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备战2021 中考英语 导练案 考点35 任务型阅读之综合任务 (教师版)
考点 35 任务型阅读之综合任务 命题趋势: 近几年,任务型阅读这一新题型逐步进入中考题。任务型阅读主要考查学生实际运用语言的能力。它 要求学生在阅读理解的基础上完成某些任务,考查学生的判断推理能力。 一、题型特点 1. 命题灵活,题型多样。 一般阅读理解题型多采用选择题,题型单一。任务型阅读题则可以通过一篇短文或一幅图表要求学生 完成多项任务,命题人可以随心所欲地设计出多种题型,考查学生多方面的能力。 2. 贴近生活,凸显交际。 任务型阅读重在考查用英语解决实际问题的能力,学生需在任务的引导下开展阅读,其问题设置不仅 具有真实性、情境性,而且也体现出一定的开放性。这样的设问形式贴近学生使用语言的现实生活情景, 学生完成任务的过程既是分析问题、解决问题的过程,也是运用语言进行交际的过程。 3. 读写结合,重视输出。 任务型阅读改变了过去阅读理解单向的信息输入,侧重主动的信息输出,要求学生整合短文中的相关 信息,然后根据题目要求回答问题或完成图表,综合性很强。 4. 语言精练,高度概括。 任务型阅读题目要求学生填表或给文章拟标题时一般都有一定的字数限制,要求学生在正确把握原文 的基础上,充分运用自己所学语言,重新整合信息,运用规范、概括的文字准确无误地表达出来。 二、题型分类 综观近年来的任务型阅读题,我们可以归纳出以下五类考点: 1. 中心归纳题 中心归纳题属于综合概括题,主要位于表格的标题处。这类题要求考生在弄懂全文的内容后,抓住文章 的中心,然后对中心进行高度浓缩、概括,从而成为统领全文的标题。由于词数被限制在几个单词以内, 因此这类题难度较大。考生必须具备对文章进行综合分析、归纳概括以及准确表达的能力。这类试题在考 题中通常只占 1 题。 2. 段意概括题 段意概括题属于分析表达题,主要位于表格的左边栏。这类题主要考查考生对文章体裁、结构的认识及 用语言文字的表达能力。如果文章是说明文,那么它的主题是什么?它的目的是什么?作者用什么方式、 从哪几个方面进行介绍、说明的?作者通过介绍、说明得出了什么样的结论?作者提出了什么样的建议或 希望?如果文章是议论文,那么文章的论点是什么?作者用什么方法、从哪些方面进行论证的?最后得出 了什么样的结论?对于考生来说,这类试题有一定的难度,考生必须平时注意对文章进行分析,同时还应 多熟记一些概括性的词汇,如:purpose/aim/goal; topic/theme; suggestion/advice; type/kind; way/means/method; effect/result; cause/reason; feature/characteristic; function/use; comment/assessment 等。这类试题在考题中一般 占 2―3 题。 3. 功能理解题 功能理解题属于理解表达题。这类题主要考查考生对句子、信息在文章中所起作用的理解。考生不能只 停留在对句子字面意思的理解,而应该透过现象抓住句子、信息的本质,即它与前后信息的联系,它们之 间究竟是什么样的关系,如因果、条件、让步、比较等。这类试题在考题中通常占 2―3 题。 4. 信息压缩及改写题 信息压缩及改写题属于活用题。考生只要通读全文,就能在文章中找到与试题相关的信息,但是由于所 给的信息往往过长,考生必须对这些信息进行再次加工,将信息压缩、改写成不超过三个单词的短语。如 The boy is eight years old 这一信息可考虑改写为 an eight-year-old boy。这类试题在考题中占 2—3 题。 5. 信息获取题 信息获取题属于基础题。考生一边阅读文章就能一边从文章中直接找出试题的相关信息,并且不需要任 何加工就可将它直接作为试题的答案。这类试题在考题中占 2―3 题。 解题技巧: ★题型概述 任务型阅读理解是中考必考题型之一,出题形式多样,常见题型有:根据短文 内容来回答问题、还原句子、完成表格、判断正误和综合任务等。 ★解题过程 阅读(信息输入)→判断、分析、概括、推理(信息加工与处理)→答题(信息输出)。 ★解题技巧 一、明确阅读任务。明确所给的任务,带着任务去阅读材料。 二、读全文,了解大意。了解文章主要内容、文章感情基调、作者的意图态度。 三、读细节,逐题攻克。寻找细节,从原文找答案。精读细节,理解深层含义。 四、通读全文,仔细检查。 ★答题要求 一、把握文章的内在逻辑关系,以文章提供的事实和观点为依据,立足原文, 推断未知。 二、在答题时,总的原则就是:能简略回答,尽量简略回答。 三、书写要规范。句子开头首字母要大写;标点符号要规范;单词拼写要正确 无误;单词书写要认真。 任务型阅读之解题方法 1. 通读全文,掌握大意。 首先要通读全文,尤其注意首尾段及每段的首尾句。短文的首句和首段常常是作者要说明的对象、事件 起因、作者要阐述的观点、事件发生的时间、地点与人物的联系等,结尾句、段是事件结论或作者要表达 的意图、目的等。这样就容易抓住中心,为准确、迅速答题打下良好的基础。 2. 浏览试题,明确要求。 在理解了文章的大意及框架结构后,应开始深入理解文章内容,浏览一下短文所设计的任务,并细读与 每一道题目相关的段落,然后根据文中的关键词句确定答案。 3. 整合信息,准确简洁。 任务型阅读题目重点考查学生的综合归纳能力,很多题目需要学生根据文章内容进行归纳、总结后才能 回答,因此,在确定与题目有关的语句后,还要对有关信息进行整合才能确定答案。此外,给文章拟标题 类题目对答案有词数限制,要求学生必须对信息进行压缩,用尽量少的词汇简洁地表达重要信息。 4. 复读全文,核对答案。 这是至关重要的一步。在此阶段中,要用全文的主题思想统帅各思考题,研究其内在的逻辑关系。审核 时,要结合在阅读和答题中所得到的信息重新读短文,检查答案,看是否前后一致、意义和语言知识是否 和原文相同,是否符合逻辑等。如果发现前后矛盾、遗漏要点等错误,要立即纠正。 任务型阅读之解题注意事项 1、重视语言知识,抓好语言基本功。 "任务型阅读"属于读写并重的综合性试题,它增强了对语言知识的考查力度,从简单的填写单词到回 答问题,都要求学生在词汇、句法、语法等方面具有扎实的基本功。因此,学生在日常学习中要以课程标 准为依据,依托教材,扎扎实实地夯实自己的语言知识。 (1)丰富词汇知识,及时归纳拓展词汇的用法。 (2)讲解、分析各种句法,并通过多种形式的操练如:简单句和复合句之间的转换,更改句子主语,把几 个简单句改写为一个简单句等形式,让学生能对基础知识举一反三,熟练运用。 (3)要在语境中呈现语法项目,并能灵活运用。 2、加强阅读训练,培养良好的阅读习惯。 (1)培养学生带着问题读文章的习惯。做阅读理解类题目时应结合文章后面所设问题进行阅读,边阅读边 选出考察表层问题的答案,并确定与考察深层含义有关的段落,为之后的细读打下坚实的基础。 (2)培养学生整体把握篇章结构的能力。在阅读训练中,要注重整体阅读,加强文章结构的分析和理解训 练。要引导学生分析文章结构,由篇章到层次到段落到细节,逐步分析,让学生学会总结中心思想、挖掘 文章的要点及搞清作者的观点。同时,在尝试给文章添加标题的过程中,有效地训练学生整体把握篇章结 构的能力。冰冻三尺非一日之寒。扎实的语言基础来自于平时严格的基本功训练和长期的知识积累。只要 平时刻苦用功,打下扎实的英语知识基础,并掌握科学的答题方法,一定会攻克任务型阅读这类题目。 A A different culture keeps my eyes and mind open. When I stayed in Russia as an exchange student, I learned about it. One day, a Russian friend invited me to a famous restaurant in Moscow. I looked forward to trying local food. After arriving there, I found nothing on the table but several small plates, on which there were nuts, a few slices(片) of tomatoes, and several pieces of onions. Although the dishes were simple, we drank a lot and I felt the passion(热 情) from the bottom of his heart. In China, when we invite friends or relatives, we always treat them to a big dinner. ①We prepare as much food as we can to show our friendliness. What a different culture it is! Even though we try our best, it's very hard to get used to their customs. Another Russian custom also impresses me deeply. As we know, it is very cold in winter there. When winter comes,②俄罗斯人喜欢游泳. They even take their kids outside together. Like their parents, Russian kids rub(擦) their bodies with snow before jumping into the water. Although the water is freezing cold, they all play happily in it. What fun it is to know about a different culture! 41. 请将①处画线句子译为汉语。 ________________ 42. 请将②处画线句子译为英语。 ________________ 43. Russian kids rub their bodies with snow before they ________ ________ the water. 44. 在文章中找出与所给句子含义相同的英语句子。 Though we do our best, understanding their customs is difficult. ________________ 45. 从文中找出能说明本文主旨大意的短语。 ________________ 【答案】41. 我们会尽可能多的准备食物来显示我们的友善。 42. Russians like/love to swim/swimming./ Russians enjoy/are fond of /are keen on swimming. 43. (1). jump (2). into 44. Even though we try our best, it's very hard to get used to their customs. 45. A/a different culture 【解析】 本文主要讲述了作者了解了俄罗斯的别样风俗和文化的经历和感受。 【41 题详解】 We 主语我们;谓语 prepare 准备;宾语 as much food as we can 尽可能多的食物;to show our friendliness 不 定式引导目的状语从句,来展示我们的友善。故答案填我们会尽可能多的准备食物来显示我们的友善。 【42 题详解】 一般现在时。主语俄罗斯人 Russians;谓语喜欢游泳,喜欢做某事 enjoy doing sth.或 love/like to do/doing sth. 或 be fond of doing sth.或 be keen on doing sth.;主语是复数形式,故 be 动词用复数形式,动词用原形;游泳 swim。故答案填 Russians like/love to swim/swimming./ Russians enjoy/are fond of /are keen on swimming. 【43 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第 4 大段“Like their parents, Russian kids rub(擦) their bodies with snow before jumping into the water.”俄罗斯的孩子们在跳进水里之前用雪擦身体。可知,是跳进的意思。一般现在时,主语是 they, 故动词用原形。故答案填 jump into。 【44 题详解】 细节理解题。Though we do our best, understanding their customs is difficult 虽然我们尽努力了,但是要习惯他 们的习俗是很难的。根据第 3 大段“Even though we try our best, it's very hard to get used to their customs.”虽然 我们尽努力了,但是要习惯他们的习俗是很难的。可知,句子意思一致。故答案填 Even though we try our best, it's very hard to get used to their customs. 【45 题详解】 主旨大意题。根据第 5 大段“What fun it is to know about a different culture!”懂得一种不同的文化是多么有趣 啊!可知,本文主要讲述了不同的文化。故答案填 A/a different culture。 