译林版九年级英语上册复习课件Unit 3 Teenage problems

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译林版九年级英语上册复习课件Unit 3 Teenage problems

Unit 3 Teenage problems 课时 1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 译林版九年级上 一、根据首字母和汉语提示完成单词。 1. Many teenagers don’t care about their m ( 分数 ). 2. Simon has asked for 3 days off. P ( 可能 )he is ill. 3. [ 中考 · 广东 ] David studies hard. I am sure he can pass the English e ( 考试 ). arks erhaps xam 4. Bill’s teacher was m ( 生气的 )because he was absent from the class meeting again. 5. [ 安徽中考权威预测模拟 ] You look very s ( 困倦的 ). What is the matter? ad leepy 二、单项选择。 6. [ 中考 · 上海 ] Old Mr. Green doesn’t feel _____ because some students visit him regularly. A. sadly B . gently C . lonely D . angrily C 7 . — This morning, we broke Mrs. White’s window when we were playing soccer. —No wonder! She is ______ at you. A. mad B. pleased C. strict D. surprised A 8 . [ 中考 · 扬州 ] The police are watching the suspect ______ for more clues which will help solve the case. A. clearly B . highly C . closely D . heavily C 9 . — I felt stressed from time to time. Could you give me some advice? — _____ sharing your worries with your parents ? They will certainly help you. A. How about B . Why don’t you C. Why not D . Would you like A 10 . —Can I eat fried chicken today, Mum? — Of course. But you can’t eat _____ . It may make you fat. A. too many B . too much C. any more D . much too B 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 11. 昨晚,那些噪音几乎快让我疯掉了。 Last night, the noise almost _______ _______ _______ . drove me mad 12. 快点,电影已经放映十分钟了。 ________ ________ . The film ________ ________ ________ for ten minutes. Hurry up has been on 13. 你要学会管理好你的时间。 You should learn to ________ ________ ________ ________. manage your time well 14. 我没有足够的睡眠,所以上课常感到困。 I don’t ________ ________ ________ , so I often ________ ________ in class. get enough sleep feel sleepy 15. 你的父母有时间陪你吗 ? Do your parents ________ ________ ________ you? have time for 四、补全对话 ( 两项多余 ) 。 A. Me too. B. No, never. C. That’s a good idea. D. See you then. E. Sorry, I can’t. F. There is so much to see. G. How about your weekend? Alex : Hi, Cindy! How was your weekend? Cindy : Terrible. You know, Alex, I was busy taking afterschool classes for the weekend. _____16 G Alex : Great, I went to the Science Museum and had a lot of fun there. Have you ever been there? Cindy : ____17 I do nothing but study all the time on weekends. A. Me too. B. No, never. C. That’s a good idea. D. See you then. E. Sorry, I can’t. F. There is so much to see. G. How about your weekend? B Alex : That sounds bad. You should relax on weekends. And you can try something new instead. Cindy : _____18 By the way, can you tell me something about the museum? A. Me too. B. No, never. C. That’s a good idea. D. See you then. E. Sorry, I can’t. F. There is so much to see. G. How about your weekend? C Alex : It’s hard to say. _____19 You’d better visit it when you’re free. A. Me too. B. No, never. C. That’s a good idea. D. See you then. E. Sorry, I can’t. F. There is so much to see. G. How about your weekend? F Cindy : Oh, it must be a great way to spend weekends. Could you please go with me next Sunday afternoon? Alex : No problem. _____20 A. Me too. B. No, never. C. That’s a good idea. D. See you then. E. Sorry, I can’t. F. There is so much to see. G. How about your weekend? D 安徽译林版九年级上 课时 2 Reading I Unit 3 Teenage problems 一、根据首字母和汉语提示完成单词。 1. [ 中考 · 淮安 ] At present, living in the countryside may be a good c ( 选择 ). 2. I don’t d ( 怀疑 )that Li Na is an excellent tennis player in the world. 3. [ 安徽权威预测模拟 ] I was still a ( 醒 着 的 )when my father got home last night . hoice oubt wake 4. I need your s ( 建议 )about how to solve problems. 5. [ 安徽名校大联考 ] Thanks for telling me how to d ( 处理 ) with this problem. uggestion(s) eal 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 6. What about ___________(exercise) more? It can keep you in good health. exercising 7. I want to get high ________(mark) in every competition. marks 8. These days, it’s easy for me to feel ________ (sleep) in class. sleepy 9. — Could you give me a few __________(suggest) on how to spend the coming summer holiday? — OK, let me see. suggestions 10. Your advice is of great ________ (valuable) to us. value 三、单项选择。 