仁爱版英语九上Unit 4 Topic 2(SectionC)练习

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仁爱版英语九上Unit 4 Topic 2(SectionC)练习

SectionC 基础知识达标训练 一、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 inside, cancel, connect, doubt, brain 1. There was some whether Yao Ming could become a great basketball player or not. 2. Doctors believe that lung (肺) cancer is with smoking. 3. Can you tell me why the new year party was ? 4. The purpose of professor Read’s research is to compare computer functions with working. 5. He was wild with joy when he opened the envelope and read the letter . 二、单项选择 ( ) 1. There is that what they have done is good for us. A. a doubt B. doubted C. no doubt D. in doubt ( ) 2. In modem business, people on the Internet. It is very convenient and fast. A. place orderly B. place and cancel orders C. cancel order D. take order ( ) 3. The scientist don’t exactly know when the universe but they are still studying it. A. come true B. come about C. came into being D. come out ( ) 4. If we spend too much time on the Internet, we won’t have enough time to study. , working on computers too long may cause headaches or sore eyes. A. Beside B. Besides C. Except D. Expect ( ) 5. the Great Green Wall, sandstorm has been reduced in recent years. A. Because B. As for C. Thanks to D. Since 三、完形填空 In the future, some tiny computers would be put in our heads. This can help people a lot. 1 the tiny computers, the people who have ear disease will be able to hear. And those with eye diseases can 2 . The tiny computers will not be just for 3 people. Most of us will have one to make our life 4 . For instance, if we have it, we will be able to think 5 and we can memorize more. For every student,computers can do 6 things. Perhaps in the near future, they 7 schoolbags. The students just need to carry a small computer to 8 , because the computer takes the place of the textbooks, exercise books and note books. The teachers will check their homework with computers, 9 . But this can cause another problem because 10 will be easier for students to copy each other’s homework. ( ) 1.A. Because B. Since C. Due D. Thanks to ( ) 2. A. to hear B. hear C. to see D. see ( ) 3. A. ill B. sick C. old D. young ( ) 4. A. good B. well C. better D. best ( ) 5. A. more clearly B. clearly C. clear D. clearer ( ) 6. A. much B. a lot C. lots of D. lot of ( ) 7. A. needn’t B. will need C. will not need D. don’t need ( ) 8. A. home B. school C. factory D. office ( ) 9. A. too B. either C. as well as D. also ( ) 10. A. that B. it C. they D. this 参考答案: 一、 1. doubts 2. connected 3. cancelled 4. brain 5. inside 二、 1. C There is no doubt that +从句 毫无疑问......。 2. B place and cancel the order 下订单和取消订单。 3. C come into being 形成。 4. B 5.C 三、l. D 2. D 3.B 4.C 5. A 6.C 7.C 8. B 9. A 10. B

