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申明敬告: 本站不保证该用户上传的文档完整性,不预览、不比对内容而直接下载产生的反悔问题本站不予受理。
2020 中考英语研讨会 解读考试说明, 把握命题趋势, 研究考试真题; 提升复习效率 。 给学生一片蓝天,他们会让它繁星点点; 给学生一片绿地,他们会让它春色满园。 2019 中考英语试题结构 试卷类别 内容 题号 题量 计分 时间分配 卷 Ⅰ 听力(第一节) Ⅰ 5 5 2 0 Ⅱ 5 5 Ⅲ 8 8 Ⅳ 7 7 单项填空 Ⅴ 10 10 5 完型填空 Ⅵ 10 10 15 阅读理解 Ⅶ 15 30 30 卷 Ⅱ 听力 ( 第二节 ) Ⅷ 5 5 5 任务型阅读 Ⅸ 5 10 10 词语运用 Ⅹ 10 10 10 基础写作 Ⅺ A 5 5 5 B 1 1 5 20 合计 91 120 120 主要技能的考查: 1 . 听:听懂材料,并用获取的信息完成试题; 2. 读:读懂各种题材体裁的文章,获取信息,用信息解决问题的能力; 3. 写:信息沟通,描述经历,描述事物,发表观点,提出建议。 4. 译:准确、通顺,符合语言规则。 5. 词汇:课标规定的 所有词汇 。 注:人教版的黑体词不等于课表词。 sour, cotton 黑体 supper, retell, god... (取消) 【听力部分总体评价】 听力部分与往年对比,在题量和题型上都没有变化,继续保持考查学生在口语语料中获取信息和用信息解决问题的能力。但听力试题的第三题在学生卷面上增加了问题,这就降低了试题的难度,有利于学生获取高分。从选材上看,涉及到了购物、打电话、看医生、学习交流、考试说明等多种话题,有利于学生口语的提高,起到了积极的正导向的功能。 听力 一、听句子,选信息。能力要求:捕捉句子中关键信息的能力。 真题分析: No1. My pet cat is very cute. No2. I'd like to try on this pair of shoes. No3. Sally will travel to France on November 22nd. No4. I’ll provide you with drinks at the party. No5. People began to cheer at the player’s pass by. No4. I ' ll provide you with drinks at the party. A. I ' ll invite him to the party. B. I like the drinks at the party. C. I ' ll provide drinks for the party. No5. People began to cheer at the player ' s pass by. A. People were angry with the players. B. People were happy to join the players. C. People were excited to see the players. 5. A. The man will gave us a talk next week . B. The man talked with us last week . C. We listened the man's speech last week . The man gave us a talk last week. 题型Ⅱ . 听句子,选答语。 主要考查学生对日常交际用语的理解和应答能力。 2017 年真题 No.6. How are you doing, Jack? ( 问候 ) No.7. Could I take a look at your picture?(应允) No.8. I ' m sorry. I forgot your birthday. (道歉) No.9. What ' s the weather like in Beijing ? (天气) No.10. You ' d better go to see a doctor. (建议) . Excuse me. Could you turn down your radio, please? A. It’s a pleasure. B. You are right. C. OK. Sorry! (1) 问候 (Greetings) A. Hi! Hello! Good morning / afternoon / evening. How are you? How are you doing? Please say hello to your parents. Please give my love / best wishes to Lucy. B. Hi! Hello! Good morning / afternoon / evening. I'm OK. Fine, thanks, and you? Very well, thank you. Sure. All right. Ⅲ . 听对话,选答案。 主要 考查 学生对对话的理解力以及获取信息的能力。 近五年的试题变化情况: 2010 年取消问题,增加难度, 2017 年增加问题,降低难度(词汇增加到 10 题,单选减至 10 题)。 2013 年有 5 个小题增加到 8 小题。 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 卷面呈现问题 2018 五组对话 8 个试题: 1-1-1-2-3 1-1-1-2-3 1-1-1-2-3 1-1-1-2-3 四组对话 1-1-2-4 天气 — 校园 — 价钱 - 购物 — 电话 购物 — 问路 — 喜好 — 天气 — 电话 出生年月 —Fathers' Day— 电话报失 — 就餐 — 采访 爱好 — 点餐 — 天气 — 校园 作业 — 购物 用餐 — 电话 — 家务 — 语言学习 典例分析: 11. 0.52 M: Excuse me, would you please bring me another spoon . I drop mine on the floor! W: All right. I ’ ll bring you a new one right way. And some more tea? M: No, thank you. Question No.11: What will the woman get for the man? about 40% choose A. Do you know why? Ⅳ . 