班分为两组,一组问,另一组答,练习几遍后,进行调换。 活动2:让学生把这些活动按in the morning/ afternoon进行分类: 四人一小组,三人猜,一人答,猜对,奖励一个小星星,看谁得的小星星多。练习句型:Do you …in the morning/ in the afternoon?Yes,I do./ No, I don’t. 活动3:双簧表演:S1: What do you do in the morning?S2:(做打 篮球的动作)S3: I play basketball in the morning. 学生问老师What do you do in the morning?老师做睡觉的动作教授I sleep in the morning. Step 3 learning 1、老师读课文,学生跟读。 2、问学生Which do you like at school or the weekend?根据学生的回答分两种情况。大部分学生会回答the weekend。If you like the weekend, what do you do at the weekend?(先鼓励学生自己说,再出示图片练习) I watch TV/ go swimming /do the morning exercise /skip/play basketball/football/table tennis /run/ride a bike.利用Sunday引出新句型What do you do on Sundays?及回答I .....on Sundays 用in the morning/in the afternoon练习新句型。 3、同桌之间相互练习。 4、抽学生进行分角色朗读并表演课文。 5、Play a game:听短文,做动作 Step 5 summary Step 6 Homework 让学生用所学短语、句型,写写自己周末的活动安排。 教学反思: 第二课时 总课时数: 授课时间: 课程名称:Where do you live? 教学目标: Where do you live? I live in Beijing. What school do you go to? I go to Qianmen school. 正确书写字母:Pp, Qq, Rr 教学重难点:Where do you live? I live in Beijing. What school do you go to? I go to Qianmen school. 教学过程: (一)热身复习 1、师生表演说学习过的字母方面的韵律诗。 2、活动复习学过的动词短语。 3、看图片学生互相询问周末的活动复习What do you do at the weekend? 和Where do you …? (二)任务呈现 你们愿意了解你的新朋友和让新朋友们了解你更多的情况吗?本节课,你们将学会如何用英语进行问答。 (三)任务准备 1、课文导入 今天老师收到一位小朋友的来信,她叫Tingting。她在信中对自己的情况进行比较全面的介绍。我们一起去听听她是怎么介绍吧! 2、课文学习 1)听音说出听到的信息。引出生词:live,city. 2)听音说出Tingting的爱好、居住的城市和学习的学校。 3)听音重复 4)自由读课文 5)看短文填重要的信息点。如: I like _______ and ________..... 6)学习Chant. a.看图引出pincequeenrain。 b.通过听音跟说、自由练说、加动作声音说、表演说对Chant进行学习。 c.通过教师示范写、学生书空写和本上描摹写等多种方式进行字母Pp, Qq, Rr的练习。 (四)任务完成 1、开展“角色换换换”的游戏。教师为每组第一个学生准备了不同人物的头饰和相应的人物自我介绍。活动开始后,首先由第一个学生戴头饰向第二个学生介绍。之后再将头饰转戴给下一个同学,由他向下一个同学介绍,以此类推,看哪个小组能最快将角色传递到最后。 2、开展制作明信片的活动。 (五) 家庭作业 制作介绍自己的明信片,并把它转送给自己结识的新朋友。 教学反思: Module 7 单元教学目标: 1. 知识目标:学生能听、说、认、读词语on holiday, plane, ship, love, China。 学生能听、说、认、读句型 I go to ... on holiday. I go by…. 2. 能力目标:学生能熟练描述到某个地方所使用的交通工具。 3. 情感态度、价值观:学生在相互交流合作中增强合作精神、学生热爱自己的国家。 教学重难点:学生能根据实际情况,运用所学句型熟练谈论假期旅行乘坐的交通工具。 教学课时:2课时 第一课时 总课时数: 授课时间: 课程名称:How do you go to school? 教学目标: 1、Words:School train bus bicycle foot 2、How do you go to school? I go to school on foot/by bus/train/bicycle. 教学重难点:How do you go to school? I go to school on foot/by bus/train/bicycle. 教学过程: Step1 Warming up Hi, boys and girls. Today it is my first time to go to school. I am so happy. Now, look at me, I am going. Task1) let’s go to school. let’s go to school. let’s go to school. oh, let’s go Pick some flowers, and walk in the morning. Learn to grow up, and practice my English. let’s go to school. let’s go to school. oh, let’s go Step2 Leading in Put some cards on the road to school. 