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第 7 课时 Units 4—6( 八上 ) 第一篇 教材考点梳理 基础检测清单 词汇识记 1.       ( n. ) 戏院 ; 剧场   2.      ( n. ) 票 ; 入场券   3.       ( n. ) 记者   4.      ( adj. ) 新鲜的 ; 清新的   5.      ( n. ) 菜单   6.      ( n. ) 奖 ; 奖品 ; 奖金   7.      ( n. ) 新闻节目 ; 新闻   8.      ( v. ) 忍受 ; 站立   9.       ( v. ) 发生 ; 出现   10.      ( v. ) 预料 ; 期待   11.      ( n. ) 文化 ; 文明   12.      ( adj. ) 著名的 ; 出名的   13.      ( adj. ) 主要的   14.      ( n. ) 原因 ; 理由   theater ticket reporter fresh menu prize stand expect culture famous main reason news happen 词汇识记 15.      ( adj. ) 简单的 ; 易做的   16.      ( n. ) 厨师 ( v. ) 烹饪 ; 煮   17.       ( n. ) 工程师   18.       ( n. ) 科学家   19.       ( n. ) 学院 ; 大学   20.      ( n. ) 文章 ; 论文   21.       ( adj. ) 外国的 22.       ( v. ) 怀疑 ; 提问   23.       ( v. ) 改进 ; 改善   24.       ( n. ) 承诺 ( v. ) 许诺   25.      ( n. ) 业余爱好   26.       ( n. ) 学校作业 ; 功课   27.       有相同特征   28.      到目前为止 ; 迄今为止 simple cook engineer scientist college article question improve promise schoolwork have … in common so far foreign hobby 词汇识记 29.       发挥作用 ; 有影响   30.       装扮 ; 乔装打扮   31.       查明 ; 弄清   32.       干得好   33.       代替 ; 替换   34.       长大 ; 成熟 ; 成长 35.       ( 尤指为消遣 ) 学着做 36.       编造 ( 故事 , 谎言等 ) 37.       确保 ; 查明   38.       各种各样的   39.       写下 ; 记录下   40.       准备好 ( 做某事 )  play a role dress up do a good job take sb.'s place take up make up make sure all kinds of write down grow up find out be ready to 词汇拓展 · 名词 1.magic →       ( n. ) 魔术师   →       ( adj. ) 有魔力的 2.success →       ( adj. )  →       ( adv. )  →      ( v. )  3.piano →      ( 复数 )  →       ( n. ) 钢琴家   4.violin →       ( n. ) 小提 琴家 5.week →      ( adj. ) 每周的 6.comedy →       ( 复数 )  7.culture →       ( adj. ) 文 化的   magician magical successful successfully pianos pianist violinist weekly comedies cultural succeed 词 汇 拓 展 · 形容词 8.comfortable →       ( adv. ) 舒服地   →       ( adj. ) 不舒服的 →       ( n. ) 舒服   9.simple →      ( adv. ) 仅仅   →       ( v. ) 使简化   10.able →       ( n. ) 能力 →       ( adj. ) 丧失能力的 11.serious →       ( adv. ) 严重地 ; 严肃地 12.bad →      ( 比较级 )  →      ( 最高级 )  13.foreign →       ( n. ) 外国人 comfortably comfort uncomfortable simply simplify seriously worse worst ability foreigner disabled 词 汇 拓 展 · 动词 14.choose →      ( n. ) 选择   →      ( 过去式 )  →       ( 过去分词 )  *choose to do sth. 选择做某事 *have no choice but to do sth. 除了做某事别无选择 *make a choice 做出选择 15.create →       ( adj. ) 有创造性的   →      ( n. ) 创造性   →       ( n. ) 创造   16.perform →       ( n. ) 表演者 ; 演员   →       ( n. ) 表演   *put on performances 表演 choice chose chosen creative creativity creation performer performance 词 汇 拓 展 17.educate →       ( n. ) 教育   →       ( adj. ) 有教育意义的   →       ( n. ) 教育工作者 →      ( adj. ) 受过教育的 18.discuss →       ( n. ) 讨论     19.agree →       ( v. ) 不同意   →       ( n. ) 同意   20.begin →      ( 过去式 )  →      ( 过去分词 )  →       ( n. ) 开始   *begin with … 以 …… 开始 *at the beginning of … 在 …… 开始时 21.appear →       ( v. ) 消失   →       ( n. ) 出现   education educational educator began educated begun beginning appearance agreement discussion disagree disappear 词 汇 拓 展 22.serve →       ( n. ) 接待 ; 服务 →       ( n. ) 仆人   23.mean →       ( n. ) 含义 ; 意思 →       ( adj. ) 有意义的   →       ( adj. ) 毫无意义的   24.send →      ( 过去式 )  →      ( 过去分词 )  25.become →       ( 过去式 )  →       ( 过去分词 )  26.crowd →       ( adj. )  *be crowded with sb./sth. 充满某人 / 物 *a crowd of … 一群 …… *crowd into 涌入 ; 挤入 *crowd out 挤出 service servant meaning become meaningless became crowded meaningful sent sent 英汉互译 · A 组 1. 哪家电影院最好 ?   2. 才艺表演变得越来越受欢迎。    3. “你认为访谈节目怎么样 ? ”“很好。