2020中考英语试题解析汇编(第01期)专题10 阅读理解(任务型阅读)

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2020中考英语试题解析汇编(第01期)专题10 阅读理解(任务型阅读)

专题10 阅读理解(任务型阅读)‎ ‎1.【2018年江苏省宿迁市】任务型阅读 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容填写表格,每空限填一词。‎ A good book can be satisfying, can improve your knowledge and can teach you a lot. There are several ways to develop a lifetime reading habit.‎ Set times. You should have a few set times every day when you’ll read for at least 5—10 minutes, no matter what happens. For example, make it a habit to read during breakfast and lunch ‎(and even dinner if you eat alone).‎ Always carry a book, No matter where you go, take a book with you. When you leave the house, make sure to have at least one book. You may keep the book in the car, or into the office or to anywhere you go, unless you' re sure you won’t have time to read.‎ Make a list, Keep a list of all the great books you want to read. You can keep this in a pocket notebook. Be sure to add to it whenever you hear about a good book. Keep a running list, and cross out the ones you have read.‎ Find a quiet place. Find a place in your home where you can sit in a comfortable chair without television or computer near the chair. There should be no music or noisy family members. Set a high aim. For example. Tell yourself that you want to read 50 books this year. Your best to finish reading them. Just be sure you' re still enjoying the reading.‎ ‎ Title: Ways to ___71___ a lifetime reading habit 33‎ Set times ‎●Read for at least 5-10 minutes, no matter what___72___.‎ ‎●Make it a ___73___to read during breakfast and lunch.‎ Always carry a book ‎●Carry at least one book when___74___the house.‎ ‎●Keep the book no matter____75____ you go.‎ Make a___76___‎ ‎●___77___to it when you hear about a good book.‎ ‎●Cross out the ones you have read.‎ Find a quiet place ‎●Sit in a___78___ chair.‎ ‎●Make sure no music or noisy family members trouble you.‎ ‎___79___a high aim ‎●Do your ___80___ to finish reading them.‎ ‎●Be sure to enjoy the reading.‎ ‎【答案】71. develop ‎ ‎72. happens ‎ ‎73. habit 74. leaving ‎ ‎75. where 76. list ‎ ‎77. Add 78. comfortable ‎ ‎79. Set 80. best ‎【解析】试题分析:本文就如何养成终身阅读习惯的好习惯,作者给出了五点建议:设定时间,随身带书,列好书单,找好地方,设定目标。‎ ‎73. 考查细节理解题。根据For example, make it a habit to read during breakfast and lunch ‎(and even dinner if you eat alone).,可知填habit。‎ ‎74. 考查细节理解题。根据When you leave the house, make sure to have at least one book.,可知填leaving。‎ 33‎ ‎75. 考查细节理解题。根据No matter where you go, take a book with you.,可知填where。‎ ‎76. 考查细节理解题。根据Make a list, Keep a list of all the great books you want to read.,可知填list。‎ ‎77. 考查细节理解题。根据Be sure to add to it whenever you hear about a good book.,可知填Add。‎ ‎78. 考查归纳概括题。根据Find a place in your home where you can sit in a comfortable chair without television or computer near the chair.,可知填comfortable。‎ 点睛:阅读短文填空题。即根据文章的表层意思进行深层次的推理判断,组织语言填充句子 。首先要粗读文章了解大意,其次通过细读,理解全文。在粗读的基础上,仔细阅读题后所给的题目,根据题目要求,再有重点地返回来仔细阅读。在阅读时要注意辨认和记忆具体事实和重要情节,包括事物的起因、过程、结果及发生的地点、时间等,这对题目的判断至关重要,需要考生综合所有的细节来理解把握。‎ ‎2.【2018年山东德州市中考】阅读表达 阅读短文,根据题目要求完成各小题。‎ In early spring, the changing temperature usually makes a number of Chinese people uncomfortable. Cold air, bringing rain or even snow, easily tears up(破坏) the warmth of the spring within a night(一夜之间).‎ However, with the coming of Guyu-the Grain(谷物) Rain, the blue sky and gentle winds would finally stay. Falling usually on or around April 20 every year, Guyu is the sixth of the 24 solar terms(节气). It means the beginning of a lively summer and people get busy from now on.‎ Sow(播种) grains This is an important period of the growth of grains. The ancient Chinese already knew that as 33‎ ‎ Guyu comes, the weather will become warm enough for sowing. The farmers usually catch the chance to plant rice, corn and beans.‎ Hope for safety and harvest For those living near the sea, they will hold some ceremonies(仪式) on Guyu, hoping for safety as well as harvest during the coming fishing season.‎ Watch the peony It’s also a great time to see the peony(牡丹), which is known as “the Queen of All Flowers” in Chinese culture. As a result, watching peonies becomes one of the most enjoyable activities for many. The flower is said to be the favourite of Empress(女皇) Wu Zetian of the Tang Dynasty, who was the only woman ruler in Chinese history.‎ Pick tea leaves Tea leaves picked before Guyu are among the best tea leaves. People believe that the tea leaves picked on the day of Guyu can make eyes clear and drive away bad luck. So the habit of drinking tea at this time of year has become a tradition in some places of China.‎ ‎37. When does Guyu usually come every year?‎ ‎_________________________‎ ‎38. Why is Guyu an important time for sowing grains?‎ ‎_________________________‎ ‎39. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.‎ ‎_________________________‎ ‎40. List(列表) activities on Guyu according to the passage (at least two).‎ ‎_________________________‎ ‎41. Give a proper title to the passage.‎ ‎_________________________‎ ‎【答案】37. It usually comes on or around April 20 every year. ‎ ‎38. Because as Guyu comes, the weather will become warm enough for sowing. ‎ ‎39. 结果,对于很多人来说,观赏牡丹成为最令人愉悦的活动之一。 ‎ ‎40. .(1)Sow grain. (2)Hope for safety and harvest.‎ ‎(3)Watch the peony (4)Pick tea leaves.(回答其中任意两条,即可得分) ‎ ‎41. (One/The sixth of the 24 solar terms-)Guyu/The Grain Rain 33‎ ‎【解析】文章介绍了二十四节气中的第六个节气———谷雨。‎ ‎38. 细节理解题。Why is Guyu an important time for sowing grains? 意为“为什么谷雨对于播种粮食来说是一个重要的时间?” 由文章第三段This is an important period of the growth of grains. The ancient Chinese already knew that as Guyu comes, the weather will become warm enough for sowing. 