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顺义区2015届初三第二次统一练习 英 语 试 卷 知识运用(共25分) ‎ 四、单项填空(共10分,每小题1分)‎ 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ ‎21.I’m going to the cinema. Would you like to go with __________?‎ A. me B. I C. my D. mine ‎22.John usually gets up at seven __________ the morning.‎ A. on B. at C. in D. of ‎ ‎23.— Where is Betty? ‎ ‎— She __________ basketball on the playground. ‎ A. plays B. played C. will play D. is playing ‎24.— ______ schoolbag is this?‎ ‎ — I guess it’s Lily’s.‎ A. Which B. Whose C. What D. Who ‎25.Amy will send us an email as soon as she __________ in London.‎ A. is arriving B. will arrive C. arrives D. arrived ‎ ‎26.— Which do you like ______, tea, coffee or orange juice?‎ ‎— A cup of coffee, please.‎ A. good B. best C. well D. better ‎ ‎27.— __________ you make a birthday cake by yourself?‎ ‎— No, I can’t. ‎ A. Can B. May C. Must D. Should ‎28.Our teacher told me __________ hard on my English.‎ A. work B. working C. worked D. to work ‎29.A lot of flowers __________ in Beijing International Flower Port every year.‎ A.plant B.planted C.are planted D.were planted ‎ ‎30.— Could you tell me ______ the Great Wall? ‎ ‎— The day after tomorrow.‎ ‎ A. when will we visit B. when did we visit ‎ C. when we will visit D. when we visited ‎ 10‎ 五、完形填空(共15分,每小题1.5分)‎ 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。‎ One thing I was always sure of as a child: I had a wonderful voice. So I was delighted when my second-grade teacher announced her plans for a musical perform at Christmas.‎ My teacher told us singing was one of the most important ways we could tell God how much we love him. So she would cast singers according to ability. I felt confident about a solo role. However I failed, my teacher thought I was tone-deaf. At that very moment, I 31 I would be a lip-syncher as a chorus member. I could only mouth the words, but no sound must be uttered(发出声).‎ I was so ashamed, I didn’t go home after school. I took the bus straight to Aunt Dolly’s house. She had an answer for 32 , more than anyone else, she would understand that my world had been turned upside down by this terrible revelation(意外的发现).‎ Aunt Dolly 33 me cookies and milk. ‎ ‎“What will I do?” I sobbed. “If I don’t sing, God will think I don’t love him.”‎ She drummed her fingers on the kitchen table as her brow creased(皱) in thought. Finally her eyes grew 34 . “I’ve got it!” she said. “I will wear my hat!” ‎ Noticing that I felt very puzzled. She leveled her brown eyes on my face. Her 35 dropped. “Jacquelyn, I’m about to tell you a bit of secret information about angels, but first you must promise that you will never tell anyone.”‎ ‎“I promise,” I whispered.‎ ‎“A simple piece of aluminum foil(铝箔)can work,” said she, “You mouth the words, your silent 36 reflect off the foil. Angels capture(捕获) the words and put them in special pouches(袋子) they 37 up to God and God will hear your beautiful voice.”‎ ‎“Well, where will I hide the foil?”‎ ‎“My hat!” said Aunt Dolly. “I’ll hide it in my hat. I’ll sit in the front row. Remember, not a single word to anyone.”‎ I had a 38 voice during the unforgettable Christmas perform. With my eyes firmly on her hat, the fact that none present could hear my voice didn’t matter. My silent singing was for God’s 39 alone.‎ Even now, when my world is turned upside down, I think of Aunt Dolly and remember that my childhood beliefs still hold true. I guess just about anything is 40 when angels are on our side.‎ ‎31.A.supposed B.imagined C.realized D.remembered ‎32.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything ‎33.A.served B.changed C.collected D.showed ‎ ‎34.A.open B.wide C.big D.long ‎35.A.noise B.voice C.sound D.call 10‎ ‎36.A.words B.songs C.sentences D.message ‎ ‎37.A.give B.pass C.carry D.hand ‎ ‎38.A.terrible B.surprising C.comfortable D.wonderful ‎39.A.mouth B.nose C.ears D.eyes ‎ ‎40.A.important B.normal C.valuable D.possible 阅读理解(共50分)‎ 六、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共30分,每小题2分)‎ A ‎ Who do you want to say thank-you to?‎ Yang Qihang, 15, Taiyuan I want to say thank-you to my friends. As studying gets busy, we haven’t seen each other for a long time. But surprisingly, they still remembered my birthday. When they showed up together on my celebration, I was really touched. Distances don’t really matter as friends always share joy and tears together, no matter how far away.‎ Zhang Yaoyi, 14, Shanghai Rivals (对手) are whom I am really thankful for. They give us motivation to move on. Take studying as an example: sometimes I feel tired and don’t want to study anymore. But my rivals may make good use of the time that I am wasting. Thinking about this, I feel energetic and cannot give up. And gradually, I improve.