B Minzhe has a large tea plantation (种植园) in his hometown in Guilin, Guangxi. (A) It covers an area of more than 650 square meters. The quality of tea has to do with the tea plants. The leaf-picking and processing play an important part, too. A tea plant can only be picked when it is about three years old. At each picking, only young leaves can be picked. And tea plants are usually of different height. So Minzhe hardly ever uses machines. As an experienced tea farmer, Minzhe knows which leaves to pick and when to pick these leaves. Planting tea needs great patience and lots of hard work. The day begins early for Minzhe. He starts working at 5 o'clock in the morning. (B) He walks through the plants slowly and picks tea leaves carefully. April is usually the busiest month for Minzhe. It's the best time to make best green tea. Minzhe has to pick about 90,000 pieces of young leaves to make one pound (磅) of green tea. Soon after picking the leaves, he begins processing (C) them. The leaves are dried and rolled and then shaped. A heavy smell of the tea leaves fills the air in the workshop. Minzhe picks about 50 pounds of leaves to make delicious tea in a full day's work. It makes him feel proud of himself. Being a tea farmer is hard work. However, for good tea, it is always worth it, Minzhe says. 56. 将文中(A)处划线的句子“It covers an area of more than 650 square meters.”译成汉语。 __________________________________________________________________ 57. 根据上下文完成句子。 ________________, ________________ and ________________ are all important to the quality of tea. 58. 回答问题。Why does Minzhe hardly ever use machines? _________________________________________________________________ 59. 将文中(B)处划线的句子 He walks through the plants slowly and picks tea leaves carefully. 译成汉语。 __________________________________________________________________ 60. 写出文中(C) 处划线代词 them 所指代的内容。 ______________________________________________________________ 61. 从文中找出与“The workshop is filled with a heavy smell of the tea leaves.”意思相同或相近的句子。 ___________________________________________________________________ 【答案】56. 它占地面积超过 650 平方米。 57. (1). The tea plants (2). the leaf-picking (3). processing 58. Because tea plants are usually of different height. 59. 他慢慢地穿过植物,小心翼翼地采摘茶叶。 60. the leaves 61. A heavy smell of the tea leaves fills the air in the workshop. 【解析】 本文介绍了明哲的茶园。 【56 题详解】 cover:覆盖;an area of:……的面积;more than 650 square meters:超过 650 平方米。占地面积。结合上文 “明哲在广西桂林老家有一个大茶园。”可知此句翻译为“它占地面积超过 650 平方米。”。 【57 题详解】 根据第 2 段第 1 和 2 句“The quality of tea has to do with the tea plants. The leaf-picking and processing play an important part, too.(茶叶的质量与茶树有关。叶的采摘和加工也起着重要的作用。)”可知“茶树、采摘、 加工对茶叶品质都有重要影响。”故答案为“(1)The tea plants;(2)the leaf-picking;(3)processing 。 【58 题详解】 根据第 2 段第 5 和 6 句“And tea plants are usually of different height. So Minzhe hardly ever uses machines.”可 知民哲几乎从不使用机器原因是因为茶树的高度通常不同。故答案为“Because tea plants are usually of different height.”。 【59 题详解】 walk through the plants slowly:慢地穿过植物;picks tea leaves:采摘茶叶;carefully 小心翼翼地,picks tea leaves carefully:小心翼翼地采摘茶叶。故答案为“他慢慢地穿过植物,小心翼翼地采摘茶叶。” 【60 题详解】 此句“Soon after picking the leaves, he begins processing them.”句意:摘完叶子后不久,他就开始加工它们。 根据句意可知 them 指代“叶子”;故答案为 the leaves。 【61 题详解】 “The workshop is filled with a heavy smell of the tea leaves.”句意:车间里弥漫着浓浓的茶叶味。此句是被动 语态,和第 4 段最后一句“A heavy smell of the tea leaves fills the air in the workshop.( 车间里空气中弥漫着浓 浓的茶叶味。)”句意相同,第 4 段最后一句是主动语态。故答案为“A heavy smell of the tea leaves fills the air in the workshop.”。 C Koalas are tree-hugging animals with big, round ears and black oval (椭圆形的) noses. They are a symbol of Australia, the only place in the world where they are found. They are loved by many people for their small size and cartoon-like features. A koala mother gives birth to and raises only one baby koala at a time. (D) During a koala mother's life, she will produce up to six babies. A newborn baby is born blind with undeveloped features. It measures less than 3 cm in length. Upon birth, the baby makes its way to the mother's pouch (育儿袋). It develops its eyes, legs and fur here. In fact, it lives in the mother's pouch for about six months. Then the baby will climb on its mother's back and stay with her up to a year. Koalas spend most of their time eating and sleeping. Eucalyptus leaves are the only food koalas eat. Although the leaves are not good to most animals, koalas can digest (消化) the leaves very well. Eucalyptus leaves have a fair amount of water, so koalas seldom drink water. They eat 3 hours per day, usually during the nighttime, and rest 16 to 18 hours a day. Koalas face many threats (威胁). The loss of their home is the biggest threat. Fire has also become a huge threat to them. Not only do koalas die when fire sweeps through their home, but it kills eucalyptus trees that they depend on for food. Koalas also are threatened by dogs, cats and other animals. 62. 根据短文完成句子。 Many people love koalas because of their __________________ and cartoon-like features. 63. 将文中(D) 处划线的句子 During a koala mother's life, she will produce up to six babies.译成汉语。 _________________________________________________ 64. 回答问题。How long does the baby koala live in the mother's pouch? ___________________________________________________________________ 65. 根据短文完成句子。 Koalas spend most of their time __________________. 66. 从文中找出与“hardly ever drink water”意思相同或相近的表达。 ____________________________________________ 67. 用英语列举考拉面临的三种威胁。 ①_____________________________________________ ②_____________________________________________ ③_____________________________________________ 【答案】62. small size 63. 在考拉母亲的一生中,她将产下多达六个婴儿。 64. For about six months. 65. eating and sleeping 66. have a fair amount of water 67. (1). The loss of their home. (2). Fire. (3). They are threatened by dogs, cats and other animals. 【解析】本文是一篇说明文。主要从长相、习性和面临的威胁等方面介绍了澳大利亚的考拉。 【62 题详解】 根据文中 They are loved by many people for their small size and cartoon-like features.可知,它们以小巧的身材 和卡通般的特点深受人们的喜爱。故答案为 small size。 【63 题详解】 During 在……期间;a koala mother’s life 考拉母亲的一生;she 她,人称代词主格;will 将会;produce 生产; up to 多达;six babies 六个孩子;整理之后可以看出,这里表达的是“考拉母亲的一生会产下多达六个孩子”, 故答案为:在考拉母亲的一生中,她将产下多达六个婴儿。 【64 题详解】 根据文中 Upon birth, the baby makes its way to the mother’s pouch (育儿袋). It develops its eyes, legs and fur here. In fact, it lives in the mother’s pouch for about six months.可知,小考拉会在母亲的育儿袋里生活大约六个 月,故答案为 For about six months。 【65 题详解】 根据文中 Koalas spend most of their time eating and sleeping.可知考拉一生大部分时间都在吃和睡,故答案为 eating and sleeping。 【66 题详解】 根据文中 Eucalyptus leaves have a fair amount of water, so koalas seldom drink water.可知,桉树的叶子有相当 多的水分,所以考拉很少喝水。故答案为 have a fair amount of water。 