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第 17 课时 Units 5— 6( 九全 ) 第一篇 教材考点梳理 基础检测清单 词汇识记 1.       ( n. ) 筷子   2.      ( n. ) 硬币   3.      ( n. ) 餐叉 ; 叉子   4.      ( n. )( 女式 ) 短上衣 ; 衬衫   5.     ( n. ) 银 ; 银器 ( adj. ) 银色的 6.      ( n. ) 玻璃   7.      ( n. ) 棉 ; 棉花   8.      ( n. ) 钢 ; 钢铁   9.      ( n. ) 草 ; 草地   10.      ( n. ) 叶 ; 叶子   11.       ( v. ) 生产 ; 制造 ; 出产   12.      ( adv. ) 广泛地 ; 普遍地   13.       ( v. ) 加工 ; 处理 ( n. ) 过程   14.      ( adj. ) 本地的 ; 当地的   chopstick coin fork silver glass cotton steel leaf produce widely grass blouse local process 词汇识记 15.      ( v. ) 避免 ; 回避   16.       ( n. ) 小手提包   17.       ( adj. ) 可移动的 ; 非固定的 18.       ( n. ) 材料 ; 原料   19.       ( adj. ) 国际的   20.       ( n. ) 项目 ; 工程   21.       ( v. ) 提到 ; 说到   22.       ( v. ) 保持不变 ; 剩余   23.      ( v. ) 做买卖 ; 从事贸易   ( n. ) 贸易 ; 交易 24.       ( v. ) 翻译   25.       ( n. ) 地震   26.       ( n. ) 顾客 ; 客户   27.       ( adv. ) 几乎   28.      ( n. ) 英雄 ; 男主角   avoid mobile material international project remain trade hero nearly handbag translate mention earthquake customer 词汇识记 29.       以 …… 闻名   30.       不论 ; 无论   31.       由 …… 制成 32.       手工   33.       有道理   34.       偶然 ; 意外地   35.       发生 ; 出现   36.       毫无疑问 ; 的确   37.       突然 ; 猛地   38.       错误地 ; 无意中   39.       把 …… 分开   40.       不但 …… 而且 ……   41.       钦佩 ; 仰慕   42.       梦想   be known/famous for no matter by hand have a point without doubt all of a sudden by mistake by accident be made of/from divide … into look up to not only … but also … take place dream of 词汇拓展 · 名词 1.leaf →      ( 复数 )  2.day →      ( adj. ) 每日的 *daily life 日常生活 3.nation →       ( adj. ) 国家的 →       ( n. ) 国籍   →       ( adj. ) 国际的 4.profession →       ( adj. ) 专业的 5.Canada →       ( adj. ) 加拿大 ( 人 ) 的 6.France →      ( adj. ) 法   国 ( 人 ) 的 7.accident →       ( adj. ) 偶然的 →       ( adv. ) 意外地 *traffic accidents 交通事故 *accidental inventions 意外发明 leaves daily Canadian French professional national nationality international accidental accidentally 词 汇 拓 展 8.music →       ( adj. ) 音乐的 →       ( n. ) 音乐家 9.environment  →    ( adj. ) 有关环境的 *environmental protection 环境保护 10.hero →      ( 复数 )  11.trade →      ( n. ) 商人 12.pleasure →       ( adj. ) 令人愉快的   →       ( adj. ) 高兴的 ; 满意的 →      ( v. ) 使满意   *much pleasure 许多快乐 *my pleasure 不用谢 *with pleasure 乐意效劳 *a pleasant trip 一次令人愉快的旅行 musical musician environmental heroes trader pleasant pleased please 词 汇 拓 展 *be pleased with … 对 …… 感到满意 / 高兴 · 形容词 13.local →      ( adv. ) 本地地 14.sudden →       ( adv. ) 突然地 *all of a sudden 突然 ; 猛地 15.popular →       ( n. ) 流行   16.hot →      ( n.& v. ) 热   量 ; 加热 · 动词 17.produce →       ( n. ) 产品   →       ( n. ) 生产   →        ( n. ) 生产商 ; 制造商 18.translate →       ( n. ) 翻译   →       ( n. ) 翻译家   locally suddenly translator popularity heat producer product production translation 词 汇 拓 展 19.boil →       ( adj. ) 炽热的   →      ( adj. ) 煮沸的   20.rule →      ( n. ) 统治者   *follow the rules 遵守规则 *break the rules 打破规则 boiling boiled ruler 英汉互译 · A 组 1. 看起来全世界很多人喝中国茶。   2. 他发现当地商店中如此多的产品是在中国制造的 , 这很有趣。     