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课时训练(十) Units 1-2(八下)‎ ‎(限时:30分钟)‎ Ⅰ.语法填空 ‎1.[2019·长沙冲刺]We used to     a relaxing life a year ago. But now we should do much work every day. Some students aren't used to     the busy life. ‎ A.have; have     B.have; having C.having; have ‎2.[2019·长沙模拟]We must try to do everything we can     waste water from running into the rivers. ‎ A.prevent B.to prevent C.preventing ‎3.It takes time     friendship. ‎ A.to develop B.develop C.developed ‎4.Old Mr.Green doesn't feel     because some students visit him regularly. ‎ A.lone B.alone C.lonely ‎ ‎5.The notice says the sports meeting has been     till next week. ‎ A.put on B.put down C.put off ‎6.—The price of vegetables     so quickly these days. ‎ ‎—Oh, no, but I don't think so.‎ A.afford B.rises C.raise ‎7.—How are you today?‎ ‎—Oh, I     as ill as I do now for a long time. ‎ A.didn't feel     B.wasn't feeling C.haven't felt ‎8.[2019·青岛改编]As middle school students, we     follow the public rules wherever we go.  ‎ A.would B.should C.could ‎9.[2019·昆明改编]—You looked unhappy just now.     ? ‎ ‎—I missed the school bus and arrived late for class.‎ A.What did you eat for lunch B.How was your picnic C.What happened to you ‎ 6‎ ‎10.These new types of energy cost very little and will never     . ‎ A.run out of B.come out C.run out ‎ Ⅱ.词语填空 As time went by, many things were forgotten.However, I could  11  remember years back during my first day in the 5th grade.I transferred(转学)to a local school for boys.I was a new student then.Life was really  12  for my parents because of a higher schooling fee. ‎ At school, we were  13  to wear a white shirt with the school's sign on its left pocket that could be bought in the school shop. And at the top of this pocket should be worn a name tag(标签).This tag was sold at the school  14 ,too.To  15  added cost, Mom decided to make the tag herself by hand. ‎ ‎“This would do, and you can have a try,” she said.“OK, Mom.”I was not ready to wear it.I thought it was different.At school, boys looked at my tag and some  16  it,“Your helper sure did an ugly job.” And another added, “How strange it is! At least it caught our  17 .” I knew it.At first, I tried to cover it and forget it.But at last I understood that it didn't matter if I was different from others who wore the machine-made tags. ‎ I realized it should not stop me from doing my best  18  we have differences in the culture or economic(经济)situation.What is true is that Mom  19  much time making it possible to give the best for me.I should be  20  of it.And I did.I wore this Mom-made tag for the rest of the school year. ‎ ‎(  )11.A.hardly B.clearly C.badly ‎(  )12.A.difficult B.fascinating C.helpful ‎(  )13.A.trained B.warned C.required ‎(  )14.A.playground B.shop C.library ‎(  )15.A.cut B.increase C.divide ‎(  )16.A.made use of   B.made friends with C.made fun of ‎(  )17.A.attention   B.influence C.expression ‎(  )18.A.even though   B.so that C.as if ‎(  )19.A.spent B.cost C.took ‎(  )20.A.patient B.proud C.polite Ⅲ.图表理解 A [2019·长郡模拟]‎ 6‎ Name Hobby Dream ‎ Way Frank Music ‎ Singer Take part in the city's singing competition next year Ann Dancing ‎ Dancer Go to the dancing club Jenny Sports Runner Join a sports club this term Peter ‎ Traveling Doctor ‎ Go to China to study Chinese medicine Mike Sports Basketball player Join a basketball club ‎21.Both Jenny and Mike like     . (  ) ‎ A.traveling     B.playing sports C.listening to music ‎22.From the chart(图表) we know that     . (  ) ‎ A.Frank will study Chinese medicine B.Jenny is in a sports club C.Mike wants to be a baseball player B Beaker (烧杯)‎ Is chemistry your favorite subject? With this app, your smartphone turns into a beaker. You “pour” chemical (化学的) materials by touching the right-hand corner of your smartphone. You “light” a match by swiping (涮) the screen quickly.