【67 题详解】 根据文中 Koalas face many threats (危胁). The loss of their home is the biggest threat. Fire has also become a huge threat to them. Not only do koalas die when fire sweeps through their home, but it kills eucalyptus trees that they depend on for food. Koalas also are threatened by dogs, cats and other animals.可知,他们面临的威胁有失去 家园,火灾以及狗、猫和其他动物,故答案为 The loss of their home,Fire,They are threatened by dogs, cats and other animals. A(2020 •河北省) 阅读下面短文,按要求完成下列各题。 Remember books? The paper kind. With pages. In the old days before computers, to get information, people read books and newspapers. Students spent hours and hours in the library, looking for information in the old books for homework. Now students can find anything on the internet in seconds. The library was a place where everyone was quiet. Sing along to music? Never! Watch a movie on phone while they are reading? Impossible! But now students can watch videos about their research topic as they write a paper. Before computers, articles were handwritten. If a student made a mistake, he would throw the paper away and start writing all over again. Now? If a student makes a mistake, he can just remove or cut it. Students type on their computers and edit (编辑)freely. But they should save their writing in time on the computer because it may stop working suddenly. Who wants to lose his hard work forever? Communication online is easy and fun. While students are writing, they can discuss with friends in another window. Did you think they were chatting (聊天)with someone in the real same room? No! They're chatting with everyone in their own room. Technology helps us get important information in no time. In areas where bad weather is a problem, we can get warnings from our phone. Our local radio or TV station can give information about where to get help or what to do to keep our family and home safe. Technology is our friend! 1 题完成句子;2、3 题简略回答问题;4 题找出并写下第四段的主题句;5 题将文中画线句子译成汉语。 36. In the old days before computers, people ___________to get information. 37. How can a student correct his mistake while writing on the computer? 38. Why should students save their writing in time on the computer? 39. _________________________ 40. _________________________ 【答案】36. read books and newspapers 37. He can just remove or cut it. / By removing or cutting it. 38. Because it may stop working suddenly. 39. Technology helps us get important information in no time. 40. 当学生在写字的时候,他们能够与朋友们在另一个窗口讨论。 文章大意:本文通过有电脑之前和有电脑之后人们在查找信息、写字、交流方式等方面的一些对比,指出 科技带给我们便利,是我们的朋友。 36. read books and newspapers【解析】根据第 1 段中“In the old days before computers, to get information, people read books and newspapers. ”可知在有电脑之前的日子里,人们通过读书和读报来获取信息。故答案为 read books and newspapers。 37. He can just remove or cut it. / By removing or cutting it. 【解析】根据第 2 段中“Now? If a student makes a mistake, he can just remove or cut it.”可知用电脑写字时,学生们可以通过删除错误来纠正它。故答案为:He can just remove or cut it. / By removing or cutting it. 38. Because it may stop working suddenly. 【解析】根据第 2 段中"But they should save their writing in time on the computer because it may stop working suddenly."可知学生们必须及时保存的原因是电脑很可能突然停止运 转。故答案为:Because it may stop working suddenly. 39. Technology helps us get important information in no time. 【解析】第 4 段主要介绍科技让我们更及时地接 收信息。第一句为总领句,后边为实例列举。故答案为:Technology helps us get important information in no time. 40. 当学生在写字的时候,他们能够与朋友们在另一个窗口讨论。【解析】考查英译汉。while 当……的时候; students 学生;are writing 正在写字;they 他们;can 能够;discuss with friends 与朋友们讨论;in another window 在另一个窗口。最后根据汉语语言习惯翻译整个句子。故答案为:当学生在写字的时候,他们能够与朋友 们在另一个窗口讨论。 B(2020 •牡丹江、鸡西地区) Most of us have made an exercise plan, but only a few can follow it. WebMD (an American website) has listed the following tips for making exercise a habit in your life. 1. Do activities you enjoy. Remember, there's no rule that says you have to go to a sports centre or buy equipment like swimming suits. Many types of activities, such as push﹣up (俯卧撑), can be done whenever it is rainy or snowy. 2. Exercise after work. Don't go home first. Few people are so motivated (有动力的) that they will go out again and exercise after they go home and change clothes. 3. Exercise even when you are tired. Tiredness is not an excuse. While exercising, you breathe deeply and your body makes better use of the oxygen (氧气) exchange. Then, you will feel energetic. 4. Notice that you are better than before. It's great when your clothes fit better, you can lift heavier things or take exercise longer. There's something good too, like getting a good night's sleep or thinking more clearly. 5. Walk with a pedometer (计步器) Not everyone can start out with 10,000 steps a day. Use a pedometer, and find out your daily steps. And then, try your best to walk 300 extra steps each day. Finally, you can reach 10,000 steps a day. Complete the summary of the passage above with one word for each blank. According to WebMD, there are some easy ways to make exercise a habit. First, when you do activities you enjoy, such as push﹣up, you don't have to consider ___66___ conditions. Second, the best way is to exercise before going home because most people are unwilling to go out again and exercise after ___67___ clothes at home. Third, keep on exercising even though you feel tired. That's because taking a ___68___ breath will help your body make better use of oxygen exchange. Moreover, pay attention to your ___69___ in exercising, like losing some weight, exercising longer, etc. Finally, walk with a pedometer and find out your daily steps. Then, increase the number of steps day ___70___ day. Your goal of 10,000 steps a day can be achieved. 【答案】66. weather 67. changing 68. deep 69. progress 70. by 这是一篇说明文,文章就如何使运动成为自己生活中的习惯提出了五点建议。 66. weather【解析】句意:首先,当你做一些你喜欢的活动,比如俯卧撑时,你不需要考虑天气状况。 根据第二段“Many types of activities, such as push-up, can be done whenever it is rainy or snowy”很多类型的活 动,比如俯卧撑,都可以在下雨或下雪的时候做。可知首先,当你做你喜欢的活动时,比如俯卧撑,你不 需要考虑天气状况 weather conditions。故答案为 weather。 67. changing【解析】句意:第二,最好的方法是在回家前锻炼,因为大多数人不愿意在家里换衣服后再出 去锻炼。根据第三段“Don't go home first. Few people are so motivated that they will go out again and exercise after they go home and change clothes”先不要回家,很少有人有这样的动力,他们会在回家换衣服后不再出去 锻炼。可知第二,最好的方法是在回家前锻炼,因为大多数人不愿意在家里换衣服后再出去锻炼。after 是 介词,后接动名词 changing。故答案为 changing。 68. deep【解析】句意:那是因为深呼吸能帮助你的身体更好地利用氧气交换。根据第四段“Tiredness is not an excuse. While exercising, you breathe deeply and your body makes better use of the oxygen exchange”疲劳不是借 口.运动时,你深呼吸,身体能更好地利用氧气交换。可知第三,即使你觉得累了也要坚持锻炼。这是因 为深呼吸有助于身体更好地利用氧气交换。