1, foot T: I go to school on foot. Task2) Touching game. 2, bicycle Student A holds the card. Task3) Role play. 3, bus Student B holds the card. Task4) Role play 4, train Student C holds the card. Task5) Role play Step3 Operating Repeat after teacher. Task6) Groupwork I say, you do./ You do, I say Step4 Conducting. T: Judy is going to school, here comes question. How do you go to school? Task7) Pick a student up, I do, you say. Step5 Game One is a reporter, the other is a cameraman. Johnson wants to make a survey about how you go to school, so I am going to interview some of you. Then fill in the blank on the blackboard. Task7) Role play. 教学反思: 第二课时 总课时数: 授课时间: 课程名称:I go by train. 教学目标: 学生能听、说、认、读词语on holiday, plane, ship, love, China。 学生能听、说、认、读句型 I go to ... on holiday. I go by…. 教学重难点: 学生能根据实际情况,运用所学句型熟练谈论假期旅行乘坐的交通工具。 教学过程: Warming-up ⑴Greetings: Hello, boys and girls.Nice to meet you. ⑵Chant: Car,car go by car; Bike,bike,go by bike; Train,train,go by train; Ship,ship,go by ship. 2. 复习Review:(Free-talk) T: How do you go to school? S: I go to school by ….I walk to school. 3. 呈现Presentation ⑴new words 1)T: Boys and girls, guess! What’s this?(呈现plane、ship的图片,遮住部分图片) 2)T: Look at this map. Where is it? (中国地图的图片) T: Yes, it’s China.(出示单词China, 带读。) T: I love China. (手势,并板书love.) Do you love China? T: You love China. I love China. So, we love China. (课件呈现句型,带读China, China, we love China.) 3)T: Look! Where is it? It’s in China. (呈现海南的图片) T: Yes, it’s Hainan. I want to go to Hainan on holiday. T: I love China. (手势,并板书love.) Do you love China? T: You love China. I love China. So, we love China. (课件呈现句型,带读China, China, we love China.) 4)T: Look! Where is it? It’s in China. (呈现海南的图片) T: Yes, it’s Hainan. I want to go to Hainan on holiday.(出示节日的图片,带读holiday/on holiday) ⑵教学句型: 1) 呈现一幅中国地图,及各种交通工具的图片 T: Hainan is here. But I’m in Hunan. How can I go to Hainan? By bus? By bike? 2) T: I go by train. /I go by ship. /I go by plane. (课件呈现从湖南去海南的两种方法,及相应的句型,带读。) 3) Practice 3. 课文教学: 1) Listen and answer:a. What does he do in Hainan? b. How does he go to Hainan? 2) Listen again and answer:a. Where do they go on holiday? b. How do they go? 3)Listen and repeat 五、板书设计: I go by train. Car,car, go by car; Bike,bike, go by bike; Train,train, go by train; Ship,ship, go by ship. 重点句:I go to ... on holiday. I go by…. 教学反思: Module 8 单元教学目标: 1.能听懂、会说并认读句型:Does he play the piano?及其答句:Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. 2. 能听懂、会说并认读单词piano, listen, drum及短语play the piano, listen to CD等。 3.能运用句型Does he …? Do you …来询问他人的周末活动。 教学重难点:熟练运用所学句型进行提问,并掌握答句。 教学课时:2课时 第一课时 总课时数: 授课时间: 课程名称:She goes swimming. 教学目标: 1. Can read and remember the vocabulary. 2. Be able to make sentences according to the pictures. 3. Read and recite the text. 教学重难点: Vocabulary: watch TV weekend read come with OK Pattern: Have a good weekend! I like football. And I watch TV. He / She ….+s(es) at the weekend. 