可知“古代中国人就已经知道当谷雨来临时,天气会变得足够暖和,适合播种。又回答的是原因,要用 because ……来回答。故答案为:“Because as Guyu comes, the weather will become warm enough for sowing.”‎ ‎40. 题干的意思是,根据文章列举谷雨的活动。(至少两条)At least 至少;故答案在大标题中任选两个即可(1)Sow grains,(2) Hope for safety and harvest. ‎ ‎41. 主旨大意题。题干的意思是,给文章起一个合适的标题。文章主要介绍了二十四节气中的第六个节气。故答案为:The sixth of the 24 solar terms —Guyu/ The Grain Rain 或者单纯写 Guyu 也可以。‎ ‎3.【2018年山东济宁地区中考】阅读短文,根据要求完成文后的题目。‎ There was once a King and he wanted to find out who could paint the best picture of peace. And he would offer a prize to the artist. Many artists tried. The King looked at all the pictures but there were only two he really liked and he had to choose between them.‎ One picture was of a calm(平静的) lake. The lake was a perfect mirror for peaceful mountains all around it. Overhead was a blue sky with white soft clouds. Everyone thought that was a perfect picture of peace.‎ The other picture had mountains too. But these were rugged(崎岖的) and bare(无遮蔽的).‎ Above was an angry sky, And it was raining and lightening. Down the side of the mountain, a waterfall fell quickly. This did not look peaceful at all.‎ But when the King looked carefully, he saw behind the waterfall a bush(矮树丛)growing in a crack(裂缝) in the rock. In the bush a mother bird had built her nest(巢,窝), There, she sat 33‎ ‎ on her nest ... in perfect peace.‎ Which picture do you think won the prize?‎ The King chose the second picture."Because, "said the King, "peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. Peace means to be in the middle of all those things and still be calm in your heart. That is the real meaning of peace.‎ ‎41. What did the King want the artists to do? (no more than 10 words)‎ ‎___________________________________________________‎ ‎42. What did everyone think of the 1st picture? (no more than 7 words)‎ ‎____________________________________________________‎ ‎43. Why did the King choose the 2nd picture?(no more than 11 words)‎ ‎____________________________________________________‎ ‎44. 请将文中画线的句子翻译成汉语 ‎____________________________________________________‎ ‎45. 请给短文拟一个适当的英文题目 ‎___________________________________________________‎ ‎【答案】41. To paint the best picture of peace. ‎ ‎42. That was a perfect picture of peace ‎ ‎43. Because he thought it had the real meaning of peace. ‎ ‎44. 身处如此多的烦扰之中,而依然能心存安宁,才是真正的宁静。 ‎ ‎45. Real Meaning of Peace ‎41. 题干意思:国王想让艺术家做什么? (不超过10个单词)。文章首句“There was once a King and he wanted to find out who could paint the best picture of peace.”(曾经有一位国王,他想找出谁可以画出关于和平的最佳画作。),所以可以得出国王的目的,这里用不定式结构来表达目的,填To paint the best picture of peace. ‎ ‎42. 题干意思:每个人对第一张照片有什么看法?(不超过7个单词),原文“Everyone thought that was a perfect picture of 33‎ ‎ peace.”(每个人都认为这是和平的完美图景。),从这里可以得出每个人对第一张图的观点,故填That was a perfect picture of peace. ‎ ‎43. 题干意思:为什么国王选择了第二张照片?(不超过11个单词),原文“Because peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work.”(因为和平并不意味着在没有噪音,麻烦或辛勤工作的地方。),这句话是国王做出的解释,为了用限定的字数回答问题,可以改写成“他认为这幅画拥有和平的真实含义”,填Because he thought it had the real meaning of peace. ‎ ‎44. “mean”为“意思是”;“those things”指的是“noise, trouble, or hard work”这些烦扰之事,“be calm in your heart”意思是“内心要宁静,要冷静”,整合起来,就是:身处如此多的烦扰之中,而依然能心存安宁,才是真正的宁静。 ‎ ‎45. 本文主要讲的是国王寻找关于和平的最佳画作的故事,在评价环节,国王以独特的视角解释了和平真正的含义,所以标题可以选“Real Meaning of Peace”。‎ ‎4.【2018年山东聊城地区中考】阅读下面短文,根据其内容完成后面各项任务。‎ Who's working while you re asleep?‎ Police officers Some police officers answer calls every night at the station. Others go around the town and city on foot or in cars.因为他们辛勤工作,你才能安然入睡。‎ Firefighters (消防队员)‎ Even at night, firefighters are ready to help. Whenever they get a call, they will go at once to fight fires and help people.‎ Doctors If you get sick or hurt at night, doctors can take care of you at the hospital. The doctor will examine(检查)you, give you medicine and even do an operation(手术)on you.‎ Bakers(糕饼师傅)‎ You may never think that bakers often start the day while you are still asleep. They prepare all the things they need for the day and then start working. Bakers want their bread and cakes to be fresh and delicious every day.‎ In fact, many other people work at night. Let’s thank them for everything they do for us.‎ ‎41. 将文中划线的汉语句子译成英语。‎ ‎42. 将文中划线的英语句子译成汉语。‎ ‎43. 回答问题:How many kinds of things can the doctor do at night?‎ ‎44. 回答问题: What do bakers prepare before they start working?‎ 33‎ ‎45. 从文中找出与下面所给句子意思相同的句子。‎ It’s true that a lot of people as well as these people work at night.‎ ‎【答案】41. Because of their hard work/ Because they work hard, you can sleep safely. ‎ ‎42. 无论何时接到电话,他们都会立即去灭为救人。 ‎ ‎43. Three/3 ‎ ‎44. They (Bakers) prepare all the things they need for the day. /All the things they need for the day. ‎ ‎45. In fact, many other people work at night.‎ ‎【解析】文章介绍了几个你在睡觉时,仍然在工作的职业。‎ ‎41. 根据work hard努力工作;sleep safely安然入睡;故答案是Because of their hard work/ Because they work hard, you can sleep safely. ‎ ‎42. 根据get a call接到电话;at once立刻;fight fires救火;故答案是:无论何时接到电话,他们都会立即去灭为救人。‎ ‎43. 根据If you get sick or hurt at night, doctors can take care of you at the hospital. The doctor will examine(检查)you, give you medicine and even do an operation(手术)on you.故答案是:Three/3‎ ‎5.【2018年山东省青岛】阅读下面短文,完成 51 至 54 题。‎ ‎“I’ve always had a pretty clear idea of what I want to do.” says Mary, a middle school student who wants to become a director some day. You may not be as sure of your career (职业) as Mary. But you can start thinking about and planning for your future career.‎ The following article helps middle school students plan for careers.