原文是 you breathe deeply,此处用形容词 deep 修饰名词 breath。 故答案为 deep。 69. progress【解析】句意:此外,注意你在运动中的进步,比如减肥,运动时间更长等等。 形容词性物主代词 your 后面用名词。根据第五段“Notice that you are better than before. It's great when your clothes fit better, you can lift heavier things or take exercise longer. There's something good too, like getting a good night's sleep or thinking more clearly”注意到你比之前更好了。当你的衣服更合身的时候,你可以举起更重的 东西或者锻炼更长时间。也有好的事情,比如睡个好觉或者思考得更清楚。可知此外,注意你在运动方面 的进步,比如减肥、锻炼更长时间等等。此处用名词 progress 表示“进步”。故答案为 progress。 70. by【解析】意:然后,每天增加步数。根据最后一段“Not everyone can start out with 10,000 steps a day. Use a pedometer, and find out your daily steps. And then, try your best to walk 300 extra steps each day. Finally, you can reach 10,000 steps a day”不是每个人都可以从每天 10000 步开始。使用计步器,记上你每天的步数。然后, 尽力每天多走 300 步。最后,你可以一天走 10000 步。可知然后,每天增加步数。你每天走一万步的目标 是可以实现的,此处用短语 day by day 表示“逐日,每天”。故答案为 by。 C(2020 •绥化市) The Monkey King or Sun Wukong is the main character from the famous Chinese story Journey to the West. He has excited the children of China for many years. He is wonderful because he helps weak people. The Monkey King has a magic stick. He uses it to fight bad people. He can make the stick big or small. He can sometimes make the stick so small that he can put it in his ear. When he sees bad people, he thinks of ways to fight them. He can turn himself into different animals and objects. But unless he can hide his tail,he can't make himself a human. Children all over the world love the Monkey King. 根据短文内容,结合生活实际完成下列各题。 86. 单词释义(请在文中找出与下面英文释义相符的单词) known by a lot of people ________________________________ 87. Do you want to have a magic stick like the Monkey King's? ________________________________. 88. What do you think of the Monkey King? I think he is________________________________.(答出两种即可) 【答案】86. famous 87. ①Yes, I do./Yes. ②No, I don't. / No. 88. brave and clever / smart/ kind/ helpful… 本文介绍了《西游记》里面孙悟空这个角色,他帮助弱势群体,用他的金箍棒去和坏人斗争,全世界的孩 子都喜欢孙悟空。 86. famous【解析】known by a lot of people 表示“许多人都知道”,与文中单词 famous“著名的”的词义相符, 所以空格处填 famous。故答案为 famous。 87. ①Yes, I do./Yes. ②No, I don't. / No.【解析】我也想有一个像孙悟空的那种的金箍棒,所以空格处填 Yes, I do./Yes。我不想有一个像孙悟空的那种的金箍棒,所以空格处填 No, I don't. / No。故答案为①Yes, I do./Yes。 ②No, I don't. / No。 88. brave and clever / smart/ kind/ helpful… 【解析】根据 he helps weak people“他帮助弱势群体”及 When he sees bad people, he thinks of ways to fight them“当他看到坏人时,他想出很多办法去与他们作斗争”,可知,孙悟空是勇敢的,聪明的,善良的和乐于 助人的,所以空格处填 brave and clever / smart/ kind/ helpful。故答案为 brave and clever / smart/ kind/ helpful。 D(2020 •镇江市) Friends bring joy and fun to our life. To most of us, it's always easy to make friends but hard to go on one more step closer to our friends. The tips below will help you. ● Be yourself with your friends Sometimes your friends may find out that your true personality is completely different from what they thought it was. In order not to make them lose trust in you, find some proper time to tell them what you really often do and like to do. And they may understand you. ● Get through the difficult times with small tricks People never know what kind of chocolate they are going to taste. It is true of life. When your friends taste the bad one, why not tell something funny about yourself, like "Am I like a round ball?" Hearing this, your friends may be happy again. The best friends may not always agree with each other and even have few words for days. Some small tricks like telling jokes or calling him or her nickname(绰号) may help you get along with your friends better. ● Find proper ways to communicate warmly There is no doubt that people like to communicate with their close friends as often as possible. Remember those special days in your friends' lives. Sometimes you book a table to help celebrate your friend's birthday, but when you call her, she tells you her birthday is not that day. Don't make it happen and remember the exact date. Having regular activities also provides good chances to meet and chat with your friends. Make sure your friends will come and have fun. 阅读以上信息,用恰当的单词完成下面的短文,每空一词。 If you want to build a stronger friendship, please read the following suggestions. First, remember to be honest and open with your friends, and let your friends know your habit and ___56___ . Second, life is full of ups and downs. When your friends are unhappy, you can tell something funny about the shape of your own ___57___ to cheer them up. You can play small tricks when your friends and you are not in ___58___ . Third, it's always meaningful to contact your friends often. Every important day in your friend's life counts. Make sure the date you remember is ___59___ your friend's important day. What's more, organize some activities and invite your friends join you. In a word, the tips above can ___60___ , and your friendship will last forever. 【答案】56. hobby/hobbies/interest(s)/likes 57. body 58. agreement 59. exactly 60. work 这是一篇说明文,文章主要讲述建立友谊的三点技巧和方法。 56. hobby/hobbies/interest(s)/likes 【解析】句意:第一,记得对你的朋友诚实和坦诚,让你的朋友知道你 的习惯和兴趣爱好。 根据 and 可知此处填名词与 habit 并列。根据“tell them what you really often do and like to do”告诉他们你经常 做的事情和喜欢做的事,可知此处用名词 hobby,或者 hobbies,或者 interests,或者 likes 表示“兴趣爱好”。 故答案为 hobby/hobbies/interest(s)/likes。 57. body【解析】句意:当你的朋友不开心的时候,你可以告诉他们一些关于你体型的有趣的事情,让他们 高兴起来。根据“When your friends taste the bad one, why not tell something funny about yourself, like ‘Am I like a round ball?’”可知此处在讲自己身体的体型像圆球一样,此处用名词 body。故答案为 body。 58. agreement【解析】句意:当你的朋友和你意见不一致的时候,你可以耍一些小把戏。 根据“The best friends may not always agree with each other and even have few words for days. Some small tricks like telling joke s or calling him or her nickname may help you get along with your friends better”最好的朋友不会 总是同意对方的观点,一些小的把戏可能帮助你和朋友相处的更好。此处用“not always agree with”的近义表 达“be not in agreement”表示“意见不一致”。故答案为 agreement。 59. exactly【解析】句意:确保你记得的日期是你朋友的重要日子。根据“Don't make it happen and remember the exact date”记住准确地日期,此处用副词 exactly。故答案为 exactly。 60. work【解析】句意:总而言之,上面这些技巧能起作用,你们的友谊会长存。 情态动词 can 后面用动词原形。根据第一段“The tips below will help you”这些技巧会帮助你,此处用不及物 动词 work 表示“起作用”。故答案为 work。 E(2020 •镇江市) 根据短文内容完成短文后的任务,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置。 