听语段 ( 对话 ) ,选答案。 所听内容为小语段。 2014 2015 2016 2017 两篇 3+4 两篇 3+4 两篇 3+4 两篇 3+4 如何与人相处的演讲词 课堂教学组织语 信,艺术比赛 听力考试说明 介 绍爱好 美国大学课程介绍 说明文 Buy Noing Day 艺术学校的招生简章 2014 2015 2016 2017 采访老外:如何学好英语 学校简介 天气预报 英国留学感悟 Ⅷ . 听语段(对话),填空。 考查学生的理解力,获取信息的能力以及写词能力。 答案基本是一空一词, 2013 年有: say goodbye 2014 年有一个 work hard 2017 年 真题 Information Sheet Tony’s experiences 61. Study music in London. 62. Stay in someone’s home . 63. Take an umbrella when going out. (0.48) People in England 64. Very sweet . (0.45) Difference in language 65. Say “film” for “ movie ” 难点 1 : Indirect information You know in New York we don’t need to worry about the weather too much, but the people there were very sweet. 难点 1 : postposition Except that, you always encourage me to be brave when I meet difficulties.( 0.41 ) W hen I meet difficulties 64. E ncourage me to be ___________. Ⅴ. 单选选择 【总体评价】 总体上看,在单选试题的命制上关注到了知识面的分布,从词法、句法到语法均有所设计,但总体看时态题的比重有所下降。从命题的语境设置上观察,对话形式出现的只有26小题,其它小题都是句子的形式呈现,有的试题语境设置不够饱满。 2017 年中考英语考查了以下知识项目: 题号 考点 具体内容 题号 考点 具体内容 26 代词 名词性物主代词 31 时态 现在进行时 27 介词 在左边或右边 32 形容词的级 形容词的最高级 28 形容词 形容词辨析 33 时态 现在完成时 29 动词短语 关于 look+ 介词 34 连词 ( 状语从句 ) 条件状语的连词 unless 30 情态动词 表示能力的 can 35 被动语态 一般现在时的被动语态 1. Mrs. Peter often _______ an umbrella when she stayed in Hangzhou. A. carry B. carries C. carried D. has carried 克服思维定势 细心者得高分 26. What ______ fine weather it is today! Why not go out for a walk? (0.32) A.a B. / C. the D. an 单项选择题解题技巧 了解学生的问题所在,有针对性地练习。 2. 整理错题本,经常复习; 3. 学会阅读题干,从题干中找出答案。 完形填空 Ⅵ. 完形填空 【总体评价】从文体上看,完形填空选取了一篇夹叙夹议的记叙文。在试题的设置上体现了“考查理解为主,考查知识为辅”的原则。文中讲述了一个叫Ralph Wick的小孩如何从得不到自己想要的东西就哭要,到不听他人劝阻,最后自己吃亏,被一支带刺的玫瑰刺伤了手的故事,从而告诉我们不要一意孤行,要善于听从他人忠告的道理。 完形填空 考查学生综合水平,既考查知识在语境中的灵活运用,又考查学生的 逻辑推理,综合判断,分析概括能力以及文本解读能力 。 结尾升华 ,能告诉学生一些做人的道理或者人生哲理 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 夹叙夹议 夹叙夹议 夹叙夹议 夹叙夹议 夹叙夹议 My father Help others Put the burden down Learn from geese One thorn( 刺 ) of experience 完型的阅读特点:(主要考察精读的能力) ☆考察三个层次的能力:1、对文章整体的把握和理解;2、对文章上下句在逻辑关系的把握和理解; 3、对文章一个句子内部结构和意义进行把握和理解 完型文章一定有明确的中心主线贯穿全文; ☆中心主线:1)有明确的主题(focus) 2)有明确的导向性(作者态度的倾向性) The thorns hurt his hand. It was so 44 that he could not use it for some time . (2017 0.48) 44. A. helpful B. harmful C. peaceful D. painful 完形填空解题技巧: 考动词,行为的执行者是关键。看逻辑, 新买的电脑忽然________刺耳的声音。 A.想出 B.说出 C.保持 D.发出 典例 1 : A few days later the block of wood was turning into a car that Gelbert _______ named “Blue Lighting”. Then he and his mother went to a car race together. ( 北京 ) A. easily B. carefully C. proudly D. kindly 完形填空解题技巧: 典例 2 “I ' m, er … I ' m just wondering if you would … consider coming to work on my team,”he said 38 , “You are really smart, and you would be a great manager .” A. proudly B. quickly C. nervously D. regretfully 完形填空当中的关联结构,特别是考查动词和形容词: Companies with low accident rates plan their safety rules, work hard to oganize them and continue to keep them 42 and active. A. alive B. vivid C. mobile D. diverse Growing bodies need movement and _______. A. care B. nutrition C. exercise D. leisure 2016 典例:He leaned (靠) back against a tree. No fish 42 the bobbers (浮标) under that day. It didn’t matter. I was with Grandpa. I felt grown up. He was well loved 43 everyone. He had worked hard all his life for what little he had, but he could still find time to laugh. 