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大兴区 2017 -P2018学年度第一学期期末检测试卷 初三英语 ‎1.本试卷共 10 页,满分 60 分,考试时间 90 分钟。‎ ‎2.在试卷和答题卡上准确填写学校名称、姓名和准考证号。‎ ‎3.试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。‎ ‎4.在答题卡上,选择题用 2B铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔 知识运用(共 14 分)‎ 一.单项填空(共 6 分,每小题 0.5 分)‎ 从下面各题所给的 A..B..C..D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ ‎1.-Do you have a dream for your future life?‎ ‎-Yes, I always follow dream and try tomake it come true.‎ A.I B. me C. my D. mine ‎ ‎2.-When was your cousin born?‎ ‎-He was born May12th,2006.‎ A .in B. on C. at D. for ‎3.You should study hard, you won't pass the test.‎ ‎ A. and B. or C. but D. so ‎4.Yao Ming is one of basketball players in the world.‎ A.the tallest B.tallest C.taller D.tall ‎5. you help me recyclet he waste, Jenny?‎ ‎-Yes, of course.‎ A.May B.Must C.Shall D.Can ‎6.Keep quiet! The students a debate about using smart phones at school.‎ A.are having B.have had C.will have D.had ‎7.While Alice against the cold wind, she covered her face with a scarf.‎ A.will walk B.is walking C.was walking D.walks ‎8.If you go to bed very late, you tired tomorrow.‎ A. feel B. will feel C. are feeling D. felt ‎9.Peter asleep and forgot to set his alarm for the next morning.‎ A. was falling B. has fallen C. will fall D. fell ‎10.Jack a few discoveries in chemistry since he became a scientist.‎ A.is making B.will make C.has made D.made ‎11.Youngtrees every year to keep the sand away from the city.‎ A.were planted B.have planted C.will plant D.are planted ‎12.-Could you tell me in a good shape?‎ ‎-Sure, I've done lots of exercise and eaten more vegetables.‎ A.how you have kept yourself B. how have you kept yourself C.how will you keep yourself D. how you will keep yourself 二..完形填空(共 8 分,每小题 1 分)‎ 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A..B..C..D四个 选项中,选择最佳选项。‎ ‎ Anvitha, a student from a high school, has built two apps. She is trying to use her skills to help 13 .With the help of YouTube videos, the young creator from Melbourne, Australia, learned to make digitalcode(编码) at the age of twelve before she could make apps by herself.‎ ‎ "When I got my iPad, I was 14 by all the apps on it." She said, "From then on, I decided to create my own."‎ ‎ She worked out her first two apps. One is called Smart kins Animals. It helps children identify(辨别) more than 100 animals and their 15 . The other app is Smart kins Rainbow Colors. It teaches kids how to use colors. Each app has been downloaded thousands of times on line.‎ ‎ Anvitha's skills 16 her a good chance to attend a tech-conference(科技会议) in San Francisco, California. There, she got tips from the experts. She went to workshops where she learned about the 17 software for app making. All that training led to an idea for a third app. This one, called GoalsHi, helps kids form good habits. Users are rewarded for a chieving goals. Anvitha says the rewards are like getting a sticker(标签) for a job well done. "Kids can 18 goals with this app and get stars when they achieve them," she says, "The idea is to encourage kids to achieve one little step a day."‎ ‎ Anvitha's goal is to 19 creating technology that help skids learn while having fun. But what' seven more important to her is that the world sees the power of technology in kids' hands. "The more training we get in tech at an early 20," she says, "the better chance we have to become creative champions who will one day change the world."‎ ‎13.A.all B.others C.another D.either ‎14.A.confused B. scared C. attracted D. supported ‎15.A.pictures B.zoo C.f amily D. sounds ‎16.A.showed B. left C. advised D.won ‎17.A.latest B. lightest C. heapest D. easiest ‎18.A.get B. set C. keep D. kick ‎19.A.suggest B. avoid C. continue D. finish ‎20.A.age B. price C. start D. top 阅读理解(共 36 分)‎ 三..阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A..B..C..D四个选项 中,选择最佳选项。 (共 26 分,每小题 2 分)‎ A Oliver and Sea Monkeys By Philip Reeve I really like this book because it's not one of those stories that are over too quickly, it is along book that takes time to read. I think it is a good book and I give it 5 stars.‎ ‎★★★★★‎ Ginny, age8‎ Lady Lydia: Read mea Story By Anna Lavis I like all the pictures of the animals in this book, but I don' t like it when the pages have lots of writing with no pictures. I only give the book two stars.‎ ‎★★☆☆☆‎ Alice, age6‎ I Am a Woolly Hat By Salma Koraytem This book is perfect for sharing and reading together. It made me feel lovely inside but the drawings were not good because the colors were not bright like other books. I give the book 3 stars.