‎ Explore (探索) your interests Many middle school students don’t yet know what they want to do. But in fact, students may change their minds several times, perhaps even after they enter society. And some of tomorrow’s careers might not exist (存在) today. Focusing on just one job in middle school isn’t necessary. But 33‎ looking into the kinds of careers you might like can help you succeed.‎ ‎① ‎ Understanding what you enjoy and what you’re good at is the most important step in exploring careers. If you don’t know what you want to do, you should ask yourself what you like to learn about. If you really like science, what do you enjoy about it — the lab work or the research? It’s important to think about what you like to do, because work will finally be a big part of your life.‎ Discover possible careers Once you’ve thought about the subjects and activities you like best, the next step is to look for careers that put those interests to use. If you love sports, for example, you might consider a career as a P.E. teacher or a soccer coach. If you like English, a career as an English teacher, a translator or a travelling guide might be a good choice.‎ ‎② ‎ After discovering possible jobs, you’ll want to learn more about them. Talking directly to workers on the phone, by email, or through online discussion can help you get information about what they do. Even meeting with them in person is helpful. First-hand information is necessary for you to find out if you’ll really like a career.‎ ‎51. 选择最佳句子补全文章,将字母代号填写在答题卡上。其中有一项是多余的。‎ A.Learn about yourself B.Get experience C.Do your research ‎①______________________ ② __________‎ ‎52. 回答问题。What is the most important step in exploring careers?‎ ‎__________________________________________________‎ ‎53. 将划线句子 It’s important to think about what you like to do, because work will finally be a big part of your life.翻译成汉语。‎ ‎__________________________________________________‎ ‎54. 用英语简要概括出本文的主旨大意。不超过 15 个单词。‎ ‎__________________________________________________‎ ‎【答案】51. (1). A (2). C ‎ ‎52. Understanding what you enjoy and what you are good at ‎ 33‎ ‎53. 考虑你喜欢做什么很重要,因为工作最终会是你生命中的一大部分。 ‎ ‎54. How to find your future career as a middle school student。‎ ‎【解析】文章是关于中学生对自己未来职业的计划的一些建议。‎ ‎52. 根据Understanding what you enjoy and what you’re good at is the most important step in exploring careers故答案是Understanding what you enjoy and what you are good at ‎ ‎53. 根据it’s+形容词+to do做某事是怎样的;think about考虑;a big part of your life你生命中的一大部分;故答案是:考虑你喜欢做什么很重要,因为工作最终会是你生命中的一大部分。 ‎ ‎54. 根据文章是关于中学生对自己未来职业的计划的一些建议。故答案是How to find your future career as a middle school student。 ‎ ‎6.【2018年山东省青岛】阅读下面短文,完成 55 至 60 题。‎ The Chongyang Festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month and is also called the Double Ninth Festival. As both the month and the day are nine, it got this name. To celebrate the day,‎ people usually climb mountains and enjoy chrysanthemum (菊花), so the festival is also known as the Height Ascending (登高) Festival or the Chrysanthemum Festival. In China, nine has the similar pronunciation with the word “forever”, meaning long life. So the Chinese government set the day as the Seniors’ Day.‎ The festival has a history of over 2000 years. During the Warring States Period, there was the Chongyang Festival. But it was only celebrated in the imperial palace. From the Han Dynasty, it began to be popular among the common people. The name of the Chongyang Festival first appeared in the Three Kingdoms Period. During the Jin Dynasty, there were customs of enjoying chrysanthemum and drinking wines on the day. It was not (A) officially set as a festival until the Tang Dynasty. Since then, all the people have spent the festival with kinds of activities. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, people in the imperial palace all ate flower cakes to celebrate. The emperor climbed 33‎ ‎ the mountain on the day as well. In 1989, the Chinese government set the day as the Seniors’ Day.‎ As September has the clear sky and fresh air, it is a very good time to climb the mountain. There will be a happy sense of excitement by climbing the mountain in this season. Also, it is good for health. Since the Western Han Dynasty, it has been the custom of climbing on the Chongyang Festival.‎ On the day, enjoying chrysanthemum is very popular as the flower means long life. Drinking chrysanthemum is regarded as a way to prevent disasters and bad things. Inserting Zhuyu and sticking chrysanthemum are also traditions to avoid the bad as (B) they have special smells which can repel (驱逐) insects and keep out the cold.‎ Eating Chongyang cakes is another tradition on the festival. There is no fixed way of the cake but the one with nine layers (层) with two sheep on it is the best. Two sheep means Chongyang. Nine layers show people could do well in everything.‎ ‎55. 回答问题。How many other names does the Chongyang Festival have?‎ ‎__________________________________________________________‎ ‎56. 根据短文内容,猜测(A)处划线单词officially的意思。将字母代号填写在答题卡上。‎ A. 办公室 B. 官方 C. 民间 ‎57. 用英语列举人们在重阳节登山的两个原因。‎ ‎① _______________‎ ‎②_______________‎ ‎58. 从文中找出(B)处划线单词they所指代的内容。‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎59. 从文中找出与 “The best cake has nine layers and two sheep on the top though there are different cakes” 意思相同或相近的句子。‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎60. 根据短文内容填空。每空不超过3个单词。)‎ There have been many traditions and customs on the Chongyang Festival. People show respect for the seniors, ①______________________________________, ②_____________________ , ③__________________________________________, insert Zhuyu and enjoy chrysanthemum.