42. A. pulled B. pushed C. ate D. found ( 0.4 )跨文化交际 43. A. by B. of C. to D. with ( 0.3 )语法分析 典例:In the short time we had together, he taught me a lot of 45 : how to fish, the value of a good laugh, the value of a good friend, respect for my elders, and the importance of working hard and living harder. 45. A. knowledge B. skills C. things D. ideas 阅读理解 Ⅶ. 阅读理解 【总体评价】三篇文章的选材从题材和体裁上和往年基本一致,分别是记叙文、应用文和议论文,从试题的设置上分别考察了学生在语境中获取信息的能力,根据信息提示推理判断的能力,根据语境猜测词汇的能力以及归纳主旨大意的能力。在具体小题的设置上有创新的部分,比如49小题:Which of the following sentences could be added to the chart(图表)?让学生用选项填充图表,此题考查学生根据故事情节进行逻辑判断,考查学生的逻辑思维能力。但54小题的答案不够具体,值得商榷。 2018 阅读题可能存在的变数: 选材形式上的变化:诗歌,歌词 + 广告、告示、启示、说明、 对话 等。 诗歌不好命题,其实选对角度也容易。 2018 题型示例: The underlined sentence means “_____” in the poem. 2. Which is the best title for the poem? A. Let Us Make Life B. Let Us Cheer up C. Let Us Smile Away D. Let Us Try Again 58. The meaning of the underlined word “mature” in the passage is “________”. A. wake up B. give up C. grow up D. bring up His father’s death forced him to mature fast. He had to bring up a family of nine people. He took up the challenges and overcame them. 如何猜词 Because of the shortage , the government often cuts the water supply(供应). 58. What does the underlined word “shortage” in the third paragraph mean in Chinese? A. 充足 B. 短缺 C. 干旱 D. 需求 词汇关系 + 因果关系 60. What is the best title for this passage? 0.48 A. Successful People Have a Sense of Achievement B. Young People Must Develop Their Energy Actively C. Countries Should Continue to Become Successful D. Challenges of Life Bring Out the Best in Young People 2017 石家庄模拟: 54. How much is it if you keep the bike for two days? A. $7 B. $10 C. $12 D. $22 解读文本抠字眼;明察秋毫辨是非 像而不对,答案往往是同义句 典例:The villagers built sea walls to keep sea water from the doors of the houses. ( 0.45 ) 46. The villagers built sea walls to ________. A. keep sea water into the doors. B. protect their house from sea water. C. put the village in great danger. D. keep sea water from the seaside 缺乏文本解读能力: 典例:According to the report on Chinese VR Users’ Behavior, over 960,000 people in China have bought VR products and about 80 percent of them have watched VR movies. 58. According to the report about _______ people in China have watched VR movies. ( 0.52 ) A. 560,000 B. 960,000 C. 768,000 D. 986,000 任务型阅读 【 2017 总体评价】 本届考题沿用了上一年的题型:完成句子、回答问题、找出主题句、英译汉题型,但在题的数量上有所变化,完成句子增加了一个,回答问题减少了一个。试题在设置上基本考查直接信息,难度不大,学生容易得分。 主旨大意题,考查的是学生总结概括和大局意识的能力。中考一般考查学生发现主题句的能力,并不让学生自己去总结主题句,而主题句一般出现在首段和末段,尤其注意首段的段末。另外,主题句的特点具有高度的概括性和抽象性,必须全面概括整个文章的内容和作者的意图,句子简介、凝练、概括。 