11 . [ 中考 · 荆州 ] —Many products made in China are very popular in the United States. — Yeah. Americans can _____ avoid buying Chinese products. A. nearly B . mostly C . hardly D . widely C 12 . [ 中考 · 黄冈 ] —I don’t know how to _____ the old books. —Why not give them away to poor children? A. hand out B . give up C. deal with D . take up C 13 . [ 芜湖 27 中二模 ] I think the film The Wandering Earth is worth _____ a second time. A. to watch B . watch C. watching D . being watched C 14 . [ 蚌埠市禹会区一模 ] They found _____ difficult to communicate with the boy. A. it B . that C . this D . one A 15 . [ 中考 · 黄冈 ] —Oh, we have missed the last bus . What shall we do? — I’m afraid that we have no _____ but to take a taxi . A. idea B . decision C . reason D . choice D 四、完形填空。 [ 贵阳改编 ] Many young people have trouble _____16 with their parents . There are some ______17 to help solve this problem . 16 . A. communicate B . to communicate C. communicating D . communicated 17 . A. abilities B . suggestions C. tasks D . hobbies C B First, make a ______18 of the things you and your parents disagree about most . 18 . A. speech B. mind C. decision D. list D With each of these things, try to find an answer acceptable to both you and your _____19. It is no good for you to require everything to go your way. You have to be ready to change a little if you want them to change. 19 . A. parents B . friends C . teachers D . father A Second, talk to your parents when it is convenient for them . Remember that your parents may have to work long hours and this can make them _____20, so be patient with them. 20 . A. excited B . angry C . tired D . happy C Third, listen to what your parents have to say. How can you ____21 them to listen to you if you are not ready to listen to them ? 21 . A. order B . expect C . invite D . accept B In addition, your parents were once _____22 like you, so they understand your situation better than you expect. 22 . A. young B . brave C . confident D . angry A Finally, if you do not get a ___23 result, try not to get too angry. Talk with your parents and find out their ____24. 23 . A. satisfying B . satisfied C. excited D . exciting 24 . A. reasons B . hobbies C. secrets D . interests A A Part of growing up is learning to live with these kinds of disagreements, and learning to understand another person’s way of looking at things. With a little hard work, you can learn to communicate _____25 with your parents. 25. A. good B. better C. bad D. worse B 课时 3 Reading Ⅱ 安徽译林版九年级上 Unit 3 Teenage problems 一、根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1. [ 中考 · 淮安 ] The magazine provides lots of v ( 有价值的 ) information on fashion. 2. Drunk driving is one of the most common c ( 原因 ) of many traffic accidents. 3. She is trying her best to keep up with her s . ( 学业 , 课业 ). aluable auses choolwork 4. Here is a l ( 清单 )of things I want to do during the summer vacation. 5. We formed a close f ( 友谊 )when we were in middle school. ist riendship 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 6. The Summer Palace is worth _________(visit). visiting 7. Sometimes I have to stay up late __________(finish) my homework. to finish 8. He dreamt of __________ (be) a scientist when he was young. being 9. Teens shouldn’t __________ (allow) to smoke. be allowed 10. Have you ever imagined __________ (live) on Mars someday in the future? living 三、同义句转换。 11 . Our teachers are strict _____ us _____ our homework. A. with; of B . in; with C. with; in D . with; with C 12 . You may ______ trouble if you stay out late without _____ your parents. A. get out of; tell B . get into; telling C. get into; tell D . get out of; telling B 13 . [ 中考 · 广东 ] We should take care of the earth ______ we can make a better world to live in. A. so that B . until C. even if D . while A 14. — Miss Li, could you please help me ____ this maths problem? —OK. Let me try. A. come out B . work out C. look out D . stay out B 15 . [ 安徽学业仿真模拟 ] —Could I borrow your camera tomorrow? — I don’t think you need it, because visitors ____ to take photos in the museum. A. don’t allow B . aren’t allowed C. didn’t allow D . weren’t allowed B 四、完形填空。 Cindy and Anna were best friends. Some days they could spend hours happily together without any argument, but other days they just could not _____16 on what to do . 16 . A. agree B . live C . depend D . try A 【 点拨 】 agree on 意为“对 …… 取得一致意见” , 故选 A 。 One day they decided to play in the garden near their school. “Come on. Let’s play chess,” Anna said. “I don’t want to play chess,” Cindy replied. “We always do what you want to do, Cindy. It’s my turn to make a _______17 ,” Anna said. 17 . A. promise B . project C. decision D . dialogue C 【 点拨 】 此处表示“轮到我做决定了” , 故选 C 。 