‎ 33‎ ‎【答案】55. Four other names 56. B ‎ ‎57. (1). September has the clear sky and fresh air ,it is very good time to climb the mountain. (2). There will bea happy sense of excitement by climbing the mountain in this season。Also ,it is good for health. ‎ ‎58. Zhuyu and chrysanthemum ‎ ‎59. There is no fixed way of the cake but the one with nine layers with two sheep on it is the best。 ‎ ‎60. (1). climbing (2). drinking chrysanthemum (3). eating Chongyang cakes ‎56. 根据It was not (A) officially set as a festival until the Tang Dynasty. Since then, all the people have spent the festival with kinds of activities可推测是官方的意思;故选B ‎57. 根据As September has the clear sky and fresh air, it is a very good time to climb the mountain. There will be a happy sense of excitement by climbing the mountain in this season. Also, it is good for health.故答案是(1). September has the clear sky and fresh air ,it is very good time to climb the mountain. (2). There will bea happy sense of excitement by climbing the mountain in this season。Also ,it is good for health. ‎ ‎58. 根据Inserting Zhuyu and sticking chrysanthemum are also traditions to avoid the bad as (B) they have special smells which can repel (驱逐) insects and keep out the cold.可知指的是Zhuyu and chrysanthemum 故答案是Zhuyu and chrysanthemum ‎60. 根据To celebrate the day,people usually climb mountains ;Drinking chrysanthemum is regarded as a way to prevent disasters and bad things.; Eating Chongyang cakes is another tradition on the festival.故答案是(1). climbing (2). drinking chrysanthemum (3). eating Chongyang cakes ‎7.【2018年山东省威海市】‎ 33‎ 研读E篇文字和图表,根据情境及问题简要作答。请将答案填写到答题卡指定位置。‎ Sara wants to buy a motorcycle. She sees an ad in the newspaper for a used one. She calls the ‎ telephone number in the ad. The person who is selling the motorcycle lives on Flag Street in Clifton, about 15 miles from Fairview where Sara lives. She'll take a bus to get there on Sunday.‎ At the bus station. Sara looks through the bus schedules(时刻表). She sees one that says “Fairview, Clifton" on the front. That’s what Sara needs.‎ Please look at the bus schedule carefully. Then help Sara make her decision, and answer the following questions.‎ ‎21. Why does Sara want to go to Flag Street?‎ ‎22. What bus can Sara take according to the schedule?‎ ‎23. Sara decides to arrive at Flag Street before 12: 00 by the No. 7 bus. What time should the bus leave Fairview Station?‎ 33‎ ‎24. When Sara gets on the No. 7 bus, she finds that Flag Street stop has been closed because of the street repairs. She has to get off at another stop, Look at the schedule again, where should Sara get off the bus so that she can have a shorter walk to Flag Street?‎ ‎25. Now Sara is on Flag Street. She wants to visit a friend on her returning trip. Her friend is around the corner of Church and North Street. Which is the proper bus for her to take and where to get on the bus?‎ ‎【答案】21. Because she wants to buy a(second hand/ used)motorcycle Because she wants to see/meet the motorcycle seller. ‎ ‎22. No 6(bus)and No. 7(bus)/No. 6(bus) or No. 7(bus) ‎ ‎23. At10:27./At10:27am/A.M. ‎ ‎24. At Branch Ranch(Station ). /At Branch(Street). /At Ranch(Street) ‎ ‎25. To take the No. 6bus and get on the bus at North & Ranch Station/‎ The No 6 bus, and at North &Ranch Station ‎【解析】本文为文字和图表阅读题。内容介绍了萨拉看见一则售二手摩托车的广告,车主在克利夫顿旗街,她需要乘公共汽车去那里。图片给出了路线图和时间表。‎ ‎22. 细节理解题。根据图表可知从Fairview到 Clifton有两班车,一班是6路车,一班是7路车。因此Sara可以乘这两路车的那班都行。所以答案为No 6(bus)and No. 7(bus)/No. 6(bus) or No. 7(bus) ‎ ‎23. 根据图表可知,萨拉决定在十二点前乘7路公共汽车到达旗街。她应该在上午的10:27离开Fairview车站,到达旗街是上午的11:20。符合要求。所以答案为At10:27./At10:27am/A.M. ‎ ‎24. 细节理解题。 本题的意思是,当萨拉坐上7路公共汽车时,她发现旗街站因为街道修缮而关闭了。她必须在另一站下车,再看一下日程安排,萨拉应该在哪里下车,这样她可以走更短的路到旗街?根据上面的路线图可知,萨拉可以在Branch Ranch车站下车,或在Branc街下车或者是Ranch街下车。这三个地方离旗街很近。所以答案为At Branch Ranch(Station ). /At Branch(Street). /At Ranch(Street)‎ ‎25.‎ 33‎ ‎ 细节理解题。题干的意思是,现在萨拉在国旗街上。她想去拜访一位朋友。她的朋友位于教堂和北街的十字路口处。哪一辆公共汽车适合她坐?她可以在哪里上公共汽车?根据上面的路线图可知,经过教堂和北街的十字路口处的车辆是6路车,她可以在North & Ranch车站上车。因此答案为To take the No. 6bus and get on the bus at North & Ranch Station/‎ The No 6 bus, and at North &Ranch Station ‎8.【2018年陕西省中考】任务型阅读:阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成下列各题。‎ Eleven countries are building a great wall of trees across Africa. It is called the Great Green Wall. The aim is to bring life to the dry lands and help to fight the bad environment.‎ The wall is 8, 000 kilometers long and 15 kilometers wide. It covers from Senegal in the west to Djibouti in the east, on the south of the Sahara Desert (撒哈拉沙漠). So far, Senegal has made the best progress by planting about 11,000,000 trees.‎ Many years ago, there were few trees in that area and the winds used to be very strong. It was harmful to the fields. Also, there was little rain, so few plants could grow and many people went hungry. Since the tree planting project started, the trees have provided food for the local people and increased the wetness (湿度) of the air. Little by little, there appeared green fields for people to grow plant.‎ The project which began in 2007 is supposed to cost a total of 8, 000, 000, 000 dollars. Many countries are trying their best to help to continue the planting. So we will be able to see the whole green wall across Africa in the near future!‎ ‎51. Why are the countries building the wall of trees?‎ They want to bring life to the dry lands and help to _______________.‎ ‎52. Where is the great wall of trees?‎ It's ____________________ of the Sahara desert.‎ ‎53. Why couldn't many plants grow in that area many years ago?‎ Because there were few trees, strong winds and ________________.‎ ‎54. When did the project begin?‎ It began _____________.‎ ‎55. What does the passage mainly talk about?