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‎2011学年度第一学期第三次学业检测九年级英语试题 班级_______姓名_______座号_______成绩_______‎ 笔试部分(95分)‎ 三、选择题(将最佳答案的字母编号写在括号里。每小题1分,共20分)‎ ‎( ) 16 the strong wind, they had to shut up all the windows.‎ ‎ A. Because of B. Because C. Thanks to D. Thanks ‎( ) 17 — I have never visited a paper factory. — ‎ ‎ A. So have I.‎ B. So I have. C. Neither have I.‎ D. I haven’t now.‎ ‎( )1 8— What do you know about China?‎ ‎ — It’s the one-child policy that has controlling the population in China.‎ ‎ A. been good at B. taken good care of C. worked well in D. got on well in ‎( ) 19 Our English teacher us, so our English is the best of all.‎ ‎ A. strict with B. is strict with C. is strict to D. is strict in ‎( ) 20. I used to . But now I get used to doing everything. I’m successful at last.‎ A. give up; keeping B. giving up; keeping C. giving up; keep D. give up; keep ‎( )21. Our school _______ in the past years .‎ ‎ A. happened B. has taken place C. has been taken place D. come about ‎( ) 22 What’s more, planes or machines produce noise.‎ A. much too B. many too C. too much D. too many ‎ ‎( ) 23 I can’t stand for you so long.‎ A. to wait B. waiting C. waits D. waited ‎ ‎( ) 24. You may my computer, but you mustn’t it to others.‎ A. lend; lend B. borrow; borrow C. lend; borrow D. borrow; lend ‎( )2 5. She asked me .‎ A. how many chairs are there in the classroom ‎ B. how many chairs there are in the classroom C. how many chairs there were in the classroom ‎ D. how many chairs there had in the classroom ‎( ) 26 It’s important _____ the piano well.‎ A. of him to play B. for him to play C. of him playing D for him to playing ‎ ‎( ) 27. The head teacher advised the teachers ______ cell phones in class.‎ A. not answer B. not to answer C. against answer D. to not answer ‎ ( ) 28. Trees can prevent the wind the earth away.‎ A. from blowing B. to blow C. blow D. blows ‎( ) 29. He aims  the top one in his classroom.‎ A. be B. to be C. doing D. being ‎( ) 30. You’d better not read today’s newspaper because there is in it.‎ A. something interesting B. nothing special C. important thing D. anything new ‎ ‎( ) 31.People say “Hello” ____in ____countries A. differently, different B. different, differently.‎ C. different, difference. D. difference, different.‎ ‎( ) 32.— Could you tell me ? — Sorry, I don’t know.‎ A. what to do B. what should I do C. how to do D. where to went ‎( )33.How about going hiking this weekend? Sorry, I prefer rather than .‎ ‎ A. to stay at home; go out B. to go out; stay at home ‎ C. staying at home; go out D. going out; stay at home ‎ ( ) 34 We should plant more trees on side of the street.‎ ‎ A. every B. both C. all D. each ‎ ( ) 35 Everyone knows that a desk is made _____ wood and paper is made _____ wood, too.‎ A. of; of B. from; of C. from; from D. of; from 四、完形填空(阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。每小题1分,共10分)‎ What are the differences between city life and country life? When we 36 about city life, we will surely think of tall buildings and busy streets. What about country life? The first feeling coming into our 37 is peace and quiet. There is less noise and pollution in the country than in the city.‎ ‎ City life and country life, 38 is better? The answer isn't certain(=sure). Some people who live in the 39 may want to be city people. They think cities are full of chances. They 40 their hometown for big cities to find jobs and make money.‎ ‎ However, cities have their own problems. With the 41 of industry, there is more and more ‎42 in cities. People have to stand noise, polluted air and so on. But in the country, the conditions are 43 . It's pleasant to live with green mountains, clear rivers and the blue sky. Wow! What a lovely 44 !So more and more city people want to escape (逃离) from cities.‎ ‎ Now people in some cities pay attention to 45 the environment. Some cities are as beautiful as the country.‎ ‎( )36. A. worry B. talk C. bring D. care ‎( )37. A. heads B. bodies C. mind D. hearts ‎( )38. A. which B. what C. why D. who ‎( )39. A. west B. country C. state D. city ‎( )40. A. leave B. build C. offer D. provide ‎( )41. A. help B. development C. problem D. program ‎( )42. A. energy B. progress C. chance D. pollution ‎( )43. A. strange B. different C. polluted D. terrible ‎( )44. A. park B. farm C. picture D. village ‎( )45. A. protecting B. polluting C. preventing D. destroying 五、阅读理解(阅读下面三篇短文,阅读后做每篇短文后的题目,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。 