She was getting a little unhappy and _____18, leaving Cindy alone . 18 . A. went over B . went on C. went by D . went away D Cindy was very angry. ____19 she got home, she found she still had Anna’ s notebook in her schoolbag. “Well, I’m not giving it back to her today. I’m too mad at her,” Cindy thought. 19 . A. Because B . After C. Unless D . If B The next day at school, their teacher Mrs. Stone ____20 their notebooks. But Anna didn’t have hers, and she looked _____21. 20 . A. gave away B . asked for C. handed in D . paid for 21 . A. worried B . normal C. proud D . relaxed B A Cindy knew she should tell Mrs. Stone that she had the notebook, but she was _____22 mad at Anna . 22 . A. still B . never C. usually D . almost A When it was time for lunch, Cindy finally told Mrs. Stone the _____23. 23 . A. chance B . method C. truth D . rule C 【 点拨 】 吃午饭的时候 , Cindy 最终告诉了 Mrs. Stone 真相 , 故所缺的词是 truth 。 “Thank you for being _____24, Cindy. I’m sure Anna will be thankful that you have given me her notebook ,” said Mrs. Stone . 24 . A. patient B . honest C. active D . quiet B Later, Mrs. Stone asked the two girls together and talked with them. Mrs. Stone helped them ____25 that it was a good idea to take turns to decide the activity. They became best friends again . 25 . A. describe B . explain C. guess D . realize D 【 点拨 】 根据上下文的描述可推断 , Mrs. Stone 帮助她们领悟到了一个道理 , 故所缺的词是 realize 。 课时 4 Grammar 安徽译林版九年级上 Unit 3 Teenage problems 一、单项选择。 1 . [ 中考 · 安徽 ] —I wonder ___ the students have a physical examination. —Once a year. A. how far B . how soon C. how long D . how often D 2. [ 合肥市瑶海区模拟 ]—What did the bear tell you in your ear? —He told me ____. A. who was my true friend B. who my true friend was C. who is my true friend D. who my true friend is B 3. ____go swimming if it ____hot tomorrow, shall we? A. What about; is B. Why not; will be C. Let’s; is D. Let’s; will be C 二、选择合适的连接词填空。 4. — I really don’t know ______ the bridge will be finished. —Maybe next year. what; when; why; that; whether when 5. They don’t know _______ to go or wait. what; when; why; that; whether whether 6. When Alice was in wonderland, she was really surprised at _______ she saw. what; when; why; that; whether what 7. Our teacher told us _______ the sun rises in the east. what; when; why; that; whether that 8. The film has been on for about ten minutes. Can you explain _______ you are late again? what; when; why; that; whether why 三、按要求完成下列句子。 9. “When will the plane take off?” Tom’s mother asked him . (改为同义句) Tom’s mother asked him _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ . when the plane would take off 10. Why does the sun rise in the east? Can you explain? ( 合并 成一句 ) Can you explain _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ? why the sun rises in the east 11 . Lucy hasn’t decided which trousers to buy. (改为 复合句 ) Lucy hasn’t decided _________ _________ _________ _________ buy . which trousers she will 12. I don’t know how I can get to the hospital. (改为 简单句 ) I don’t know _________ _________ _________ to the hospital . how to get 13 . Shall we go to the new zoo this weekend? (改为 同义句 ) _________ _________ to the new zoo this weekend. Let's go 四、完形填空。 [ 中考 · 绵阳 ] As a parent trainer I am now dealing with helicopter parents —the ones who _____14 all the difficulties and make it smooth sailing for their kids . 14 . A. take away B . bring in C. put off D . give out A Sometimes watching kids _____15 without jumping in to fix it for them is the _____16 thing parents can do . 15 . A. succeed B . study C. fail D . play 16 . A. happiest B . hardest C. easiest D . luckiest C B I appreciate someone who knows when it is time to let kids struggle a little _____17 that’s real life and Mom(or Dad) won’t always be there to give help. 17 . A. because B . but C . so D . and A So, let kids _______18 real life and grow up by failing, keeping on trying, never giving up and sometimes _____19 learning from making mistakes . 18. A. know B . learn C . get D . experience 19 . A. actually B . simply C. hardly D . gradually D D _____20 other words, parents have to be comfortable with the idea of allowing kids to fail as part of the learning ___21. 