‎ It mainly talks about _____________________________in Africa ‎【答案】51. fight/ stop/ prevent the bad environment ‎ ‎52. (from Senegal in the west to Djibouti in the east,) on the south/ south ‎ ‎53. (there was) little rain ‎ 33‎ ‎54. in 2007. ‎ ‎55. the great Green Wall/ the tree planting project/ planting trees/ tree planting/ building a great green wall of trees/ the project of planting trees/ the project of the Great Green Wall/ bringing life to the dry lands/ environmental protection/ protecting the environment/ ...‎ ‎【解析】本文简述了非洲一些国家正在建设的树木屏障的位置、规模、作用等等。 ‎ ‎51. 句意:为什么这些国家建造树木墙?他们想把生命带到旱地并帮助对抗/组织恶劣环境。原文“The aim is to bring life to the dry lands and help to fight the bad environment.‎ ‎”(目的是为旱地带来生命,并有助于对抗恶劣的环境。),故填fight/ stop/ prevent the bad environment ‎ ‎52. 句意:树木墙在哪里?它在撒哈拉沙漠的南边。原文“It covers from Senegal in the west to Djibouti in the east, on the south of the Sahara Desert”(它的覆盖范围从西部的塞内加尔到东部的吉布提,位于撒哈拉沙漠的南部),故填 (from Senegal in the west to Djibouti in the east,) on the south/ south ‎ ‎53. 句意:多年前为什么很多植物不能在那个地区生长?因为树木、强风很少,雨水也很少。原文“There was little rain, so few plants could grow”(这里几乎没有下雨,所以很少有植物可以生长),这也是原因,故填(there was) little rain ‎ ‎54. 句意:项目什么时候开始的?原文“The project which began in 2007”(2007年开始的项目),故填in 2007. ‎ ‎9.【2018年四川成都市】 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子正误。正确的涂“A”,错误的涂“B”。‎ Professor Lee is talking with a group of students from Yizhou High School. Now Li Hua is asking a question and professor Lee is answering.‎ Li Hua: When I hang out with American friends, I'm always afraid to speak. I feel like they will 33‎ ‎ laugh at my accent(口音). What can I do, Professor Lee?‎ Professor Lee: It's a good question! This is a typical problem among you students. First, it's Ok to speak English with an accent. It shows who you are and where you're from. English is an international language. English speakers from the US, the UK, Australia, and South Africa all have different accents. In fact, correct grammar and word choice are much more important. Second, most foreigners are friendly and will not laugh at you. So just relax and be yourself. I always tell my students, Don t be shy. Just try!" If you have a chance, take it. Finally, failure is the best teacher. As the saying goes, “Failure is the mother of success. "Michael Jordan, the greatest basketball player of all time, found the secret to success. He said, "I've failed over and over again in my life. And that's why I succeed.”‎ ‎31. Li Hua tells Professor Lee about his worry ‎32. Li Hua is sure foreigners will laugh at his accent when speaking English.‎ ‎33. Professor Lee encourages Li Hua from three points.‎ ‎34. People from English-speaking countries all have the same accent.‎ ‎35. Jordan never gave up in the face of failure and finally he succeeded.‎ ‎【答案】31. A 32. B ‎ ‎33. A 34. B ‎ ‎35. A ‎【解析】这篇短文主要讲述了Professor Lee正在回答学生们的问题。‎ ‎31. 根据文中Li Hua: When I hang out with American friends, Im always afraid to speak. I feel like they will laugh at my accent(口音). What can I do, Professor Lee?可知,这说法是正确的。‎ 故选A。‎ ‎32. 根据文中I feel like they will laugh at my accent(口音).可知,是不确定。故选B。‎ ‎35. 根据文中“Failure is the mother of success. "Michael Jordan, the greatest basketball player of all time, found the secret to success. He said, "I've failed over and over again in my life. And that s why I succeed.”可知,这个说法是正确的。故选A。‎ 33‎ ‎10.【2018年四川成都市】 补全短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的A~F选项中,选出5个适当的选项补全短文,答题卡上只需填选项的编号字母。‎ Have you ever tried to hide your emotions (情感)from someone during a conversation? ___71___‎ Scientists from the Ohio State University have found that people are able to tell other people’s emotions according to changes in the color of their faces.‎ Scientists studied pictures of people’s facial expressions. ____72____ For example, happiness makes our faces red around the cheeks and a little blue around the chin. Disgust(厌恶)creates not only a blue-yellow color around the lips, but also a red- green color around the nose and forehead.‎ ‎“We believe these color patterns are the result of small changes in blood flow triggered(触发) by the central nervous(神经) system." Lead researcher Alex Martinez said.‎ ‎____73____ Does the color alone or also facial expressions help people tell other’s emotions?‎ To figure this out, scientists added color patterns to pictures of faces that showed no facial expressions. ___74___They were able to tell the emotions 75 percent of the time without any difficulty.____75____ For example, when two people are heatedly arguing over something, we say they are red in the face. When a person is very angry, we'd say he or she is blue in the face.‎ A. But this raises a question.‎ B. It is shown that human emotions are influenced by colors on the face.‎ C. They found that every facial expression is connected to a certain color.‎ D. It's not always easy, because the color on your face may tell the truth.‎ E. Then, volunteers were asked to tell what emotions the faces were showing.‎ F. This is why there are some Chinese sayings that connect emotions to the color of one’s face.‎ ‎【答案】71. D 72. C ‎ ‎73. A 74. E ‎ 33‎ ‎75. F ‎【解析】这篇短文主要讲述了科学家发现人们能够根据脸部颜色的变化来告诉别人的情绪。‎ ‎72. 根据下文For example, happiness makes our faces red around the cheeks and a little blue around the chin. Disgust(厌恶)creates not only a blue-yellow color around the lips, but also a red- green color around the nose and forehead.可知上文是They found that every facial expression is connected to a certain color他们发现每个面部表情都与某一颜色有关。故选C。‎ ‎73. 根据下文Does the color alone or also facial expressions help people tell other’s emotions?可知上文是But this raises a question.