每小题2分,共30分)‎ ‎ A When people talk about air pollution, they usually think of smog, acid rain(酸性雨),and other forms of outdoor air pollution. But did you know that air pollution also exists inside homes, offices, hotels and other buildings? The air in your home can be 2 to 100 times more polluted than the air outdoors! In fact, some American doctors say that 50% of illnesses have something to do with polluted indoor air. ‎ Air pollution influences our health in many ways. Young children and the old often suffer more from air pollution. People with health problems may also suffer more when the air is polluted. Indoor air pollution can harm people's eyes, nose and throat. Air pollution, both indoor and outdoor, can also lead to lung cancer, heart disease, and even harm to the brain! In the great London fog in ‎1952’‎ 4,000 people died in a few days because of air pollution! It is said that half a million young kids and women die each year in India because of indoor air pollution!‎ There're many ways to reduce indoor air pollution. Here are some of them and see if they can help you:‎ ‎★Increase the amount of outdoor air coming indoors and open your windows for 15 to 30 minutes each day. ‎ ‎★Turn off all the lights and fans when you don't need them. ‎ ‎★Share your room with others when the air conditioner is running. ‎ ‎★Don't smoke and try to stop your family members and relatives from smoking. People who smoke are going to have trouble breathing and even die someday. If you're smart, don't ever start. ‎ ‎★Environment-friendly products, such as water-based paints pollute less and work just as well. ‎ ‎( )46. According to the passage, is more serious in the writers opinion. ‎ A. outdoor air pollution B. indoor air pollution C. noise pollution D. water pollution ‎( )47. Air pollution can do harm to people's . ‎ A. throat B. lung C. brain D. above all ‎( )48. How many ways does the writer list in the passage?‎ A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven. ‎ ‎( )49. Which is NOT the right way to reduce indoor air pollution?‎ A. Open the windows for fifteen to thirty minutes each day to let the fresh air in. ‎ B. Turn off the light when you don't need them. ‎ C. Don't smoke and stop others from smoking. ‎ D. Don't use water-based paints because they can pollute air. ‎ ‎( )50. We can infer from the passage that . ‎ A. acid rain isn't a form of outdoor air pollution B. air pollution is not good for people's health, but it can't cause death C. we should share the room when we turn on the air conditioner D. environment -friendly products pollute more ‎ B Henry: I find the Internet is very good for shopping. I use it for buying books and CDs, and I even bought some clothes. The other thing I can do is to book (订) travels. I booked a cheap flight once. It was very easy, and it was really good.‎ ‎ David: I use the Internet for games. I play chess with people all around the world. Last night I had a game with someone from Japan. I also download(下载)games from the Internet. I can have any game I want.‎ ‎ Peter: I use the Internet for anything I need to help me with my schoolwork. I use the online dictionaries, encyclopedias (百科全书 ) and magazines. It's great because I can download pictures or articles and use them to help my homework. It's very easy to use and it's free, so 1 like it.‎ ‎ Tony: Well, the main thing l use the Internet for is to send e-mails. 1 usually write to my customers by sending e-mails, and my customers answer me by sending e-mails, too. We probably send and receive four or five hundred e-mails a month. Of course, I also use e-mails to keep in touch with friends and family. My daughter is in Australia and we send e-mails to each other every day.‎ ‎( )51 prefers to use the Internet to buy things.‎ ‎ A. Henry B. David C. Peter D. Tony ‎( )52. David's hobby is to on the Internet.‎ ‎ A. read books B. book flights C. play games D. download pictures ‎( )53. Peter can use the Internet to easily.‎ ‎ A. play chess B. do schoolwork ‎ C. do some shopping D. talk with his daughter ‎( )54. From the passage we know that_________‎ ‎ A. Peter is a teacher B. Tony is a businessman C. David is an engineer D. Henry is a bookseller ‎( )55. Which of the following is NOT true?__________‎ ‎ A. Henry had an experience of using the Internet to book a cheap flight. ‎ B. David had a game with a Japanese over the Internet one night.