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初中英语:阅读理解 (78)‎ ‎ Mr. Evans lives in a city. He was a math 1 three years ago. He taught well and his students 2 him. So he decided to work in the middle school all his life. But an accident 3 everything. ‎ ‎ One spring he took his class to 4 a place of interest. The children saw a lot of 5 things and had a good time there. But on their way to school, their 6 hit by a truck because the young driver was drink. Five students 7 and more than half of the children were badly __‎8 in the accident. He didn’t know how it had happened and was __9 it and after he came out of hospital, he left the school and became a __10 . He tried his best to stop the drivers breaking the traffic rules. He worked hard and was strict with the drivers. So they are afraid of him.‎ ‎ One afternoon it was very hot. Mr. Evans was 11 . He was standing at the crossing and watching the traffic. Suddenly he saw a __12_ rushing towards the crossing. It ran so fast that it almost hit a man __‎13 a bike. He stopped it at once and saw a girl in it. “ 14 your licence to me, madam,” said Mr. Evans. ‎ ‎ The girl passed her bag on to him and said, “Please look for it in it 15 . I can’t see anything without glasses.”‎ ‎1. A. worker B. teacher C. doctor D. farmer ‎2. A. liked B. wished C. helped D. answered ‎3. A. beat B. won C. lost D. changed ‎4. A. build B. break C. visit D. find ‎5. A. pleasure B. dangerous C .safe D. interesting ‎6. A. bus B. train C. car D. ship ‎7. A. left B. lived C. died D. fell ‎8. A. hot B. hurt C. touched D. stopped ‎9. A. sad about B. afraid of C .worried about D .pleased with ‎10. A. soldier B. policeman C. bookseller D. cleaner ‎11. A. in the horne B. at home C .on duty D. in the office ‎12. A .runner B. policeman C. player D. car ‎ ‎ ‎13. A. riding B. selling C. buying D. making ‎14. A. Throw B. Show C. Lend D. Write ‎15. A. you B. I C . yourself D. myself 名师点评 这篇短文讲的是一位老师在带学生参观的途中,由于司机酒后驾驶出了事故,造成五位学生死亡。他决心离开学校当警察,查处违规司机。‎ 答案简析 ‎1. B。上文说:他教得好。推断:他是个老师。‎ ‎2. A。从上句推断:他教得好,学生当然喜欢他。‎ ‎3. D。从下文发生的交通事故使他不做老师改当警察来推断,故选change。‎ ‎4. C。他带学生参观。‎ ‎5. D。下文说:他们玩得痛快。推断:看到许多有趣的事。‎ ‎6. A。car 学生们外出参观坐bus。‎ ‎7. C。车祸中五名学生死了。‎ ‎8. B。车祸中半数学生受伤。‎ ‎9. A。事故大,老师当然难过。‎ ‎10. B。老师深恶痛绝司机的违章,故离开学校,当了警察。‎ ‎11. C。这天埃文斯当班。‎ ‎12. D。从上下文判断,这是一辆轿车。‎ ‎13. A。这里谈到的交通。‎ ‎14. B。埃文斯要看她的驾驶证。‎ ‎15. C。那女司机要他自己看。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