但是,这提出了一个问题。故选A。‎ ‎74. 根据下文They were able to tell the emotions 75 percent of the time without any difficulty.可知上文是Then, volunteers were asked to tell what emotions the faces were showing. 然后,志愿者被要求说出脸上的表情。故选E ‎11.【2018年四川成都市】 完成表格,阅读下面短文,根据其内容,完成图表中所缺的信息。‎ Today almost everyone has a smart phone booths are out of date and seem to be useless. But cities like Shanghai are trying to bring the old phone booths to life.‎ Shanghai will make changes to 263 phone booths in Xuhui District. The Library Booth is one of the six new kinds of booths, offering 60 booths for people to borrow and read. Another kind 33‎ ‎ allows users to listen to audiobooks( 有声书)and even record their own voices.‎ Shanghai is not the only city trying to save the old phone booths. London cares about them even more, because the red booths have long been a special scene in London since the 1930s when they were painted all red. In recent years London has up with many ideas to help phone booths stay useful. The UK company British Telecom has added screens and free WiFi to some booths. Users can use them to surf online and search for maps and weather reports. The company also allows people to rent(租)some booths to change them as they want to. Since 2009, more than 1,500 phone booths have been turned into flower shops, mini-cafes, art museums and even shower rooms.‎ In New York City, three phone booths in Time Square are turned into places for immigrant(移民) voices. When visitors pick up the phone, they can listen to oral(口述) histories of immigration from the newest New Yorkers. They can also open the books inside the booth to know more about the storytellers. Or they can share a part of their own stories if they wish.‎ Brazil made phone booths works of art. Sao Paulo paired 100 artists with 100 phone booths. Some artists painted on the booths, others made them sculptures- one was shaped like a brain and another wore a pair of shoes.‎ Phone booths are finding creative ways to live on. Will they succeed? Only time will tell.‎ Condition of old phone booths: Seem useless Reason for being out of date: 2 of smart 33‎ ‎ phones a ____76____of street phone booths new uses in Shanghai six new kinds of booths ‎60 library booths: Users can various uses in London London tried___77___than Shanghai to keep the old phone booths ___78___because the red booths are a special scene in the city ‎ Users can search for maps and weather reports online& use ___79___in the booths.‎ People renting the booths can turn them into flower shops mini-cafes, art museums and so on.‎ special use in NY Three phone booths in Time Square Visitors can:‎ listen to oral histories of immigration& read books about 33‎ ‎ these immigrants share their own stories New look in Brazil ‎____80____the 100 artists changed the appearance of one phone booth Some artists painted on the booths Others made the booths sculptures.‎ ‎【答案】76. new life ‎ ‎77. harder/more ways ‎ ‎78. useful/alive ‎ ‎79. free WiFi/WiFi ‎ ‎80. Each of/ Every one of ‎【解析】这篇短文主要讲述了关于在不同国家街头电话亭的新变化。‎ ‎76. 通读整篇短文可知,这篇短文主要讲述了街头电话亭的新生活。故填new life。‎ ‎77. 根据文中Shanghai is not the only city trying to save the old phone booths. London cares about them even more, because the red booths have long been a special scene in London since the 1930s when they were painted all red. In recent years London has up with many ideas to help phone booths stay useful.可知,伦敦试图保持旧电话亭的数量比上海增加/增加/受欢迎。故填the rise/the increase/popularity。‎ ‎79. 根据文中The UK company British Telecom has added screens and free WiFi to some booths. Users can use them to surf online and search for maps and weather reports.可知,故填free WiFi/WiFi ‎80. 根据文中Brazil made phone booths works of art. Sao Paulo paired 100 artists with 100 phone booths. Some artists painted on the booths, others made them sculptures- one was shaped like a brain and another wore a pair of 33‎ ‎ shoes.可知,100位艺术家中的每一位都改变了一个电话亭的外观。故填Each of/ Every one of。‎ ‎12.【2018年四川广安市中考】阅读下面的短文,然后根据文章内容简要回答91至95小题,并将答案写在答题卡上相应的位置。‎ Many Chinese people like hot pot and Li Yang is one of them.‎ Three days ago, Li Yang arrived in England. There he had three days of hamburgers, sandwiches, and potatoes. Yesterday he was very excited when he heard that there was going to be a meal of hot pot to welcome the new students.‎ He went into the room and sat next to an American girl. To his surprise, he saw potatoes and bread in front of him. Where was the hot pot?‎ When she saw Li Yang was very surprised, the American girl told him that hotpot is NOT hot pot. China has hot pot in two words but English hotpot is written in one word.‎ Hotpot is made from meat, potatoes and onions. People put it in the oven (烤箱) all day in a heavy pot and on a low heat. It is easy to cook.‎ Hotpot tastes nice. But Li Yang still misses hot pot, two words!‎ ‎71. Do many Chinese people like hot pot? (no more than 3 words)‎ ‎72. When did Li Yang arrive in England? (no more than 3 words)‎ ‎73. Who told Li Yang that hotpot is not hot pot? (no more than 3 words)‎ ‎74. Which country has hot pot in two words? (no more than 1 word)‎ ‎75. What is English hotpot made from? (no more than 4 words)‎ ‎【答案】71. Yes, they do./Yes. ‎ ‎72. Three days ago. ‎ ‎73. The/An American girl. ‎ ‎74. China. 75. Meat, potatoes and onions.‎ ‎【解析】本文借一位去英国的中国学生李阳的经历向读者介绍了中式火锅和英式热锅之间的区别。‎ ‎71. 句意:许多中国人喜欢火锅吗?(不超过3个词),原文“Many Chinese people like hot pot”(很多中国人喜欢火锅),故填 Yes, they do./Yes. ‎ 33‎ ‎74. 句意:哪个国家的火锅是用两个单词? (不超过1个词)原文“China has hot pot in two words but English hotpot is written in one word.”(中国的火锅是用两个单词写的,但英国的热锅是用一个单词写的。),故这里填China. ‎ ‎75. 