‎ ‎★★★☆☆‎ Lucie, age7‎ A Royal Fairy tale By Ink Robin I liked the book, and the best part was the wedding (婚礼) and fireworks because I like fireworks and the colors on the page were really bright. I give the book 4 stars.‎ ‎★★★★☆‎ Amy, age9‎ ‎21.Who is the writer of the book I Am a Woolly Hat?‎ A. Salma Koraytem. B. Philip Reeve.‎ C. Anna Lavis. D. Ink Robin.‎ ‎22.What do Lucie and Amy like while reading?‎ A. The pictures of animals. B. The drawings.‎ C. Bright colors. D. Wedding and fireworks.‎ ‎23.Which book gets the most stars?‎ A. Oliver and Sea Monkeys B. LadyLydia: Read me a Story C.I Am a Woolly Hat D.A Royal Fairy tale B ‎ Last Saturday, I went to the national Museum of Natural History to attend the Family Fossil( 化 石) and Dinosaur Festival. Thousands of kids and many scientists took part in it.‎ My tour started in a room where there were lots of hands-on activities. One that I tried was called "Fossilsin Rocks", where I learned about amber(琥珀) which can keep plants and animals. Scientist Finnegan Marsh taught me how to use a microscope to see what was inside the amber.‎ At the" Sifting( 筛选) for Fossils" station, I searched through sand to discover small fossils. With the help of a key I was able to identify(辨别) the fossils, some of which I was allowed to keep!‎ At the museum's "Selfie" station, I dressed up in a hat that paleontologists (古生物学家)wear while working out doors. What wonderful photos I had taken!‎ At12:00 pm, along with 30 other kids, I took the Junior Paleontologist Pledge(宣誓). We all received a shiny paleontologist medal. Then I met with Charlotte, a six-year-old Junior Paleontologist. She had a big job for a little kid. For the day, she was in charge of the Instagram ‎ account( 账户).There, she posted lots of photos of herself standing next to fossils and scientists. "I started liking dinosaurs when I was 4, and my favorite dinosaur is the T-Rex," Charlotte told me. She said she even had a T-Rex tooth at home." When I grow up," Charlot teadded, "I want to be a paleontologist."‎ This is a celebration I will remember forever. I loved meeting the scientists at the event and talking to them about fossils and dinosaurs. The event was so much fun, kids and parents of all ages should come to Washington DC next year to take part in.‎ ‎24.What was the writer allowed to take home from the museum?‎ A. A dinosaur's tooth. B. A paleontologist's hat.‎ C. Some fossils out of sand. D. Some colorful amber.‎ ‎25.The writer at the "Selfie" station in the museum.‎ A. watched the plants and animals in the amber ‎ B. took photos with a paleontologist's hat on ‎ C. looked through sand and tried to find fossils D. received a shiny paleontologist medal ‎26.What can be inferred about Charlotte? ‎ A. She was the youngest Junior Paleontologist. ‎ B. She had collected lots of fossils of animals. ‎ C. She had become a famous photographer. ‎ D. She worked as a volunteer at the museum.‎ C After eight months of living with other astronauts on the International Space Station ( ISS ), with four months to go before his space task is finished successfully, Scott Kelly said he could use some more workmates from the earth. "There are people on the ground we expect to meet, it'd be nice to have them here, too." He told over60 middle-school students on November19th, 2015, when they communicated through a live video chat.‎ The students, who were attending East Side Middle School in New York City, brought questions for Kelly and his fellow NASA astronaut Kjell Lindgren. The two space explorers floated on the video screen as they listened to the questions, and occasionally flipped(翻动) their bodies over to show the students the danger of living in zero-gravity environment.‎ ‎"Floating in space is something you never feel you could get used to," Lindgren said."But after you're up heref or a month, it feels natural. It's much fun to float."‎ The students were excited about the program and about asking the astronauts and the other speaker questions about how the astronauts clean the ISS, which freeze-dried foods taste be stand the most surprising things about living on the station.‎ Evan McKiernan asked what it's like to drink water on the station given that human urine(尿) is recycled on the ISS. "We don't think about it too much," Lindgren said, "In fact, the water tastes great-it tastes like fresh water." He called there cycling process "important technology to have as we think about going on to Mars. We're going to need technology like that so that we needn't bring everything we need with us."