Space vegetables are grown from seeds (种子). They have been taken to and brought back from outer space. The seeds are influenced by the radiation (辐射) and low gravity (重力) in outer space. When they are brought back to the earth, these seeds produce vegetables that are bigger, healthier and more nutritious (有营养的) than normal vegetables. People needn’t worry, because space vegetables are actually very healthy. Here are some facts that you should know about space vegetables: Space vegetables are grown from seeds (A)_________ are carefully chosen. After seeds are brought back from space, (C) they are tested to make sure that the vegetables they grow will be safe to eat. There are no traces (痕迹) of radiation after testing. Space vegetables are better for you than normal vegetables. (B) _________ example, space tomatoes stay fresh for twenty days, which is one week longer than normal tomatoes. After genetically modified (转基因) food came into the market, people worried that they were eating unknown things. Unlike genetically modified food, space vegetables have not been genetically changed. This means that no new genes (基因) are put into the vegetables. (D) So they won’t be bad for your health. 66. 在文中(A)和(B)的空白处分别填入适当的词:_________ _________ 67. 文中划线部分(C)指代的是: _________ 68. 将文中划线部分(D)改写为:So they won’t _________ _________ to your health. 69. 从文中找出两个能说明太空蔬菜特点的形容词:_________ _________ 70. 从文中找出能说明本文中心大意的单词或者短语:_________ 【答案】66. (1). which/that (2). For 67. seeds (from space) 68. (1). be (2). harmful 69. (1). bigger (2). healthier 70. Space (space) vegetables 【解析】 文章大意:本文主要讲了人们需要了解的一些关于太空蔬菜的事实。 66. (1). which/that (2). For 【解析】分析“Space vegetables are grown from seeds (A)_____ are carefully chosen.”的句子结构可知此处是 seeds 作先行词的定语从句,先行词指物,且在从句中作主语,用关 系词 which 或 that;“____ example”后的句子是举例说明太空蔬菜比我们平时吃的蔬菜更好,此处用 for example 表示“例如”,for 的首字母大写。故答案为 which/that; For。 67. seeds (from space) 【解析】根据画线词所在语境“After seeds are brought back from space, (C)they are tested to make sure that the vegetables they grow will be safe to eat.”可知被测试的是从太空带回了的种子,they 指代 上文中的来自太空的 seeds。故答案为 seeds (from space)。 68. (1). be (2). harmful 【解析】考查同义句转换。结合题干中“to your health”可推出原句中 be bad for 要替换为近义短语 be harmful to,表示“对……有害”。故答案为 be harmful。 69. (1). bigger (2). healthier 【解析】根据第 1 段中“When they are brought back to the earth, these seeds produce vegetables that are bigger, healthier and more nutritious than normal vegetables.”可知太空蔬菜比普通蔬 菜更大、更健康、更有营养。故答案为 bigger; healthier。 70. Space (space) vegetables【解析】结合全文内容可知本文主要讲的是太空蔬菜的一些相关事实,能说明本 文中心大意的短语是“space vegetables”。故答案为 Space (space) vegetables。 F(2020 •东营市) 阅读下面短文,根据要求完成下面各小题。 For years, it has been said that newspapers are at death’s door. Every year brings more news of closing. But why is the situation so terrible for newspapers? Newspapers have a long history. The first newspaper was printed in the 1600s. Their most successful period is in the early 20th century. With the appearance of radio and TV, however, newspaper circulation(发行量)began to fall. 3 By the mid-20th century, radio and TV had become so popular that people no longer had to depend on newspapers for news. That was especially true for breaking (突发的) news. Afternoon newspapers were the first to suffer (受损害). After work, more and more people turned on TV instead of opening a newspaper. That was because TV could provide news happening a short time ago. It’s true that newspapers couldn’t compete with TV on speed, but they could provide in-depth(深入详尽的)reports that TV news could not. But newspapers suffered another, heavier blow(打击)in the 1990s. With the appearance of the Internet, tons of information became free. Many newspaper readers realized that they could read news on the Internet. There seemed to be little reason to pay for a newspaper subscription (订阅). So what does the future hold? Will newspapers die? Maybe not. Many newspapers are now making changes. Some are going digital (数字的). Some are going farther and taking the industry to places it has never been to. After all, people still want the news. And many agree that newspapers are still an important source (来源) of in-depth news, analysis (分析) and opinions. 4 If newspapers disappear completely, there will be nothing to take their place. A. 根据短文内容简要回答问题。 61. What made the newspaper circulation fall? ________________________________________________________ 62. Will newspapers disappear? Why or why not? (选择一种情况作答) ____________________________________________________________ B. 将短文中划线的句子译成汉语。 63. ______________________________________________________ 64. ______________________________________________________ C.请给短文拟一个适当的英文标题。 65. ______________________________________________________ 【答案】61. The appearance of radio and TV. 62. No. Because many newspapers are now making changes. People still want newspapers to provide in-depth news, analysis and opinions. 63. 到 20 世纪中期,广播和电视变得如此流行以至于人们不再依赖报纸获取新闻。 64. 如果报纸完全消失了,将没有什么东西可以代替它们。 65. Are newspapers dying? 【解析】 这是一篇说明文,文章讲述随着广播和电视的出现,报纸的发行量下降,随着网络的出现,报纸受到了另 一个严重的打击,但是报纸仍然不会完全消失。 61. The appearance of radio and TV.【解析】根据第三段“With the appearance of radio and TV, however, newspaper circulation(发行量)began to fall” 随着广播和电视的出现,报纸的发行量开始下降。故答案为 The appearance of radio and TV. 62. No. Because many newspapers are now making changes. People still want newspapers to provide in-depth news, analysis and opinions. 【解析】回答一般疑问句用 yes 或 no 来回答。根据“Will newspapers die? Maybe not.” 可知报纸不会消失。根据最后一段“Many newspapers are now making changes. Some are going digital .Some are going farther and taking the industry to places it has never been to. After all, people still want the news. And many agree that newspapers are still an important source of in-depth news, analysis and opinions.”可知很多报纸正 在发生改变, 有些正走向数字化,有些公司走得更远,把这个行业带到了它从未到过的地方。人们仍然需 要报纸来提供深入详尽的新闻报道、分析和观点。故答案为 No. Because many newspapers are now making changes. People still want newspapers to provide in-depth news, analysis and opinions. 63. 到 20 世纪中期,广播和电视变得如此流行以至于人们不再依赖报纸获取新闻。 【解析】划线的句 子 “By the mid-20th century, radio and TV had become so popular that people no longer had to depend on newspapers for news”是 so…that…引导的结果状语从句。“By the mid-20th century”是时间状语,表示“到 20 世纪中期”。主语是“radio and TV” 广播和电视;谓语动词是“had become”已经变得;表语是“so popular” 。 从句的主语是 people;“no longer ”表示“不再”,动词“had to depend on”表示不得不依靠;宾语是“newspapers” 报纸;“for news”为了新闻。故答案为“到 20 世纪中期,广播和电视变得如此流行以至于人们不再依赖报纸 获取新闻。” 64. 如果报纸完全消失了,将没有什么东西可以代替它们。 【解析】划线的句子“If newspapers disappear completely, there will be nothing to take their place. ”是 if 引导的条件状语从句,从句的主语是 newspapers 报纸, 谓语动词“disappear ”表示消失;副词“completely”表示“完全”。主句是 there be 句型,表示“将没有什么东西”, “take their place”表示“代替它们”。故答案为“如果报纸完全消失了,将没有什么东西可以代替它们。” 