20 . A. From B . With C . By D . In 21 . A. result B . process C . goal D . cost D B What matters in learning? It isn’t about whether or not it is perfect or correct. It matters whether or not kids have ___22 to go to places, to see things , to play, to inquire and so on. 22 . A. abilities B . money C. chances D . energy C That is what I think ______23 should do for kids: give them time to be kids; give them chances to grow up and experience life themselves . 23 . A. parent trainers B . adults C. teachers D . parents D 课时 5 Integrated skills & Study skills 安徽译林版九年级上 Unit 3 Teenage problems 一、根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1. [ 芜湖三模 ] —I’m afraid to ask questions because of my poor p ( 发音 ). —You’d better practise speaking more. 2. Bob read the letter a ( 大声地 )to his grandfather . 3. Mrs Lee is very happy that Daniel has made great p . ( 进步 )in his English . ronunciation loud rogress 4. Have you looked up the magazine he m ( 说起 ) yesterday? 5. Parents will be w ( 担心的 )if their children come home late. entioned orried 二、单项选择。 6 . — Mum, I’ve been chosen to our school football team . —Wow! I’m so ______you . A. proud of B . patient with C. careful with D . afraid of A 7 . When you visit a museum you should _____ the instructions and don’t be against them. A. compare with B . look forward to C. pay attention to D . try out C 8 . — I’m not good at spoken English. How can I make _____ ? — Just keep practicing and speaking English as much as possible. A. attention B . cause C. progress D . marks C 9 . I can’t decide ____ first . Can you give me some advice ? A. to go over which lesson B. which lesson to go over C. which lesson I should go over it D. go over which lesson B 10 . [ 安徽升学模拟考 ] —How could I thank you enough ? — ____ . Any other man would have done that. A. It’s kind of you B . With pleasure C. Don’t mention it D . That’s not the case C 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 11. 如果你尽最大的努力去做,没有什么难的。 Nothing is difficult if you _______ _______ _______ to do it. try your best 12. 你应该尽可能经常性地练习踢足球。 You should practise playing football ________ ________ ________ ________. as often as possible 13 . 嘲笑别人是不礼貌的。不要再那样做了。 It’s impolite ________ ________ ________ others. Don’t do that again . to laugh at 14 . 在考试之前,你应该再复习一遍整本书。 You should ________ ________ the whole book again before the exam. go over 课时 6 Task & Self-assessment 安徽译林版九年级上 Unit 3 Teenage problems 一、根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词 。 1. [ 安庆市模拟 ] Have you ever heard of the saying “ S . ( 沉默 ) is gold.” 2. Sun Yang likes to learn c ( 化学 ), but I like English . 3. [ 安徽省升学模拟考 ] The general manager always thinks twice before r ( 回复 ) to the customers. hemistry eplying ilence 4. How to s ( 解决 )the problem is still being discussed among us. 5. If you can answer the question c ( 正确地 ), you can get one point each time. olve orrectly 二、单项选择 。 6 . He has just started learning. Don’t _____ him . A. laugh at B . proud of C. hear of D . agree with A 7 . No one tells us ____ , so we need your help. A. how we should do B . what should we do C. how to do it D . what to do it C 8 . [ 马鞍山二质检 ] —Mike, there will be a maths exam at the end of this month. —That won’t ____ me at all because I’m good at it. A. satisfy B . please C. worry D . interest C 9 . Your homework is not tidy. You should _____ your handwriting . A. come up with B . run out of C. take care of D . pay attention to D 10 . [ 芜湖市三模 ] —I have worked hard in English for more than two weeks, but it hasn’t improved. — Don’t worry. _____ . I’m sure you can do better soon . A. That’s too bad B . It takes time C. That’s OK D . Don’t mention it B 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 11. 不要把压力放在心里,否则问题会变得更糟。 Don’t ________ ________ ________ ________ , or the problem will ________ ________ . keep stress to yourself get worse 12. 不要担心考试,你可以通过的。 Don’t ________ ________ ________ , and you can pass them. worry about exams 13. 与我们同龄的很多学生都有这个问题。 Many students _______ _______ _______ have this problem. of our age 14. 在外面待到很晚是件危险的事。 It is dangerous to _______ _______ late. stay out 四、完形填空 。 The relation between parents and children is the most important thing in life. In fact, parents can set a good _____15 for their children . 15 . A. record B . relation C . progress D . example D Then children can follow parents to do the same good things. Also, a good relation can make children have better skills about making _____16 decisions. 16 . A. slow B . large C . long D . correct D Of course children can use these skills to help themselves in many ways. You can improve your relation with your children by ____17 their lives . 