It seems that many people all over the world drink Chinese tea. He found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in China. 英汉互译 3. 然而 , 他希望将来中国也更加擅长制造人们在世界各地都能够买到的高科技产品。       4. 当处于困境中时 , 他把它们放出去去寻求帮助。   He sent out them to ask for help when in trouble. However, he hopes that in the future China will also get better at making high-technology products that people can buy in all parts of the world. 英汉互译 · B 组 5. 这些明星鼓励年轻人努力工作来实现他们的梦想。     6. 需要花费好几周的时间来完成所有事情。   7. 据说有一位叫神农的中国统治者最早发现了茶可以饮用。     These stars encourage young people to work hard to achieve their dreams. It takes several weeks to complete everything. It's said that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first to discover tea as a drink. 英汉互译 8. 同时 , 他们需要阻止竞争对手把球投进他们自己的篮筐内。     9.In England, tea didn't appear until around 1660, but in less than 100 years, it had become the national drink.       在英格兰 , 茶直到大约 1660 年才出现 , 但是不到 100 年 , 它就变成了国家级 的饮料。 At the same time, they need to stop the competing team from getting the ball into their own basket. 英汉互译 10.During the Spring Festival, they are put on windows, doors and walls as symbols of wishes for good luck and a happy new year.       在春节期间 , 它们被贴在窗户、门和墙上 , 作为希望获得好运和幸福新年 的象征。 语法链接 1. 一般现在时的被动语态 :am/is/are+ 过去分词。 [ 详见 P110, 专题 ( 八 )] 2. 一般过去时的被动语态 :was/were+ 过去分词。 [ 详见 P110, 专题 ( 八 )] ❶ avoid   v. 避免 ; 回避 avoid 后可接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。 Try to avoid accidents. 尽量避免发生事故。 I think she is avoiding me. 我想她是在躲着我。 He avoided answering my questions. 他对我的问题避而不答。 【 题 1 】 (1) — When you do the paper, you must be more careful and      the same mistake.  — OK, I will. A.plan B.follow C.avoid (2)Several cities have made the most strict traffic rules to avoid      accidents.  A.cause B.causing C.to cause C B ❷ doubt   n. 疑惑 ; 疑问 v. 怀疑 【 题 2 】 (1)I don't doubt      she's telling the truth.  A.if B.whether C.that (2)Try and do it now if you have any      .  A.doubt B.answer C.exercise C A ❸ alive/living/live/lively 词条及含义 功能 示例 alive( 活着的 ) 表语 / 后置定语 the man alive living( 活着的 ) 表语 / 前置定语 the living things live( 活的 ; 直播的 ) 前置定语 ( 一般指物 ) a live fish lively( 生气勃勃的 ) 表语 / 前置定语 a lively story 【 题 3 】 (1) Voice of China is a weekly music programme covered      every Friday.  A.lively B.living C.live (2)He is badly ill and is kept      by a feeding tube( 管子 ).  A.lively B.living C.alive C C ❹ some time/sometimes/some times/sometime 词条 用法 some time 表示“一段时间” , 常常与延续性动词连用 , 对它提问常用 how long sometimes 表示“有时” , 表示动作发生的频率 , 多用于一般现在时 , 它可以位于句首、句中或句末 , 对它提问常用 how often some times 表示“几次 , 几倍” , 其中的 time 是可数名词 , 对它提问常用 how many times sometime 表示“某时” , 表示某个不确切或不具体的时间 , 常用于一般过去时或一般将来时 , 对它提问常用 when 【 助记 】 分开一段时间“ some time ” , 相聚某个时间“ sometime ” , 分开 s 是倍次“ some times ” , 相聚 s 是有时“ sometimes ”。 【 题 4 】 用 sometime, sometimes, some time 或 some times 填空 (1)       an advertisement can lead you to buy something you don't need at all. So you have to be careful.  (2)When the summer vacation comes, most people like to take a vacation       in July or August.  (3)They said they would stay there for       .  (4) — How many times have you been to Beijing? —       .  Sometimes sometime some time Some times ❺ It is+ 过去分词 + that … (1) “ It is said that …” 意为“据说 …… / 人们说 ……” , 其中 it 为形式主语 ,that 引导的从句是真正的主语。 (2) “ It is+ 过去分词 +that …” 句型归纳 : It is believed that … 人们相信 …… It is hoped that … 人们希望 …… It is well-known that … 众所周知 …… It is reported that … 据报道 …… It is thought that … 人们认为 …… It is suggested that … 人们建议 …… 【 题 5 】 (1) 据报道 , 下个月长沙将会有一场演唱会。   (2)It is      that there will be less pollution in the future.  A.hope B.hoped C.hoping It is reported that there will be a concert in Changsha next month. B Ⅰ. 语法填空 1. Books for children should be written in a      style.  A.living B.alive C.lively 2.      was believed that we would win the match, but we made all the fans disappointed.   A.It B.That C.This C A 3. Our classroom     by students every afternoon.  A.is cleaned B.was cleaned C.cleans [ 答案 ]A   [ 解析 ] 考查动词的被动语态。根据句中的“ every afternoon ” , 可知该题是一般现在时 ; 其次 classroom 与 clean 之间是被动关系 , 因此本题是一般现在时的被动语态。故选 A 。 4. The boy is very careful and he always tries to avoid      mistakes in the exams.  A.making B.to make C.makes 5. —      you do, you should try your best.  — Thank you.I think I will. A.Whatever B.However C.Whenever A A Ⅱ. 中英互译 1. 无论发生什么 , 我都不会改变主意。   2. 毫无疑问 , 中国人最了解茶文化。   3. 在过去的十年里 , 我的家乡发生了很大的变化。       No matter what/Whatever happens, I will never change my mind. Without doubt, Chinese people know about the tea culture best. Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past 10 years. 4. I find it relaxing to lie on a sofa.   5. We are divided into eight groups in English class.   我发现躺在沙发上很放松。 在英语课上 , 我们被分成了八组。 第一节 短文朗读 (80 词左右 )(6 分 )    Spring Festival is the most important traditional holiday in China. It usually comes in January or February. It usually lasts for 15 days. Days before the festival, people clean their houses. They think cleaning sweeps any bad luck. On the eve of the festival, family members get together and have big meals. Then they watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV. At midnight, they set off fireworks and eat dumplings to welcome the New Year. During the festival, kids get lucky money from old people. People visit their relatives and friends. They wish each a happy year and good luck. 第二节 情景反应 ( 共 4 小题 )(8 分 ) 情景提示 :Mary 是澳大利亚人 , 她很喜欢中国。暑假快到了 , 她打算跟父母一起去北京旅游。他们打算 8 月 1 日出发 , 并在北京呆 10 天。他们想参观故宫和长 城 , 而且想吃有名的北京烤鸭。 1. Does Mary come from America?(2 分 )   2. Where is she going on her summer vacation?(2 分 )   No, she doesn't. Beijing. 3. How long will Mary and her parents stay in Beijing?(2 分 )   4. What do you they want to eat there?(2 分 )   Beijing Duck. For ten days. 第三节 口头表达 (6 分 ) 要点提示 : 1. 上个星期天是母亲节。 2. 我买了一件红色的毛衣送给妈妈。 3. 那件毛衣是棉制的 , 很暖和。 4. 它花了我 150 元。 5. 妈妈很喜欢它。        It was Mother's Day last Sunday. I bought a red sweater for my mother. It's made of cotton and looks beautiful. I think it will keep my mother warm. And it is not expensive. It cost me 150 yuan . My mom likes it very much. I feel so happy.