‎ Wang Lin, 13, Baotou The person that I am thankful for is my father. He is a policeman and busy most of the time. But as long as he has a holiday, he will travel with me around the country. This summer vacation, we drove to Beijing. We visited the famous Bird’s Nest and traditional hutong. My father said that the best way to open my mind is to meet culture in different places.‎ 10‎ ‎41. Who does Yang Qihang want to say thank-you to?‎ ‎ A. His father. B. His rivals. ‎ C. His friends. D. His teachers.‎ ‎42. Why is Zhang Yaoyi thankful for his rivals?‎ ‎ A. Because they give him motivation to move on.‎ B. Because they often help him.‎ C. Because he wants to beat them.‎ D. Because his rivals often make good use of the time.‎ ‎43. Which the following is True according to the passage?‎ ‎ A. Yang Qihang thinks distance is important for friends.‎ B. Zhang Yaoyi spends little time in studying.‎ ‎ C. Yang Qihang’s friends didn’t remember his birthday.‎ ‎ D. Wang Lin is very thankful for her father.‎ B My mother only had one eye. I never wanted her to show up at my school.‎ One day during elementary school, I was terribly ill. My mother came.‎ ‎“Your mom only has one eye!” yelled some of my classmates. I wished my mother would have just disappeared.‎ ‎“If you embarrass (使……尴尬) me, why don’t you just die?”I shouted at her, taking no notice of the sad look on her face.u My mother just handed me some medicine and left without saying anything.‎ At that time, I didn’t think I had hurt her feelings very much. That night I saw my mom crying in her room. Even so, I hated her tears from one eye. I made a decision: I must study hard and leave my mother.‎ Years later my dream came true. I was quite successful. I never thought of going back to see my “ugly” mother until one day I got a letter.v ‎“My son, I’m sorry I only have one eye. When you were little, you got into an accident and lost your eye. As a mom, I couldn’t stand watching you live with only one eye. So I gave you mine. I was never angry with you and I never regretted it because I love you.”‎ I cried out aloud. Only then did I realize how beautiful my mother was!‎ ‎44. Why didn’t the writer want his mom to show up at his school?‎ ‎ A. Because he thought she was ugly.‎ 10‎ B. Because his mom had a terrible illness.‎ C. Because his mom couldn’t see anything.‎ D. Because his classmates didn’t like her.‎ ‎45. That night, the writer decided to _____.‎ A. take his mom to the doctor B. take good care of his mom from then on C. ask his mom never to go to his school ‎ D. work hard and stay away from his mom ‎46. The writer’s mom lost one eye because_____.‎ A. she used it to save her son’s sight B. she had a serious car accident C. she was born with only one eye D. she cried too much ‎47. What can we infer from the passage? A. The writer doesn’t like his mother now. B. The mother was very angry with the writer when he shouted at her. C. The writer lived in the same city as his mother. D. The writer was very sorry after he knew his mother gave him her eye.‎ ‎ C What does family mean to you? Could you catch it in a photograph? If so, our great new competition is for you! All you have to do is to take a picture that sums up your sense of family life.‎ The competition will be judged by the RD (Reader’s Digest) team and award-winning photographer Barry Marsden. To get your creative juices flowing, here are two of our regular photographers’ tips for taking great pictures.‎ Pal Hansen The most important thing is to carry a camera around with you at all times. Use manual(手动的) settings as much as possible. Now that everything is digital, I’d also say, “Shoot as much as possible,” because it doesn’t cost anything.‎ Michelle McCarron Kids find wonder in the simplest things, so as a photographer it helps to be ready for those moments. The connection across generations is sometimes best captured in a photograph. Frame your subject well. Get close to the action, or your subject, and choose your angle carefully. A slightly odd angle can make a photo different. ‎ HOW TO ENTER ‎★Take a clear photo with either a phone or digital camera. Send it to rdphotocomp@readersdigest. co.uk by 5 pm, ‎ 10‎ August 30, 2015. Please include a brief explanation of who’s in the entry(参赛作品).‎ ‎★There are two categories — one for adults and one for under-18s.‎ ‎★In the adult category, the winner will receive £500. The under-18 winner will receive £250 of high-street vouchers for a store of their choice.‎ Rules:‎ Please make sure that pictures are not published before.‎ If you are under 16, you must ask your parent’s permission to enter this competition.‎ We will use entries in all print and electronic media. We cannot return your entry.