教学过程: Step 1: Warmer Chain activity: What’s your favourite subject? In rows, the children ask and answer What’s your favourite subject ? Find out what the most popular subject in your class is. Show disappointment if it isn’t English! Step 2: Revision Free talk: How are you? What’s your name? How old are you? What’s this? What color? Step 3: Presentation 1. Put some word cards on the blackboard and learn them. 2. Explain to the students that many verbs in English are regular. That means they follow a pattern or rules. To form the third person singular of regular verbs, we add ‘-s’ to the infinitive. We add ‘-es’ to verbs that end in ‘-s’, ‘-sh’, ‘-ch’, ‘-x’ or ‘-o’. 3. Most irregular verbs also form the third person singular in the same way. There are some special verbs such as “be” and “have” and the third person singular form of the verbs have to be learned, i.e. “is” and ‘has’. 4. To make the verbs in the third person singular negative, we use the auxiliary, or helping verb “does” plus ‘not’ and the infinitive, e.g. doesn’t play, doesn’t swim. The auxiliary ‘do’ is also used in ‘wh’ questions, e.g. ‘What does he do?’ ‘do’ is used to form closed or ‘yes /no’ questions. Step 4: Practice 1. This activity reinforces and practices the correct pronunciation of the new vocabulary. 2. Play the cassette or say each word. The children point to the corresponding picture. 3. Point to the pictures randomly. Say the words. The class repeats. 4. Ask individuals to say the words. Correct any pronunciation mistakes. 5. In pairs, the children take turns to point to the pictures and say the words. Step 5: Consolidation Let the students read the vocabulary again and again. 教学反思: 第二课时 总课时数: 授课时间: 课程名称:Does he play the piano? 教学目标: 1.能听懂、会说并认读句型:Does he play the piano?及其答句:Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. 2. 能听懂、会说并认读单词piano, listen, drum及短语play the piano, listen to CD等。 3.能运用句型Does he …? Do you …来询问他人的周末活动。 教学重难点: 1.能熟练运用句型Does he …? Do you …来询问他人的周末活动。 2. does在第三人称单数疑问句中的用法。 教学过程: Step 1. Warming up 1. listen and do do homework play computer games do housework play the piano read books… 2. Free talk Boys and girls, I like reading boods. So I often read books at the weekend. 转问学生Do you read books at the weekend?如有学生作否定回答则继续提问What do you do at the weekend? 并进一步询问What does your mother or father do at the weekend? Step 2. Presentation 1.课文导入 We all enjoy our weekend. Look, Jenny and Miss Zhang are talking about weekend. What does Jenny do at the weekend? She plays the piano.教师用肢体语言让学生理解piano the piano的意思。 2.出示Peter弹钢琴的图片, 做动作学说短语play the piano. T:I can’t play the piano. 提问同学们Can you play the piano? 对作肯定回答的同学说:Do you play the piano at the weekend?第二次播放光盘 ,并回答问题。师板书答句:Yes, he does. Peter often plays the piano, so he can play the piano very well. 4.What does Guo Yang do at the weekend?找学生回答问题:He often plays the drums, sometimes he listens to music. (通过读一读,听一听,猜一猜等几种不同的方法使学生了解他们的周末活动,并适时引出重点句型Does he play the piano? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.) 3. listen and repeat. 4. 同位分角色朗读。 Step 3. Practice. 1. chant. Take pictures, take pictures, Does Jenny often take pictures? Yes, she does, Yes, she does, She often takes pictures at the weekend. Play the piano, play the piano, Does Tom often play the piano? No, he doesn’t. No, he doesn’t. He often plays the violin at the weekend. 2. Let’s talk. Peter often plays the violin at the weekend. What else does he often do?他周末还做些什么呢?let’s have a look. 出示课件,教师先与学生问答Does he often listen to music?根据笑脸或苦脸作出回答,示范后同伴俩练习并展示。 Step 4. Production 1. Guessing game 找两个学生到教室前面背对全班,教师随意提问一个学生:What do you do at the weekend? 让他通过做动作来表示,然后全班集体提问:What does S1 do at the weekend? 两位同学用所学句型Does he…来猜,大家集体作答,先猜对的奖励贴画。 2. Good memory记忆大比拼 出示学生喜欢的明星及其周末活动,之后快速消失,最后再逐个出示人物,What does Zhou Jielun do at the weekend?让学生们来抢答明星们的周末活动。 Step 5. Summary 齐读板书重点句型。 Step6 . Homework. Copy the drills and listen to the tape. 教学反思: Module 9 单元教学目标: 1.能够用英语谈论自己喜欢的季节以及不同季节的典型气候特点。 2.能听懂、会说、会读以下句子: It’s spring. We wear jackets. We don’t wear T-shirts. 并能进行扩展,在实际生活中灵活运用。 教学重难点: 1. 学习怎样用英语谈论季节以及不同季节的着装;掌握相关单词和句型,并能综合运用新、旧知识组织对话完成一定的交际任务。 2. 增加已学知识的复现率,培养学生对重点单词和句子的认读能力。能听懂、了解四季的特性, 并能运用所学的、有关四季特性的句子对最喜欢的季节做简要说明。 教学课时:2课时 第一课时 总课时数: 授课时间: 课程名称:It’s winter. 教学目标: (一)知识技能目标: 1. 单词: winter, spring summer, autumn, jackets, sweater. 2. 句子: It’s spring. We wear jackets. We don’t wear T-shirts. (二)运用能力目标: 1. 学习怎样用英语谈论季节以及不同季节的着装;掌握相关单词和句型,并能综合运用新、旧知识组织对话完成一定的交际任务。 2. 增加已学知识的复现率,培养学生对重点单词和句子的认读能力。能听懂、了解四季的特性, 并能运用所学的、有关四季特性的句子对最喜欢的季节做简要说明。 教学重难点: 1.能够用英语谈论自己喜欢的季节以及不同季节的典型气候特点。 2.能听懂、会说、会读以下句子: It’s spring. We wear jackets. We don’t wear T-shirts. 并能进行扩展,在实际生活中灵活运用。 教学过程: Step 1.Warming-up 1.教师热情地和学生打招呼,做简单的Free Talk. 2.教师和学生一起做一组TPR活动。教师说:“Put on your jackets.”学生做穿夹克衫的动作。教师说: “Take off your hats.”学生就做摘掉帽子的动作。然后由师生互动转为生生互动,让学生进行小组间的比赛,对做得又快又准确的小组教师要给予奖励。如果时间允许,请学生当小老师到讲台前来发指令,其他同学做动作。 (设计说明:教师在这一环节应该有意识地多操练衣物名称,为后面的教学做准备。) Step 2.Presentation T: How many seasons are there in a year? What season are they? (如果学生不理解,可以用中文解释“season”的含义。) S: 春天 夏天 秋天 冬天 T: 那么这些季节都如何用英语来表达呢? 1.教师把表示四个季节的单词卡片呈现给学生,并指着每一张卡片,让学生猜出正确的季节,教师对此逐一进行教授,学生通过跟读,小组读,开火车读等多种方法巩固练习。 T:那么在不同的季节里,人们的着装又有什么不同呢?人们都穿什么衣物?不穿什么衣物呢? 2.教师播放录音,要求学生手指点读。 3.教师再放录音,一句一停,让学生跟读,教师要重点讲授新单词的读音。 4.教师请两个同学一组模仿书上的例句,一位同学说出穿着,另一名学生猜季节。也可以举行抢答比赛,请几位同学到讲台前说穿着,其余同学抢答季节。教师对表现突出的同学发送小礼物表示奖励 Step3.Practice 1.教师组织学生玩游戏:Mime and guess. 请几位学生分别表演关于季节和衣物的词汇,但嘴里不能说出来。其他学生进行抢答,最后教师对抢答得既快又准的同学给予奖励。 2.教师组织学生玩游戏“找朋友” 教师将全班同学分成春天组,夏天组,秋天组和冬天组。让每一个学生离开座位找朋友,必须操练句型“Do you like spring /summer/autumn/winter? Yes, we do. We are friends.”然后根据对季节共同的爱好组成四个组,讨论各个季节的特点和人们的着装,教师在此环节种要特别注意课堂的组织,并给予学生适当的帮助。 3.教师通过向学生呈现教学媒体资源,让学生通过练习巩固所学知识。 Step4.Consolidation 教师和学生一起归纳本单元所学的知识点。 Step5. Homework 1.熟练掌握本单元所学内容。 2课后和同桌一起调查每人喜欢的季节 教学反思: 第二课时 总课时数: 授课时间: 课程名称:What does he do in summer? 