‎ ‎ C. Tony often sends e-mails to his customers, friends and family. ‎ D. Peter needs to pay for what he gets from the Internet ‎ C ‎ 配对阅读。阅读左栏五则个人的相关信息,然后根据他们的需要在右栏A—G中找出与他们匹配的信息。(有两个多余项)‎ ‎56.Kate likes to buy a house to live with her family in Guangming Road. Which message is she interested in?‎ ‎57.Michael wants to go to the hospital. Which information is he interested in?‎ ‎58.Ivy wants to have a pen pal in China. Which message will draw her attention?‎ ‎59.Molly wants to learn French. Which ‎ message will interest her?‎ ‎60.John loves animals. Which ‎ information will Draw his attention?‎ A. Do you like children? Can you help children with their homework? We need teachers here. Please call Allan at 020-88115278.‎ B. Go down Renming Road. The hospital is on your right. It’s between the bank and the park.‎ C. If you want to see our cars here, come at 10:00 on Monday morning. We are waiting for you.‎ D. Do you like animals? We have all kinds of animals here. Come and see for yourself.‎ E. Do you want to learn English? Do you want to learn Chinese? Do you want to learn Japanese? We have very good language teachers here. Come and have a look.‎ F. Hello, my name is Chen Lina. I am Chinese. I want to have a pen pal.‎ G.I need to go to the United States for my further study. Anyone who interested in my house in Guangming Road can call me at 13938705671.‎ 六,完成句子(每小题2分,共10分)‎ ‎61. 你学习日语有困难吗? Do you have trouble__________ Japanese?‎ ‎62. 众所周知,英语是世界上使用最广泛的一种语言。‎ ‎ As we know. English____ the most widely _________language in the world.‎ ‎63.简而言之, 我不敢独自去地方。‎ ‎ _________, I __________ go somewhere alone.‎ ‎64. 西班牙语跟英语相似吗?‎ ‎ ____ Spanish _____________English?‎ ‎ 65.我想你已经弄错了,那不是我的鞋。‎ ‎ I think you’ve ______________ . These aren’t my shoes.‎ 七、看图短文填空。(本大题共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)‎ ‎ 阅读下面短文,并借助上下文和插图补充所缺信息。每个空格只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。请将答案填写在答题卡相应题目的答题位置上。‎ ‎ Last Sunday, my classmates and I went to Huangmao Hill for a picnic. The (66)______ was fine and all of us were excited and happy. We went there by (67)_______ with fruit,eggs,meat ,‎ vegetables, cookers and some other things.‎ ‎ About an hour later, we (68)_______ at the foot of the hill. There was s big lake and many green trees. Birds were singing songs. How wonderful they were! At noon all of us were busy preparing (69)_________ the picnic. Some of us were getting the water, some were cooking, and (70)_________ were putting a big cloth on the grass. At one o’clock in the afternoon, the lunch was ‎(71)________.‎ ‎ After lunch, we (72)________ a great time singing,dancing,drinking and talking. (73)_______ three ‎0’‎clock,we began to climb the hill. The hill was quite high, but we all tried to (74)________ to the top of it. On the (75)________ of the hill, we felt that we were much closer to the sky, and we saw the flying birds more clearly.‎ 八、书面表达:(10分)‎ 为了交流学习经验,提高学习效率,《时代英语报》正在举办以“How to be a good English learner?”为题的征文比赛。请你踊跃投稿。内容提示:‎ 要求:‎ ‎1.必须用上所有的内容提示,语句通顺,书写规范;‎ ‎2.词数80左右,已给出的句子不计人总词数。‎ How to be a good English learner?‎ It’s an honor to share my opinions with you. As a good English learner,we should________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ‎ ‎_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ I hope all these will be helpful to us. Thank you very much..‎ 九年级第一学期期12月份月考英语试题答案 ‎ 一、听力部分(25分)‎ 一、 1.______2. ______3. ______4. ______5. ______ (每小题1分,共5分) ‎ 二、 6. ______7. ______8. ______9. ______10. ______ 11. ______12. ______13. ______‎ ‎14. ______ 15. ______ (每小题2分,共20分) ‎ 二、笔试部分(95分)‎ 三、选择题(将最佳答案的字母编号写在括号里。每小题1分,共20分)‎ ‎16. —20. ACCBA 21.—25. BCBDC . 26—30. BBABB ‎31—35 AAADD ‎ ‎. 四,完形填空(阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。每小题1分,共10分)‎ ‎36-40. BCABA ‎41—45. BDBCA 五,阅读理解(阅读下面三篇短文,阅读后做每篇短文后的题目,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。 每小题2分,共30分)‎ ‎46.— 50. BDBDC ‎51—55 .ACBBD ‎56—60. GBFED ‎ 六,完成句子(每小题2分,共10分)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎61 (in) learning /studying________62 is…used ___________________‎ ‎63.In short / In a word…dare not ____64. Is…similar to _________‎ ‎65 made mistakes________________________‎ 七、看图短文填空。(本大题共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)‎ ‎ 阅读下面短文,并借助上下文和插图补充所缺信息。每个空格只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。请将答案填写在答题卡相应题目的答题位置上。‎ ‎66. __weather 67. bike 68 arrived 69. _for 70. others ‎ ‎71. ready 72. had 73. At 74. get 75. top ‎ 八,书面表达:(10分)‎ ‎(略)‎