句意:英式热锅是由什么构成的? (不超过4个词)原文“Hotpot is made from meat, potatoes and onions.”(热锅由肉,土豆和洋葱制成。),这是英式热锅的构成,故填 Meat, potatoes and onions.‎ ‎13.【2018年四川省乐山市】阅读下面对话,在空白处填入恰当的内容。‎ A: I’d like two tickets for the movie on Friday, please.‎ B:___66___, madam?‎ A: It’s Dark and Stormy Night.‎ B: I’m sorry, that show is___67___.‎ A: Well, how about Saturday or Sunday?‎ B: Yes, we do have tickets for that movie on those days.‎ A: Are there___68___left for the middle row for Saturday?‎ B: Yes, but they are not next to each other.‎ A: Oh, that’s a pity. We prefer to___69___.‎ B: In that case, we still have some seats together in the front or at the back.‎ A: The front row sounds good.___70___?‎ B: 25 dollars in total.‎ A: Ok, I’ll take them.‎ ‎【答案】66. Which show/ movie/ film/ one ‎ ‎67. sold out ‎ ‎68. any seats / tickets ‎ ‎69. sit together ‎ ‎70. How much (are they/the tickets)‎ 33‎ ‎【解析】试题分析:在对话中,A女士想买两张星期五的Dark and Stormy Night的电影票,售票员B告诉她没有了,建议她买星期六或星期日的。A询问了有挨座的票,花了25美元买了下来。‎ ‎66. 句意:哪个电影,女士?根据A的回答It’s Dark and Stormy Night.,可知B问她看哪个电影,结合下文that show is sold out.,故填Which show/ movie/ film/ one。‎ ‎68. 句意:星期六的中排还有座位吗?there be结构需遵循就近原则。are后跟复数名词,一般疑问句中,需用any修饰名词。根据句意结构和语境,联系前文I’d like two tickets,可知填any seats / tickets。‎ ‎69. 句意:我们喜欢坐在一起。prefer to宁愿/喜欢,后接原形动词。根据B的话In that case, we still have some seats together in the front or at the back.,可知A想买两张邻座的票,故填sit together。‎ ‎70. 句意:多少钱?根据B的回答25 dollars in total.,可知A问票价多少,故填How much (are they/the tickets)。‎ 点睛:完成对话,要求根据上下文运用合适的句子填空,使句意通顺、前后连贯。重在考查学生对所学语言的综合运用能力和对文段的理解判断能力。本题难度不大,只要把握好上下句的意思和关系,正确作答是不成问题的。‎ ‎14.【2018年天津市】阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成句子。‎ Albert Einstein(1879-1955)‎ Early Life Albert Einstein was born on I4th March,1879 in Germany. He was an extraordinary (非凡的)person since he was born. Einstein wasn’t able to speak a word until three. He was curious(好奇的)and imaginative. He loved watching things carefully and asked a lot of questions about them His questions were often hard to answer for teachers.‎ Schooling Einstein started school in 1885. Though he did well in maths and science, he failed in many subjects like history geography and languages. He was not the teachers favourite. He didn’t enjoy going to school. Einstein finished high school in Switzerland and entered a university in Zurich. He graduated(大学毕业)as a teacher of maths and physics in1900.‎ 33‎ Scientific Work After graduation. Einstein worked at the Patent Office. He spent much time studying physics. By 1909, Einstein had become a top scientist. Though he became successful in the field of science, he still put great effort in scientific research. Finally, he won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921.‎ Later life Einstein kept at his research until he died in 1955. Scientists studied his brain(脑)after his death to see if there was anything special about it. However there was no conclusion(结论).‎ Today, many famous scientists still think Einstein is the smartest man in the world.‎ ‎51. Einstein loved watching things carefully and ______about them ‎52. Though Einstein_______ he failed in many subjects.‎ ‎53. Finally. Einstein won the Nobel Prize _______in1921‎ ‎54. Scientists studied Einstein s brain after he died so that_______.‎ ‎55. Many famous scientists still think Einstein is_______.‎ ‎【答案】51. asked a lot of questions ‎ ‎52. did well in maths and science ‎ ‎53. for physics ‎ ‎54. they could see if there was anything special about it ‎ ‎55. the smartest man in the world ‎【解析】本文主要介绍了Albert Einstein生平事迹。‎ ‎51. 根据第一段倒数第二句He loved watching things carefully and asked a lot of questions about them知答案是asked a lot of questions。‎ ‎52. 根据第二段第二句Though he did well in maths and science, he failed in many subjects like history geography and languages.知答案是did well in maths and science ‎53. 根据第三段第一句Finally, he won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921知答案是for physics。‎ 33‎ ‎15.【2018年江苏省徐州市】任务型阅读阅读短文,按要求回答问题。‎ Culture UK: Bristol Chocolate! ‎ The first chocolate bar in the world was created in Fry's, a company in Bristol. Joseph Fry invented the delicious treat around the year 1720. Fry's also produced the first chocolate Easter egg in the UK in 1873. The company continues to produce chocolates and sweets to this day. ‎ Balloon Festival ‎ The Bristol Belle was the first modern hot-air balloon in Western Europe and was developed and built in 1967. The Bristol International Balloon Festival is held every summer in the city, and is Europe's biggest hot-air balloon event.‎ ‎71 ‎ According to a new study, Bristol is the UK's most musical place, with the biggest number of musicians among the population. It's well-known for giving birth to the trip-hop scene in the 1990s. Its multicultural(多元文化的)population has really influenced the sounds of the Bristol music scene. ‎ Famous people JK Rowling ‎ J.K. Rowling was born and brought up in Chipping Sodbury, just outside Bristol. It is said that she invented her famous character Harry Potter after meeting a young boy named Ian Potter in the village where she grew up. ‎ Banksy ‎ Banksy is a graffiti artist local to Bristol. He is famous all over the world for his street art. Some of his pieces have been sold for hundreds of thousands of pounds. Many Hollywood pop stars and famous people love to collect his work.‎ 33‎ ‎69. What does Fry's produce?‎ ‎70. What can people see every summer in the sky of Bristol?‎ ‎71. Please give a title in English for Paragraph 3. (In no more than FIVE words.)‎ ‎72. Is Ian Potter an invented character or a real person?‎ ‎73. What is Banksy well-known for?