教学目标:Ss can remember the new words, and can ask someone what does he/she do in spring/summer/autumn/winter. 教学重难点:关于单三形式的语法点。 教学过程: 一、 Warming up : 1. Greeting T:Hello, boys and girls .How are you? Ss: I’m fine, thank you .And you? T: I’m fine too. And how are you feeling today? Ss: Not bad. 2. Singing a chant Listen to the clock. Tick tock, tick tock... Listen to the clock. Tick tock. What’s the time? It’s two O’clock. Listen to the clock. Tick tock. 二、New concept 1. T: Oh, you are so great. Now, let us review we’ve learned. Ok? Ss: Ok. T: What do you do at the weekend? Ss: I…….at the weekend. T: What do you do in the morning? Ss: I ………in the morning. T: What do you have at school? Ss: I have …… and …… T: Show the Ss some books and pictures, include: “Maths’’ and “Science ” “swimming” “football” “sleep” “Chinese” 2. Explain does 是do 的单数形式用于第三人称后面。 For example: he, she, it …… He does ……/she does…../it does……. Make some sentences: What does she do in summer? What does he do in summer? Let the Ss practice and answer: She goes swimming in summer. 3. Listen and say, play the tape, pause it after each utterance and let the Ss repeat the sentences . 4. Text 1) Listen and look. 2) Answer questions: What does Lingling do in winter? What does Daming do in autumn? What does Amy do in spring? 三、Homework: 1. Use “does” make two sentences 2. Copy the following sentences two times. What does she do in summer? She goes swimming in summer 教学反思:. Module10 单元教学目标: 1. 懂、会读、会说、会写本单元单词。 2.掌握句子 We have Christmas in England. Christmas is in winter. 3.会说唱相关chant。 4.会说唱本单元的英语童谣《We wish you a happy Christmas》 教学重难点: 1. 学习怎样用英语谈论中国的春节和英国的圣诞节。掌握相关单词和句型,并能综合运用新、旧知识组织对话完成一定的交际任务。 2. 增加已学知识的复现率,培养学生对重点单词和句子的认读能力。 教学课时:2课时 第一课时 总课时数: 授课时间: 课程名称:Happy New Year! 教学目标: (1)Learn and try to understand and read the words: New Year, Chinese New Year ,eat, dumpling. (2)Learn the target sentences: Happy New Year! We eat dumplings at Chinese New Year. We have firecrackers. (3)Try to talk about Chinese New Year and what do we do at Chinese New Year? At the same time, raise the students’ language abilities. 教学重难点: 1.Key points Talk about the customs of our Chinese New Year using the phrases: eat dumplings, have firecrackers . 2.Difficulties How to use the new words and the drills to Talk about the customs of our Chinese New Year. 教学过程: (一) Preparation 1.Greetings. 2.Free talk. What’ the weather like? hat season is it now? What so we wear? 3.Sing a song. “Happy New Year!” (二)Presentation 1.T: Are you happy? Why? Because New Year is coming. Now look. Show the pictures of New Year, means 新年,又称元旦,新年开始的第一天。Look! 2.Show the pictures and introduce.We know New Year is in winter.There is a troditional festival in our country. It’s in winter ,too. Do you know?引出春节“Chinese New Year”. 