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专题 (十四) 复合句 第二篇   语法专题突破 Clause 1   宾语从句 考点一  引导词 引导词 用法 例句 that 如果 宾语从句是陈述句 , 常用 that 引导 ,that 本身无意义 , 只起连接作用 , 口语中可省略 The radio says (that) it will rain tomorrow. 收音机 说明天要下雨。 if, whether 如果 宾语从句由一般疑问句转化而来 , 用 if 或 whether 引导 , 在句中意为“是否” I wonder if/whether you have told the news to Li Lei. 我 想知道你是否已经告诉李雷这个消息了。 who, whose, which, when, where, why, how 如果 宾语从句由特殊疑问句转化而来 , 应用连接代词或连接副词引导 Could you tell me what he said to you? 你能告诉我他跟你说了些什么吗 ? (续表) [ 注意 ] 下列几种情况 , 宾语从句中的引导词通常用 whether : (1) 表示“是否” , 尤其是直接与 or not 连用时 , 往往用 whether 。 I don't know whether or not he has come back. 我不知道他是否已经回来了。 (2) 在介词后面只能用 whether, 不能用 if 。 This depends upon whether we are determined to do it. 这要看我们是否有决心去做。 (3) 和动词不定式连用时 , 只能用 whether, 不能用 if 。 He doesn't know whether to stay or not. 他不知道是否要留下来。 (4) 在及物动词 discuss 后的宾语从句中 , 只能用 whether, 不能用 if 。 We discussed whether we should make a change in our plan. 我们讨论了是否应该对计划进行变动。 考点二   语序   无论主句是什么语序 , 在宾语从句中 , 除了引导词放在从句的句首外 , 要用陈述语序 , 即“主语 + 谓语 + ……” 。但是 , 当连接代词本身在宾语从句中充当主语时 , 则要保持原来的语序 , 即“连接代词 + 谓语 + ……” 。 The teacher asked me why I was late this morning. 老师问我今天早晨为什么迟到了。 I don't know who is the richest of them. (who 在宾语从句中作主语 ) 我不知道他们中谁最富有。 考点三   时态   宾语从句的时态在一定程度上受到主句时态的制约 , 这种现象被称为前后时态的一致性。宾语从句的时态有以下几种情况: 1. 主句是一般现在时 , 从句根据实际情况可用各种时态。 Do you know who he was talking with at eight last Sunday? 你知道上周日八点他正在和谁谈话吗 ? 2. 主句是一般过去时 , 从句也应用过去的某种时态。 The teacher wanted to know if her students had finished their homework. 这位老师想知道她的学生是否已完成了家庭作业。 3. 当宾语从句是客观真理或客观事实时 , 其时态不受主句时态影响 , 仍用一般现在时。 She said the sun rises in the east. 她说太阳从东方升起。 I didn't know you like classical music. 我过去不知道你喜欢古典音乐。 考点四   宾语从句的简化 当宾语从句的主语和主句的主语相同 , 且主句的谓语动词是 know, remember, forget, learn 等时 , 宾语从句常可以转换为“特殊疑问词 +to do ”结构的简单句。 I don't know what I should say. → I don't know what to say. 我不知道要说什么。 Clause 2   状语从句    状语从句的考查点主要集中在引导状语从句的连词和状语从句的时态等方面。状语从句分为地点状语从句、时间状语从句、原因状语从句、条件状语从句、比较状语从句、目的状语从句、结果状语从句、让步状语从句和方式状语从句。现归纳如下 : 类型 连词 例句 地点状语 从句 where, wherever Cross the stream where it is the shallowest. 从 最 浅的地方过河。 We ' ll go wherever you say. 你 说的任何地方我们都去。 时间状语 从句 when, while, after, before, since, till, until, as, as soon as, whenever, ever since I'll phone you as soon as I arrive in Shanghai. 我一到上海就给你打电话。 I waited till/until he came back. 我一直等到他回来。 I'll tell him when he comes. 当他来的时候 , 我将告诉他。 Whenever we're in trouble, they'll help us. 无论何时我们有麻烦 , 他们都会帮助我们。 (续表) 原因状语 从句 as, because, since, now that Susan didn't come to school yesterday because she was ill. 苏珊昨天没来上学 , 因为她病了。 Since her brother was busy, he didn't come. 她哥哥因为忙没有来。 Now that you have finished your homework, you can play basketball. 既然你已经完成了家庭作业 , 你可以打篮球。 (续表) 条件状语 从句 if, unless, as long as You won't pass the exam unless you work harder. 如果不更加努力学习 , 你将通不过考试。 I don't mind as long as it doesn't rain. 只要不下雨就行了。 比较状语 从句 than, as…as…, not so/as…as … This book is more interesting than that one. 这本书比那本书有趣。 Maths is as important as physics. 数学和物理同样重要。 (续表) 目的状语 从句 in case, so that, in order that She stood up so that she might see more clearly. 她站起来以便能看得更清楚。 Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot. 随身带一顶帽子 , 以防太晒。 结果状语 从句 so…that…, such…that… He was so angry that he couldn't speak. 他是如此生气 , 以至于说不出话来。 She is such a lovely girl that everyone loves her. 她是一个如此可爱的女孩 , 大家都喜欢她。 (续表) 让步状语 从句 although, though Though it was late, we went on working. 虽然晚了 , 但是我们继续工作。 (续表) 【 拓展 】 1. 主句与从句时态一致的问题 在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中 , 主句和从句的时态一致一般分为下列三种情况: (1) 主现从现: 若主句是祈使句或主句中有情态动词 , 那么从句用一般现在时表示将来。 Be careful when you cross the road. 过马路时要小心。 The traffic must stop when the lights are red. 当红灯亮时 , 车辆必须停下来。 (2) 主将从现: 主句用一般将来时 , 而从句用一般现在时表示将来。 I will visit my good friend when I have time. 当我有空时 , 我将去看望我的好友。 If she is here tomorrow, I will go to the park with her. 如果明天她来这里 , 我将和她一起去公园。 (3) 过去时态: 若主从句都是在叙述过去的事情 , 则主从句可以用一般过去时或过去进行时。 My sister was playing the piano when I got home yesterday. 昨天我到家时 , 我妹妹正在弹钢琴。 2. 宾语从句和状语从句同时出现 I don't know if( 是否 ) he will come.If( 如果 ) he comes, I will tell him about the accident. 我不知道他是否会来。如果他来的话 , 我将告诉他这起事故。 I don't know when( 什么时候 ) he will come tomorrow. When( 当 …… 的时候 ) he comes, I will tell him about the news. 我不知道他明天什么时候来。当他来时 , 我将告诉他这个消息。 3. so…that…和such…that…的用法 用法 例句 so + 形容词或副词 +that 从句 She is so lovely that we all love her. 她 如此可爱 , 我们所有人都喜欢她。 so + 形容词 +a/an+ 可数名词 单 数 +that 从句 It is so interesting a book that he enjoys reading it. 如此 有趣的一本书 , 他很喜欢读。 so+many/few + 可数名词 复数 + that 从句 There were so many people in the supermarket that we had to wait for a long time . 超 市里的人如此多 , 我们不得不等了很长时间。 so+much/little ( 少 )+ 不可数 名 词 +that 从句 He has so much money that he can afford the house. 他 有那么多的钱 , 能买得起这座房子。 (续表) such+a/an (+ 形容词 )+ 可数 名词 单数 +that 从句 He is such a good teacher that we all respect him . 他 是那么好的一位老师 , 我们所有人都尊重他。 such (+ 形容词 )+ 可数名词 复数 + that 从句 They are such interesting movies that children love them very much. 如此 有趣的电影 , 孩子们非常喜欢它们。 such (+ 形容词 )+ 不可数 名词 + that 从句 It was such bad weather that we had to stay at home . 天气 太糟糕了 , 我们不得不待在家里。 (续表) Clause 3   定语从句   在复合句中 , 修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。引导定语从句的词叫关系词。被定语从句所修饰的名词或代词叫先行词。 He is the man   who   I want to see . 他就是我想要见的那个人。       先行词 关系词  定语从句 引导定语从句的有关系代词 who, that, which, whom, whose 和关系副词 when, where, why 。一般情况下 , 如果先行词是表示人的名词或代词 , 关系词应用 who, whom, whose 或 that; 先行词如果是表示物的名词或代词 , 关系词应用 whose, that 或 which 。关系词有三个作用: 1. 引导定语从句 ; 2. 代替先行词 ; 3. 在定语从句中充当某种成分。 关系代词的用法 关系代词 例句 that 在从句中作主语或宾语 He wrote down the things that were talked about at the meeting. ( 作主语 ) 他写下了在会议上讨论的事情。 I will never forget the man that I saw last year. ( 作宾语 ) 我永远不会忘记我去年见到的那个人。 which 在从句中 作主语或宾语 This is the novel which is written in English. ( 作主语 ) 这是那本用英语写的小说。 The letter which I received yesterday was from a friend of mine. ( 作宾语 ) 我昨天收到的信来自我的一个朋友。 (续表) who 在从句中作 主语或宾语 , whom 在从句中 作宾语 The teacher will help anyone who is in trouble. ( 作主语 ) 老师会帮助任何一个有困难的人。 The person who broke the window must pay for it. ( 作主语 ) 打破窗户的人必须要赔偿。 