我不介意。” —                     talk shows?  — They're OK.             them.  4. 因为我希望能弄清楚世界各地正在发生什么事情。     What is the best movie theater? Talent shows are getting more and more popular. I don't mind What do you think of Because I hope to find out what's going on around the world. 英汉互译 · B 组 5. 在 20 世纪 30 年代 , 他用米老鼠制作了 87 部卡通片。     6. 然而 , 他总是准备好去尽其所能。     7. 我打算学习计算机科学。     In the 1930s, he made 87 cartoons with Mickey. However, he was always ready to try his best. I'm going to study computer science. 英汉互译 8. 长大后你打算做什么 ?   9. “你打算怎样成为一名作家 ? ” “我打算不停地写故事。” —     —     10.Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep.   What do you want to be when you grow up? How are you going to become a writer? I'm going to keep on writing stories. 有时候这些决定可能会太难而无法实现。 语法链接 1. 一般将来时。 [ 详见 P109, 专题 ( 八 )]   2 . 不定式作宾语。 [ 详见 P121, 专题 ( 十 )] 3. 形容词、副词最高级的用法。 [ 详见 P106, 专题 ( 七 )] ❶ close   adj. ( 在空间、时间上 ) 接近 close 还可作动词 , 意为“关闭” ;closed 作形容词 , 意为“关闭的 ; 停业的”。 【 归纳拓展 】 (1)close 作形容词 , 意为“紧密的 ; 接近” ;close 还可作副词 , 意为“靠近 ; 紧挨着” , 反义词为 far 。 (2)be close to sb. 与某人亲密  be close to sp. 离某地近 get close to nature 亲近自然 【 题 1 】 (1)The little boy sat      to his father and listened      with great interest.  A.close; close      B.closely; close C.close; closely (2)Some of the tired students keep their eyes      (close) at break.  (3)The old library will      (close) soon unless people give some money to support it.  C closed close ❷ expect   v. 预料 ; 期待 【 归纳拓展 】 expectation n. 期待 【 题 2 】 (1)What do you expect      from sitcoms?  A.learn B.learning C.to learn (2)I don't expect      anything enjoyable at all.  A.to see B.see C.seeing (3) — Those who went to the dance last weekend were almost young people. — Well, it‘s not out of my       (expect).  C expectation A ❸ famous adj. 著名的 ; 出名的 (=known) (1)be famous/known for 意为“因 …… 而出名” , 后接表示原因或贡献等的名词 ; (2)be famous/known as 意为“作为 …… 而出名” , 后接表示职业或身份等的名词 ; (3)be famous/known to 意为“为 …… 所熟知” , 后接表示范围等的名词。 【 题 3 】 中国以其悠久的历史而闻名。   China is famous for its long history. ❹ happen/take place 词条 用法 共同点 happen (1) 强调“发生”的偶然性、意外性 , 结果往往给人带来麻烦或不幸 (2)happen to do sth . 碰巧 做某事 (3)sth. happen(s) to sb. 某人出了什么事情 (1) 不能用于被动语态 (2) 都是非延续性动词 , 都不能与表示时间段的时间状语 连用 take place 指必然发生或有计划、有组织地在安排之内“举行” , 强调“发生”的必然性 【 题 4 】 The celebration ceremony will      in September. Many students want to be volunteers.  A.take place B.happen C.take action A ❺ give/offer/provide/supply 词条 用法 固定搭配 give 强调给出或因需要而给予 give sb. sth .= give sth. to sb. offer 强调主动提供 offer sb. sth .= offer sth. to sb. provide 强调通过储存或准备的方式 , 在需要时提供所需物品 provide sb. with sth. =provide sth. for sb. supply 强调供给 ( 量 ) 、物资或存货 supply sb. with sth . = supply sth. to sb. 【 题 5 】 (1) — You look so happy. — A big company      me a very good job. I decide to accept it.  A.provided B.supplied C.offered (2) — What great advice you've      me! Thank you very much.  — My pleasure. A.given B.supplied C.provided C A ❻ information/news/message 词条 含义 用法 information 消息 ; 信息 不可数 名词 指在阅读、谈话中特别关注的消息、资料等 news 新闻 不可数 名词 指通过新闻媒体发布的最新消息 , 强调“新” message 音信 ; 留言 可数名词 一般指口头传递或书写的“消息”。常见搭配 :leave/take a message 【 题 6 】 用 information, news 或 message 填空 (1)Would you like to leave a       for her?  (2) — The students in our school did a good job in the National High School Academic Debate&Speech and Tournament. — What exciting      it is!  (3)If you don‘t know how to go to Fantawild Adventure, you can call 223-2300 to get       .  message news information ❼ — What do you think of talk shows? 你认为访谈节目怎么样 ? — They're OK. I don't mind them. 很好。我不介意。 “ What do you think of+ 名词 / 代词 / v .