‎ Entry is not open to employees of Viva Ltd (trading as Reader’s Digest) and all other persons associated with this competition, their immediate families, and relatives living in an employee’s household. The judges’ decision is final.‎ ‎48. What do we know about the photo competition? ‎ A. It is only designed for readers of RD.‎ B. Entries must be about family.‎ C. Photos must be taken by a camera.‎ D. Pal Hansen is one of its judges.‎ ‎49. To enter the competition, one needs to _______.‎ A. be eighteen years old or above B. have published the works before C. ask for his family’s permission ‎ D. have no relationship with Viva Ltd ‎50. According to the passage, winners of the competition will_____.‎ A. each win £500 B. get their entries back C. see their entries in media D. be offered some vouchers ‎ 51. What is the purpose of the passage?‎ A.To encourage us to take part in the comprtition. ‎ B.To introduce ways to enter the competition.‎ C.To tell us how to take beautiful photos. ‎ D.To teach us to love our family.‎ D You may have been told before not to be afraid of anything. Fear is often associated with weakness. Fear is something to be avoided.‎ But that’s not true, according to Time For Kids magazine. Fear can be good for us.‎ Fear tells us about danger. Without fear, we wouldn’t know to run away from a tiger or step back from a cliff (悬崖).‎ In a study published in the Justice Quarterly journal in August, researchers from Michigan State University said that a 10‎ ‎ healthy fear of crime keeps teenagers away from potentially dangerous people, places, and activities.‎ Fear makes us jump, scream and sweat. But interestingly, sometimes we make ourselves feel fear on purpose. Think about scary(可怕的) books and movies, and also the long lines for a scary roller coaster ride.‎ Margee Kerr, a US sociologist, explained why to Time For Kids.‎ Fear fills our brain with healthy chemical substances (化学物质), especially endorphins (内啡肽) and dopamine (多巴胺), and these things create feelings of happiness and excite us, according to Kerr.‎ In addition, when you’re scared, your body produces a chemical which helps people bond with each other.‎ ‎“Watch people walking out of a haunted house, and you’ll see lots of smiles and high fives,” Kerr told Time For Kids. That also explains why schools and companies organize challenging trips and physical activities to build up team spirit.‎ People experience and deal with fear in different ways. If you happen to be a “coward” who gets scared easily, don’t worry. There is some evidence that being scared can help a person manage stressful situations.‎ Kerr said that things like giving a report in front of your class or performing in a school play help build a sort of endurance (忍耐力) to fear that makes us more confident.‎ ‎“You become more comfortable with the physical experience of fear, and so you’re better able to work through it during tense situations,” said Kerr.‎ So learn to love your fear. It only grows when we forget how helpful our fear is trying to be.‎ ‎52. What is the passage mainly about?‎ A. People’s misunderstandings about fear.‎ B. Different ways to deal with fear.‎ C. The benefits fear brings us.‎ D. A new study about fear.‎ ‎53. Why is a scary roller coaster ride helpful to people according to the passage?‎ A. It improves people’s ability to survive in the modern world.‎ B. It makes people less cowardly and more confident in life.‎ C. It causes the brain to produce chemicals that make people happy and excited.‎ D. It teaches people how to keep away from things that could be dangerous.‎ ‎54. The underlined part “bond with” in Paragraph 8 probably means ______.‎ A. get closer to B. fight against C. pay attention to D. be more careful with ‎55. What is the right attitude toward fear according to the passage?‎ 10‎ A. Avoid being involved in scary situations.‎ B. Experience it as often as possible.‎ C. Consider it as a sign of weakness.‎ D. Enjoy healthy fear occasionally.‎ 七、阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只能用一次。(共10分,每小题2分)‎ One Sunday morning, I decided to buy a computer to use for school. I went to the biggest store in town, which sold all kinds of computers. There were so many computers there that I didn’t know how to choose a right one.‎ ‎“Hi! What can I do for you?” A young man greeted me with a sweet smile. 56 . I sensed a strange feeling — as if I had met him before. He began patiently showing me each model. With his help, I decided to buy one computer with enough functions at a very low price. 57 . A few months later, something was wrong with my computer. I went back to the store to have it fixed. 58 . As soon as I told him my problem, he comforted me at once and tried his best to solve the problem for me. 59 .