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课题 Unit 3 Topic 1 Section C 课型 Reading‎ practice 时间 ‎2009年10月14日 教学目标 三维目标 ‎1. Learn some new words and phrases:‎ tongue, mother tongue, state, speaker, communicate, conference, tourist ‎2. Go on learning the simple present passive voice: ‎ Of all these languages, English is the most widely used. ‎ ‎3. Let the students know the wide uses of English in the world.‎ 教学重难点 ‎1. Go on learning the simple present passive voice: ‎ ‎2. Let the students know the wide uses of English in the world.‎ 教学 策略 学法 指导 Reading comprehension, revision, discussion, pair work, group work 教 学 过 程 教学内容(用好教材、开发资源),教师引领(创设情景、问题设计、点拨诱导、分层导学)学生求学(自主、合作、探究),活动过程(教学环节、师生互动、反馈练习、布置作业)‎ 设计意图 Step 1. Duty Report ‎ Ask one or two students on duty to give a report, the others listen carefully and answer the teacher’s questions.‎ Step 2. Review 1. Learn the new words and phrases by discussion and making sentences. E.g.‎ mother tongue, communicate, tourist…‎ 2. Retell ‎2a, Section B with the help of the key words.‎ on business in general have no trouble doing sth.‎ once in a while translate and explain 3. Check the homework, ask some students to talk about English.‎ T: When and where do people use English?‎ S1: I will have long conversations with Americans in English.‎ S2: I will use English if I take part in an international meeting …‎ S3: Most of the world’s scientists read in English.‎ S4: English is useful when you go abroad. …‎ Step 3 Presentation ‎1. Show a picture of an international conference with English and talk about it . Eg.‎ 教 学 过 程 教学内容(用好教材、开发资源),教师引领(创设情景、问题设计、点拨诱导、分层导学)学生求学(自主、合作、探究),活动过程(教学环节、师生互动、反馈练习、布置作业)‎ 复习上节课的语言项目,为导入新课作准备。‎ 为学习新课作准备。‎ 展示图片,创设情景对话,‎ 设计意图 T: Do you know which language is spoken as their mother tongue in France?‎ S1: French.‎ T: Which language is spoken as their mother tongue in China?‎ S2: Chinese.‎ T: Look at this picture. Can you tell me what they are doing?‎ Ss: They are having a meeting. ‎ T: Yes. They are having an international conference.‎ T: Which language is the speaker speaking? Can you guess?‎ Ss: Yes. I think he is speaking English. ‎ T: English is spoken in many countries. It becomes an international language today. More and more people use English to communicate on the Internet, phones and in the letters. It’s a useful tool for the people from all over the world to communicate with each other. It is spoken not only in the United Kingdom, the United States, but also in China and many other places. More and more Chinese people are practicing speaking English.‎ T: Is English spoken by the largest number of people in the world?‎ Ss: Yes. ‎ T:I don’t agree with you. Chinese is spoken as the first language in China which has the largest population in the world. So Chinese is spoken by the largest number of people in the world, and English is the most widely used in the world. English is useful in many different fields of life, such as business, airlines, technology and tourism. Tourists also speak English when they go abroad. In a word, English is the most widely used. It plays an important part in our life.‎ Write on the Bb:‎ tourism tourist Chinese is spoken by the largest number of people in the world.‎ English is the most widely used in the world.‎ ‎2. Listen to the tape and write down the correct numbers in the brackets.‎ English Around the World ‎ (1)( )people speak English as their mother tongue in the world.‎ English (2)Over 226 million people speak English in ‎ Is (3)English is also learned as a foreign language in . ‎ used. (4)About ( )of the world’s scientists read in English.‎ ‎ (5)About ( )users of the Internet communicate in English. ‎ 教 学 过 程 教学内容(用好教材、开发资源),教师引领(创设情景、问题设计、点拨诱导、分层导学)学生求学(自主、合作、探究),活动过程(教学环节、师生互动、反馈练习、布置作业)‎ 在互动中让学生了解英语的重要性,同时学习生词。‎ 借助表格训练学生的听力理解能力及阅读能力。‎ 设计意图 ‎(1)Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with numbers.‎ ‎(2) Read the passage, fill in the names of countries and answer the pre-reading questions.‎ ‎(3) Ask and answer according to the table above. Eg.‎ Now look at the form and answer my questions with passive voice. ‎ How many people speak English as their mother tongue?‎ S3: English is spoken as their mother tongue by over 400 million people. ‎ T: In which countries English is spoken?‎ S4: In the U.S.A.‎ …‎ T: So English is the most widely used, isn’t it?‎ Ss: Yes, it is. ‎ ‎3. Read ‎1a again. Then finish 1b.‎ Step 4 Consolidation ‎ 1. Encourage the students to read the passage again and pick up the key points, then discuss: eg.‎ the number of The number of the students in our class is 60.‎ a number of =many/lots of A number of students are doing some cleaning.‎ two thirds of ‎ another+数词 ‎ more and more important ‎ ‎2. Encourage the students to retell the passage according to 1b: Work in groups of 4-6 persons, then ask some of them to retell it in Solitaire style.‎ Summarize: English is really very important. You must study English hard from now on. ‎ Step 5 Practice ‎1. Listen to 2, finish it, then check the answers.‎ ‎2. Discuss in groups where English is used. ‎ ‎(1) Look at the pictures in 3 and discuss.‎ ‎(2) Discuss in groups according to the table below.‎ Where What Meaning building Exit 安全出口 square Parking 停车场 教 学 过 程 教学内容(用好教材、开发资源),教师引领(创设情景、问题设计、点拨诱导、分层导学)学生求学(自主、合作、探究),活动过程(教学环节、师生互动、反馈练习、布置作业)‎ 学生精读‎1a,并根据1b提供的数字复述‎1a,培养学生的概括能力和表达能力。‎ 复述课文。分组活动,每组5~6人,以接力赛的形式复述课文。最后选本组较好的2~3人把课文复述完整,表扬优秀,鼓励后进。‎ 听2录音,完成2和3。让学生进一步认识到英语在我们日常生活中的重要性。‎ 设计意图 Step 6 Project ‎1. Discuss in groups where English is used around you . ‎ ‎(1) Collect all the signs.‎ Be Quiet. Don’t Litter. No Photos. No Smoking. …‎ ‎(2) Make cards with the signs.‎ ‎(3) Show the cards, ask and answer about them:‎ Example: No Photos S1: What does this sign mean?‎ S2: It means you can’t take photos there. ‎ S1: Where can this sign be put?‎ 讨论生活中英语被广泛应用的例子以及学习英语的重要性。‎ S2: It is usually put in the museums. ‎ ‎2. Homework:‎ List five reasons to explain why we study English.‎ 教学反思(教学随笔)‎ 1、 对于英语学习来说,本节课内容是寓德于教的范本,我们可以大力宣传英语的重要性,要引起学生的重视并能激发那些对英语不感兴趣的学生改变态度,去努力学好英语。‎ 2、 本节课是阅读课,培养学生的阅读能力是重点之一。主要通过听磁带、阅读后填写表格、读后问答等活动加强理解,培养学生的概括能力和表达能力。‎ 3、 为了突出本课教学内容,导入部分用了大量的英语创设情景,对中下学生来说必定会难以理解,所以要注意语速并适当地加以汉语解释。‎ 板书设计:‎ English is widely spoken throughout the world.‎ Section C mother tongue Chinese is spoken by the largest number of people in the world.‎ ‎ the number of Of all these languages, English is the most widely used.‎ ‎ a number of two thirds of