-ing 形式 ? ”意为“你认为 …… 怎么 样 ? ”用来询问对方的看法或意见。类似的表达 : 其肯定回答为“ It's wonderful./I love them/it. ”等 ; 其否定回答为“ It's boring./I can't stand them/it. ”等。 【 注意 】 (1)mind 还可作名词 , 意为“思想 ; 想法 ; 头脑 ; 心智”。 (2) 常用的固定搭配 : change one's mind 改变主意 make up one's mind to do sth. 下定决心做某事 keep … in mind 牢记 …… come into one's mind 浮现在脑海 【 题 7 】 (1) 你介意和其他人分享你的苹果吗 ?   (2) — Would you mind my sitting here? —      . Go ahead.  A.You'd better not   B.Not at all   C.I hope so (3)Would you mind       (move) a little to leave me more room?   Would you mind sharing your apple with others? B moving ❽ too … to … (1)too … to … 意为“太 …… 而不能 ……” ,too 后接形容词或副词原级。 (2) “ too … to …” 表示否定意义时 , 可与“ so … that …” 和“ not … enough to do ”结构相互转换。 【 题 8 】 The house is      expensive for me      afford.  A.so; that B.such; that C.too; to C ❾ 询问职业的句型 (1)What do/does+sb.+do? 某人是做什么的 ? (2)What+be+sb.? 某人是 ( 做 ) 什么 ( 的 )? (3)What is one's job? 某人的工作是什么 ? — What does your uncle do?/What is your uncle?/What's your uncle's job? 你叔叔是做什么的 ? — He is a driver. 他是一名司机。 【 归纳拓展 】 上述三个句型的答语 :sb.+be+ 冠词 + 表示职业的名词 【 题 9 】 (1) 你妈妈之前是做什么工作的 ?     (2) —      did Lucy do after she came back from Paris?  — She became a teacher and worked in a middle school. A.Who B.What C.Which B What did your mother do?/What was your mother?/What was your mother's job? Ⅰ. 语法填空 1. — Hello, Mr. Read! — Hello! I'm calling to tell the good      that Helen has won the singing competition.   A.information B.message C.news 2. He is      young      dress himself.  A.so;that B.enough;to C.too;to C C 3. — What do you think of the movie that you saw last night? —      . It just made me scared.  A.I can't stand it      B.I agree with you C.I don't think so 4. The supermarket      people      fresh vegetables and fruit.  A.provides; for B.offers; to C.provides; with A C 5. — Would you mind opening the window? —      .I'll do it right away.   A.Forget it      B.Of course not C.Go ahead B Ⅱ. 中英互译 1. 确保远离无意义的网络游戏。   2. 范利群代替他的堂哥参加婚礼。   3. 珍妮打算坚持锻炼。   Make sure to keep away from the meaningless Internet games. Fan Liqun took his cousin's place to attend the wedding. Jenny is going to keep on exercising. 4. The headmaster promised to help solve poor students' living problems.   5. Not everyone knows what they want to be.   校长承诺帮助解决贫困学生的生活问题。 不是每个人都知道他们想当什么。 第一节 短文朗读 (80 词左右 )(6 分 )    This is a diagram of our school. It is 400 meters long and 200 meters wide. Many trees are planted around the school. The school gate faces the south. Our teaching building stands in the middle of our school. The teachers' offices are on the second floor. There is a garden in front of the teaching building. On the left of the garden is our lab and our library is on the right of the garden. There is a large playground behind the teaching building.    Welcome to visit our school. 第二节 情景反应 ( 共 4 小题 )(8 分 ) 情景提示 : 杰克和汤姆是同班同学。杰克想成为一个工程师 , 他对数学和科学最感兴趣。汤姆擅长音乐 , 他想成为一名钢琴家。两个人都非常努力想要实现自己的梦想。 1. Is Jack Tom's brother?(2 分 )   2. What is Jack interested in?(2 分 )   No, he isn't. He is interested in math and science. 3. What does Tom want to be?(2 分 )   4. How can Jack and Tom make their dreams come true?(2 分 )   By working hard. A pianist. 第三节 口头表达 (6 分 ) 要点提示 : 1. 我们学校有三个年级 , 每个年级有 20 个班。 2. 大约有 3600 个学生和 300 个老师在这里学习和工作。 3. 我们有许多科目 , 比如数学 , 英语 , 语文等。 4. 学校有很多活动 , 比如体育节 , 艺术节等。          There are three grades in our school, and each grade has 20 classes. About 3,600 students and 300 teachers study and work here. There're many subjects, such as math, English and Chinese. And there're many activities in our school, such as the sports meeting and the art festival.