The girl who/whom you saw last week has left the town. ( 作宾语 ) 你上周见到的那个女孩已经离开小镇了。 The person to whom you just talked is Mr Li. ( 作宾语 ) 刚才和你交谈的那个人是李先生。 (续表) whose 意为“谁的” , 是一个属 格词。当先行词是人时 ,whose 相当于“ of whom”; 当先行词 是物时 ,whose 相当于“ of which” He is the only student in our class whose father is a policeman. =He is the only student in our class, the father of whom is a policeman. 他是我们班唯一一个父亲是警察的学生。 (续表) as 主要用在 such, the same 后 , 在从句中作主语、宾语等 Such people as were mentioned by him were honest. ( 作主语 ) 他提到的那些人是诚实的。 Don't read such books as you can't understand. ( 作宾语 ) 不要看你不懂的书。 This is the same book as I lost. ( 作宾语 ) 这是一本跟我丢失的那本一样的书。 ( 同类型但 不是同一本 ) (续表) 对接中考专练 语法专题训练 1. [2018 · 徐州 ] We must find out      the professor is coming, so we can book a room for him.  A.how B.why C.when D.where 2. [2017 · 徐州 ] We haven't decided yet      we will place our new furniture.  A.where B.what C.why D.which 3. [2017 · 徐州 ] The police officer stopped us and asked us where     .  A.were we going B.we were going C.are we going D.we are going C A B 对接中考专练 语法专题训练 4. [2015 · 徐州 ] — What time shall we leave for the airport? — It's foggy today. I'm not sure      be closed soon. Let's go now.  A.whether the highway will B.whether will the highway C.when the highway will D.when will the highway 5. [2014 · 徐州 ] Could you please tell me where      ?The boss is waiting for him.  A.has Tom gone B.Tom has gone C.has Tom been D.Tom has been A B 对接中考专练 语法专题训练 6. [2013 · 徐州 ] — Could you tell me      yesterday?  — Because my bike broke down on my way here. A.why you came late B.why do you come late C.why you come late D.why did you come late 7. Jenny has gone to Shanghai on business, but she'll be back in 3 days. I will call you      .   A.as soon as she returns B.when she will return C.after she returned D.if she will return A A 对接中考专练 语法专题训练 8. [2019 · 徐州一模 ] — I wonder      .   — Yes, of course. A.why we will visit the museum B.when we will get to the museum C.whether the museum is worth visiting D.what we can see in the museum C 对接中考专练 语法专题训练 9. — Dad, please tell me when Mum      . I miss her very much.   — She will return when she      her task. And she will bring a nice present for you.   A.returns; finishes B.returns; will finish C.will return; finishes D.will return; will finish 10. He said that light      much faster than sound.   A.has traveled B.travel C.travels D.traveled C C 对接中考专练 语法专题训练 11. [2019 · 徐州一模 ] I don't know the teacher      is talking with Miss Wang.  A.who B.whom C.which D.what 12. [2019 · 徐州期中 ] This is the best hotel       I know in this way.  A.who B.that C.where D.which 13. [2019 · 徐州二模 ] I'll never forget the days      we spent together on the beach last summer.  A.which B.when C.who D.how A B A 对接中考专练 语法专题训练 14. — What kind of music do you like? — I like music      I can dance to.  A.because B.when C.who D.that 15. [2018 · 徐州一模 ] We'll never forget the people and places     we visited in China.  A.what B.which C.that D.where D C