‎ ‎【答案】69. Chocolates and sweets./Chocolate and sweets. ‎ ‎70. Hot—air balloons/Hot—air balloon ‎ ‎71. Music/ The UK’s most musical place/ The Bristol music scene. ‎ ‎72. A real person./He is a real person. ‎ ‎73. (For his)Street art.‎ ‎【解析】布里斯托尔是英国西部的一个港口城市,这篇短文给我们介绍了这个地方的一些文化特色和著名的人物等。‎ ‎71. 这一段中提到的是Bristol是英国最具音乐性的地方,拥有最多的音乐家数量,而且在20世纪90年代产生了trip-hop。因此这一段的中心词是music,标题可以是Music或者The Bristol music scene。‎ ‎72. 根据短文第四段中It is said that she invented her famous character Harry Potter after meeting a young boy named Ian Potter in the village where she grew up.可知,Ian Potter是JK罗琳女士在她长大的村庄里遇到的一个小男孩,她遇到这个小男孩后,创作了哈利波特这个人物。因此Ian Potter是一个真人。故答案为A real person。‎ 33‎ 点睛:这篇短文介绍的是英国西部的港口城市Bristol,包括这个地方的一些特色、著名的人物等。短文的结构清晰,每一段都有自己的小标题,概括这一段的中心意思,这种总分的结构有利于学生们抓住文章和每一段的大意。题型是任务型阅读,几个题目都是回答问题,做题时,应先通读全文,掌握大意,然后根据题目所问在文章中搜索答案。注意使用题目中的关键词去定位答案,例如第1小题,题目中的Fry’s是一个公司的的名字,我们以这个名字为关键词,很快就可以定位到文章的第一段,在这一段的最后一句话中我们可以知道该题的答案。再如第4小题,可以用题干中的人名Ian Potter为关键词,定位到原文的第四段就可以知道答案。‎ ‎16.【2018年浙江宁波市中考】下面是有关支付宝( Alipay )的英文版使用说明 , 请根据图片所示步骤 , 从 A -E中选择正确的选项与图片配对。‎ A. Fill in the price and the password carefully.‎ B. Use your smartphone to scan the Alipay QR code(二维码).‎ C. Add a bank card and enter your card information.‎ D. The payment completion page is shown after you click the "pay" button.‎ E. Get the app of Alipay. Sign up with your mobile phone number, then set a password.‎ ‎31. _________‎ ‎32. __________‎ ‎33. _________‎ ‎34. __________‎ ‎35. ___________‎ ‎【答案】31. E 32. C ‎ ‎33. B 34. A ‎ ‎35. D ‎【解析】本文是有关支付宝( Alipay )的英文版使用说明。‎ ‎31. 句意:获取支付宝的应用程序。用你的手机号码注册,然后设置密码。由图一发现这是一个下载应用程序的界面,所以第一步和获取应用程序有关,故选E。 ‎ 33‎ ‎34. 句意:仔细填写价格和密码。由图四可以看到里面有价格(price),得出这里是在填写价格和密码,故选A。 ‎ ‎35. 句意:点击“付款”按钮后显示付款完成页面。由图五的“打钩”标志得知付款成功了,说明这是最后一步,确认付款的一步,故选D。‎ 点睛:此类型任务型阅读难度较低,更多考察的是读图能力,只要读懂了每幅图片的关键信息结合方框中的语句中的关键词便能完成作答。例如第一题,由图一发现这是一个下载应用程序的界面,所以第一步和获取应用程序有关,所以就和app有关,直接能确定答案E。 ‎ ‎17.【2018年浙江省湖州市】Moatton town为缓解交通拥堵,正计划修建一条公路。Mr Green要求学生对修路可能带来的影响作调查并撰写报告。下面是一位学生的报告及 Mr Green的修改建议,请仔细阅读,将A-E分别填入46-50小题相应的空格中,完成修改任务。‎ You need a title here.‎ ‎________31________‎ This report will look at the effect that the new road near Moatton ‎ will have on the people who live there. The road is being designed ‎ to direct traffic away from the center of Moatton, just outside the ‎ town.‎ 33‎ ‎_____32_____‎ ‎1.___33___.‎ ‎2. Fewer cars will mean less noise and pollution in the town.‎ ‎3. Fewer cars will also mean the town is less crowded.‎ ‎_____34_____‎ ‎ 1. There will be lots of noise when building the road.‎ ‎ 2. If fewer people drive through Moatton, then fewer people will stop to shop there. This will be bad for local business.‎ ‎ 3. The road will be near somewhere people live. These people will live next to a noisy and busy road.‎ ‎ Conclusion ‎______35______. There are disadvantages to the new road, but it will make Moatton a nicer place to live, visit and shop.‎ A. Advantages of the new road.‎ B. Disadvantages of the new road.‎ C. New road in Moatton D. The new road will reduce the number of cars in Moatton.‎ E. I think that the new road will be a good thing for Moatton.‎ ‎【答案】31. C 32. A ‎ ‎33. D 34. B ‎ ‎35. E ‎【解析】‎ ‎31. 此处是报告的题目,具有统领全文的作用。故选C New road in Moatton( Moatton的新公路)‎ 33‎ ‎32. 根据“把你的报告分成两部分”:Advantages of the new road.(新公路的优点)与Disadvantages of the new road(.新公路的缺点),该空下面列出的是新公路的优点,1.___3___.‎ ‎2. Fewer cars will mean less noise and pollution in the town. 3. Fewer cars will also mean the town is less crowded.故填A ‎33. 因为该空与2. Fewer cars will mean less noise and pollution in the town.‎ ‎34. 与2 Advantages of the new road.并列,故填B. Disadvantages of the new road.新路的缺点 ‎35. . I think that the new road will be a good thing for Moatton.我认为新路对于Moatton.是好事情。这是报告的结论。故选E ‎18.【2018年浙江省衢州市】Rules for the Examination You must be at the exam room ten minutes before. If you are more than ten minutes late, you are not allowed to enter.‎ You must show your student ID and exam number before you enter the room.‎ Depending on which exam you are taking, you may bring certain things into the center. You can use calculators(计算器)In the math exam, and some subjects may allow you to use dictionaries. But ipads, head sets, and cell phones are not allowed in the exam room You must sit at the desk with your exam number on it. And keep the number at the top corner of your desk.‎ You must keep silent during the exam. And don't disturb other people when testing.‎ If you need a drink or to go to the restroom, you should raise your hand and ask for the teachers permission. You may not talk with anyone during the break.‎ You must write your answers on the official answer paper.‎ You may leave the exam room at any time if you do not plan to return.‎ You will be warned fifteen minutes, five minutes and one minute before the end of the exam.‎ When the time is up, you must stop writing and leave the room soon.‎ 阅读以上内容,并完成下面摘要。每空限填一词。‎ The list is about the ____31____ for an examination. Students must ____32____ their student. ID and exam numbers before entering the exam room. Only certain things such as calculators and ____33____ are answered in the exams. They must ____34____ their hands for water or to go to the ‎ 33‎ restroom. Students will be warned ____35____.‎ ‎【答案】31. rules ‎ ‎32. show 33. dictionaries ‎ ‎34. raise 35. three/3‎ ‎【解析】本文介绍了考试的一些规则。‎ ‎31. 句意:这份清单是关于一次考试的规则的。从标题“Rules for the Examination ‎”能看出本文的主题,故填 rules ‎ ‎34. 句意:他们必须举手以便喝水或者去休息室。原文“If you need a drink or to go to the restroom, you should raise your hand and ask for the teachers permission.”说明要想喝水或去休息室需要举手示意,故填raise ‎ ‎35. 句意:学生会被提醒3次。原文“You will be warned fifteen minutes, five minutes and one minute before the end of the exam.”(考试结束前15分钟,5分钟和1分钟你会被提醒),说明会被提醒三次,故填three/3‎ 33‎