17 . A. caring about B . finding out C. taking up D . putting up A If you have a kid at home, you can build a model city with him on the floor. If you have older teenagers, you can _____18 them in video games. 18. A. open B. include C. join D. depend C And you can have conversations with your children during these activities for sure . It’s much _____19 than talking at the dinner table . 19 . A. harder B . easier C . busier D . funnier B Make sure the children know the ___20 of family time. You need to _____21 their personal decisions . 20 . A. importance B . difference C. difficulty D . condition 21 . A. raise B . remind C . lead D . respect D A However, it’s also _____22 for you to make them know the family is a unit . 22 . A. bored B . stupid C . unfair D . wise D It’s best to find a _____23 and share it with each of your children. 23. A. secret B. passage C. hobby D. story C For example,you can share your stamps with your children and compare ____24 with children’s. You’ll find collecting stamps is so interesting and wonderful. At that time, you’ll find it’s so easy to have a close relation with your children. 24 . A. it B . him C . her D . them D 中考考点专练 安徽译林版九年级上 Unit 3 Teenage problems 一、用 too many, too much 或 much too 填空。 1. There are __________ mistakes in the passage. 2. Eating __________ candy is bad for your teeth. 3. The problem is __________ easy for them. too many too much much too 【 点拨 】 too many 太多 , 用于修饰可数名词。题意为“这篇文章里有太多错误”。 mistakes 是可数名词 , 故填 too many 。 【 点拨 】 too much 修饰不可数名词。 candy 在此作不可数名词 , 故填 too much 。 【 点拨 】 much too 太 ……, 常用于修饰副词或形容词。 easy 是形容词 , 故填 much too 。 二、单项选择。 4 . [ 中考 · 安顺 ] My cousin is ______ heavy because he often eats ______ fast food. A. too much; too many B . too many; too much C. much too; too much D . too much; much too C 5 . ______ time ______ on computer games by most teenagers every day. And their parents are worried about their health and study. A. Too much; is spent B . Much too; is spent C. Too much; spends D . Much too; spends A 单项选择。 1 . [ 中考 · 临沂 ] “Left-behind” children _____ see their parents, because their parents work in the cities , leaving them behind in the countryside to be cared for by their grandparents. A. always B . hardly ever C . often B 2 . [ 中考 · 青岛 ] My brother has a healthy living habit . He ____ stays up late, and he is an early bird . A. usually B . hardly C . often D . always B 3 . [ 合肥庐阳区模拟 ] Jack has worked for sixteen hours without a break so he can ____ keep his eyes open. A. quickly B. totally C . easily D . hardly D 一、用 sleep 的适当形式填空。 1. The ________ man is a friend of mine. 2. The girl felt ________ when she was watching a play. 3. I went into the bedroom quietly because my mother was ________ . 4. The boy was so tired that he ________ till next morning. sleeping sleepy asleep slept 二、单项选择。 5 . Please go to bed early and have a good ____ so that you will be ____ before tomorrow’s test. A. sleep; clear B . sleeping; clear C. sleep; worried D . sleeping; worried A 6 . The father was ____ ; the child found a coat and covered him _____ it . A. asleep; with B . sleepy; with C. asleep; past D . sleepy; past A 7 . Jack was so ____ that he fell ____ as soon as he was on the bed. A. asleep; sleepy B . sleepy; sleepy C. sleepy; asleep D . asleep; asleep C 单项选择。 1 . Why not ____ your teacher for help when you can’t finish ____ the story by yourself? A. to ask; write B . to ask; writing C. ask; writing D . ask; to write C 2 . — Hey, Gina. How about ____ computer games after school? —That’s a good idea. A. play B . playing C . to play D . played B 3 . Why don’t you ____ your uncle when you’re in Shanghai ? A. visiting B.to visit C. visit D. visited C 用 spend, take, cost 或 pay 的适当形式完成句子。 1. The girl _______ thirty yuan on the scarf. 2. How much did that shirt _______ you? 3. I _______ five dollars for the book. spent cost paid 4. It _______ me two hours to finish my homework every night. 5. I’ ll _______ for the tickets. 6. They _______ half a day visiting the Great Wall. takes pay spent 根据汉语意思,完成句子。 1. 猜一猜我手里有什么。 ________ what I have ________ ________ ________ . 2. 门铃响了,你能猜出是谁来了吗? The bell ________ ________ . Can you ________ who it is? Guess in my hand is ringing guess 3. 我们难以想象没有爱的家庭。 We can hardly _______ a family _______ _______. 4. 让我们假设他在撒谎。 Let’s _______ he is _______ _______ _______ . 5. 假设你是老师,你会如何解释这件事? _______ you are a teacher, then how will you _______ the thing? imagine without love suppose telling a lie Suppose explain

