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第 10 课时 Unit 3—Unit 4(八下) 第一篇 教材考点梳理 基础检测清单 词 汇 拓 展 ·名词 1.fairness →    (adj.)公平的 2.cloud →    (adj.)多云的 3.relation →     (n.) 关系;联系 →     (adj.)相关的;有联系的 →     (n.)亲戚;亲属 ·形容词 4.usual →     (adv.)通常 →     (adj.)不寻常的 5.ill →     (n.)疾病 6.proper →     (adv.)合适地 7.clear →    (adv.)清晰地 8.quick →    (adv.)迅速地 fair cloudy relationship related relative usually unusual illness properly clearly quickly 词 汇 拓 展 9.fair →    (反义词) 10.old→    (比较级) →     (最高级) ·动词 11.sweep →    (过去式) →    (过去分词) 12.throw →    (过去式) →    (过去分词) 13.lend →    (过去式) →    (过去分词) 14.develop →      (n.)发展 →     (adj.)发展中的 →     (adj.)发达的 15.depend →     (adj.)依靠的 →     (n.)独立 →     (adj.)独立的 unfair elder/older eldest/oldest swept swept threw thrown lent lent development developing developed dependent independence independent 词 汇 拓 展 16.communicate →     (n.)交流 17.argue →     (n.)争论 18.explain →     (n.)解释 19.compete →     (n.)竞争者 →     (n.)竞争 20.drop →     (过去式) →     (过去分词) *drop behind 后退;落后 *drop in on sb. 拜访某人 communication argument explanation competitor competition dropped dropped 短 语 归 纳 ·动词短语 1.       倒垃圾 2.      依靠;信赖 3.       照顾;处理 4.       快速查看;浏览 5.      成功地发展;解决 6.      和睦相处;关系良好 7.      删除;删去 8.       比较;对比 9.      从事于 10.       扔掉;抛弃 11.       与……交 流 12.       与……竞争 13.       向某人道歉 14.       扫地 15._________________________________ ___________________________________ 与某人打架 fight with sb./get into a fight with sb./have a fight with sb. take out the rubbish depend on take care of look through work out get on with cut out compare…with work on throw away communicate with… compete…with… say sorry to sb. sweep the floor 短 语 归 纳 ·形容词短语 16.       对……感到 抱歉 17.       生……的气 18.       对……有好处 ·介词短语 19.      目的是;为了 20.       依……看 21.      代替;反而 22.      结果 ·名词短语 23.      重要的事 24.       阅读技能 25.       客厅 ·其他短语 26.      一……就…… 27.       频繁;反复 28.       既不……也不…… 29.      各种各样的 all kinds of be sorry for be angry with be good for in order to in one's opinion instead of as a result big deal reading skill living room as soon as all the time neither…nor… 佳 句 诵 读 ·日常生活 1.I think it is important for children to learn how to do chores and help their parents with housework. 我认为孩子们学习如何做家务和帮助父母做家务是很重要的。 2.Doing chores helps to develop children's independence and teaches them how to look after themselves. 做家务有助于培养儿童的独立性,并教会他们如何照顾自己。 3.Doing chores also helps them to understand the idea of fairness. 做家务也能帮助他们理解公平的概念。 佳 句 诵 读 4.Everyone should do their part in keeping it clean and tidy. 每个人 都应该尽自己的职责保持它的干净、整洁。 ·人际交往 5.My problem is that I can't get on with my family. 我的问题是我不能和家人和睦相处。 6.You should talk about these feelings with your family. 你应该和你 的家人谈谈这些感受。 7.Kids should have time to relax and think for themselves. 孩子们应 该有时间放松自己,独立思考。 语 法 链 接 1.情态动词could表示请求和允许。[详见P109,语法专题(五)] 2.表示征求意见或提出建议的句型。 3.连词(until, so that, although)。 4.so/neither引导的倒装句。 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 ❶ neither adv.也不 pron.两者都不 【题1】用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 (1)—Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? —I'm afraid neither     (day) is possible. (2)My wife and I were tired, so neither of     (we) did any housework for a week. (3)Neither he nor I     (have) ever read this book. (4)Neither I nor she     (have) this new type of mobile phone. day us have has 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 【归纳拓展】 结构 用法 neither+可数名词单数 表示既不是(两者之中的)这一个,也不是另一个 neither of +可数名词 复数或复数代词 (1)复数名词前面一般有my, the, these等限定词 修饰 (2)谓语动词可用单数形式,也可用复数形式 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 【归纳拓展】 结构 用法 neither… nor… (1)反义短语为both…and… (2)neither…nor… 连接两个并列主语时,谓语动 词遵循“就近一致原则” neither/nor+助动词/be 动词/情态动词+主语 (1)此结构表示与前面所述的否定情况相同 (2)“so+助动词/be动词/情态动词+主语”表 示与前面所述的肯定情况相同 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 ❷ allow v.允许;准许 【题2】根据汉语意思完成句子。 在这个国家,妇女不被允许在外面工作。 In this country, women              work outside. 【题3】用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 (1)Our teacher allows      (work) in groups in his class. (2)Look!They don't allow people     (draw) here. So let's find another place to paint. are not allowed to to draw working 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 【归纳拓展】 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 ❸ borrow/lend/keep 【题4】用borrow, lend, keep的适当形式填空。 (1)I      a dictionary from Lucy just now, and I must return it to her tomorrow. (2)You have     the book for a week. You'd better return it to the library before you get fined. (3)—May I      your bike? —Of course. But you can't     it to others. borrowed kept borrow lend 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 【词义辨析】 词条 意义 常见搭配 borrow 借(进) borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物 lend 借(出) lend sb. sth. = lend sth. to sb. 借给某人某物 keep 保留,引申为 “借用” “sb. keep(s) sth. + for + 时间段”意为 “某人借某物多长时间”,常用how long对其 进行提问 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 ❹ offer/provide/supply 【题5】用offer, provide, supply的适当形式填空。 (1)Could you      some information for me about the summer camp? (2)—You look so happy. —A big company      me a very good job. I decide to accept it. (3)The local government      food and water to the people in poor areas. provide offered supplies 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 【词义辨析】 词条 用法 固定搭配 offer 强调主动提供 offer sb. sth.=offer sth. to sb. provide 强调通过储存或准备的方 式,在需要时提供所需物品 provide sb.with sth.=provide sth.for sb. supply 强调供给(尤指大量)物资或 存货 supply sb.with sth.= supply sth.to sb. 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 ❺ instead/instead of/rather than 【题6】用instead, instead of, rather than填空。 (1)It will be sunny tomorrow, and I will ride my bike ______________       taking the bus. (2)The boy doesn't like swimming, so he decides to play football       . (3)Tom doesn't study hard.       , he plays the drums all day. (4)She prefers to watch TV       do her homework. rather than instead of instead Instead 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 【词义辨析】 词条 词性 意义及用法 instead 副词 意为“代替;反而;却”,修饰整个句子,位于句首 或句末 instead of 介词短语 意为“代替;而不是”,后面跟名词、代词或v.- ing形式 rather than 副词短语 意为“而不是”,连接两个相同的结构,如果连接 to do, to 可省去 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 ❻—Could you please sweep the floor?你能扫一下地板吗? —Yes, sure. 好的,当然可以。 【题7】根据汉语意思完成句子。 (1)我很渴,你能给我一些水喝吗? I am very     .             give me     water? (2)“请你把电视关了好吗?” “不好意思,不可以。我想看体育新闻。” —     you     turn off the TV? —Sorry, I     . I want to watch the sports news. thirsty Could you please some Could please can't 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 【归纳拓展】 1.“Could you (please)+ 动词原形?”意为“请你……好吗?”其否定形式为 “Could you (please) not + 动词原形?”肯定回答:Sure/Certainly/Of course. 否定回答: Sorry, I can't. 2.(1)could情态动词,是can的过去式,表示过去的能力,肯定和否定回答仍用 could。—Could you swim when you were five?你五岁时会游泳吗? —Yes, I could. 是的,我会。 (2)could 还可表示推测,意为“可能”。 —Do you know where Peter is?你知道彼得在哪儿吗? —He could be in the library. 他可能在图书馆。 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 ❼They should spend their time on schoolwork in order to get good grades and get into a good university. 他们 应该将时间花在学业上,为的是取得好成绩并考上好大学。 【题8】根据汉语意思完成句子。 为了开会不迟到,我姐姐强迫自己今天早上起床很早。 In order            for the meeting, my sister forced       to get up early this morning. not to be late herself 随 堂 达 标 小 测 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 【归纳拓展】 (1)in order to do sth. 意为“为了、以便做某事”,可放在句首,也可放在句 中,其否定形式为“in order not to do sth.”意为“为了不做某事”。 (2)“in order + that从句”也可表示“为了,以便”,从句中常用can, may, could, might等情态动词。 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 Ⅰ.单词拼写 根据句意及首字母提示写单词。 1.She has a very close r      with her little sister. 2.Could you please l  me your dictionary? I can't find mine now. 3.I missed a lot of school through i     last year. 4.It‘s interesting to c     their situation and ours. 5.If the sky is c    , there's no rain or cloud and you can see very far. relationship lend illness compare clear 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 6.We are spending$8.5 billion on research and d     . 7.You‘re too thin. You’re not eating p     . 8.We love you forever w     happens, kids. 9.—Which do you like? —N    . I think they're both ugly. 10.To keep fit, we should eat more vegetables and fruit i_________of too much meat. development properly whatever Neither instead 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 Ⅱ.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.Doing chores also helps them to understand the idea of       (fair). 2.It‘s even       (important) for us to learn to relax before the exam. 3.He was a(n)     (usual) man with great business talents. 4.Amy is      (communicate) with her friend on the phone. 5.The     (early) you start, the sooner you'll get back. fairness more important unusual communicating earlier 核 心 考 点 聚 焦 随 堂 达 标 小 测 6.They offered     (help) those sick children. 7.I ran up and     (throw) my arms around him. 8.We can‘t      (compete) with them on price. 9.We'll repair it as     (quick) as possible. 10.People aren‘t allowed      (smoke) in public in China. to smoke to help threw compete quickly