如果需要总结主题句的话,一般是完成句子。 拓展例题 1 : The passage mainly tells us about ________ in Latin America. bus journeys / trips 词 汇 Ⅹ. 词语运用 【总体评价】词语引用的短文是一篇学生介绍自己学校学习和生活的文章,内容上比较贴近学生的认知经验。而且文章渗透了乐于助人、热爱科学、乐于创造等相关学生素养提升的内容,使学生在做题的过程中得到素养提升的机会。 从命题的角度观察,命题老师从三个角度命制试题:首字母填词、用词的适当形式填空和盲填 (冠词、连词) 。同时也体现了选词的多样性和命题角度的多样性。在词性上和命题角度上涉及到了介词、专有名词、序数词、副词、代词、名词复数、形容词比较级、连词、冠词和动词的过去式。 学生容易丢分的地方 1. 盲填。冠词、连词、介词。 典例:As 72. ___________good friend of his, I must do something to help him. a ( 0.45 ) 2. 语法结构相关的知识。 典例:He should spend most of his time 74. __________ his study instead of computer games. ( 0.35 ) 3. 不规则动词的过去式与过去分词。 典例:Li Hua spent too much time playing computer games and he 71. _________ (fall) behind others in study. ( 0.5 ) 连 词 成 句 A )连词成句 【总体评价】 2017 年的连词成句题有两处大的变化,一个变化是取消了原来的词形变化,一个是由原来的五个句子连成一个小短文改成五个在语境上不相关的散句,这样的变化一方面降低了试题的难度,另一方面又增加了句式的灵活性,使得对学生的考查的角度更加全面。 81. What is your birthday gift? 82. Can you give us a ride? 83. There are five students in our group. 84. A good education helps you succeed. 85. I think we should take a walk after supper. 连词成句注意的几个方面: 1. 感叹句。 原题 : his writings, were, successful, how How successful his writings were ! ( 0.53 ) 考生出错的原因在于对感叹句的使用还是不熟或者感叹句的结构根本没记住 , 也有少数同学抄错单词 , 把 writings 抄成单数。 出错原因:平时见得少,练得少。对策:集中训练,特别是两种感叹句形式一起操练。 解题指导 1 、注意看标点,不要写错句式; ( 感叹句,祈使句,问句多练 ) 2 、首字母要大写,不要抄错单词; 3 、宾语从句的语序问题 ; 书面表达 书面表达 86. 英语课上,同学们正在准备举行以“真实的自我”为主题的演讲活动。请你以李华的名义写一篇演讲词,向同学们介绍一下自己。 提示:(1) What are your strong points? (2) How do you improve yourself? (3) What is your dream for the future? 注意:1. 短文须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥; 2. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名; 3. 词数:80个左右。(开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数) Hello, everyone! I’m Li Hua and I’m very happy to stand here to talk about myself.____________ Hello, everyone! I ' m Li Hua and I ' m very happy to stand here to talk about myself. I ' m a kind and helpful person. I ' m always ready to help others when they ' re in trouble. I can sing and dance so well that I often give performances at our school party. When I think back what I have done before. I should help my parents do more housework. Doing housework is good for my future life. As for my dream, I want to be a teacher. I ' ll make friends with my kids. I want to teach them everything I know! Thanks for your attention! 书面表达阅卷原则 1. 参考作文评分标准划分等级。先定等级再赋分。 2. 缺一部分,降低一档给分,先扣2分; 3. 轻微跑题扣2-3分,严重跑题根据情况加大扣分比重,甚至得0分。 4. 时态全错扣2分起评。 满分作文一般不出现硬伤。 书面表达注意避免的几个问题: 1. 书写不过关:字迹潦草,单词难以辨认;占格不规范。 2. 跑题; 3. 遗漏内容; 4. 低级错误太多; 5. 句式单一;最常见的, We should... 书面表达教学建议:多说;多练;多面批。 英语中考试卷分析 一、试卷的整体分析 二、典型题型的呈现 三、反思和建议 英语试卷以 《 全日制义务教育英语课程标准 》 、 《2009 年浙江省初中毕业生学业考试说明 》 为依据,充分体现了 以人的发展为核心 的评价理念,不仅关注知识技能、学习过程与方法的考查,同时关注对学生的 情感、态度和价值观的积极引导 。试题设置做到 在语境中考查学生对基础知识的运用能力,题干信息充足 ,较好体现了新课程理念,突出了试题的 价值立意和教育功能 ,实现了学业考试的价值追求。具体体现在以下几个方面: 1 、知识覆盖面广,话题涉及范围大,重视语境,体现语言的交际性。 2 、关注语言综合运用能力的考查,适合不同水平的考生,体现层次性。 