65. Are newspapers dying?【解析】文章主要介绍了报纸的历史、兴衰、以及未来趋势,中心意思是在讨论报 纸是否会完全消失。标题可概括为 Are newspapers dying。故答案为 Are newspapers dying? G(2020 •青岛市) 阅读下面短文,完成下列小题。 To the Editor, I am writing as a member of One-on-One, the sixth-grade mentoring (指导)group. Our group is two years old and made up of 14 students. Our task is to help students reach their goals through mentoring. We hope the readers of this school newspaper will join our group. This is my first year as a mentor, but I have already learned that everyone taking part in mentoring gets something out of it. I was assigned (分配)to a mentor last year. Mentoring was one of the best things that happened to me. I was able to turn the corner at an important point in my studies, going from nearly failing math to passing it. It still amazes me that I completely changed from almost hating math to loving it! Would you believe I'm even thinking of studying math in college? Even if I don't, I have skills that I will use for the rest of my life. My own experience made me feel certain of becoming a mentor this year and helping other students like myself. Now that I am a mentor, I realize what a good feeling you get from helping someone else and knowing that you're making a difference in his or her life. In many situations, lasting friendships are made as well. My mentor and I hit it off right away. And we're still good friends today. Becoming a mentor is a serious commitment (承诺). Mentors spend one hour every week with the student they are mentoring. Considering your responsibilities, it may be difficult to add another commitment to your schedule. But I hope you will at least consider the possibility. Thank you for considering our invitation. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Mark Lopez 57. 将划线句子 Our task is to help students reach their goals through mentoring. 翻译成汉语 _______________________________________ 58. 参照示例,列举 Mark 在数学学习方面的两个转变。 ①pass the math exams ②_______________________________________ ③_______________________________________ 59. 从文中找出与"I became friends with my mentor as soon as we met. "句子意思相同或相近的句了。 _______________________________________ 60. 根据短文内容填空。每空一词。 Mark, one of the mentors, offered to write a letter to ask the ________ of the school newspaper to consider the possibility of ________ the mentoring group. 【答案】57. 我们的任务是通过指导帮助学生达到他们的目标。 58. (1). have the skills that he will use for the rest of life (2). think of studying math in college 59. My mentor and I hit it off right away. 60. (1). readers (2). joining 这是一封信,马克写信给编辑询问读者加入导师组的可能性,介绍了导师组的功能和作用。 57. 我们的任务是通过指导帮助学生达到他们的目标。【解析】划线的句子是陈述句,主语是 our task 我们 的任务;谓语 is 是;动词不定式 to help 做表语,表示“帮助”此处用 help sb. do 表示“帮助学生达到他们的目 标”,“through mentoring”是方式状语,表示“通过指导”。故答案为我们的任务是通过指导帮助学生达到他们 的目标。 58. (1). have the skills that he will use for the rest of life (2). think of studying math in college 【解析】根据例子此处用动词原形。根据“thinking of studying math in college”及“ I have skills that I will use for the rest of my life”可知马克在数学上的变化是想到大学学习数拥有了余生会使用的技能。故答案为 have the skills that he will use for the rest of life 和 think of studying math in college。 59. My mentor and I hit it off right away. 【解析】“I became friends with my mentor as soon as we met”表示 “我们一见面我就和导师成为朋友”意义相近的句子是“My mentor and I hit it off right away”我和我导师一见 如故,hit off 意为与某人相处得好。故答案为 My mentor and I hit it off right away. 60. (1). readers (2). joining【解析】句意:马克,我的导师之一,主动提供写信询问学校报纸的读者 考虑加入导师组的可能性。 定冠词 the 后面用名词;介词 of 后面用名词或动名词。根据第一段“We hope the readers of this school newspaper will join our group”以及倒数第二段“But 1 hope you will at least consider the possibility.”可知此处填名词 readers 表示“读者”和动名词 joining。故答案为 readers 和 joining。 A(2020 •内蒙古鄂尔多斯市东胜区中考一模) Cats are great hunters. Mice are often on their top five kill list. But sometimes, a cat will not kill the animal it catches. ① __________, the catch becomes kind of a toy or plaything. The first expression is “play cat and mice with someone”.The cat seizes a mouse. Then lets it go. Catches it. Lets it go. Over and over again! It is good fun for the cat but frightening for the poor mouse. So, if you play cat and mouse with someone, you play a power game with them. You, the person with the power, are the cat. Maybe you pretend to give the other person something they want but then take it away. You toy with them. Now, let's leave the game of cat and mouse and talk about playing in a different way. Let's imagine a classroom filled with young children. The teacher must leave the room for a couple of minutes. At first, everybody is well-behaved. ②But the longer the teacher is gone, the naughtier the class will be. It starts out slowly. Someone throws a piece of paper. A couple of students get up and walk around. Others start laughing loudly. Someone yells! Suddenly, all of the students are doing things they would never do with the teacher in the room. But you know what we say: When the cat's away, the mice will play! ③_____________ So, the teacher is the cat and the students are the mice. We often use this expression when talking about children and parents, employees and office supervisors and even people in committed relationships. 61. What’s on top of the kill list of cats? _____________________________________________ 62. 根据上下文在①处填入恰当的单词, 使句子意思完整。 _____________________________________________ 63. Translate the underlined sentence at ②into Chinese. _____________________________________________ 64. 在③处选入适当的选项。_______________________ A. This expression means that students should behave well whenever teachers are in the classroom or not. B. This expression means that people sometimes behave badly when no one is there to watch them. C. This expression means that some people act like mice when there are no cats around them. 65. “A child might offer something sweet to her little brother and then take it away when he reaches for it.” Which expression in the passage can be used to describe the situation? _______________________________________________ 【答案】61. Mice/ The mouse/ A mouse 62. However/Instead 63. 老师离开得越久,学生们越淘气。(意思相近均可得分) 64. B 65. Play cat and mouse with someone. 【解析】文章通过“猫捉老鼠”的游戏引出谚语“猫儿不在,鼠儿成精”,用来形容孩子与父母,员工与 老板之间的关系。 【61 题详解】 根据文中“Cats are great hunters. Mice are often on their top five kill list.”可知,老鼠通常是它们的杀手名单 上,故填 Mice/ The mouse/ A mouse。 【62 题详解】 根据文中“But sometimes, a cat will not kill the animal it catches.”与“the catch becomes kind of a toy or plaything.”