3.Show picture and read. T:We also call it Spring Festival.The Smarts visit Daming’s home. Now let’s listen and look what do they say at Chinese New Year? (三)Practice 1.Answer the question. What do they say? Happy New Year! (1)Practise in pairs.(2) Teacher and students. 2.Listen and answer the question. What do we do at Chinese New Year? (1)We eat dumplings at Chinese New Year. (2)We have firecrackers. 3.Learn the new words: eat,dumplings,firecrackers 4.Listen and circle the new words. 5.Listen and repeat. (四)Production 1.Talk about Chinese New Year. What do we also do at Chinese New Year? 2.Look at the pictures ,ask and answer. 3.Do exercises. 4.Talk about the other festivals what you know. Mid-Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, National Day, Lantern Festival… 5.Sing a song “Happy New Year” again. (五)Homework Talk about Chinese New Year to your parents. 板书设计: Module 10 Unit 1 Happy New Year! New Year (1月1日) Chinese New Year (1月或2月) We eat dumplings at Chinese New Year. We have firecrackers. 教学反思: 第二课时 总课时数: 授课时间: 课程名称:We have Chirstmas. 教学目标: (一)知识能力目标: 1. 懂、会读、会说、会写单词New Year, Christmas, England, sing 。 2.掌握句子 We have Christmas in England. Christmas is in winter. 3.会说唱相关chant。 4.会说唱本单元的英语童谣《We wish you a happy Christmas》 (二)运用能力目标: 1. 学习怎样用英语谈论英国的圣诞节。掌握相关单词和句型,并能综合运用新、旧知识组织对话完成一定的交际任务。 2. 增加已学知识的复现率,培养学生对重点单词和句子的认读能力。 教学重难点: 1.能够用英语谈论英国的圣诞节以及当地的一些习俗。 2.能听懂、会说、会读以下句子: We have Christmas in England . Christmas is in winter. We have a big dinner and sing songs. We have Christmas trees and Christmas presents. 并能进行扩展,在实际生活中灵活运用。 教学过程: Step 1.Warming-up 1.教师热情地和学生打招呼问好,走下讲台到学生中间和学生就话题“What do you do at Chinese New Year”做简单的Free Talk,鼓励学生大胆开口讲英语。 2.教师通过给学生呈现有关四季的图片,让学生把相应的单词和图片连一连,帮助学生复习有关四季的单词。 Step 2.Presentation 1.亲爱的同学们,相信你现在一定会向外国朋友或你的爸爸妈妈用英语介绍我们的春节了,那你知道英国最重要的节日是什么节吗?都有什么习俗吗?一起来听听Sam给我们介绍有关圣诞节的事情吧! (教师在讲授新课之前可以先请学生讲一讲自己搜集到的有关圣诞节的知识,学生可以用中文讲,教师可以将其写在黑板上,以便让学生在学习完课文后判断自己的信息是否准确。) 2.Sam 刚才给大家介绍圣诞节的时候,我们知道了他们要举行大聚餐,唱歌等一些开心的活动,那么你想学学这首让人欢快的歌吗?教师给学生演唱这首《We wish you a happy Christmas》,让学生欣赏,学唱,表演。 Step 3.Learn to the chant 1.教师把活动3的教学图呈现给学生,让学生认真看图,教师放录音,声图并茂,让学生从整体上把握韵句大意。 2.教师再放录音,一句一停,逐行教授,让学生理解,必要时教师可以辅以夸张的肢体语言帮助学生理解。再放录音,让学生模仿跟读,教师要在学生跟读过程中及时纠正学生出现的各种错误。 3.可以采用多种方法让学生练习,最后请部分学生到讲台前来进行表演,教师需给予学生积极的肯定与指导。 Step 4.Learn to the letter 1.教师把活动4的教学图呈现给学生,让学 生认真看图,看清每个字母的笔顺和所占用的四字格,然后教师读,让学生听清每个字母的发音。 2.之后,让学生跟读,进行多种方式的机械操练,帮助学生练习发音。教师讲解四线格的书写要求,教学生正确地书写出这几个字母,让学生在空中划出正确的书写笔画,以练习巩固。 Step 5.Practice 1.教师把学生分成几组,以小组为单位描述图片,完整说出录音中出现过的内容能够得基础分,一句话一分。如果能说出新的内容和句子,就加分,一句话两分。同组的学生可以互相补充,最后评出“最佳合作组”、“最佳速度组”,教师对表现好的同学和小组发送小礼物表示奖励。 2.亲爱的同学们,每当圣诞节的时候,英国人的家庭都会在起居室里准备一棵挂满礼物的圣诞树,点燃壁炉的圣火,以增加节日的气氛,你也来当小小设计师,看看下图中的物品放到哪里最合适呢? 教师通过教学媒体资源给学生呈现出来,让学生充分发挥想象力进行装扮。 Step 6.Consolidation 教师和学生一起归纳本单元所学的知识点。 Step 7. Homework 1.熟练掌握本单元的单词和句型。 2. 给父母讲一讲今天学习的内容,讲讲国外的传统节日圣诞节是怎么过的,人们在这个节日中都做些什么。告诉父母,圣诞节和中国的新年有什么异同。 3.请学生自己动手制作一套完成的字母卡片,建议学生用比较硬的纸板,用彩色笔写出大小写字母,还可以对卡片进行修饰。 教学反思:查看更多