3 、所选文章贴近实际生活、贴近社会,突出英语学科的教育价值。 4 、重视考查考生的学习策略,对初中英语教学发挥积极的导向作用。 一、试卷的整体分析 全卷考查了 《 标准 》 中五级要求的 19 个语法项目中的 18 个 ,涉及 《 标准 》 要求的 24 个话题中的 22 个学生普遍熟悉的话题 ,既考查了语言形式,又考查了语言意义,做到了 语言准确性和得体性的统一,体现了语言的交际性 。 如第 25 小题: -Do you like You and Me? -Yes, it ———————— very sweet. It is really a nice song. A. tastes B. sounds C. looks D. smells 正确答案为 sounds. 此题提供的语境真实,信息完整,既考查了系动词的含义,又考查真实语境中运用英语的能力。 1 、知识覆盖面广,话题涉及范围大,重视语境,体现语言的交际性。 试卷中分别设计考查 对知识的记忆、识别、领会、理解、转换、运用、分析和重组、运用语言做事的多维度能力层次,由易到难,有一定的层次和区分度 , 使不同水平的考生都能获得相应的分数。 如完型填空第 31 小题: At the meeting we will talk about the _31___we have these days. We all know the problems of__32___ and the objects falling from windows are getting worse. 31 . A . lessons B . problems C . classes D . Films 正确答案为 B. 此题根据字、词、句和上、下文联系既考查了对知识的记忆、识别,又考查学生对文章的理解,但选项的干扰性小,信息的提示明确,属于容易的题型。 2 、关注语言综合运用能力的考查,适合不同水平的考生, 体现层次性。 又如试卷中 6 个篇章设计的话题 : 社区业主会议的一篇发言稿、电影介绍、 “ 奉献比索取更快乐 ” 的哲理故事、热点甲型 H1N1 流感等等, 贴近生活,引导考生关注生活、关注社会、关注身边发生的事,巧妙地融入了情感教育和价值观教育。 3 、所选文章贴近实际生活、贴近社会,突出英语学科的教育价值。 30.Which is the safe time for us to eat the chocolate biscuit? A. September 25th,2010 B. July 25th,2010 C. September 25th,2009 D. July 25th,2009 Chocolate Biscuit Shelf Life:12 months Best Before: 25/8/2009 例如第 30 小题 : 4 、重视考查考生的学习策略,对初中英语教学发挥 积极的导向作用。 学习策略是提高语言学习效率、发展自主学习能力的保证。 因此在考查语言知识与技能的同时,整份试卷的各个题型有意识渗透了对学生学习策略的考查。 如:听力题、单项选择、完型填空和阅读理解所有这些设计对初中英语教学有着积极的导向作用。 如第 45 小题: ___44__ we try our best to care for our community, it will be a good place to__45___ in. 45 . A . study B . live C . work D . teach 正确答案为 B ,在语法上看四个选项都是对的,要求学生对文章的内容理解的基础上进行归纳总结,渗透了对学生学习策略的考察。 二、得分率低的典型题型 题号 正确答案 得分率 A B C D 17 D 0.592 11.35% 14.57% 14.63% 59.2% 27 A 0.572 57.2% 22.32% 9.37% 10.89% 30 D 0.58 7.41% 8.16% 34.35% 58% 17.—Where is Wenzhou Zoo ? —I’ve no idea. Why not find it the map? A. at B. for C. of D. on 27. —Don’t too late, or you will feel tired in class. —I won’t. Dad. A. stay up B. get up C. stand up D. wake up 30.Which is the safe time for us to eat the chocolate biscuit? A. September 25th,2010 B. July 25th,2010 C. September 25th,2009 D. July 25th,2009 Chocolate Biscuit Shelf Life:12 months Best Before: 25/8/2009 单项选择 17 27 30 题号 正确答案 得分率 A B C D 34 B 0.509 16.53% 50.89% 23.56% 8.75% 39 A 0.456 45.6% 33.66% 13.12% 7.22% 40 C 0.503 10.61% 18.59% 50.3% 20.04 43 C 0.488 21.2% 20.83% 48.8% 8.81% 34. …So 34 is time for us to look for possible ways to work out these problems. … A. that B. it C. this D. here 39. …We should keep the environment 39 . … A. pleasant B. important C. useful D. famous 40.…It is reported that some people 40 rubbish out of the window. … A. pull B. put C. throw D. take 43. …If it is found, we will record the 42 and address of those people who throw objects. Then a warning will be given and 43 will be punished by law.