可知,这里两句之间表达的是转折关系,表达的是“而是,相反”,英语可以用 however 或 instead 表达,故填 However/ Instead。 【63 题详解】 But 但是;the longer…the naughtier…越长(时间)……越淘气……; the teacher is gone 老师离开了;the class will be 班级将会;整理之后可以看出,这里含有一个形容词比较级的固定结构“the+比较级……,the+比较 级……”表示“越……就越……”,故翻译为:老师离开得越久,学生们越淘气。 【64 题详解】 根据后问的描述“So, the teacher is the cat and the students are the mice. We often use this expression when talking about children and parents, employees and office supervisors and even people in committed relationships.” 可知,此处说的是“如果没有人监督,人们就会犯懒就不认真”,选项 B 比较符合意思,故选 B。 【65 题详解】 根据文中“The first expression is “play cat and mice with someone”….Maybe you pretend to give the other person something they want but then take it away. You toy with them.”可知,这是描述“play cat and mice with someone”的,与题目中的描述一致,故填 Play cat and mouse with someone. B(2020 •山东省潍坊市安丘市中考三模英语试题) In the Middle Eastern country of Syria (叙利亚), there are over 4 million refugees (难民). Youssef was 10 years old when a local Syrian musician discovered his talent: a deep, powerful voice. (A) , Syria’s civil (内部的) war took place. He and his family lost their home. When the Action for Hope Music School announced that it was looking for talented children to train, his family encouraged him to attend the school. A year and half later, the now 14-year-old, Youssef, with another 11 children, was chosen to take part in a concert. Youssef, a shy boy, was a lead singer in the concert. He gave a confident performance of traditional Syrian songs. “We only heard the sound of a mortar (迫击炮). It fell near us. Many buildings fell down. That is all I remember,” said Youssef. “Music makes me forget everything. Music is the most important thing.” Basma, director of Action for Hope, said the music school offers strength to the children who suffer (遭受) from the war. They can find a good way to express themselves and stop thinking of themselves as refugees. “Art gives strength. It comes from the ability to create,” Basma said.(B) “People who are in difficult conditions need this strength much more than the rich.” 41. 在文中(A)空白处填入一个合适的单词,使句意表达完整。(A)_____________ 根据短文内容,回答 42、43 小题的问题。 42. What’s Youssef’s talent about music? ____________________________________________________ 43. How did the music school help the children in it. ____________________________________________________ 44. 请把文中(B)处划线句子翻译成汉语。 ____________________________________________________ 45. What’s the suitable title of the passage? (给短文拟一个适当的英语标题) ____________________________________________________ 【答案】41. However. 42. (Youssef/He has) a deep and powerful voice. 43. Offer strength to them, help/make them find a good way to express themselves and stop thinking of themselves as refugees .(表达部分意思即可赋分) 44. 处于困境中的人们比富人更需要这种力量. 45. Art gives strength / The strength of art (music). 【解析】 本文介绍了叙利亚男孩儿尤塞夫。在尤塞夫 10 岁时,叙利亚当地一位音乐家发现了他的音乐天赋才能。然 而由于叙利亚内战,他和家人失去了家园。当尤塞夫 14 岁的时候,他和另外 11 名孩子被选中参加一个希 望音乐学校的演唱会。音乐学校为遭受战争的孩子们提供了力量。他们可以找到一种表达自己的方法,不 再把自己看作难民。艺术赋予人力量,它来自于创造的能力,处境困难的人比富人更需要这种力量。 【41 题详解】 when a local Syrian musician discovered his talent 当叙利亚当地一位的音乐家发现了他的天赋时,和 Syria’s civil (内部的) war took place.叙利亚内战爆发了,这两句之间是转折关系,空后有一个逗号,所以用副词 however;故填 However。 【42 题详解】 根据 a local Syrian musician discovered his talent: a deep, powerful voice 叙利亚当地的一位音乐家发现了他的 天赋:深沉有力的声音;故答案是:(Youssef/He has) a deep and powerful voice. 【43 题详解】 根据 the music school offers strength to the children who suffer (遭受) from the war. They can find a good way to express themselves and stop thinking of themselves as refugees.音乐学校给了遭受战争的孩子力量,他们找到一 个表达自己的好方法,不再想自己是一个难民;故答案是:Offer strength to them, help/make them find a good way to express themselves and stop thinking of themselves as refugees . 【44 题详解】 根据 in difficult conditions 为固定短语“处于困境中”;strength 为名词“力量”;more than 为固定短语“超 过,多余”;the+形容词表示一类人,故 the rich 意为“富人”;故答案是:处于困境的人比富人更需要这 种力量。 【45 题详解】 根据短文主要介绍了尤塞夫和另外 11 名孩子被选中参加一个希望音乐学校的演唱会。学校为遭受战争的孩 子们提供了力量,他们可以找到一种表达自己的好方法,不再把自己看成难民,因此本文表达的主旨就是 艺术赋予人们力量。故答案是:Art gives strength / The strength of art (music)。 C(2020 •黑龙江省哈尔滨市松北区中考二模) On March 30, Yoshiro Mori, the head of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics Organizing Committee (委员会), said that the Summer Olympic Games in Japan would be held on July 24th according to the plan. However, it is changed to open on July 23rd next year due to COVID-19. Its mascot (吉祥物) called Miraitowa is a blue robot full of sense of future. The delay(推迟) of the 32nd Olympic Games in Tokyo, the first city in Asia to hold the Games, will cost "several hundred million dollars," said Thomas Bach, president of the International Olympic Committee. One main loss (损失) caused by the delay is tourism (旅游业), which is an in part for Japan. There are 7,800,000 tickets for the Olympics, many of which have all ready been sold. But because of the delay, many tourists may decide to cancel their trips. 69. 阅读短文 根据英文释义及首字母提示拼写单词。 c_______________ to make sth happen, lead to 70. 阅读短文 根据英文释义及首字母提示拼写单词。 t_______________ a person traveling for pleasure 71. 阅读短文完成同义句转换,每空一词。 However, it is changed to open on July 23rd next year due to COVID-19. However, it is changed to open on July 23rd next year _________ ________ COVID-19. 72. 根据短文 内容回答问题。Is Tokyo the first Asian city to hold the Games? ______________________________________________________________________ 73. 根据短文 内容回答问题。What color is its mascot? ________________________________________________________________________ 74. 根据短文 内容回答问题。How many million tickets are there for the Summer Olympic Games in Japan? ________________________________________________________________________ 【答案】69. cause 70. tourist 71. (1). because (2). of 72. Yes, it is. 73. Blue / It is blue. 74. 7. 8 million 【解析】 这是一篇新闻报道。因为新型冠状病毒,第三十二届东京奥运会将会推迟至 2021 年;日本因此损失较大, 尤其是旅游业损失颇大。 【69 题详解】 根据英文释义 to make sth happen, lead to 可知,这个动词的意思是“使发生,导致”,再结合首字母 c 提示 可知,这里填 cause(在最后一段第一句话中),故填 cause。 【70 题详解】 根据英文释义 a person traveling for pleasure 可知,这个名词的意思是“旅游者,观光者”,再结合首字母 t 提示可知,这里用名词 tourist(在最后一段最后一句话中),故填 tourist。 【71 题详解】 原句意:然而,由于新型冠状病毒,它改至明年 7 月 23 日开始。根据句意,改写的句子空格处缺少“由于、 因为”表原因的介词短语,初中英语教材中学过 because of,故填 because of。 【72 题详解】 根据第二段中“…the 32nd Olympic Games in Tokyo, the first city in Asia to hold the Games…”可知东京是第 一个举办奥运会的亚洲城市,故答案填 Yes, it is。 【73 题详解】 根据第二段第一句“Its mascot (吉祥物) called Miraitowa is a blue robot full of sense of future.”可知东京奥运 会的吉祥物是一个蓝色的机器人,故答案填 Blue 或者 It is blue。 