‎ When I went back to school, his smile often appeared in my mind. I don’t know whether we’ll meet each other again, but his sweet smile will stay there in my memory and deep in my heart. 60 .‎ A. I was quite thankful to him for his sweet smile and good service B. Smiling is the most peaceful language in the daily life C. He looked like not a salesman but a student like me D. When I arrived there, what I saw first was still his smile E. I enjoyed this shopping experience because of his smile 八、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)‎ Jack Johnson is one of the most popular singer-song writers in the world. He was born on May 18, 1975 in Hawaii, America. Being the son of a famous surfer, Jack naturally has an interest in surfing. Most of his life lessons were learned in the water. At the age of 17, Jack entered the finals(决赛) of the Pineline Masters — the world’s most famous surfing competition. Everyone thought Jack would become a professional surfer like his father. Unluckily, one month later, he had a deadly accident while surfing,and was seriously hurt.‎ Life is like a revolving(旋转的) door. When it closes, it also opens. Jack started to practice playing the guitar and writing songs when he was staying in hospital. At first, his father thought Jack only did it for fun, but soon he was surprised at the great progress his son had made.‎ 10‎ When studying in the university, Jack didn’t stop practicing his guitar skills. He played the guitar for school parties. He wrote songs and sang for his teachers and friends. They liked his songs. His first music album(唱片集) Brushfire Fairytales came out in 2001. It was a great success. His second album, On and On, was much like his first one. They were filled with sweet, easy-going songs that everybody liked listening to. Later Jack had lots of concerts in and out of America. He became popular all over the world.‎ Jack had five albums by 2010 and more than 15 million CDs of them were sold. His music doesn’t fit into any of the popular music styles like pop, R&B or hip-hop. It is more like folk music, which is played with a guitar and beautiful voice. When listening to his songs, you feel like lying on the beach enjoying the warm sunshine.‎ Jack is a talent, though he himself says he is only a surfer who loves music. In his songs we can find his secret of success: Whatever happens in our lives, we have to accept it and do the best we can.‎ ‎61.Where was Jack Johnson born?‎ ‎62.When did he have a deadly accident?‎ ‎63.Did he stop practicing his guitar skills when he studied in the university?‎ ‎64.How do people feel when listening to his songs? ‎ ‎65.What does the writer want to tell us according to the passage?‎ 书面表达(共15分)‎ 九、文段表达(15分)‎ 根据中文和英文提示,写一篇意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于50词的文段。所给英文提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。‎ ‎66.你身边的每个人对你来说都具有特殊的意义。请以“My special ___________” 为题用英语写一篇短文,参加21世纪报的征文比赛,要求描述你家庭的某个成员或你的朋友、老师、同学等。‎ 提示词语: take care of, help, unforgettable, not only…but also… ‎ ‎· Who is he/she?‎ ‎· What happened to you?‎ ‎· Why is he/she special?‎ ‎ ‎ 顺义区2015届初三第二次统练英语答案 第一部分 听力理解(共30分)‎ 10‎ 一、听对话,选图。(共5分,每小题1分) ‎ ‎1---5 BCACB 二、听对话或独白,选择答案。(共15分,每小题1.5分)‎ ‎6---7 BB 8---9 BA 10---11 AC 12---13 AB 14---15 BA 三、听对话记录关键信息(共10分,每小题2分)‎ ‎ 16. City Library 17. borrow 18. bus ‎ ‎19. food 20. three/3‎ 第二部分 知识运用(共25分)‎ 四、单项选择 (共10分, 每小题1分) ‎ ‎21---25 ACDBC 26---30 BADDC ‎ 五、完形填空 (共15分, 每小题1.5分) ‎ ‎31---35 CDABB 36---40. ACDCD ‎ 第三部分 阅读理解(共44分)‎ 六、阅读理解 (共30分, 每小题2分) ‎ ‎(A) 41---43 CAD ‎ ‎(B) 44---47 ADAD ‎ ‎(C) 48---51 BDCA ‎ ‎(D) 52---55 CCAD 七、阅读短文,还原句子。(共10分,每小题2分)‎ ‎56---60 CEDAB 八、阅读短文,回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)‎ ‎61. In Hawaii, America.‎ ‎62. At the age of 17. / When he was 17.‎ ‎63. No. / No, he didn’t.‎ ‎64. They feel like lying on the beach enjoying the warm sunshine.‎ ‎65. Whatever happens in our lives, we have to accept it and do the best we can.‎ 第四部分 书面表达(共15分)‎ 九、文段表达(15分) ‎ ‎66. Possible version My special friend I have a special friend. Her English name is Amy. And I want to thank her for what she has done for me.‎ When I was in Grade 7, we studied in the same class. At first, I was not good at English. Because of that, I was very sad. Amy did well in English at that time. So she often helped me with my English in our spare time. With her help, my English improved so much that I kept up with my class finally. I was very glad that I could not only speak English to my classmates and teacher fluently but also understand everything they said! ‎ This is my special friend, Amy, someone who would not only have fun with me but also help me when I need it. I am glad to have this special friend.‎ 10‎