… A.we B. you C. they D. he 完形填空 34 39 40 43 阅读理解 56 59 题号 正确答案 得分率 A B C D 56 B 0.571 15.24% 57.1% 8.51% 18.96% 59 B 0.591 15.62% 59.1% 13.89% 11.09% 56. Which might be the best title for the passage? A. How to Make More Money B. Learn How to Manage Money C. Money is Very Important D. Keep Kids Away from Money 59.Which is bad manners at a traditional dinner in some African cultures? A. Eating with your right hand. B. Using your left hand while eating. C. Eating the food closest to you. D. Washing your hands before eating. 得分率低的典型题型 得分率低的典型题型 书面表达 题号 平均分 分值 得分率 区分度 76 3.628 5 0.726 0.529 77 8.3 15 0.553 0.553 77. 电视占据了青少年过多的空闲时间,影响着他们的健康成长。对此,有人倡议开展“关闭电视一周( TV—Turnoff Week )”的活动。于是,同学们在英语课堂上以此活动展开讨论,请你以“ My TV—Turnoff Week” 为题写一篇发言稿。 要点提示: 1. 你看电视的现状(如节目,时间); 2. 关掉电视后的活动安排及理由(可参考上题图表)。 注意事项:词数 80—100 左右;文中不能出现真实的学校,班级和姓名。 可参考词汇: TV program, sports show, spend, interesting, helpful, necessary 书面表达平方标准: 0 分:空白或写与主题无关的内容。 (如抄写阅读理解等文章) 2. 2 分:有一个或几个和主题相关的单词。 3. 4 分:有一个句子和主题相关,但是有语法错误。 (如: I like watch TV.) 4. 5 分:有一个句子和主题相关,且没有语法错误。 (如: I like watching TV.) 5. 9 分:要点齐全,但语法错误较多。 6. 12 分:要点齐全,语法错误较少。 7. 14 分:要点齐全,几乎没有语法错误,表达流畅, 词汇句型多样化。 三、反思和建议 1 、落实课改新理念,钻研新教材,夯实英语基础 这次中考中的词汇运用一题中 61sick/ill , 64clean , 65many , 69air 的正确率只有在 50% 左右,语言的基本功不扎实。主要体现在:单词的 拼写错误多、名词单复数混乱、各种词性混淆 。因此我们英语教师还需要下大功夫在学生的基础知识的教学上。 教师可以根据 《 复习导引 》《 考试说明 》 ,在复习中引导学生梳理知识,帮助他们形成知识网络,把基本概念理清,掌握语法规则、习惯用语等基础知识,逐步引导学生灵活运用英语知识的能力。 2. 确立语篇意识和综合意识,培养综合运用能力 中考英语试题突出了语篇功能和综合运用能力。因此我们在平时的教学中要根据教材切实搞好 语篇教学 ,并有意识、有计划地增加英语阅读量, 题材、体裁要尽量多样化 。通过阅读,扩大学生的知识面,使学生熟悉不同体裁、不同题材文章的作题思路,提高阅读速度,提高驾驭语篇的能力。 3 、加强课外阅读训练,提高信息素养 我们一定要依据教学大纲和学生的实际精选材料,通过专题阅读可以将好的材料进行优化组合,减少学生的无效学习,切实减轻学生的课业负担,提高学习的实效。 适合学生的英语读物大致可以分为三大类:第一类是报刊类,如 《 中学生英语 》 , 《 英语周报 》 、 《21 世纪报 》 , 第二类是小说杂志类,有 《 学英语 》 、 《 英语通 》 、 《 空中英语教室 》 、中英文对照的 《 英语世界 》 、 《 英语沙龙 》 ,; 第三类是有声读物,如 《 疯狂英语 》 ,央视十套中午播出的 《OutlookEnglish》. 4 、加强规范训练,提高策略指导 在日常教学中教师除了为学生做具体的示范和技术指导,如提示 审题方法、研读试题说明和解题演示 等以外,还要认真抓好 平时的规范训练 ,养成认真审题、规范答案的好习惯,尽可能减少由于审题不仔细、答题符号不规范等不必要的失误。 5 、加强考试研究,提高复习效率 认真研读中考试题,对照前几年的试题作细致的分析,把握考试改革的 方向、动态和发展趋势 ;善于分析学生,找出学生的 薄弱环节 ,加强复习的计划性和针对性。 一·祈使句 概念:祈使句是用来表示 请求、命令、建议或劝告 等的句子。 1.肯定的祈使句 1)句型结构为“(be或实义动词)原形+其他部分” 请安静! 请进! 滚出去! 2)有时为了加强语气,可以在动词之前加上do, 表示“务必,一定” 一定要按时来。 一定要小心! Be quiet, please! Come in, please! Do look out! Do come on time! Get out of here! 2.否定的祈使句。 祈使句的否定形式一般是在句首加don't或 never构成。 不要迟到! 不要紧张! 不要担心! Never do things by halves. Don't be late! Don't worry! Don't be nervous! 做事不可马虎。 3.其他形式的祈使句。 1)以let开头的祈使句。 Let's have a rest! Let's go! Let's start! 2) 以no开始的禁止性祈使句。 禁止停车。 禁止吸烟。 No parking! No smoking! 祈使句除用谓语动词表示外,还可 用名词、副词、动词短语等表示。 如: Help! Patience! Quickly! Hands up! 二、感叹句 感叹句是用来表达人的特殊情感的句子,可 以表达人的 喜、怒、哀、乐 等感情色彩。感 叹句常用 what或how 引导。 1·what 引导的感叹句,可分为下列四种句型: 句型1:What+ a +读音以辅音开头的形容词 +单数可数名词 +陈述句(主+谓)! 例1. (她是个)多么美丽的女孩啊! 句型2:What+ an +读音以元音开头的形容词 +单数可数名词 +陈述句(主+谓)! 例2. (他是个)多么诚实的人啊! What a beautiful girl she is! What an honest man he is! 句型3:What+形容词 +可数名词复数+陈述句(主+谓)! 例3. (这些是)多大的苹果啊! 句型4:What+形容词+ 不可数名词+陈述句(主+谓)! 例4. 多好的天气啊! What big apples these are! What fine weather it is ! 