【74 题详解】 根据最后一段中“There are 7,800,000 tickets for the Olympics, many of which have all ready been sold.”可知 东京奥运会有 780 万张票,故答案填 7. 8 million。 D(2020 •黑龙江省哈尔滨市松北区初中毕业学年调研测试英语试题(一) Dr. Zhong Nanshan was born in October 1936 in Nanjing. He is one of the famous medical scientists in the 21st century. He graduated from Beijing Medical College in 1960. In the first Chinese National Games, he got the championship(冠军) and set up a national record. In the spring of 2003, in the face of SARS in China and across the world, Zhong Nanshan not only led all the people in the country to fight against it. At that time no one really knew much about SARS and most people had no natural defenses(防护) against the disease. Dangerous as it was, he worked hard day and night treating the patients. Through their hard work for several months, he and his workmates achieved wonderful results. In 2004, Zhong Nanshan was regarded as one of the top ten people moving China. He has worked in the medical field for over 60 years. This year, he also took a risk to Wuhan to lead the whole country to fight against COVID-19. He made great contributions(贡献) to our China. He is popular among all the people in China. 任务 2:阅读短文(B),根据英文释义及首字母提示拼写单词。 n___69___being what happens in the world, not made by people a___70___to get or finish successfully 任务 3:阅读短文(B),完成同义句转换,每空一词。 Zhong Nanshan was regarded as one of the top ten people moving China . Zhong Nanshan was ___71___ ___72___ one of the top ten people moving China. 任务 4:根据短文(B)内容回答问题。 Where was Zhong Nanshan born? _____73_____. What did Zhong Nanshan set up in the first Chinese National Games?_____74_____. From the passage we know, did Zhong Nanshan lead the whole country to fight against both SARS and COVID-19?_____75_____. 【答案】69. natural 70. achieve 71. considered 72. as 73. In Nanjing 74. A national record 75. Yes 【解析】 文章大意:本文主要介绍了中国工程院钟南山院士在 2003 年抗击非典以及今年抗击新冠肺炎期间对中国作 出的巨大贡献。 【69 题详解】 being what happens in the world, not made by people 表示“发生在世界上的,而不是人为的”,也就是说 natural “自然的”。故答案为 natural。 【70 题详解】 to get or finish successfully 表示“成功地获得或完成”,也可以用 achieve“完成; 成功”表示。故答案为 achieve。 【71 题详解】 句意:钟南山被认为是感动中国十大人物之一。 be regarded as 表示“被认为……”,be considered as 表示“被认为”。两个短语意思相同,可以互换。故答案 为 considered。 【72 题详解】 句意:钟南山被认为是感动中国十大人物之一。 be regarded as 表示“被认为”,be considered as 也表示“被认为”。两个短语意思相同,可以互换。故答案为 as。 【73 题详解】 根据短文第一段 Dr. Zhong Nanshan was born in October 1936 in Nanjing.可知钟南山出生于南京。故答案为 In Nanjing。 【74 题详解】 根据短文第一段 In the first Chinese National Games, he got the championship and set up a national record.可知他 在全运会上创造了全国记录。故答案为 A national record。 【75 题详解】 根据短文第二段 In the spring of 2003, in the face of SARS in China and across the world, Zhong Nanshan not only led all the people in the country to fight against it.和短文第四段 This year, he also took a risk to Wuhan to lead the whole country to fight against COVID-19.可知钟南山院士在非典疫情期间和新冠肺炎疫情期间都带领 全国人民抗击疫情。故答案为 Yes。 E(2020 •山东省菏泽市曹县毕业班教学质量检测(二模)) 阅读下面短文,完成相关任务。 Students generally find it difficult to prepare for a speaking test because they have nobody to practise with or correct their mistakes. But that doesn't mean you can't test yourself. Whether you're taking an end-of-course test or an official(官方的)exam like PET or IELTS, there's one great tool you can use: your mobile phone. (A). Nearly every smart phone(智能手机)these days has an inbuilt recording feature(内置录音功能)which you can use to test your speaking skills. You can record yourself speaking, play the recording back, and correct your own mistakes. I practised this way in Italian. I chose some speaking questions from PET and did the exercise three times. The first time, I made a few grammar mistakes and didn't speak for long enough. The second time was a bit better, and the third time was nearly perfect. (B). All in all, I made a real improvement with my grammar, pronunciation and how long I spoke. Also, recording myself put me under the pressure(压力)I would experience during an important speaking test. Many students found this method useful. Nelia, from Brazil, said that she could hear her mistakes when she listened to her voice. She was mainly using the wrong verb tense and using prepositions incorrectly. When she tried the exercise a-gain, she got its right! Donghyeon, from South Korea, said that the exercise helped him to improve his English skills in general. 36. 根据短文内容回答问题。How to test your speaking skills with a smart phone? ___________________________ 37. 根据短文内容回答问题。Are the questions the writer chose from an end-of-course test or an official exam? ___________________________ 38. 将短文中 A 划线的句子译成汉语。 ___________________________ 39. 将短文中 B 划线的句子译成汉语。 ___________________________ 40. 请给短文拟一个适当的标题。 ___________________________ 【答案】36. You can record yourself speaking, play the recording back, and correct your own mistakes. 37. They are from an official exam. 38. 现在几乎每一部智能手机都有一个可以用来测试你的说话能力的内置录音功能。 39. 总而言之,我的语法、发音和说话时间长短都有了很大的进步。 40. How to prepare for a speaking test. 【解析】 文章主要介绍了怎样准备口语考试,作者是如何提高口语水平的,坚持用录音录下发音并纠正。 【36 题详解】 根据文中 Nearly every smartphone these days has an inbuilt recording feature (内置录音功能) which you can use to test your speaking skills. You can record yourself speaking, play the recording back, and correct your own mistakes. 现在几乎每个智能手机都有内置录音功能(内置录音功能),可以用来测试你的说话能力。你可以 录下自己的讲话,播放录音,纠正自己的错误。可知,故答案为 You can record yourself speaking, play the recording back, and correct your own mistakes. 【37 题详解】 根据文中 Whether you’re taking an end-of-course test or an official (官方的) exam like PET or IELTS,可知,剑桥 英语考试和雅思考试都是官方考试,再根据“ I chose some speaking questions from PET and did the exercise three times.”可知作者选择的问题是来自 PET,属于官方考试,故答案为 They are from an official exam. 【38 题详解】 Nearly 几乎;every 每一个;smart phone 智能手机;these days 这些天;has 有,动词三单;an 一个;inbuilt recording feature 内置录音功能;which 引导定语从句的关系词,在从句中做宾语;you 你,人称代词主格,做主语; can 能够;use 使用;test 测试;your 你的,形容词性物主代词;speaking skills 说话技巧;整理之后可以看 出,这里表达的是“几乎每一部手机都有一个内置录音功能,这个能用来检测你的说话能力”,故答案为: 现在几乎每一部智能手机都有一个可以用来测试你的说话能力的内置录音功能。 【39 题详解】 All in all 总而言之;I 我,人称代词主格,在句中做主语;made 做;a 一个,不定冠词;real 真正的;improvement 提高;with my grammar 我的语法;pronunciation 发音;and 和;how long 多长;I 我,人称代词主格;spoke 说;整理之后可以看出,这里表达的是“总之,我有提升在我的语法、发音和说话时长上”,故答案为: 总而言之,我的语法、发音和说话时间长短都有了很大的进步。 【40 题详解】 根据整个文章的理解可知,标题一般要表现文章的主旨大意,作者主要介绍了怎样准备口语考试,自己是 如何提高口语水平的,坚持用录音录下发音并纠正。所以文章的题目可以 How to prepare for a speaking test. 故答案为 How to prepare for a speaking test.查看更多