‎ Butter Camera This app helps you edit (编辑) your photos and videos. There are lots of filters (滤镜) that can make your photos beautiful. But the coolest thing is that it can help you add pretty and artistic characters.‎ Monument Valley Players need to help princess Ida walk out of a monument. The monument is designed like a maze(迷宫). Players have to rotate (旋转) the monument to find the way out. This is a real test for your eyes and brain.‎ ‎23.You can “pour” chemical materials by     . (  ) ‎ A.swiping the screen quickly B.shaking the “beaker”‎ C.touching the special corner of your smartphone 6‎ ‎24.If you want to make your photos beautiful, which app can help you? (  )‎ A.Beaker.     B.Butter Camera. ‎ C.Monument Valley.‎ ‎25.What is the monument like? (  )‎ A.A maze.     B.A real valley. C.A palace.‎ Ⅳ.[2019·柳州改编]语篇补全 ‎  Sleep plays an important role in brain development. Children should get enough sleep. 26.     A study says that because of being short of sleep, it is much harder for children to do something carefully. And also they become forgetful and easy to make mistakes. Another study shows that the right amount of night-time sleep is just as important for children's development as healthy eating and taking exercise. ‎ ‎  27.     In general a younger child needs more sleep than an older one. Children at the age of 5—11 will need 10—12 hours of sleep a night while children at the age of more than 11 will need less hours. ‎ ‎  In fact, many parents don't know how to help their children get enough sleep. Here is something you can do. For children at the age of 5—11, a 30—40 minutes' routine (常规) before sleep is helpful. 28.     In the activities, children relax and enjoy themselves a lot, and they will go to sleep more easily. ‎ ‎  Children at the age of more than 11 may go to bed late in the evening, talking with friends online, playing games or watching TV. 29.     And even they will be tired during the day. So limit (限制) your children's use of the Internet, games and the TV before they go to bed and don't allow them to have a computer or TV set in their bedroom. ‎ A.If not, many problems will come to them.‎ B.Why does a child need so much sleep?‎ C.How many hours of sleep is enough for a child?‎ D.So they will find it difficult to get up in the next morning.‎ E.It includes a bath, reading a story together and so on.‎ Ⅴ.情景交际 A: Welcome to our “Hand in Hand Club”! May I have your name, please?‎ B: Yes. Thomas. Thomas Brown.‎ A: OK, Thomas. 30.             ‎ 6‎ B: I'm a university student.‎ A: You speak English very well. How long have you learned English?‎ B: 31.         My mother is an English teacher. She has taught me English since I was very young. ‎ A: Such a long time! Are you good with children?‎ B: Yes, I get on very well with children. And I was once a volunteer teacher. ‎ A: Really? 32.             ‎ B: I worked as a volunteer teacher about two years ago.‎ A: Sounds good! 33.             ‎ B: Because I want to cheer up the children and show my love to them.‎ A: Great. Welcome to join our club to help more people together.‎ B: 34.              I'll try my best to do it. ‎ ‎ ‎ 6‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ Ⅰ.1.B 2.B ‎3.A 考查非谓语动词。it takes time to do sth.意为“花费时间做某事”。故选A。‎ ‎4.C 考查形容词的用法。根据句意并运用逻辑推断可知,经常有学生来探望,那一定是不感到孤独,故选C。‎ ‎5.C 6.B 7.C ‎8.B 考查情态动词辨析。句意:作为中学生,无论到哪里我们都应当遵守公共规则。should意为“应该”,故选B。‎ ‎9.C 10.C Ⅱ.11—15 BACBA 16—20 CAAAB Ⅲ.A 21—22 BB B 23—25 CBA Ⅳ.26—29 BCED Ⅴ.30.What are you/What do you do?‎ ‎31.For about ten/nine/eight years…‎ ‎32.When did you work as a volunteer teacher?‎ ‎33.Why do you want to join our club?‎ ‎34.Thank you very much.‎ 6‎