2、How引导的感叹句,可分为下列三种句型: 句型 1 : How + 形容词 + 陈述句(主 + 谓)! 例 1. 多聪明的小孩啊! 句型 2 : How + 副词 + 陈述句(主 + 谓)! 例 2. 他跑得多快啊! How clever the boy is! How fast he runs! 句型 3. How 修饰动词的句型: how+ 陈述句(主 + 谓)! 注意:动词不提前。 例 3. 我多想当个老师啊! How I want to be a teacher! 三、反意疑问句 概念: 反意疑问句是附在陈述句之后,对所 陈述的事实或观点提出疑问的句子。附加问 句部分要与前面的陈述部分用逗号隔开,句 末用问号。如果陈述部分是肯定结构,附加 问句部分就用否定结构,反之亦然。 反义疑问句 1.It is a funny cow, _______? isn't it 2.They are pictures, ______? aren't they 3.You live in a small town, ________ ? don't you 4. LiMing makes lots of friends,________ ? doesn't he 5.Beckham can't play football, _______ ? can he Exercises 1)She is here , ? 4))Let's go to the park, ? 2)This is my apple, ? 3)There are not many birds here , ________ ? 5)They do not go to school by bus, _________ ? isn't she isn't it are there do they shall we 四、There be 句型 1. 定义:There be句型表示某处存在某物或某人。 2. 结构:(1) There is +单数可数名词/不可数 名词+ 地点状语. (2) There are +复数名词+地点状语. 当主语是两个或两个以上的名词时,谓语动 词要与跟它最近的那个名词一致。 eg. 1.There is a bird in the tree. 树上有一只鸟。 2. There are two boys and a girl under the tree. 树下有两个男孩,一个女孩。 1. 桌子上有一本书和两支钢笔。 There _____ a book and two pens on the desk. 2. 钱包里有些钱。 There ____ some money in the picture. 3. 在吉姆的书包里有一些卡片。 There _____ some cards in Jim’s bag. is is are There be 句型和 have 都表示“有”的含义。 区别如下 : There be 表示“ 某处存在某物或某人 ”; have 表示“ 某人拥有某物 / 某人 ”,它 表示所有、拥 有关系。 eg. ①He has two sons. 他有两个儿子。 ② There are two men in the office. 办公室里有两个男人。 There be or have 1. This desk _____ four legs. 2. ______ some books on the desk. 3. Everyone ______ a dictionary in my class. 4. I _____ a new sweater. 5. ______ some flowers and a desk in the room. has There are has has There are 2020 中考复习话题复习 问路和指路 Ask and show the way 教材中出现的位置 : 七年级下 Unit 3 How do you get to school ? 七年级下 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? 九年级 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are ? 1 、 邮局 2 、 酒店, 旅馆 3 、 银行 4 、 医院 5 、大街 6 、 [ ` la i brəri] 7 、超市 8 、 十字路口 9 、洗手间 Translate post office hotel bank hospital street 图书馆 supermarket crossing/crossroad toilet/restroom/bathroom library 10 、 拐角 corner 1 、在 ... 和 .... 之间 2 、 在 ... 附近 / 旁边 3 、 在 ... 对面 4 、 在 ... 前面 5 、 在 ... 后面 6 、 在 ... 左边 / 右边 between... and... next to/beside/close to near in front of / in the front of across from/opposite behind on one's left / right on the left / right Post office Where is the post office? Post office on Bridge Street Bank beside the bank / next to the bank on the left of the bank Post office Bank Hotel between the hotel and the bank Post office Park across from the park Bridge Street opposite the park Look at the picture. There’s a school in the picture. It’s_ ___ _ School Street. The book store is______ the school. The bank is ________the school. The pay phone is_______ the school and the hospital. Can you see the post office? It’s_____ ______ the school. There is a supermarket. It’s____ ____ ____ the park. on behind next to