‎ The program included comments(评论) from Jeffrey Kluger, an author at TIME magazine who is good at writing about science and technology. Kluger explained how 17 countries worked together to build the ISS. Additionally, Matthew Pearce, an education expert, brought samples(样本) of the packaged foods the astronauts eat and the special type of sleeping bag the astronauts use. ‎ ‎27.The students in the program may have a chance to .‎ A. use a special type of sleeping bag B. experience the astronauts' training C. cook space foods for the astronauts D. learn the history of space exploration ‎28.The program is designed for students in order to .‎ A. show them the achievements of scientific research B. help students learn how to recycle things on the ISS ‎ C. make them improve the skills of asking questions ‎ D. encourage them to take interest in an astronaut's life ‎29.Why does the writer write this article? ‎ A. To tell about the development of space station. ‎ B. To show us how the astronauts live in space.‎ C. To teach how to connect with astronauts from the earth. ‎ D. To talk about some disadvantages of the space training.‎ D Communication could be explained as passing information from one place to the other. We humans are good at communications because we developed a better tool than other or ganisms(生物) on the earth. That tool is language. We created languages. Language is nothing more than organized signals of messaging. Animals use sound system but they are different from our human languages. They seem like languages but they are very limited. Our communication skills got better because of the invention of languages.‎ Compared to the communications, the information to be passed from place to place is always being considered. That we do not pass the information from one place to the other does not mean that the information is not there. Information and communication are inter connected but are two entirely separate entities(实体). We should treat them separately in order to understand communication and its future.‎ After developing languages in the early history of humans, we made them organized with grammar. Languages did not have written form sat the beginning. Humans developed written forms of languages to better communicate without using sound. Letters were symbols(符号) and much more complicated at the beginning. Unlike today's letters, the early day letters almost represented( 代表) whole events or messages. And it developed slowly. But later on breakdown of such symbols resulted in letters to be used as syllables( 音节) of sound. After we humans used symbols or letters to represent the syllables of sound, the language started to develop fast.‎ We also needed to construct(建构) languages when we invented computers. We needed to pass the message to the computer and wanted the computer to pass messages to us. There are several computing languages that were created by humans. We are not able to get information that can not be passed out through language.‎ For example, people say that they couldn' t explain a feeling with words.‎ You might have heard people saying that words are not enough. It is not just an expression. It is real that our languages are not to communicate certain information. However, our communication skills and systems have made us reach higher achievements.‎ ‎30.What can we learn from the third paragraph?‎ A. Languages developed fast after the letters were used as syllables. ‎ B. The letters of early languages looked much easier than those of today.‎ C. Letters or symbols had never changed during language development. ‎ D. The written forms of languages were used much earlier than sounds.‎ ‎31. What does the underlined word "sufficient" mean in the last paragraph? ‎ A. secret B. enough C. perfect D. easy ‎32.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? ‎ A. Letters today look as the same as the one sin old languages. ‎ B. Information has no relationship with communication at all. ‎ C. Languages can help us communicate with each other well. ‎ D. Humans haven't created any computing languages so far.‎ ‎33.What'sthepassagemainlyabout?‎ A. The language that is used to communicate with computers. ‎ B. The methods that help to improve the communication skills. ‎ C. The relationship between information and communication.‎ D. The history and development of the language communication.‎ 四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。 (共 10 分,每小题 2 分)‎ After Laura Dekker has prepared her journey for a year, she can't wait to set sail. Last August, the Dutch government decided that Laura was too young to take on the adventure of sailing around the world alone. But after a year of preparation herself, Laura has been allowed to sail. Even with the delay(拖延), she stands to become the youngest person to sail around the world by herself.‎ ‎"When I heard the good news, I was so happy that I almost jumped into the water," Laura said. The teenager was born on ayacht( 游艇) in the South Pacific, and at present she lives with her father on a boat. When Dutch child protection organization heard about her plan to sail alone, they took the case to the court(法院) and stopped her from doing so.‎ Since she made the decision, Laura had prepared with her father to prove that she was ready for the journey. Last week, she received the book sand other materials she would need for school while she was at sea. She added safety equipment to a new, bigger yacht. And she took first aid lessons to learn survival skills, like how to put out fire son the boat, take care of her own injurie sand deal with lack of sleep. She also planned a safer course-adding another route to avoid pirate(海盗) attacks, and planning a course that she would have on dry land as she moves from port to port across the globe.‎ In early June, 16-year-old Abby Sunderland, an American, had to give up her journey of becoming the youngest sailor to travel around the world. Laura plans to take longer than Abby for her voyage, and is using a larger and more stable(坚固的) boat. If she finishes successfully in less than two years, she will take the title from record holder Jessica Watson, whowas16 when she completed the journey.‎ ‎34.What did Laura plan to do?‎ ‎35.Whohelped her to get ready for the journey?‎ ‎36.What did she receive for school at sea last week?‎ ‎37.Howold might Laura be according to the last paragraph? ‎ ‎38.What's the passage mainly about?‎ 书面表达(共 10 分)‎ 五、文段表达(10 分)‎ ‎39.从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于 50词的文段写作。 文中已给出内容不计人总词数。 所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。‎ 题目①‎ 假如你是李华,打算在本周日上午和同学一起去红星社区参加绿色环保活动。 你准备邀请某英文报社记者 Mr.Green 参加,请用英语给他写一封信,告诉他你们活动开始的具体时间,去做些什么,以及希望他提供哪些帮助。‎ 提示词语: recycle, collect, bottles, clothes, photos, report ‎ 提示问题:‎ l What time are you going to start your activity?‎ l What are you going to do in the community?‎ l What kind of help do you need from Mr Green?‎ DearMr.Green I'd liketoinviteyou tocometoRed StarCommunity.‎ Looking forward to ourearlyrenl ‎ LiHua 题目②‎ 榜样就是一种力量,它传递着时代发展的强音。 从小到大,我们在心中铭记了许多榜样人物,他们的事迹犹如盏盏指路明灯,引导我们奋力前行。‎ 某英文网站正在开展以“A role model in mylife”为主题的征文活动。 假如你是李华,请用英语写一篇短文投稿,谈谈生活中谁是你的榜样人物,作为榜样他/她都做了些什么,以及你的体会和感受。‎ 提示词语: favorite, famous, help, learn 提示问题:‎ l Whoisyourrolemodelin yourlife?‎ l Whatdoeshe/shedoasarolemodel?‎ l Whatdoyou think ofhim/her?‎ ‎2017-2018学年度第一学期初三英语期末试卷 参考答案 知识运用 一、单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分)‎ ‎1.C 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.D ‎6.A 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.C ‎11. D 12. A 二、完形填空(共8分,每小题1分)‎ ‎13.B 14.C 15.D 16.D ‎ ‎17.A 18.B 19.C 20.A ‎ 阅读理解 三、阅读短文,选择最佳选项。(共26分,每小题2分)‎ ‎21.A 22.C 23.A 24.C 25.B ‎ ‎26.D 27.A 28.D 29.B 30.A ‎ ‎31.B 32.C 33.D ‎ 四、阅读短文,回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)‎ ‎ 34. To sail around the world alone/ by herself.‎ ‎35. Her father./ Laura’s father.‎ ‎36. The books and other materials.‎ ‎37. Less than fourteen years old.‎ ‎38. It mainly tells us what Laura did before her journey. / how Laura prepared to sail around the world alone.‎ 书面表达 五、文段表达(10分)‎ ‎39.参考范文:‎ 题目①‎ I’d like to invite you to come to Red Star Community. We are going to start at 9 o’clock this Sunday morning. We are going to collect paper, plastic bags, empty bottles around the community and put them into different trash bins. That will help the cleaners to recycle the waste things easily. We also plan to recycle some books and clothes and give them to the people in need. We’d like you to take some photos for us and write a report in your newspaper. We believe more and more people will do a bit for recycling in our daily life.‎ 题目②‎ Role models in life set good examples for us. Yao Ming is my role model in my life. He is my favorite basketball player in the world. And he is known for his charity ‎ work. He founded his Foundation in 2008. He has built five schools in Sichuan and other areas. He has offered lots of money to help the people in trouble. He always asks us to protect the animals on the earth. I think he is very kind and helpful. I must learn from him and help people in need around us. We’ll try my best to support him and make a contribution to our society. ‎