between across from in front of 2015 年孝感中考听力第 11 题 -Where's the bank? -_________ A. behind the park B.across from the park C.next to the park 2017-2018 年孝感期末考试听力第 7 题 -Where's the bank? -_________ A. next to the bookstore B. opposite to the bookstore C. down on the Center Street 1. turn left/right 2. cross=go across 3. pass=go past/pass by 4. go along/straight/up/down 5. go to the second floor translate 经过 向左 / 右转 横过(马路 / 街道) 沿着 ... 走 上二楼 go along… Go straight on. turn left turn right Go up … Go down … Turn left at the second turning. Take the second turning on the left . Go/ walk on until you reach the end . 1 、 骑自行车 2 、坐地铁 / 火车 / 公汽 3 、 坐飞机 4 、步行去学校 5 、 多长时间 6 、多远 7 、离 ... 远 ride a bike=by bike fly (flew) ...=by air/plane take the subway/train/bus walk to school =go to school on foot how long how far be far from Ask the way to… ( 问路句型 ): 1.Where is the bank? 2.How can I get to the bank? 3.Is there a bank near here? 4.Which is the way to the bank? could you please tell me __________________? how ___ ____ get to the bank? ________ ____ ___ a bank near here? ( which is) the way to the bank? =how ___ ___ to the bank? where the bank is I can to get if/whether there is could you please tell me 可以换成 Pardon me,can you tell me Excuse me,do you know I wonder would you mind telling me longer more polite 2017 年孝感中考 单选题第 35 题 Could you please tell me ___ get to Xiaogan East Station? -You can take the No.2 Bus over there. A. when we can B. how we can C. when can we D. how can we B Excuse me, could you tell me ____ to the nearest bank? -Go straight. It's across from the bank.(2017 黄石) A. how can I get B. how I can get C. when can I get D. when I can get B 2015 年孝感中考 单选题第 35 题 Can you tell me ______? -His home is quite far from the office,I think. A. where he works B. why he bought the car C. when he got up D. how he likes his job B Can you tell me ____ ? -Yes, there is one at the end of the road. (2017 黄冈冲刺) A. how I can get to the cinema B. if there is a cinema near here C. where can I watch a movie D. whether I can watch a movie C Exercise 一 填写单词 . 1. Can you tell me ____ is the way to the nearest hotel? [w I tʃ] 2. The hospital is _____ the Bank of China. [b I 'sa I d] 3. The post office is _____ the bank and the supermarket. ( 在 ... 之间) which beside between Exercise 选词填空 If you ' ve ever found yourself _______ in a n English -speaking city and need to f ind out how to get to your hotel, the restaurant you ' re ______ dinner at, or even the city ' s main square, you have to know how to ask for ________ . For example, ______ you ' re trying to fi nd out how to get to the main square of the city _____ you are visiting, you can use the following sentence to ask ______ it is:Could you please tell me the way to the main square ? It sounds more polite. directions eat lost where that having if helping lost having directions if that where Thank you查看更多